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Pumpkin Spice Sacrifice

Page 2

by Addison Moore

“To new beginnings with wonderful neighbors.” I raise my glass and tip my head toward Noah and Everett.

  Pancake lets out a howl from the next room, and we all share a laugh on his behalf.

  “To new beginnings,” the four of them chime before imbibing.

  Noah takes a breath, his chest expanding the size of a door, and I can’t help but bite down on my lower lip. Noah and I haven’t taken that next step in our relationship yet. Heck, I haven’t even seen the inside of his rental home yet. We’ve been that busy. But once things settle down, I’m looking forward to rectifying just about everything with that tall, dark-haired, dimpled, headstrong detective.

  Noah gives a wayward glance my way, and a heated line bisects my stomach on cue. Noah Fox is welcome to send a wayward glance my way as often as he likes. And now that we’re within a stone’s throw of one another, I expect one on the regular.

  “I’ve got an announcement to make,” Noah says as he looks to Everett and me.

  Everett’s chest thumps with a dry laugh. “Don’t tell me I’ve chased you out of the neighborhood so soon.”

  “Not funny,” I say, wrapping my arms around Noah. “You’re not moving, are you?”

  “Well”—his head inches back, and his dark brows dance over his eyes like caterpillars—“I sort of am, sort of not. Captain Turner called last night and offered me a position with the sheriff’s department.”

  “What?” I shriek as the rest of the room breaks out into cheers. Noah worked as a detective back in Cincinnati but was fired after he discharged his weapon at the man his ex was cheating on him with. A completely understandable malfeasance in my opinion. I hop up and crash a congratulatory kiss over his lips. “Is it true?”

  “Yes, it’s true.” He looks to Keelie. “Your dad is a great guy. He said I could work alongside Detective Fairbanks since the department is short on staff, and once the probation period is through, he’ll evaluate and see if I can get in for good.”

  A pang of grief hits me, for no other reason than jealousy. Detective Fairbanks just so happens to be a gorgeous leggy redhead with the face and body of a supermodel.

  “But what about your office next to the bank?” The feeble protest sounds both foolish and rife with spite just coming from my lips.

  “I’m keeping it for now. That way if things don’t work out, I’ll have a fallback plan.”

  Everett raises his glass. “They’ll work out.” He frowns as if they wouldn’t. “They didn’t call you the golden kid in high school for nothing.”

  I’m about to demand all the dirty deets concerning my newly minted boyfriend’s high school hazy days when Pancake hisses from the next room.

  “He’s been acting up ever since we set foot in this place,” I say, glancing over. It’s an open floor plan, but with the endless tower of boxes, we’ve effectively walled him in.

  Lainey rolls her eyes. “And you’ve been blaming that poor cat for everything. How about I take Pancake home with me?” She gives a sly wink. “I think he likes me better, anyhow.”

  “You wish.” Another hiss emits from the sofa as I detangle myself from Noah. “I’ll be right back.”

  Keelie starts in, a mile a minute, about how she knew all about Noah’s big surprise and the fact that she put in a good word for him. I’m sure Jack, Captain Turner—I’ve grown up with the man as a second father, so I can’t seem to call him Captain—anyway, I’m positive he’s seen for himself what a great investigator Noah is. I’m thrilled he thought of him to fill the need on the force. I’m not thrilled that he’s working with Detective Redheaded Barbie.

  Another hiss expires and I glance over to the sofa, but there’s not a sign of Pancake.

  I do a quick sweep of the vicinity and spot his rust tipped tail swishing back and forth from under the couch.

  Odd. Pancake’s tail never swishes. In fact, the last time it did so, he thought he was defending me against a giant predator—aka the tiniest, cutest little mouse with big brown eyes you’ve ever seen.

  The door has been open all day. I bet an entire fleet of mice ran in. Just perfect. I happen to detest the thought of mice anywhere near where I sleep or eat, no matter how cute their big brown eyes might be.

  Laughter erupts from the kitchen as Keelie continues to regale them with one bubbly story after the next.

