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Dark Matter

Page 25

by Christie Rich

  He took a step toward me, but I held my ground.

  He laughed, low and seductive. Man I loved the sound of his laugh. “So it begins,” he said softly.

  “What?” He was right in front of me. My chest heaved under the strain of his penetrating gaze.

  He ran a finger along my collarbone, pulling me against him with his other hand. I swallowed hard, anticipation lighting up my nerves. “You’ll see.”

  He let me go, and I staggered backward. He didn’t move to catch me. Instead, he was disappearing into the jungle again.

  I raced to catch up to him. “Where are you going?”

  “The only way I will to do this is with witnesses. You saw what happened when I tried to take matters into my own hands in Ignis. I don’t want anyone to cry foul when we return as one.”

  I felt absurdly disappointed that he hadn’t just done it then. I hid the expression on my face with a strategically placed cough into my elbow.

  Heath glanced at me sidelong. My only hope of really escaping this man was that Zach or Luke was stronger than him. Bonding under dire circumstances shouldn’t count.

  “We’ll see about that,” he said with a growl.

  Had I thought that out loud? “What?”

  He shook his head at me, giving me a dubious frown. “Roger!” he yelled. “Change of plans.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  You can’t mean to go through with this!” Roger hissed into my ear.

  I swatted him away. “It’s none of your business.”

  He stiffened when Heath glanced back at us. “What happens with you is everyone’s business. Think about what you are doing!”

  I sighed in frustration. “I have.”

  Heath was a few strides ahead of us. He seemed to be stewing about something, but I wasn’t going to ask him about it. I had enough to worry about.

  What if I was wrong? The more I thought about it, the surer I was that Zach would be the only one that could take me away from Heath? That was a relief where Jett was concerned, but what if Zach wasn’t strong enough? By agreeing to do this, I was pretty much discounting Luke. I wasn’t sure I was ready for that decision. What if I was stuck with Heath for a small eternity? I tried to keep the real question from entering my thoughts, but it floated to the surface anyway. What if he didn’t love me?

  No. I couldn’t think like that. I needed to be positive. Zach would get me out of this. Who knew, Luke could surprise us all.

  “Clearly not enough,” said Roger, breaking through my contemplation.

  “Leave me alone,” I growled because I had already forgotten what we had been talking about. “I’ve had enough of you today.”

  He had the audacity to look offended. “You couldn’t really believe I would hurt you.”

  “Oh, no? What would make me think otherwise? I know what you did with Cassie.”

  “She wanted to. She just needed—”

  “No she didn’t.”


  “Shut up.”

  To my surprise, he did. He wasn’t far off the mark, though. I would have to be insane to go through with this. I didn’t know anything about Heath, really, and I was on my way to bond with him. Even with witnessing Cassie and Finn’s bonding, I still had no clue what to expect, and I was starting to get a headache from thinking about it.

  We had been walking forever; my feet were nearly raw. I stumbled over a root and fell to my knees; a loud ripping noise rang out. “Great.” My dress was officially destroyed.

  Without even a backward glance, Heath clothed me in jeans, hiking boots, and a tank top.

  “Thanks,” I called ahead. “Could have used these two miles ago.”

  He kept walking. “You didn’t ask.”

  I turned his words on him. “I shouldn’t have to.”

  Roger whirled around and stared at me. He looked back at Heath. “Do that again,” he said in complete awe.

  Heath’s only response was to flip Roger off. I hid my chuckle, and jogged to catch up to them.

  “How did he do that?” Roger asked me, completely looking awestruck.

  “No clue.”

  “Aren’t you even curious?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Give me more credit than that. No one will tell me how they do it. For all I know it is just an illusion.” And for all I knew, I was just like the emperor with a set of new clothes.

  He touched my shirt at my waist before I swatted his hand away. “Doesn’t feel like an illusion.”

