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From Fat to Thin Thinking

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by Rita Black

  Table of Contents

  What Readers are Saying

  PREFACE The Light Of Thin Thinking

  INTRODUCTION It Begins with a Shift


  CHAPTER 1 WELCOME Free Yourself from the Weight Struggle

  THE ORIENTATION: Weight Struggle

  CHAPTER 2 WHY AM I STILL STRUGGLING? The Conscious Versus The Subconscious Mind

  CHAPTER 3 IF IT’S MONDAY, I MUST BE ON A DIET The Truth About Willpower




  CHAPTER 7 YOU BLEW IT, SO SCREW IT! The Inner Critic And The Inner Rebel


  THE ORIENTATION: Weight Mastery

  CHAPTER 9 THE DARKEST HOUR IS JUST BEFORE THE “DUH!” Deciding To Start The Weight Mastery Journey


  CHAPTER 11 WHO I AM TO BE I AM ALREADY BECOMING Introducing The Nine Skills Of Weight Mastery

  CHAPTER 12 FROM FAT TO THIN THINKING The Weight Mastery Journey

  CHAPTER 13 IT’S YOUR TURN Start Your Shift Weight Mastery Process


  THE SHIFT Start The Journey


  CHAPTER 15 FORGIVE YOURSELF Begin With An Open Heart And Mind



  CHAPTER 18 100 PERCENT BELIEF Move Forward With Confidence

  CHAPTER 19 HYPNOSIS SESSION #1 Start The Journey Hypnosis

  THE SHIFT Creating The Connection To Your Inner Coach



  THE SHIFT The Nine Skills Of Weight Mastery

  CHAPTER 22 THE NINE SKILLS Tools For Weight Release Success

  CHAPTER 23 THE FIRST LEVEL The Three Weight Skills

  CHAPTER 24 WEIGHT MASTERY SKILL 1 Living Your Life Within Your Calorie Budget For Weight Release And Maintenance

  CHAPTER 25 WEIGHT MASTERY SKILL 2 Building A Consistent Relationship With Exercise

  CHAPTER 26 WEIGHT MASTERY SKILL 3 Creating A Masterful Relationship With Food

  CHAPTER 27 THE SECOND LEVEL The Three Environment Skills



  CHAPTER 30 WEIGHT MASTERY SKILL 6 Creating And Maintaining Your Weight Mastery Support Team

  CHAPTER 31 THE THIRD LEVEL The Three Mind Skills

  CHAPTER 32 WEIGHT MASTERY SKILL 7 Communicating With Your Inner Coach

  CHAPTER 33 WEIGHT MASTERY SKILL 8 Managing Your Inner Critic

  CHAPTER 34 WEIGHT MASTERY SKILL 9 Managing Your Inner Rebel

  CHAPTER 35 HYPNOSIS SESSION Your Weight Mastery Hypnosis Session


  CHAPTER 36 INTRODUCTION The Power Of Practice

  CHAPTER 37 DAY 0 Setting Up For Success

  From Fat To Thin Thinking Glossary Of Terms



  About The Author

  Online Resource Center

  What Readers are Saying

  I have to admit that I wasn’t sure a book that led you through a process dealing with weight loss and hypnosis would work. I was wrong. From Fat to Thin Thinking is well written and the information is laid out to comfort your conscious mind allowing the subconscious the freedom to hold onto the hypnosis. I was pleasantly surprised at the overall process and the proof being in the pudding I released 14 pounds in 5 weeks and am still on my course for more. Life is good as a “Weight Master”.

  — Tim C. (Released 14 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  From Fat to Thin Thinking contains the recipe for a totally new approach to weight loss. Rather than offering a “diet” to be slavishly adhered to, it teaches you to recognize the bad habits and old attitudes that have kept you stuck in the weight-loss struggle. You will learn to create a healthy dialog with yourself about food choices; to distinguish true hunger from anger, anxiety, or depression; to eat more protein to curb your cravings for sweet or salty treats; and to nurture yourself as you keep choosing to be the powerful, successful human being you have dreamed of being.

  — Roberta G. (Released 9 pounds during the 30-day From Fat to Thin Thinking process)

  I just finished with the 30 days of the From Fat to Thin Thinking process and I feel AMAZING. I feel like going thru this process has literally reset the computer in my brain around everything I thought I knew about weight loss, counting calories and weight maintenance. I have released almost 6 pounds and feel my eating is under masterful control. It feels as if a cloud of haziness has been lifted around the secret to eating right and if I just keep applying what I’ve learned from here on out, I will continue to become a weight master. I have thoroughly enjoyed the learning process and it couldn’t have been made easier. Follow along in the book, do the guided meditations and you can do it too! Thank you, Rita, so much, for creating this opportunity for so many of us who as I put it, were lost but now are found!

