Casey's Choice
Page 24
“But it hurts.”
“It also makes you more submissive. Each time you do what I ask without being tied down, you become more pliant to my will. Tell me who your master is tonight.”
“You are, Max. You.” Her voice shook, but mostly it was from arousal. Every single fucking time he said he was her master, every time he told her she had to keep going, she wanted to put her hands between her legs and rub. It was driving her insane with need.
“Stand up.”
She sat up, wincing, then stood.
She nodded and made her way over to the now familiar corner of the room. Her ass felt tight and swollen, and she still had two rounds to go. Part of her knew that if she hadn’t asked him to keep going, she probably would call “stop” right now. But another part of her knew that she needed this from him, wanted it. She loved this—loved the pain mixed with the arousal, loved his dominance, loved taking orders from such a sexy man. And she knew that when they finally fucked, it was going to be magnificent. So she stood there, nose to the paint, letting her eyes shut, trying not to focus on the burn and sting in her posterior. Five minutes had never felt longer or more torturous.
When he called her back over, she winced to see him holding the cheese board. “We’ll finish with this,” he decided. “Both sets. I’ll give you twenty at once, and then you’ll be done. Hands and knees on the coffee table, Casey. Now.”
She climbed up and got onto all fours. He examined her, looked at the rest of the items, then said slowly, “I have another idea. We’ll do this on the bed, actually. Go in there and lie on your stomach. Put two pillows under your hips.”
“Yes, Sir.” She went into the room and arranged pillows, draped her body over them. It felt a little like being over his knee, although easier on her balance. She did a few surreptitious rubs to her ass since he wasn’t looking. God, it was on fire. She whimpered to herself, wondering how it would feel after that paddle, and then she felt a huge burst of arousal, because after the paddle would come even better things: his mouth, his fingers, his cock.
“Are you rubbing?” He came into the room, displeasure in his voice.
“No? Did you just lie to me?”
“Yes. I’m sorry. I was rubbing.”
“Are you allowed to rub during a spanking?” His stern voice gave her butterflies.
“No. I’m not.”
“That means an extra punishment. First…” He grabbed her sleep mask and eased it over her face. “You’ll wear this. Now I’m going to tie your hands and feet.”
He rummaged in her drawer and brought out something; she assumed they were her own scarves, when she felt the soft stretchy fabric wound around her wrists and ankles. “Wait here.” He slapped her once and she squeaked.
When he returned, she felt the tension in the air between them. “What are you going to do?” Her voice was nervous.
“Something to help you behave during your paddling.”
She heard the sound of something unscrewing, then, without warning, she felt his fingers start to rub something thick and oily into her asshole. “Max!?”
“Coconut oil. A healthy, natural lubricant.”
“What—what are you doing?”
“I think you liked the plug, last time. We’ll do it again.”
“I hated that plug!” She tensed, and he rubbed her skin.
“You hated the way it was done, but not the plug itself. Want to see if you enjoy the whole experience this time? You choose. Yes, or no.”
She didn’t say no. “But I don’t have a plug here.” Had he brought one? Her heart raced. She did want him to plug her ass, although she didn’t want that ginger lube. At least, not without some ‘help’ to let her better enjoy it.
“Not an official plug. But the handle of your smaller hairbrush is the perfect size.” She felt something push at her anal entrance and squeezed her cheeks together in alarm.
“Open for me, Casey.” His voice was firm. “I washed it; it’s clean. It’s well lubricated, and narrow. It will feel odd but it won’t hurt.”
“But that’s so—God. A brush in my ass?” She felt such humiliation that she felt new tears fall. “It will stick out and be all—ugh, Max. Not a brush.”
“Casey. Safeword right now, or do what I tell you. If I have to tell you again to relax your cheeks, I’ll apply the wooden hairbrush until you do.”
She immediately relaxed her muscles, and felt the handle. Without warning, she clenched again, and felt the wooden brush come down, hard. She yelped and twisted, and he whacked again, then asked, “Are you going to open for it?”
