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Lost Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 2)

Page 18

by Sheridan Anne

  “What?” I demand, scanning the crowd but really not knowing who I’m looking for. “Where?”

  Nessa points out the only guy in the stands that’s wearing an expensive suit and I fly to my feet, dragging her along behind me. “Come on,” I say, pulling on her hand. This is his big freaking chance, the one I stole from him last time. I can’t possibly let this go wrong.

  “Where the hell are we going?” Nessa demands, tripping over random bags that lay in the middle of the aisle as we squeeze past.

  “Where else?” I question, nodding across the gymnasium toward the scout. “I’m taking the role of the boys’ hype man. Every time any one of them score or do something even remotely alright, we’re going to scream for them and remind this guy why these boys need to be taken seriously.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Hell yeah, I am. We’ll be discreet about it but enough for the guy to remember them. I want him wondering what is so special about these guys until they get a chance to prove it, which you know they will. You and I just became their biggest personal cheerleaders.”

  “Oh, fine,” she groans, finally picking up her pace so I don’t have to pull her any longer.

  We get down to the court and as we cross to the other side, Slade’s eyes meet mine. He jogs across the court, not caring that he has to intersect through the other team’s warm-up. “Where are you going?” he questions, taking my waist and looking at me as though he’s scared I’m about to leave.

  “We’re getting new seats,” I explain.

  Slade’s gaze flicks back towards the seat we just vacated to see them already being taken by other people. His brows furrow as confusion and suspicion mars his dark eyes. “What was wrong with those ones?”

  “Nothing, they were great. But our new ones will be better.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re up to something?”

  “Because I am. There’s a scout over that side who we’re going to make sure falls madly in love with you.”

  Slade’s brows shoot up into his hairline and he instantly spins to take a look but I grab his face and pull his attention back to me. “Geez, don’t make it obvious or anything. We’re going to go and cheer you on from behind him, make sure he knows who the real stars of this game are.”

  Slade grins and he leans down, brushing his lips over mine. “You’re fucking incredible.”

  “Look who’s talking.”

  His hand curves down from my waist until it’s resting firmly over my ass and just when I think he’s done, he gives it a tight squeeze, making me press up into him. “Embarrass me in front of this guy and you’ll be paying the consequences all fucking night.”

  “Damn,” I whisper. “I think I might have to.”

  Slade’s eyes blaze as he drops his hand and slowly walks backward, not once taking his eyes off mine. He gets midcourt before finally turning away and freeing me. He jogs back to his team and I don’t doubt that within the space of three seconds, every one of them will know that tonight is their night to shine.

  Nessa and I start making our way up the grandstand and as we scoot along the aisle to the seats we want, we find them already taken by two freshman girls who are more than happy to scoot over two spaces.

  We take our new seats and I smile to myself. I’m a little higher than I usually sit during games but there’s no doubt that this position gives me a pretty good view of the court.

  Nessa and I instantly get into action, cheering on the boys as they take a few warm-up shots and make comments to one another about their stats, improvements, and general awesomeness while watching as the scout takes notes in front of us.

  The game finally starts and like lightning, the boys take off. They’re on fire. Tonight’s game is supposed to be one of their toughest with the opposition undefeated, but so are my boys and something tells me these guys are going to be going home with their tails between their legs.

  This scout couldn’t have picked a better night to come and check these boys out. The other team is hard but they play clean, just like my boys. No one here is out to get Slade and no one here has tampered with his uniform. If this guy walks out of here without the need to boast about him to all of his superiors, then there’s something wrong with him.

  The ball flies from one end of the court to the other and if you don’t watch closely enough, you would have missed who touched it in between. Sounds of the boys’ rubber soles on the court echo over the crowd’s roar as the cheer team stands at the sidelines, waving their pompoms.

  Mine and Nessa’s asses have hardly seen our chairs the whole way through, but it’s not just us, everyone has been on their feet since the beginning, it’s just that kind of game.

  Slade has been up and down the court all night, scoring goal after goal and winning the hearts of everyone in the crowd, even the opposition. Their coach hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off Slade knowing damn well that one day, he’s going to get home and turn on his TV to see Slade running up and down the court at the NBA as their star player.

  As the final buzzer sounds, the ball flies through the air and slams down through the basket just in the nick of time, making my boys the proud, undefeated champions, but I’m not surprised. It’s what they deserve for working their asses off all night.

  The crowd screams their approvals as the Aston Creek Mambas gather into the middle of the court, celebrating together. Slade’s little sisters run into the middle and are instantly welcomed in by the guys who must seem like giants to them.

  Jerseys are pulled off and swung around like helicopters, the watercooler is tipped over the coach’s head, and the cheer team is going nuts on the sidelines while Nessa and I try to squeeze past all these people trying to get down to our favorite boys.

  The scout instantly stands and goes to make his way out of the gymnasium but I don’t miss the excited skip in his step. He just found his next star player and he couldn’t be happier. He’s going to get Slade onto any damn team he wants and he’s going to be a shining star, just like I always knew he would be.