  I ignored him. I had more important things on my mind. It was hard to see anything the deeper we trudged into the trees. We kept climbing higher and higher and I was beginning to worry that we would never reach the fae camp.

  I stole a glance over my shoulder. The entire compound looked like some kid had spent hours gluing the pieces together. Above us the stars shone with an intensity that startled me. With only a bit of light contamination here, space took on a tangible quality. It reminded me of the night I had spent under the stars with Luke in Eirie.

  Heath stopped and held up his hand before he turned toward me. His expression was clouded under the cover of night. “Are you sure about this? Once started, there is no going back.”

  I straightened my spine and walked past him in response. Like it or not, I was sticking with my decision.

  With him out of my way I could see firelight in the distance. People were talking and a sob escaped me when I recognized Cassie’s voice. I raced ahead, but stopped short when I saw how few people were actually here.

  There was Cassie and Finn, of course, and Levi. I squinted to make sure. That was it. We were supposed to take on Ainessa and the Order with only six of us? Fifteen if I counted Lacey’s group.

  I glanced around hoping she would step out of the shadows. Where were they anyway? I thought they would have found me hours ago. I was really getting worried about them.

  Rustling sounded in the bushes, but it was only Heath and Roger catching up. Cassie walked over to me. She smiled gravely. Reaching out, she touched my arm. I pulled her into a hard hug just before she started crying.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked in confusion.

  “Aren’t you mad at me?”

  “For what?” I shook my head. “You were a little preoccupied when I left, but I can hardly blame you.”

  She slapped my arm. “I can’t believe you did that! I have been worried sick.”

  “It was a mistake. I thought Gibbit was trying to help me. I still kind of do, but I can’t be sure.” I couldn’t keep myself from wondering if he had been part of a conspiracy to get me away from the fae realm. I would likely never know. “It doesn’t matter now anyway.”

  Cassie’s gaze settled on my face, searching. “I don’t like the tone in your voice. What are you talking about?”

  Heath walked over to me, interrupting us. “Are you ready?”

  I swallowed back my fear and croaked out, “Yes.”

  “Ready for what?” She grabbed my hands, unwilling to let Heath lead me away. “Rayla, tell me what the hell is going on.”

  Finn pulled Cassie aside and whispered in her ear. I was thankful he hadn’t actually said it out loud. Cassie’s eyes flew wide. “No way! I will not let you do this. There has to be another option.”

  I sighed. “Apparently not. It’s okay, Cass. I know what I’m doing.”

  “I don’t think you do. You don’t want Heath. You couldn’t. You risked everything to escape him, yet now you’re suddenly willing? I don’t get it.”

  Instead of being offended, Heath just laughed. He tugged on my hand and pulled me over by the fire. Facing me, he reached for my other hand. His fingers were warm and gentle against mine. My stomach erupted in spastic butterflies.

  He didn’t look smug. No taunting light shone in his eyes. In fact, he was acting blasé about the whole thing as if he wouldn’t mind being someplace else.

  I felt anger creep up my neck. I expected more of a reaction from him. “You don’t have to do this, you kno

  He cocked his brows. “Backing out already? I wondered how long it would take you.”

  I squeezed his hands. “Not on your life. Let’s get this over with.”

  “Boy, those are the most romantic vows I think I’ve ever heard,” said Roger. “Does anyone even care that Rayla is already married to me?”

  “Shut up,” said Finn.

  Roger let out a huff, but he didn’t say anything else. Finn and Levi stood on either side of me and Heath. They lifted their faces to the sky, speaking in unison. “This Elemental gives herself freely to this lord. Accept our solemn witness. Bind their souls in strength.”

  Who were they talking to? I shivered with an understanding that hadn’t hit me before. Unlike what had happened with Roger, I was literally going to be tied to Heath.

  I opened my mouth, but shut it when I saw the look in his eyes. I was surprised to see uncertainty in them. Was he just as afraid of this as I was? That couldn’t be it, but he was trying to hide something from me.

