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Seal's Professor: A Military Roommate Romance

Page 3

by Piper Sullivan

  I knew he would ask, just as I didn’t know whether or not I could trust him. Though he was with me when that vehicle tried to run one of us over, I had to be sure.

  “When did you leave the Navy?” He froze and I had my answer. “You’re active.”

  “I am.” His gaze never wavered. It was as steady as the man I’d come to know over the past few weeks. “You can trust me Delaney.”

  I believed him. To an extent. “There’s nothing here. Not exactly. It doesn’t matter because they didn’t find it. They won’t.”

  A frown marred his face. “I thought you said your lab was in the basement?”

  I shrugged. “It is. Do you want to see it?”

  “No, I don’t need to see it.”

  “Okay then. I’m going to rest for a bit, and then I’ll make dinner. Should I make enough for two?”

  His brows rose. “Why wouldn’t you?”

  “It’s Friday night. Typically, a night when people go out on dates, out with friends or in search of a hook up.”

  He barked out a laugh, and I felt like he was laughing at me. “I’m new in town so unless you want to go out, or hook up, I’ll be eating with you tonight.”

  “I would, but I fear it would complicate our living arrangement. And given the attempted robbery I think I need all the friends I can get.” No matter how much I wanted to climb up his big body and do all the things I’ve dreamed about. Read about. Seen on the internet.

  “Damn I would love to know what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”

  I looked up and found Bennett wearing a sexy smirk that said he knew exactly what I’d been thinking about. I tilted my head and crossed my arms. “Just a few details about the Green Harness.”

  “Yeah sure, Laney. I won’t call you out on it because I can pretty well guess.”

  “Doubtful,” I challenged and turned away in a huff, marching up the stairs because I needed that hot bath more than ever now.


  “You’ve been down there all day. I thought maybe you were avoiding me.” The way Bennett leaned on the counter with his legs crossed at the ankle and one finger hooked through his belt loops, it looked like he’d been waiting for me for some time. But his eyes, they held a look I couldn’t quite figure out. Nor did I want to.

  “Why would I avoid you?” I asked, going to the fridge and pulling out the orange juice. “I had a breakthrough, or I believe I did, and I wanted to see if I could make it work.” I needed to make some changes to my calculations but I knew now I was close. Very close. “I was thinking of going for a run, care to join me?”

  Another flash of that heart stopping grin, and I knew I needed to get away. “I’d love to.”

  “Right. Meet you back here in fifteen minutes.” It was probably counterproductive, but I took a quick shower before changing into running clothes because I needed to cool my overheated skin. I always thought the symptoms of sexual attraction had been exaggerated, but I now knew the truth. And I hated it.

  We took a different path at Huddart this time, through a denser part of the park and with a deeper uphill climb. The strength and focus required to finish this path meant less talking and more focus, and I needed that to push my mind out of this rut. I knew the change I needed to my Green Harness was located just out of my reach and running usually helped. I had a feeling the big sexy SEAL beside me had a lot to do with my frustration.

  “So, how’s the research going,” Bennett finally asked as we pushed ourselves up the hill.

  “Great. I’m not quite there yet, but soon.”

  “That’s awesome Laney. We ought to celebrate.”

  I felt a thrill at hearing him call me by my shortened name. No one ever spoke to me so casually. Even my parents, on the rare occasions they called, referred to me as Delaney. The idea of celebrating sounded nice but what would that entail?

  “With a nice juicy steak?” Food was my weakness since I mostly used it for fuel and rarely for pleasure, but I realized maybe I shouldn’t talk to him about eating. Wasn’t that a cardinal rule between the sexes? Not that there was anything between us.

  “Steak? I say celebrate and you think steak. Oh Laney, I have a lot of work to do with you.” His tone sounded teasing, but he could be making fun of me. Sometimes I couldn’t tell.

  I frowned as we crested the hill and stopped, running in place. “I’ve never really celebrate anything other than birthdays within the science department, and that was cake and punch. Academia is too competitive to celebrate the accomplishments of others.” Crap did that sound as pathetic to him as it did to me?