“Yes, I promise! Please, no more spanks,” she begged, forcing herself to stay her muscles.
He twisted and pushed, pulled and twisted, and the motion left her suffused with a wave of arousal. She felt so dirty and ashamed and turned on, all at once. And all the while, the handle was proceeding little by little into her ass. She could feel it in there, hard and long, and it felt so wrong and alien and so fucking good, too. She whimpered and clenched down and discovered that it was in there nice and tight and deep, and it was there to stay.
“Good.” His voice was full of pleasure. “You dirty girl. This is how you deserve to be punished. You’re going to hold that brush in your nice tight ass while I spank you hard with this paddle. Don’t ask me stop, Casey. You’re going to take all twenty. If you lose the brush, we start over, so I recommend that you hold it in there and don’t let it out. Tell me please.”
“Yes, Sir. Please, please, do it.” She was going to die, right here and right now. A person wasn’t meant to feel this insane mix of emotions, to hate something and love it at the same time. Max was making her do things she’d never thought she could handle, and here she was, begging for it.
The paddle came down and the pain followed a second later. And then it came again, and again, and again, and she was sobbing now, twisting. “Max, no, stop, ouch, please.” It was fierce, powerful—she couldn’t take twenty of these!
He touched her skin and eased up on the spanks, taking time to rub her buttocks in between strikes. The pain, which had almost reached her threshold, dissipated to the point where it was just a little too much, in a way that was entirely arousing. To her surprise, even though her voice said, “No!”, she was lifting her hips to meet the paddle, and sucking in her breath with desire. But when he reached fifteen, she felt something strange at her ass and realized that the brush was slipping. She must have been pushing it out during the paddling, and she cried out in alarm. “Max, the brush. It’s coming out.” She was so embarrassed at how it must look. He rested the paddle on the bed.
“So it is. What are you going to do about that? Remember, if it comes out, we start over.”
“I can’t, I can’t take it starting from one again. Please, can you—push the brush back in?” She burned at the words.
“You get it back in.”
“But my hands and feet are tied.” She pled with him. “Max, please! How can I do it?”
“Try.” He stood where she could see him. “I suggest you figure it out, because if that pops out of your tight little ass, we start all over again.” He whacked the paddle into his hand. “As many times as we need to.”
Panic surged through her, along with the inevitable arousal that came with his commands and dominance. What was she going to do? Desperate, she rolled carefully onto her side, awkward, with her limbs tied, then arched up, breathing hard until she felt the brush bump against the bed. She began to hump up and down, trying to open her ass as much as possible with her legs tied, relaxing her sphincter, pushing against the slick bedspread, trying to force the brush back into her anus.
Little by little, she felt it go back in, and the relief overwhelmed any pain and humiliation she felt at the reentry. When it was finally seated as far as it could go, she flopped back onto her stomach, trembling with exertion. “It’s back in.”
Max’s voice was hoarse. “That w
as the most depraved, sexy thing I’ve ever fucking seen. Casey. Fuck me.” And then he started in with the paddle, and the last five were so hard that she cried out with each one, but the brush stayed in, and she burst into a fit of tears, pain and triumph and arousal, when he finally said, “Done.”
“Good girl.” His voice was tender and fierce at once. He pulled the brush from her ass, untied her hand and legs, and held her against him, rubbing and stroking, while she sobbed. “You did it. You took the whole thing. God, you’re fucking incredible, Casey.” She could feel his hard erection pushing against her body, and she desired him with every fiber of her being. She pushed into him, whimpering. “Max.”
He ran his hands over her body, and ended up at the rosette of her anus, where he pushed. “Did you like feeling the brush in your ass?”
“No. It was embarrassing!” She hid her face in his shirt. “A plug would have been fine, but a brush was so—like, just so dirty. Filthy. I can’t believe you did that to me.”
“But you like being a really dirty girl,” he cajoled her. “Tell me you want my finger where that brush was.”