  “Come here, you.” I get down on my knees and do my best to excavate Pancake, but judging by the way his claws are fighting every inch of it, he’s not a willing party. “No, no, no, you have to love this house. I love it so much I want to live here forever, and if that pans out, I can’t have you clawing your way through the furniture. This is your home, too, you know.” I amble back to my feet with Pancake squirming to get out of my arms, but I’m too stubborn to let him go. He cranes his neck past me and hisses so hard I turn in a dizzying spin, fully expecting to find a human-sized rat, but it’s not a rat by far. “Everett,” I pant, closing my eyes for a second. “You scared the daylights out of me.”

  “I did?” a deep voice booms from behind, and I spin back on my heels to see the handsome judge on his way toward the door.

  “How’d you do that?” I marvel for a moment.

  “Do what?” he says as Lainey and Keelie come over and offer me a quick embrace before heading out into the icy autumn air.

  “Congratulations again!” Keelie calls out as they make their way to their cars.

  I frown over at Everett “You know…” I glance over my shoulder and spot those glowing blue eyes of his staring right back at me and let out a sharp howl.

  “Whoa.” Noah comes over and takes Pancake from me. “I think your mom is in desperate need of a nap.”

  “And maybe vodka,” I say under my breath. And that’s a big deal, considering the fact I don’t make a practice to drink. Standing behind me a good five feet is Everett. For a second, I scan the vicinity for a mirror because standing in front of me a good five feet is Everett as well. “You wouldn’t happen to have a twin, would you?” I ask weakly.

  Noah pulls me in, his brows pinched in a vexingly sexy V as his concern brews heavy. “Are you feeling all right?”

  “I’m”—I look to Everett, the one standing by the door, as he pulls on his jacket—“I guess maybe I am tired.” So tired I’m hallucinating! Good grief. Unless, of course…

  I suck in a sharp breath and turn my head abruptly to meet up with those piercing blue eyes of Everett’s questionable twin, and it’s then I note the fact I can see my television right through his vellum-like body.

  “Oh God,” I whimper as Noah slips an arm around my waist and pulls me in.

  “I think it’s officially past your bedtime.”

  “Right.” I look back and catch Everett, the solid, earthbound version just as he’s about to step out of the house.

  “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night at the Endeavor awards ceremony.” He grimaces at the two of us. “I promised Collette I’d go. She’s really excited. I couldn’t say no.”

  “You never say no,” Noah is quick to remind him.

  “Yes, for sure I’ll see you th-there,” I stammer.

  “Good.” Everett tweaks his brows. “Collette said to remind you that her boss likes pumpkin spice everything.”

  “Good thing for me, I’m bringing just about everything.”

  He gives a dark chuckle. “Sounds good, Lemon. Goodnight, neighbor.” He gives a brief wave as he closes the door behind him. And just as I’m about to glance back at that specter bearing his resemblance, he strides right past Noah and me. He turns his head and looks at me with those same serious eyes, that all too familiar stern expression firmly on his face, and gives a slight wave as he walks right through the door and out into the night.

  “Hey”—Noah pecks a kiss just under my ear—“I think I’m going to scoot so you can get some rest. You’re starting to look pale. I think maybe you should turn in early.”

  “Oh, I will.” Although I don’t think I’ll be able to catch a wink. “Say, whatever happe
ned to Everett’s father?” I’ve heard Everett mention his mother and sister. I never thought to ask about his father.

  “He died a while back. Everett was in junior high, I think. It was right before my own father came into the picture.” He growls at the memory. “Why? Did he say something?”

  “No, actually, I don’t think he did.”

  Noah shrugs it off. “I wouldn’t think so. His old man was off the table as far as topics went. At least back in the day. I think they had some sort of falling out just before he bit the big one.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  “It is. Once someone’s gone, that’s it. You don’t get a chance to make amends. You don’t get to see them again—at least on this side.” He leans in and lands a gentle kiss to my lips before backing away slowly. “I’ll be in Ashford tomorrow filling out some last-minute paperwork down at the sheriff’s department. Good luck with the awards ceremony.” He opens the door and steps out, but his gaze still remains pinned on mine. “I’m open tomorrow night if you’re up for it.”

  “I’ll absolutely be up for it,” I assure him.