  “Well that just sucks. I’m taking you out tonight. Dinner, that juicy steak you want, and then dancing.” He smiled, nodding like the idea was growing on him. Like my insides weren’t already twisting up of the idea of a date with Bennett. “Yeah definitely dancing. I hope you have something short and sexy.”

  Short and sexy? I had to laugh at that. I didn’t do sexy and we both knew it. As for short, well, “This is about the only thing I own that’s short. I’m just not like…that.”

  He frowned. “Like what?”

  I shrugged, feeling embarrassed about this line of conversation. “Flashy. Sexy. I just prefer to blend in, it’s easier that way.”

  “Oh sweetheart, you have no chance of blending in with those fiery red curls and those curves. You may as well embrace it.” He did that suggestive eyebrow wiggle that made me laugh, shaking my head at his silliness.

  “You don’t have to say that Bennett, we both know what I look like.” He looked like he wanted to argue so I changed the subject. Fast. “I don’t even know how to dance other than the waltz and the foxtrot. Though I did take a Zumba class once, so maybe I’m familiar with some Latin dances.” I felt like such a dork in that moment, and it reminded me exactly why I stayed away from personal, intimate relationships. I was just no good at them. So I turned away from him and took in the sight before me, so vibrant and green. So relaxing. “This is so incredible. It almost makes the torture of running worth it.”

  “You mean you don’t love the feel of your heart trying to leap out of your chest?”

  “Not at all. I run so I can stay healthy and occasionally indulge in bad food.” A rustle sounded in the bushes, like a person, rather than an animal. “Did you hear that?”

  “What?” Bennett tilted his head to the side and listened. “Nothing’s there.”

  Maybe not, but I know what I heard, and after two strange incidents and the feeling of being watched, I listened carefully. There! I heard it again and I turned to Bennett to tell him as much when my foot caught on a root and gravity pulled me backwards where a long tumble down the hill waited for me. I used every bit of strength I had left to keep myself upright, but I could feel my balance deserting me and I waited for the inevitable pain.


  “I gotcha Laney,” his deep voice was calm and reassuring as I landed hard against his chest.

  “Thank you Bennett.” Was that my voice sounding all breathy and turned on? He smiled and my heart rate kicked up all over again as I took in details I hadn’t noticed before like the flecks of gold in his blue-green eyes and the small scar deep in his right eyebrow. “Bennett,” I whispered because I couldn’t help it.

  “Ah hell Laney, I’ve been trying to be good.” I opened my mouth to ask him what he meant when his big hands cradled my head and his mouth descended on mine. I was too shocked at first to respond, but the feel of his tongue, warm and soft and masculine, pulled me in and I opened right up.

  Groaning into his mouth, he tightened his grip on me, deepened the kiss until all I could do was hang on for the ride. My skin was hot and my nerve endings tingled as his hands roamed over my shoulders and down my arms until my body tightened, my breasts grew heavy. His tongue swept into my mouth, mating with my tongue and my core clenched tight as arousal trickled down, dampening my panties. My hands caressed his pecs and down his abs, lower still until my hand grazed his erection. Hi
s long thick erection.

  Bennett hissed and pulled back. “Damn Laney, even sweeter than I imagined.”

  A nervous chuckle escaped, and I dropped my head onto his chest, hands still caressing his impressive muscles. “That kiss was amazing.”

  “Damn straight it was.” He brushed his lips against mine again and I was pretty sure the tumble down the hill wouldn’t have had as big an impact as his lips.

  “I…just…wow.” I turned and started the run down the hill, the sound of Bennett chuckling followed me.


  “Damn Laney you look…stunning.” She looked more than stunning, she took my fucking breath away.

  She blushed prettily and it only made my cock harden. As intelligent as she was, Laney had no idea she was also beautiful. “You said that already Bennett.”