“No.” But she wiggled her ass against his hand, inviting him in. “I don’t.”
“Oh, you don’t?” His index finger moved slowly into her body, and she moaned. “So if I did this,” and he moved it in and out, pushing at her body, “you’d tell me to stop?”
“Mmmm,” she groaned, trying to seat herself on his hand, to feel him more deeply.
“I didn’t understand,” he teased. “Was that a stop, or a more?”
“More.” She whispered it into his shoulder, and he obliged, pushing his finger in deeper, thrusting harder, and with his other hand he began to touch her clit. She was so aroused, and still in so much discomfort from the spanking, that her body reacted like lighting. She screamed out at the sensation, so immediately bright and beautiful and immense. “Max, I’m already—you’re going to make me come.”
“So fast?”
“Yes, God, I’m on the edge. Please, please, can I come?”
He bit her neck, hard. “I’ll give you this one for free. Yeah, come. Right now.”
She cried out and arched herself into his hands, letting him play her like an instrument, fingers in her ass and pussy, rubbing, stroking, squeezing, and the multitude of sensations sent her over the edge into a storm of passion. She rocked her body, squeezed her thighs, and rode him all the way to her explosion, trembling and shaking on top of him while lighting flashed behind her eyes and the orgasm thundered through her all the way to her toes.
When she took a deep breath and sagged back into his body, he held her for a few minutes, then got up to wash his hands. When he came back, he lay down beside her and enclosed her in his arms, letting her relax and breathe into his chest. “Max, God, that felt so good,” she murmured, reaching her hand down to the front of his body. “You need a turn, too.” She rubbed him through his pants. “I think you should get naked, too. I’m the only one, and I’m getting lonely.”
She watched him strip, eager to see his powerful body released from his clothing. It was like watching a tiger stalk out of the jungle, seeing this man remove his garments and stand before her in his full glory, all muscles and sinews, power radiating from his stance. He was fully aroused, and Casey sucked in her breath at the size of his cock. She’d bragged to Echo to be shocking, partly, but everything she’d said was true, and then some.
“You’re beautiful.” She whispered the words, her eyes wide with arousal and emotion.
He smiled. “You’re the beautiful one. You have no idea, do you, how sexy you are, lying there with your ass all red and striped, your pussy wet and slick, your nipples hard, and you still begging for my touch? Damn.”
“I don’t mind if you tell me aaalll about it.” She stretched out, lengthening her body, arching her back to display her breasts, then put up one foot, bent at the knee, to display herself for him.
He was on her in a second, straddling her body, his thighs surrounding hers, his arms propping his chest up, elbows by her head. He looked into her face, and his breath was hot on her cheek. So close, so close. His lashes were thick and dark, his eyes so blue and clear. Cerulean, cobalt.
“How did you like your punishment?” he whispered. “Did it turn you on to know that you couldn’t make me stop until I wanted to stop?”
She writhed under him, helpless. “Max, please.”
“Tell me, Casey.”
“Tell you what?” She tried to push her hips up into his. She wanted that glorious cock on her body, touching her, in her, filling her. “I want you to fuck me now. Max.”
“Not yet.” He held himself away from her. “I want to know what you were thinking, when I spanked you so hard with that paddle and forced you to hold that brush in your asshole. How did it feel, knowing you had no way to make it end?” He bit her ear hard, sucked on her neck, and she cried out, unintelligible sounds, rutting against his thigh desperately. “I want to hear the words.”
“Fine, it was horrible and dirty and I liked it,” she hissed at him, feeling her face burn. “It was the most perverted, embarrassing thing I’ve even done and the fact that you made me do that? It got me so turned on.”