  Noah breaks out into his signature killer grin. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  The door clicks softly behind him, and I turn slowly in the direction of Everett’s home.

  Noah is wrong. On occasion you do get to see your loved ones again—at least I do. I have a feeling I’ll be seeing a heck of a lot more of Everett’s lookalike phantasm than I ever wanted to.

  One thing is for certain. I’m not letting Everett Baxter out of my sight tomorrow.

  Chapter 2

  Creating a bevy of pumpkin spice everything means running my skeleton crew—mostly on loan from the Honey Pot Diner next door—right down to the weary bone. And since I’ve been baking and moving nonstop for a week solid, I’ve enlisted Everett’s help in getting the goods to the awards venue, which just so happens to be at the Evergreen Manor, an inn right here in Honey Hollow—the only competition to my mother’s B&B.

  “You really need a van, Lemon,” Everett grunts as he lifts the final load of pumpkin pies and pumpkin cheesecakes onto the kitchen counter of the Evergreen. “A refrigerated one at that. It could have saved us three trips at least.”

  I take a moment to glare over at the dearly departed version of him just over his shoulder. I’m still not certain it’s his father—although I’ll go with it for now.

  “A van costs money, and the bakery is just clearing the black each month. I’d have to save for at least a year. Unless, of course—”

  A wicked grin blooms over his face. It’s so rare I can’t help but shed a smile myself, but by the time my lips curve in the right direction, his has evaporated.

  “I know all about the contest in Ashford.” He pats his hands together as we finish up the delivery. Everett looks dapper in a dark inky suit and burnt orange silk tie, a pumpkin-themed hue if ever there was one. “Noah told me about it. Are you entering?”

  “So, the two of you talk about me when I’m not around?” I give a cheeky wink. “Yes, I’m entering. And the grand prize, as I’m sure you’re well aware, is a cargo van equipped with refrigeration. A woman by the name of Crystal Mandrake wins just about every year. She owns a bakery called A Cake Above down in Ashford.” I make a face at the thought. I’ve met Crystal before, and she’s the queen of baking mean. “It’s being held just a few days before Thanksgiving, and I know I’ll be swamped, but I’m going to do it anyway.”

  “You bet you’re going to do it. Even if I have to man that bakery myself. You really need a van. I wouldn’t worry about Crystal Mandrake. I’m pretty sure you have it in the bag. Besides, were you really going to move all this food on your own? It would have taken three trips. Not to mention, cheesecake is heavy.”

  “Tell me about it.” I iron out the front of my electric blue dress with my hands, and Everett gives an approving nod.

  “You look good tonight, Lemon.”

  My eyes meet with his, and I can’t help but note there’s a sadness veiled in his gaze.

  The spook behind him attempts to dip a finger into a pumpkin swirl cheesecake, and a breath hitches in my throat.

  “Watch what you’re doing,” I hiss a little too curt, and Everett turns around to follow my gaze.

  “I mean you.” I spin him back my way, my fingers inadvertently digging into his steely muscles. Everett is so fit you’d think he lifted buildings each morning before he ran off to the courthouse.

  “Whoa.” He turns his head just enough as if he suspects something. “You’re not looking at someone’s long-lost pet, are you? And by lost, I mean dead.”

  “No.” I shake my head up at this frightfully handsome devil before me who just so happens to have a frightfully handsome doppelgänger following him wherever he goes. It’s a terrifying thing, really. And I’m not quite sure how Everett would feel about it. My guess is, not good.

  Everett frowns down at me. “Lemon, you called me to your place last night at ten o’clock asking if I’d brush your cat’s hair.”

  I choke in response, unsure of which direction to take this. “Can you blame me? He’s a long-haired cat. And look at you”—I motion up at those luscious black locks—“you are clearly good at men’s hair.”

  “For a second, I thought you might be hitting on me.” No smile. “But then you kept looking over my shoulder like you are now.” He turns and gives a curt nod as if acknowledging the spectral between us. “And I think I recall a rather deranged yet hauntingly truthful conversation we had a few weeks back.” His gaze softens as he looks to me. “Lemon, give it to me straight. What do you see? A cat, a dog? My mother ran a bona fide zoo. It could be anything.”