  Heath pushed my hair away from my face. “I give you all that is mine.”

  He laced his fingers into my hair and pulled me against him. My heart leapt at his touch. I was so confused. He’d been nothing but a pain in my backside from the moment I met him, but he had come for me. Anticipation suffused the air around me as if everyone in our small group was holding their breath. I stepped closer to him and clasped a hand behind his neck. I had no idea if I was supposed to say anything so I decided to let my actions speak for me. I pulled his face toward mine, fully intending to be in charge of this show. To my utter surprise he let me do it.

  When our lips touched, I sighed, feeling as if I had just stepped into a warm shower after a hard day. Light exploded behind my eyelids and my skin tingled from head to toe. I felt the charge of the elements seeping into me, igniting a part of me I hadn’t known existed. Heath was there in my mind waiting at my door even though we both knew he didn’t have to. I opened it uncertainly and he took my hand. Instead of stepping inside, he guided me out.

  I studied his handsome face hardly believing what was happening to me. I started shaking when he pulled me closer. “It’s okay, Rayla. Relax.”

  I knew I was changing but I wasn’t sure how. My body felt like a stranger’s home. “What’s happening to me,” I asked him breathlessly.

  He shook his head kindly. “Don’t over think it. Just let it flow. I will explain everything when the bond is complete.”

  I found myself back in my body, blinking my eyes open. Particles of light enveloped us in swirling strands of golden splendor. They tickled when they touched my skin, the soft kiss of tiny bubbles bursting.

  Heath slid his hand down to the hollow of my back, pulling me even closer. I lost all awareness other than the amazement of being in his arms. A growing warmth blanketed me. My chest felt full of something that I didn’t know much about. Was that what joy felt like? I sank into him feeling as if I could fly to the moon.

  This was nothing like our previous kisses. The sensations were glorious, pure, unguarded passion not the dark uncertainty of lust.

  His feelings mingled with mine.

  He did care about me. He had only been worried about—

  And just like that our connection was severed. What was happening? Had he pulled away from me at the last moment? Had he changed his mind again?

  I might as well have gotten off a rollercoaster for how steady I felt. With all my will, I tried to shake off the emptiness that slithered through the cracks in my heart.

  Before I could gain any sense of time or place my head exploded in excruciating pain. The noise of it rocked the mountain. It came again and again—a ratcheting pounding that threatened to send me to the depths of unconsciousness. From somewhere deep inside, I realized the wailing was outside of me.

  “Rayla!” someone was saying urgently. I knew that voice, so why couldn’t I figure out who he was?

  I blinked at the face that was inches from mine. It was familiar, but not. If I hadn’t recognized the sound of his voice, I wouldn’t have known it was him. His eyes were almost swollen shut. His lips were parched. His glorious blond hair had been sheared to stubble and his sea blue eyes looked wary. He was badly disfigured. Cuts covered his skin, and his nose looked like it had been broken…several times. “Luke?”

  His body collapsed around me in a heavy sigh. “I wasn’t too late.”

  “For what?” I asked, still feeling dazed.

  He looked at someone that was standing over his shoulder. “Why is she acting like this?”

  I heard a growl. “What do you expect, you idiot?” said Heath. His voice sounded thick with emotion. “You should know better than to interrupt the bond.”

  “Heath,” I said softly. Even his name felt like a prayer. I had been this close to pure ecstasy before our connection was severed. I wanted that feeling again. I turned toward him, but Luke kept me pinned against his chest. “The feelings will fade. They are not your own.”

  Heath’s face came into focus. “Don’t listen to him, Rayla. You are mine. Remember that.”

  His words felt right, but something within me shied away from him. Had Heath been using a compulsion on me? I hadn’t thought he was, but he was capable. I caught his gaze, but he glanced away sharply. Why wouldn’t he look at me? Did that mean he was guilty?

  Cassie bent toward us. Her face was a mask of rage as she turned her smoldering stare on Luke. “If you hurt her—”

  “She’ll be fine,” he said, lifting me to my feet.