The words burst from her throat, a torrent of pain and passion. “I was so turned on and terrified at the same time that I thought I might die,” she rasped into his neck, grabbing him and digging into his back with her nails with all her strength. “Fuck, Max, you had me so desperate that I was about to start begging, promising to do anything you wanted, suck your dick, suck it every day, suck it twice a day in public, anywhere, anytime, if you’d just stop paddling me. It hurt so much, and I couldn’t handle it, but I was so turned on that I also didn’t want it to stop, but I needed it to stop, and finally it stopped. I was so mixed up with pain and desire that I didn’t even know what hurt and what felt good anymore. It was all mixed together. God.”
“Then next time I’ll paddle you longer, so you promise me those things,” he threatened, reaching down to stroke between her legs. “I’ll have you be my dirty slut, Casey. Doing things for me that you never dreamed of. You’ll crawl on your hands and knees all afternoon and let me whip you red just for a taste of my cock. I’ll tie you up and crop your breasts and come all over them before I fuck you into oblivion. You want that?”
In reply, she wailed and pushed herself into his hand, trying to impale herself on his fingers. “Max, please, please. I want it, I want everything you said, do it to me, but please just fuck me and let me come, please.”
He poised his cock at her entrance, and paused, holding over her. “Ask me again. Tell me how much you want it.”
But she couldn’t talk; just threw her head back into the pillow and tossed it, fisting her hands and moaning, and he growled out a curse, “Fuck,” and thrust into her in one smooth motion. Having him inside her felt so good, so right. Casey wrapped her legs around him and clung, squeezing with all of her muscles, and when he started a slow pump, in and out, twisting his hips in an expert move that rubbed him right against her clit with each breathtaking pulse, she wailed and dug her nails into his shoulders, pressing, glad to see the grimace of pain on his face mixed with his own desire.
“You want me to touch you while I fuck you?” he whispered, and the harsh words were at such odds with his tender expression that she started to fly off already, nodding and moaning her assent, her desire, her pleasure, and when he put his fingers gently to her body and stroked, she screamed out and exploded a second time around his cock and his hand, this time even better than the first, longer and deeper, her whole abdomen filled with sparkling bursts of pleasure that kept coming and coming. He came too, burying his face in her neck, her hair, grabbing her cheeks and kissing her desperately, ravenously, searching in her mouth for his release while she felt him stiffen and burst inside her body.
Later, they lay together, and he linked his fingers with hers, then let go and ran his fingers over her hipbones, tracing the
lines and indentations. “The curve of your body,” he told her, “is burned into my retinas. I see you now every time I close my eyes.”
“That’s sweet.” She closed hers, and all she could see was him; the stern expression when he told her to strip, the look in his eye when he picked up the paddle, the crazed passion when he came, just before he plundered her mouth. His strong jaw, his eyes, his abs, all arranged themselves in a misty montage overlaid with sex and passion. “I see you.”
“Maybe our mental visions can fuck each other, too.” He smiled and grabbed her hand again.
“Mine’s already fucking yours. Try to keep up.” She smiled and poked him in the chest, and he grabbed her finger into his hand, then smoothed it over his body, over his abs and hips. “I love the way you feel.”
“Mmm.” He rolled over and pulled her into his arms, and she drowsed for a while, feeling her ass warm and tingly, residual tingles still flowing through her body from the orgasm, and it was like the feeling with Hunter, except even better.
This time he anchored her, safe, so she flew off into the stars and drifted with the constellations exploding behind her eyelids, exploring the swirls of color and sound and pure emotion that waited there, humming to herself a little. Max squeezed her and rocked her gently as she lay there, and her whole body was light and air flying, floating, no dizziness, just pure speed. It was the most glorious feeling she could imagine, better even than an orgasm because it lasted so long and suffused her entire body with a warm, golden joy that she could almost touch. This must be what it was like to have a good drug trip, she thought dreamily, without any of the scary side effects. She let herself go into the relaxation.
When she awoke, Max wasn’t beside her and felt lost for a moment. “Max?”
He came out of the kitchen with a glass of water. “You were sleeping. I was going to make you a snack or something, but your fridge has nothing but a box of wine and some old apples. What do you two eat around here?”
Casey took the water. “It’s shopping day tomorrow.”