  — Cheri J. (released 5.5 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  I was able to release 11 pounds easily using the structure provided by hypnosis and thin thinking. I have used hypnosis with Rita for other major life changes so I was confident that it would be powerful for weight loss. I was not disappointed! I book was powerful and set me up perfectly for the 30-day process.

  — Kristen L. (Released 11 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  The missing link! Loved this book! I read From Fat to Thin Thinking and found it to be a fresh and smart way to approach reaching my weight goals. I have read many diet books over the years, however this not a diet book. This book is personal training for your brain. Fascinating, science-based and effective!

  — Leslie B. (Released 6 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  Reading From Fat to Thin Thinking was uplifting and allowed me to see life from another worldview. It’s not about cutting food out of your life; it’s about knowing how to eat the right amount for your body. That’s all there is to it…Moreover, it’s how you treat yourself. Often times we are our worst critic and Rita gives you the tools to love, appreciate, and forgive yourself. This book is probably the only book out there that makes complete sense! It’s real, it works, and it’s proven. I’ve released a total of 42 lbs. with Rita Black’s Shift Weight Mastery Process and now this book From Fat to Thin Thinking and I am still releasing. If you want to make a change in your life and you’re ready to put aside those fad diets, it’s time for you to invest in From Fat to Thin Thinking.

  — Adam A. (Released 42 pounds with Shift Weight Mastery and has kept it off for 3 years)

  Rita Black’s Shift Weight Mastery Process has been a compelling force in my life over the last 5 years. It not only has given me control over food, but confidence in my approach to other obstacles. I’m nicer to myself, avoiding self-criticism, and maintaining a positive attitude with myself and others. I’m simply a happier person. All the tools that have helped me are right there in the book From Fat to Thin Think
ing and the 30 day-online coaching and hypnosis sessions.

  — Maureen B. (Released 37 pounds and has kept it off for 5 years)

  I made a decision on page 67 of From Fat to Thin Thinking to change the way I thought about myself and my struggle with food. As I continued reading it became easier and easier. This book helped me “reframe” all my struggles as part of my success story! (p. 124) My success has only just begun. I have released 22 pounds since I started with the book and the process, and I feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally.

  — William H. (Released 22 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  Rita is relatable as you read From Fat to Thin Thinking. You feel like you are chatting with a friend, who can share her journey, and you make connections how it applies to your own journey with food. She makes the process of connecting with the inner voices in your head, to become the coach within yourself. I’ve often thought “if only I was rich enough to have a coach with me daily, and to make my food for me, I could achieve my goal weight. Rita helped me to find that inner coach, and to shift to making better choices. I work in a place with an abundance of free food everywhere. During the 30-day process, I would walk by the snack shelves and tap into that inner coach, to think about my vision and where I wanted to be, and I would consciously choose to walk past. At, the end of the 30 days, I walked past the snacks with greater ease, not even wanting the snacks. I highly recommend “From Fat to Thin Thinking” to anyone who believes they have to struggle with food. And, while Rita’s book feels like a girlfriend guiding you, she has based her methodology on a scientific methodology of neuroplasticity — scientific research that emerged in the 1980s.”

  — Bev A. (Released 6 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  From Fat to Thin Thinking is a great book and program. I’ve never seen such a positive take on looking at our whole life as a weight loss journey and not beating yourself up for past transgressions. Also, I love the anecdotes Rita chose to put into words what everyone who’s struggled with weight has gone through and more importantly Rita has gone through. Rita’s first-hand struggle with weight makes this book feel truthful and that if Rita could do it, so could you.

  — Al H. (Released 13 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day program)

  As a veteran Shifter, I found the From Fat to Thin Thinking extremely valuable to me to re-enforce the Shift skills and principles as well as help acquaint me with new approaches and insights. I found the meditations invaluable in looking inward to discover my strength and resolve. The author, Rita Black shares her wealth of experience, knowledge and research throughout the book and fully explains the science of weight release that takes away any notion of magic or luck. Follow the rules of science in weight release and it works! I found this and the concept that I was releasing weight for the last time and permanently invaluable for my moral. The book is also full of numerous clear examples of how all this science works with charts tables and real-life examples from her life and that of her clients which makes applying it to your own life much easier and understandable. If you’ve tried everything else and are looking to finally release extra weight and keep it off permanently, this is the program to look into and the book to have by your side in your journey to permanent weight release.

  — Jan S. (Released 30+ pounds with Shift Weight Mastery and has kept it off over 10 years)

  The book has helped me recognize that there’s a rebel, a critic and a coach. I don’t have to be perfect but continue in the journey; forgive myself; practice” without the fear of scheme or failure; have a loving relationship with the scale; the science behind releasing weight

  — Albina A. (Released 8 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  This book changed my relationship with food and weight loss programs. I was able to manage 30 days of this program with life changing skills. I’ve released 5.4 and feel amazing. I learned how to manage my stressful days as well as keep myself honest with daily food tracking. I’m looking forward to continuing the journey to master my weight release and hit my goal.