  My head lolled to the side, and I couldn’t keep my eyes open very well. “What’s wrong with me?” I asked.

  Luke led me to a fallen log and helped me to sit. “Give it a minute.”

  I brought trembling fingers to his bruised face. “Where have you been?”

  He grimaced. “Ainessa captured me early in the game. She kept me in a cell underground for some time now. I can’t be sure exactly how long.”

  I touched a trail of dried blood at his temple. Tears stung my eyes. “I’m so sorry. I tried to find out where you were, but they kept me locked up…”

  He shook his head. “You should not even be here.”

  “I heartily agree,” said another familiar voice.

  “Zach!” I attempted to stand up, but I was too dizzy. He was okay. A little worse for the wear, I realized, when I took a better look, but he still had his swagger when he walked toward me.

  “In the flesh,” he said with a grin.

  “I hate to interrupt this touching reunion, but hadn’t we better get her out of here?” asked Heath with something dark in his tone.

  I glanced at him. Our eyes touched briefly before he looked away again. I hadn’t missed his pained expression. I had never wanted to hurt him, but that was exactly what I was doing. The fact that he wasn’t fighting this only proved that his feelings for me were superficial.

  I had been wrong to ever think it was anything more.

  Bursts of light exploded in the distance capturing my attention. “What’s happening?” I asked, trying my best not to let my face show how deflated I felt.

  Heath came closer, positioning himself between me and Zach. “Seems Ainessa hit the self destruct button; just like her to run from a fight.”

  I glanced at Luke. “How did you get out?”

  He shrugged. “She left when she found out the fae army was on the way. Without her here to protect them, the Order has also started evacuating.”

  “Lacey!” I yelped. I scrambled to get to my feet and started toward the compound.

  Zach grabbed my arm, halting me mid-step. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I have to help my friends,” I said sternly.

  “It’s too late for that. They’re gone by now.”

  I pulled my arm out of his grasp. “Stop bossing me around. You are so freaking controlling!”

  He frowned, looking at me as if he didn’t know me. Maybe he didn’t anymore.

  Zach’s mouth
was set in a firm line. “I’m only trying to protect you.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. If it wasn’t for his insisting I stay in Ignis, I wouldn’t be in love with another man. Had I really just thought that? I shut my eyes tight and focused on calming myself. I didn’t have time to deal with my messed up emotions right now. I still didn’t even know if they were my emotions anyway.

  I had people to save. “I’m not doing anything until I make sure my friends are okay. If you want to come, be my guest, but I don’t want to hear another word about ditching them. I’m not leaving here until I know for sure where they are and what has happened to them.” I wasn’t certain exactly what I was going to do to stop the lords from taking me back to Faeresia if they wanted to. I hadn’t forgotten that both Zach and Heath had the ability to transport me into the fae realms.

  To my great relief, Roger piped up, “Where were you supposed to meet them?”

  “They should have come to get me at the cottage. Maybe I didn’t give them enough time.” I hadn’t stayed there more than ten minutes before I ran. “They could be there now looking for me.”

  Heath stepped forward, “I’ll take Roger and check it out.” He pointed at me. “You stay here.”

  Yeah right. Didn’t he know me at all by now? I stepped in line behind him.

  He turned around and shook his head. “Luke, come get her.”

  Fire erupted from my fingers. “Just try to make me stay here.”

  Surprised was the only word to describe his expression. He glanced behind us. “I could use a bit of help here.”

  Zach and Luke flanked me. Great. I didn’t think I was strong enough to fight off all of them. I’d be lucky if I could manage one at the moment.

  “Don’t tell me the mighty Heath is afraid of a battle,” Zach said tauntingly. He winked at me and my mouth fell open before he turned his attention ahead of us.

  Mighty Heath? What was that all about?

  Heath whirled around. His features were expressionless. “If she gets hurt it’s on you.”


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