  My mouth opens, and just as I’m about to lob a big, fat, furry lie his way, Collette Jenner bounds in wearing a skin-tight red dress with ruching up and down the sides as if she stole the lining right out of a casket.

  “Here you are,” she trills while inspecting Everett as if he were a side of juicy beef before turning to me and smacking her lips with disgust. “Lottie, you wouldn’t happen to have something for a headache, would you? I feel a humdinger coming on, and I’d rather die than throb with a migraine tonight.”

  “No, I don’t. Sorry. I tend to travel with just my keys and wallet during deliveries. If I can’t keep it in my pockets, I can’t keep track of it. And after I lost the first three purses—”

  “Okay, okay!” Her voice hikes to obnoxious decibels. “I asked for an aspirin, not a soliloquy.” She turns to Everett. “I have very important people to introduce you to. Come, come.” She snaps him up by the hand, and he does the same to me.

  “You’re coming for the ride, Lemon.”

  “I can’t go out there.” I free my hand from his. “I’m a part of the catering staff. I wasn’t invited to the event.”

  “I’m inviting you.”

  Collette huffs my way. Her crimson hair is pulled back into a bun, and her makeup looks flawless with matching red lipstick. An entire stratum of granite colors is dusted over her eyelids.

  “Be out there in five, Essex,” she hisses at him before whirling right back out of the kitchen.

  Essex. It seems all of Everett’s exes have a propensity of calling him by his proper moniker, but since he prefers to go by Everett, I do as I’m told. I tend to follow orders—except when Noah and a dead body are involved, but that’s another story.

  “Go on, Everett. Get out there. You’re acting as if you’re afraid of Collette.” I can’t help but wrinkle my nose. Everyone in Honey Hollow is a little afraid of Collette.

  He scowls at the thought. “I promise you I’m nowhere near afraid of that woman. I think she’s seeing someone here, and she’s brought me along to make him jealous. I don’t like feeling as if I’m being manipulated.”

  “Manipulated? Or has your ego imploded?”

  Everett growls as he takes ahold of my hand.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m about to introduce my date to th
e PR crowd on the other side of this wall.”

  “I’m your date?” Horror jolts through me at the thought. “Noah is not going to like this one bit.”

  “He won’t mind,” he says, breezing us out into the cool air of the dining hall where people move about, mingling and snapping up champagne glasses as if they were a requirement for survival. And on a night like this, they just might be. Jazz music plays softly from the speakers. The entire Evergreen Manor is decorated with fall leaves of every citrine color, pumpkins and wreathes made of cranberries. Across the room, I spot Naomi, Keelie’s twin sister—but with that long black hair and sinister look on her face, you would never know they were related at all. Naomi runs the Evergreen Manor, so I knew on an intrinsic level that the run-in was inevitable.

  Everett leans in. “He can consider it payback. There was once a girl he borrowed from me. Only he wasn’t as kind enough to return her.”

  Before I can ask all of the appropriate questions, we’re standing in a circle with Collette and her glamorous co-workers while she gets to the punch line and the crowd breaks out into laughter.

  “Essex!” Her face lights up at the sight of him and then falls just as fast once she sees he’s holding my hand. “I’d like for you to meet my boss, Mr. Brad Rutherford.” She motions to an older gentleman, handsome in a generic way, salt and pepper hair, dark serious eyes. He scans Everett as if he were a piece of furniture.

  Mr. Rutherford offers Everett a nod of approval. “Nice to finally meet you. I was beginning to think you were the invisible man.”

  Another round of chortles circles the crowd as Collette’s face turns hot pink with embarrassment.

  “Of course, he’s real, Brad. Why would I make up a big hunk of love like Essex?” She giggles at a stalky blonde, her hair too is in a chignon, an unflattering wrap dress peeling open at the leg. “Essex, this is Jenna Hatfield, my co-worker at the firm. She’s my one true friend.” She glances back to the girl. “But too bad for you, because Judge Baxter is one toy I’m not sharing. He’s mine, all mine!”

  More chortling ensues, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. Little do these poor souls realize there’s no actual toying around occurring between the two of them.


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