  Nessa and I somehow break free of the crowd and get down onto the court. Damian runs at Nessa and she hardly gets a second to retreat before he grabs her and sits her up on his shoulders, all while she’s screaming to be put down, and it’s damn clear that over the past few weeks, he’s started to develop a little crush on her.

  I race for Slade and he only just turns to face me in time before I throw myself up into the air. He catches me with ease and instantly crushes his lips down on mine. “You were amazing,” I tell him, wondering how long I could get away with kissing him before someone pulls us apart. “The scout loved you.”

  He doesn’t bother responding. He doesn’t have to. Me telling him how amazing he was and mentioning how much the scout loved him is just stating the obvious. It’s as though I just told him the sky was blue or he’s the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Pure fact.

  I’m torn away from Slade as my brother pours his iced water down my back and then instantly runs and hides behind Shay despite being three times the size of her.

  I cringe. I hadn’t known she was here, if I did, I would have dragged her ass over to the scout to come and sit with us. She’s been doing it alone for the past few weeks and has refused to allow Ben back into the house. It’s been rough for her but she’s stronger than any of us gave her credit for.

  She loves Ben with everything that she’s got but she’s really struggling to move past his betrayal. Maybe one day in the future she’ll be ready to give him a chance to explain himself, but not yet. She’s not ready.

  The school cleaners start making their way around the gymnasium and we get the hint that it’s time to go.

  I wait with Nessa outside as the boys do their thing in the locker room. It won’t be long. There’s a huge celebratory party tonight and I don’t doubt that they’re all itching to get to it.

  Daniella walks past with Emma and Rain and I give her a small smile, knowing she’s probably in a
rush to get the girls home for dinner, bed, and bath. Just when I think she’s about to keep going, she stops and rests a hand on my forearm. “How are you going, sweetie?”

  “Alright,” I say, knowing she’s referring to one specific thing and not my overall general mood. “I’m coping, and you?”

  “About the same,” she tells me with a nod. “I didn’t want to worry you but I thought you would want to know that I contacted the police this afternoon to follow up with our case.”

  My eyes shoot wide as Nessa leans in to hear what’s going on. “Oh, really? Is there any good news at all?”

  “No,” she says with a cringe. “Unfortunately, not. Not yet, at least. They did ensure me that they were still working tirelessly on the case. They want to nail him but it’s going to be a little while longer. Apparently, there’s a lot more involved than we could have ever known and they want to make sure that everything sticks. It also doesn’t help that he lives so far away. There’s a lot of back and forth between the police here and there.”

  “Damn,” I sigh, wishing she had better news for me but at least they’re still working on it. We haven’t been forgotten yet.

  “Yeah, my thoughts exactly,” she tells me. “Are you girls heading out to the party with the boys?”

  “Sure are, Mrs. C,” Nessa announces.

  Daniella gives us both warm smiles and squeezes our hands. “Well have a good night and be safe, alright. Watch your drinks and don’t accept rides from strangers. Oh, and don’t forget to check in with your family every now and then, you know how we like to worry.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Nessa grumbles as I say a comforting, “We’ll be safe.”

  She smiles once again before shuffling her girls off and I don’t doubt that I’ll probably be seeing them first thing in the morning over breakfast when I get caught trying to sneak out.

  I don’t get left mulling over the Lucien bullshit for long as the boys’ familiar voices start drawing near. Nessa and I walk to meet them in the middle before instantly turning and walking down to the parking lot with them.

  We all start heading towards Slade’s Dodge RAM when he stops and indicates towards Damian’s mustang. “Actually,” he says, glancing down at Nessa cautiously. “Do you mind heading to the party with Damian? I just need to talk to Sky about something first.”

  My eyes flick up to his but for the first time ever, he’s not looking back down at me.

  Nessa’s face drops in horror. “You’re kidding, right? You want to put me in a confined space with that guy? You realize I’ll never get out of there alive?”

  Damian trails his fingers down her arm and no one misses the way her skin raises with goosebumps. “Maybe you just might like it.”

  “You’re a pig,” she snaps at him but nonetheless starts making her way toward the Mustang. She glances back over her shoulder as Damian practically skips to catch up with her. “You two better make it fast. I can’t be left alone with this horn dog.”

  “You’ll be fine,” I call after her, grinning at her horror and not missing the opportunity to tease her. “Trust me, he won’t touch you, but if he does, I promise you’ll like it.”

  “Damn straight you’ll like it,” Damian mutters low, dark and enticing, hell it even makes me shiver. If that girl doesn’t let him worship her body by the end of the night, then I’m going to be pissed.

  Slade takes my hand and curls his fingers through mine, finally looking down at me as he starts leading me toward his Dodge RAM. We hear Damian’s Mustang starting up and peeling out of the parking lot and once the noise fades to a distant hum, I look up at Slade.

  “So, what’s this thing that you have to talk to me about?”

  His lips pull up into a cheeky as fuck grin that has his eyes sparkling with mischief. “You’ll see.”