  — Jessica M. (Released 5.4 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  I found the book From Fat to Thin Thinking a very informative and effective new approach to releasing weight. It leads you thru the program on a ladder of steps that flows from one idea to the next. It is easy reading and does not require constant visits to a dictionary. I feel it will be an immense help to me in my efforts to become healthier and more active.

  — Herbert L. (Released 9 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  From Fat to Thin Thinking was a great read that helped me change the way I think about food, my body, and my abilities. I really appreciated the personal anecdotes by Rita throughout the book because it helped give me perspective. Overall, the book filled me with a sense of hope and clarity about how to eat and treat my body and how to treat myself. Labeling and understanding who my inner coach, rebel, and critic were made me better suited to respond to any type of thought I might have. I love that I am in more control and that it feels like an actual “Shift” in thinking and not just a temporary, unsustainable diet.

  — Cynthia C. (released 2 pounds during From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  From Fat to Thin Thinking is interesting and easy to read. I really enjoyed the and the meditation and the hypnosis. I lost 10.5 lbs., I really feel proud about that. I have a lot more to go but I just feel maybe for the first time that I know I can do it. It’s like a light bulb came on and I see the way thru. I don’t like the way I feel after I eat junk food so it makes it easier to eat healthier food. I don’t feel stressed out thinking I can’t eat certain things, if I plan ahead I can have a treat, but it’s Weird, I really don’t want it, I love that. I can’t think you enough for everything you have done for all of us Rita, you’re like our angel.

  — Cindy L. (Released 10.5 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  This is a program that works (and I am proof of this as a long time Shifter) because it is based on researched skills of weight releasers, it makes sense, it has hypnosis to make it easier and it is designed by a dynamic person who supports you daily in the program. Also, the book is well written, makes sense and is enlightening. The many facets of the program give you the tools and motivation to work and release weight.

  — Evelyn N. (Released 30 pounds 10 years ago with the Shift Weight Mastery Process and has kept if off 10 years-released an additional 7 pounds during the book process—now at lighter ideal weight)

  For the first time in more years than I care to mention I am feeling empowered calm and equipped with the knowledge to continue on my mastery journey. Rita has been able to tap into the psyche of an apprentice and mindfully help to guide you towards mastery.

  — Valezra E. (Released 11 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  I feel great now and I am looking forward to releasing more weight in the coming months. I feel that this is just the start of a transformation that is taking place in my day to day life.

  — Chip C. (Released 11 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  I now and feeling confident and strong in my journey to my healthy weight. In the past, I’ve always felt anxious and overwhelmed about reaching my goal weight. Through this process, I have totally done a 360 in the way I am approaching my health and weight release. Reading the book and working through the writing exercises were so helpful. Finally, I was able to go below the tip of the iceberg and gently and lovingly reach issues below the surface that have kept me struggling. The 30-day process gently nudged me to take care of myself and slow down. By setting my goal and focus to 1 pounds a week, I lost the anxious feeling. My whole focus has changed to learning on what my body needs to release weight and feel well. I truly have become an apprentice an
d I really am enjoying it! I really look forward to reading the daily coaching and also love the meditations.

  — Nancy G. (Released 7.5 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  From Fat to Thin Thinking has been a tremendous hands-on and comprehensive guide and tool into changing my mind set from the struggle of weight ups and downs…. it has allowed me the power to tap into my Inner Coach and take control of my eating and my life…. giving me peace and freedom from the weight struggle. It is a logical and in-depth process with daily guided hypnosis and encouraging words from Rita. Thank you, Rita!

  — Michelle N. (Released 9 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  This is a wonderful program and I would recommend that everyone starts a Shift! I saw my confidence grow and the strength of my inner coach knew no bounds! My daily life became so much more satisfying and this further proved that I was in charge of my food habits and I was good at managing them (as well as my exercise). It is part of your day and it fits in well while not overwhelming you. You are set for success from the first page of the book. And you will always feel supported.

  — Kate T. (Released 8 pounds during the From Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process)

  The answer to my lifelong struggle with my weight! Shift, is EXACTLY what I needed to help me get past thinking that losing weight was something that I just wasn’t capable of doing! It’s all here between the book covers. Read it, go through the process and you will master your weight struggles! I never thought I could, either.

  — (Julie K.—down 6 pounds in 30 days with Fat to Thin Thinking 30-day process—released 30 pounds in total and maintaining 2 years)

  From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss is more than a book— it is a hypnosis-based weight loss process that includes:

  1. Audio hypnosis and meditation downloads.

  2. A 30-day email based daily support system with hypnosis, coaching and meditation.

  The hypnosis, meditation and other parts of the process are available at no additional charge on the From Fat to Thin Online Resource Center that goes with the book.


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