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Eleanor of Aquitaine

Page 55

by Marion Meade

  Innocent III. Pope


  Irene, Empress of Byzantium

  Isabella of Angoulême

  Isabelle of Gloucester


  Joanna Plantagenet, daughter of Henry II

  John, King of England:

  biographical events: birth; betrothal to Alice of Maurienne; king of Ireland; married to Isabelle of Gloucester ; family conflicts ; reconciliation ; heir to Richard ; married to Isabella of Angoulême; treaty with France; as king of England; attacked by France; rescue of tacked by France; rescue of Eleanor; Arthur of Brittany; loss of French lands


  John of Salisbury

  Historia Pontificalis

  Joscelin. Count of Edessa

  Joscelin, son of William X of Aquitaine

  Langres, Bishop of


  Leopold, Duke of Austria

  Life-expectancy in the middle ages


  Literature and folklore, Eleanor in


  Longchamp, William

  Louis VI, King of France

  Louis VII, King of France:


  biographical events: childhood and youth; marriage to Eleanor ; attack on Toulouse. ; attack on Vitry-sur-Marne ; war on Champagne ; Second Crusade ; annulment of marriage to Eleanor; betrothed to Constance of Castile; daughter married to Prince Henry; siege of Toulouse; marriage to Adele of Blois; birth of son; conspiracy with Eleanor; death

  children of: Marie; Alix; Marguerite; Alais; Philip Augustus

  personality of

  relationship with Eleanor

  Louviers, Treaty of

  Lusignan family

  Maeander River Valley, Crusaders in

  Mainard, Count of Gortz

  Malcolm, King of Scotland


  Manuel Comnenus, Emperor of Byzantium

  Map, Walter

  Marcabru, troubadour

  Marguerite Capet, Princess of France

  Marie Capet, Princess of France, Countess of Champagne

  Marshal, John

  Marshal, William

  Martyrdom of Becket

  Matilda, mother of Henry 11

  Matilda Plantagenet, daughter of Henry II

  Matthew, Archdeacon of Gloucester

  Matthew of Montmorency

  Maubergeonne Tower

  Maurienne, Count of

  Melisende, Queen of Jerusalem

  Menagerie at Woodstock




  Montierneuf, Abbey of


  Mount Cadmos

  Mouskès. Philippe, Chronique Rimèe

  Nigel, Bishop of Ely

  Nonancourt, Plantagenet family conference at, 1190

  Nonant, Hugh


  Odo de Deuil

  Ombrière Palace, Bordeaux

  Ordericus Vitalis

  Orleans, communal movement in

  Outremer, see Crusades

  Ovid, Art of Loving

  Owain Gwynedd, Prince of North Wales

  Paris, in 1130s

  Patrick, Earl

  People’s Crusade

  Peter of Blois

  Peter de la Châtre, Archbishop of Bourges

  Petronilla, sister of Eleanor

  Philip Augustus, King of France:

  biographical events: birth; coronation ; defeat of

  Philip Augustus, King of France (cont.) Henry; as Crusader ; Richard kidnapped: treaty with John; attack on John


  relationships: with Geoffrey Plantagenet : with Richard Plantagenet : with women

  Philip Capet, son of Louis VI of France

  Philippa, wife of William IX of Aquitaine

  Plantagenet, Geoffrey, see Geoffrey of Anjou; see Geoffrey Plantagenet, son of Henry II

  Plantagenet, Henry, see Henry II, King of England

  Plantagenet, John, see John, King of England

  Plantagenet, Richard, see Richard I, King of England

  Plantagenet, origin of name

  Poetry. Troubadour



  communal movement in

  Popes: Adrian IV; Alexander III; Calixtus II; Celestine II: Celestine III: Eugenius III; Innocent 11; Innocent III; Urban II; Urban III

  Prophesies of Merlin

  Queen Eleanor’sConfession


  Queen’s gold

  Radegonde, St. of Poitiers

  Ralph of Diceto

  Ralph de Faye

  Ralph, Count of Vermandois

  Ransom for Richard

  Raymond of Antioch

  Raymond of Toulouse, Count of Saint-Gilles

  Raymond V of Toulouse

  Raymond VI of Toulouse

  Raymond of Tripoli

  Raymond-Berenger. Count of Barcelona

  Reginald of Cornwall

  Richard I, King of England:


  biographical events: birth: betrothed to Alais Capet; heir of Aquitaine ; heir of England ; conflict with father : king of England ; marriage; crusade; imprisonment ; death

  homosexuality of

  poem by


  Richard Coeur-de-Lion

  Richard of Devizes

  Richard of Luci

  Robert d’Arbrissel

  Robert, Earl of Leicester

  Robert of Newburgh

  Robert of Silly

  Robert of Torigni

  Robert Capet, Count of Dreux, brother of Louis VII

  Roger, King of Sicily

  Roger of Clare

  Roger of Hovedon

  Roger of Wendover

  Roger, Archbishop of York

  Rosamond Clifford

  Royal progresses

  Rotrou, Archbishop of Rouen

  Rudel. Jaufre, Prince of Blaye

  Saint Guilhem-le-Désert

  Saint-Denis, Cathedral of

  Saint-Maixent, Abbey of


  Salisbury, Eleanor imprisoned at

  Sancho, King of Navarre

  Sancho Ramirez, King of Aragon

  Santiago de Compostela

  Stephen of Blois, King of England

  Suger. Abbot

  Cathedral of Saint-Denis

  counselor to Louis VII

  regent during Crusade

  Taillebourg Castle


  Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Theobald of Blois

  Theobald of Champagne

  Toulouse, siege of

  Treatise on Love and the Remedies of Love

  Treaty of Louviers

  Treaty of Winchester



  Tyre, Archbishop of

  Urban II, Pope

  Urban III, Pope

  Valerie, Saint

  Vexin, The, disputed land

  conferences at

  Virgin, cult of


  Wales, campaigns against


  Walter, Hubert, Bishop of Salisbury

  Archbishop of Canterbury

  Westminster Palace

  White Ship, wreck of

  William. Count of Angouleme

  William I, Duke of Aquitaine

  William IV, Duke of Aquitaine

  William V, Duke of Aquitaine

  William IX, Duke of Aquitaine

  William X, Duke of Aquitaine

  William I. King of England. Duke of Normany

  William II, King of England

  William, Count of Nevers

  William, King of Scotland

  William, King of Sicily

  William IV, Count of Toulouse

  William, brother of Henry II

  William, son of Henry I

  William, bastard of William X of Aquitainer />
  William Aigret, Son of William X of Aquitaine

  William de Braose

  William of Lezay

  William of Malmesbury

  William de Mandeville

  William of Newburgh

  William des Roches

  William of Tyre

  William de Vere

  William Fitz-Ralph

  William Fitz Stephen

  William l’Etang

  William Longchamp

  William Longspee, bastard of Henry II

  William Plantagenet, son of Henry II

  Winchester Palace

  Women, in middle ages



  Young King, The, see Henry Plantagenet



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