  Chapter 22

  Slade and I reach his Dodge and as I go to reach for the handle, he looks back over his shoulder. The place is practically cleared out. Most of the crowd has disappeared. Students are probably already drunk at the party, while families of the players are most likely just getting home and praying their sons don’t get anyone pregnant tonight. The only people lingering around are the cleaning crew and us.

  As I step in closer to the truck, his arm curls around my waist. I’m pulled in tight against his body and I feel his arousal against my ass. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  Oh, damn. This is new.

  I grin as it all becomes startlingly clear. He didn’t need to talk to me about shit, he just wanted to take advantage of me and show me a good time before we got to the party and had to wait until we got home to do it.

  My ass presses back into him. “Is that any of your business?”

  Slade’s lips drop to my neck and his hand travels down my stomach until it’s firmly between my legs, being rough and making me groan with desire. I love it when he’s like this. Rough and playful. It’s exciting. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore the softer side of him, but this side…fuck, I could have him do me like this all night long and still not get enough.

  A deep growl comes from his chest as he presses me up against the side of his truck. I have to turn my head to avoid it being squished between his wide chest and the glass. He grinds against my ass as his hand squeezes between my legs. “Are you giving me attitude?”

  “You fucking know I am,” I breathe, struggling not to pant. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Slade grabs my head and forces it a little further around and instantly crushes his lips down on mine. Our teeth clash and tongues fight for possession but damn it, he’s no quitter. I’m left desperately needing his hand back on my body so I press my ass back into his, loving as he reaches around me and undoes the buttons of my jeans.

  I’ve never been one for screwing in public and especially in a place where we could easily get caught but I know Slade would move mountains to ensure others don’t see me like this. There’s no way he’d even start this if he knew there was a chance we’d get sprung.

  My inner whore comes out as Slade starts pushing my jeans over my hips and ass. “Faster.”

  “It’ll be as fast as I fucking tell you,” he rumbles against my ear before sharply spanking my ass and making shivers spread all over my skin.

  I’m dripping wet. I need him inside of me and at this stage, I don’t fucking care if he tears me in half.

  My jeans are kicked off and his hand instantly finds the hem of my shirt, tearing it over my head and not wasting a single second. My bra is unclasped and dropped to the ground at our feet.

  Desperation pulses through me and I don’t even know what I need. I need him to touch my pussy, I need his fingers pushing inside of me but I need my ass grabbed, my clit rubbed and my tits squeezed.

  Why the fuck does this man only have two hands?

  He curls his arm around my body and as if reading me like a book, he gives me exactly what I need. His thumb is pushed up against my clit and it rubs tight little circles as his fingers push up inside of me, feeling just how wet I am for him. His cock grinds up against my ass while his lips torture my neck and his other hand pinches my nipple.

  “Holy fuck,” I cry, feeling his fingers slipping in and out of my wetness.

  “You like that, baby?” he teases.

  “Fuck, yes,” I practically growl at him.

  His chest rumbles against my back and despite me not even touching him, I know he’s having the time of his life.

  Without warning, Slade tears the back door open, narrowly missing my face and spins me around. His fingers tear out of me and before I know it, I’m propped up on the back seat of his Dodge, facing out of the truck as Slade grabs my knees and peels them open, exposing my dripping pussy.

  He steps between my legs and his eyes are like molten lava as they meet mine. We’re the same height here making everything so much easier. His tongue shoots out across his bottom lip and I follow the movement, needing nothing more than to bite it.

  I feel the cool breeze against me and I realize that this whole public nudity is doing a lot for me. I like the thrill, I like how firm and dominating he is. I like it all and damn it, I want so much more.

  I try to lean in to capture his lips in mine but he shakes his head as he brings his fingers to his mouth. They’re still glistening with my wetness and I watch with desire as he slips them into his mouth and sucks them dry.

  His eyes blaze with my taste as my pussy pulses with need. I stare at him, unable to look away when he finally grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into him. His lips are crushed against mine and as his tongue slips into my mouth, I taste myself, and for some reason, I think I like it.

  As he kisses me, his hand disappears back down between my legs and he continues working my body until he decides that he needs more.

  I’m pushed back until my elbows are leaning against the back seat and he kisses his way down my body, sucking my nipple into his mouth and worshiping every inch until he meets the promised land, giving me the perfect view as his tongue shoots out and devours me. It circles my clit and is downright sinful with every last thing it does to me.

  I feel him grin against me as he slips his fingers inside of me. He’s done this before but it’s never quite felt like this. I don’t know what kind of sorcery this is but fuck me, if it means that I’m going to hell then I’ll walk in with open arms.

  I feel my orgasm creeping up on me and just when I think I can enjoy this for another few seconds, I come hard, exploding around his fingers and tongue. I swear, if I could squirt, I’d be dripping off his face right now.

  I ride out my orgasm while squeezing my legs around his head. Hell, I don’t even care if he suffocates down there at the moment.

  My body goes weak and Slade gets to his feet, licking his lips with desire in his eyes. “I’m not nearly done with you,” he tells me, making my body come alive all over again.

  I sit up, meeting him face to face. “Anything you want,” I promise him as he grabs his jeans and undoes them.


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