  “And I’ll keep saying it if you keep blowing me away whenever I look at you.” She wore a short black lace dress that should have been modest with its long lacy sleeves, but her curves combined with the low V-neck that showed off her cleavage, and the damn thing was sinful as fuck. “Now what do I have to do to get you on that dance floor?”

  Her smile was sexy and flirtatious but I don’t think any of that was on purpose. “You could start with asking.”

  Damn a feisty Delaney Watson was irresistible. “Nah, I think you’d prefer it if I just grabbed your hand like this,” I clasped her hand so our palms pressed together, “and just pulled you out onto the dance floor.” I did just that as a fast, pounding beat started up and Laney settled that firm round ass against right where I wanted her.

  She was having a good time and torturing me in the process as that ass pressed up against me, bumping and grinding like it was her fucking job. I kept my hands on her hips but every switch of her hips brought my hand to her ass, daring me to squeeze it. “You’re a good dancer,” she told me as the third song started, leaning back and tempting me to squeeze her plump breasts.

  “I’m just standing here, you’re doing all the work.” And lord help me but I would gladly be her scratching post all night. Laney might be innocent, and she might be shy sexually, but she was fucking sexy. More than any of the girls that hung out at the bars around 32nd Street down in San Diego with the sole goal of fucking a SEAL. Laney beat them by a mile, and she didn’t even have to try. The dress made her uncomfortable but she’d worn it anyway because I asked her to, and that was sexy as hell. “You feel damn good though,” I whispered, so turned on at the shiver that went through her as she turned to face me.

  “You make me feel good,” she confessed with a blush that disappeared into her dress. Then she stunned even me, tossing her head back, laughing long and loud and so hard her tits shook against my chest. Fuck her laugh made her the sexiest thing I’d seen in a long damn time. Red spilling over her shoulders, brushing against my forearm like a sensual goddess and I just wanted to taste her. Every inch of her. “Thank you for taking me out to celebrate, I can’t remember ever having this much fun. Certainly not with someone like you.”

  “Well now sweetheart you’re just trying to make me blush.” Pulling her close, I dipped her low and brushed a kiss to that spot just behind her jaw. “Come on, let’s go get a drink.”

  We settled at the far end of the bar and I ordered a beer for myself and another Mai Tai for her. “These things are so fruity you can hardly taste the alcohol.” She sighed and looked at me closely, maybe a little too closely. “You really are entirely too attractive Bennett.”

  I laughed because some women would say that as a line, but I could tell by her dilated pupils she meant it. “That doesn’t sound like a compliment.”

  She sighed heavily and wrapped her lips around the straw. “I really shouldn’t be attracted to you Bennett. I can’t dip my toe in with a guy like you.”

  “Like me?” I didn’t know whether to be offended or flattered, but I knew I would be entertained.

  She nodded. “Sexy. Muscular. Masculine. You make me have…thoughts.” She shook her head to herself and grinned. “I think these drinks are making me say things I shouldn’t.”

  “Let’s get you some water then.”

  “No, I’m fine. One more cocktail and I’m done for the night. I’m not drunk Bennett, I just wouldn’t tell you the truth if my inhibitions weren’t lowered.” Her head lowered to my chest and I inhaled the fruity floral scent of her hair. She looked up. “I think I would like to kiss you again.”

  My grin spread because this woman amused me. Made me laugh. “You think?”

  She nodded, her posture and expression surer this time. “I would like to kiss you again. That kiss earlier was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

  Hell it had been as incredible as it was unexpectedly hot. She was responsive and sweet. A combination I knew I couldn’t resist. “You’re drunk.” It was the only explanation for her candidness.

  Her grin was sly. “I am not drunk. I have calculated the amount of alcohol based on my bodyweight and one more will allow me to maintain a feeling of euphoria one might call tipsy, without impairing my judgment. I believe the colloquial term is liquid courage.”

  How could I argue when her logic was sound, giving me permission to do exactly what I wanted? “Well Laney where do you want me to kiss you then?”

  “Where would you like to kiss me,” she countered.

  “Well I would start with this spot on your neck, it seems to be a good spot for you.” I brushed my lips against that part of her neck, gripping her hips when she gasped. “Then I’d move down your neck to your nipples.” She sucked in a breath and licked her lips while the pulse in the base of her neck fluttered. “I would kiss every inch of you until you were writhing, moaning for me, and only then would stick my tongue deep inside your pussy and let you come all over me.”

  “Wow.” She swallowed with some effort and took the final sip before setting her glass on the bar. “That doesn’t sound like something I would like, but my body says otherwise.”

  Damn and I could not resist her candor, not at all. She was straightforward, almost to a fault. “So, you want to get out of here?”

  She nodded and stepped out of my embrace. “I’m going to stop in the restroom before we head out.”

  I watched Delaney saunter off, my cock throbbing behind my zipper looking at the round ass of a runner and those shapely legs that would be wrapped around my neck inside of an hour. Delaney was a surprise I didn’t foresee, but damn I’m glad the Commander chose me for this assignment. I shouldn’t do what I was thinking about doing. But I also knew I couldn’t help it.

  Even if I wanted to stop it, I wasn’t sure I could.

  I glanced at my watch. Ten minutes had gone by since I watched her saunter off. I walked towards the bathrooms to find her, not caring if I looked like the creepy stalker boyfriend. Down the dark corridor, I spotted her mane of wild red hair and frowned. Some asshole in a Versace shirt from the eighties was manhandling her. I picked up my pace but kept my steps quiet. I approached stealthily.

  “Remember what I said bitch. Anyone sees that research before I do and I’ll set your house on fire. With you and your little fuck boy in it.”

  All I saw was a red flash of anger when his arm tightened and she cried out. The fear shining in her eyes pushed me into action and I wrapped a hand around his throat, pushing him against the wall.

  “Hey asshole want to pick on someone your own size?”

  “I have no problem with you fuck boy. My problem is with the bitch,” he said in a thick accent, shooting an angry glare at Delaney.

  “Don’t you fucking look at her!” I leaned in close, adding pressure until he choked and gasped for air. “Who sent you here?”

  “Fuck. You.”

  I applied even more pressure and grinned. “Who told you about it?”

  Now it was his turn to smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Yeah I would, but he didn’t need to know how badly. “If I see you again I promise you’ll wish I killed you ton
ight. Next time I’ll make sure you suffer. Got it?” He nodded but that wasn’t fucking good enough. “I can’t hear you.”

  “Okay, okay. But you should know it’s not just me. Do what you want, but she’s not safe.”

  I pulled my arm back and let it loose like a trigger, connecting with his face in a sickening crunch followed by another as his head smacked against the wall. I let him fall to the ground, grabbed Laney’s hand and pulled her along until we were out of the loud club and at my truck.

  “You okay sweetheart?” I cupped her face and tilted it up to meet my eyes because I had to see for myself that she was all right, that the fucker didn’t touch her. Didn’t hurt her.

  Big blue eyes were filled with terror and unshed tears. “I th-think I am. Thank you Bennett.”

  “My pleasure. How could I resist playing hero to such a pretty lady?”

  She gave a shaky laugh, squealing when I lifted her off the ground and sat her in the passenger seat. “Well you are the professional hero,” she told me, desire pulsing between us as I slid the seatbelt across her and fastened it.

  I jogged around the front of the vehicle and jumped in behind the wheel. The drive home was mostly silent, both of us lost in our own thoughts about what had happened. Both before and after the run in with the Versace asshole.

  “Let’s go inside Laney.”

  She let out a deep breath and turned to me. “I guess it’s safe to say this is about my research.”

  “Seems likely.” I helped her out of my SUV and held her hand as we walked up the porch and inside the house.

  “I guess it’s a really good thing my new roomie is a Navy SEAL.” Her attempt at humor failed and I knew she was too shaken up to follow through on what we talked about earlier.

  “Grab a hot shower Laney, you’ll feel better.”

  I knew I made the right choice when she nodded absently and walked into the master bathroom.




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