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Brie Submits to her Master (After Graduation, #2)

Page 2

by Red Phoenix

  Brie closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down before she continued. “The others suddenly got quiet and let me go—like they knew a line had been crossed. I guess I must have totally freaked out because I remember screaming hysterically and then the next thing I knew, I was standing in the principal’s office.”

  She snorted in disgust. “You know what’s funny? At first, I wasn’t taken seriously. I was forced to pull down my panties in front of both the principal and vice principal to show them my wounds before they believed me. My parents were called and I was rushed to the emergency room for tests.”

  Boa was now leaning forward, engrossed in her tale.

  “I was too young to be worried about AIDS or all the other countless things the needle could have carried. No, you know what I was terrified of?”

  He shook his head.

  “My parents.” She smiled sadly. “It went down just as I feared. My dad quit his job. Mom and I lived in a shelter for over half a year while my dad searched for another one. He eventually found work in Nebraska and that’s where I stayed until I moved out here.”

  Boa’s cock was completely flaccid by the time she finished—her work complete.

  He tilted his head charmingly and surprised her by saying, “Everyone carries scars, Brie. I never forget that, especially when someone is being an ass towards me.”

  Brie nodded, both Ms. Clark and Mary instantly coming to mind. “I think it’s only fair that you share your story, Boa.”

  He looked down at her untouched plate. “I think you should eat first.”

  While Brie was finishing up, Boa’s Mistress walked in. Her eyes went straight to his groin and a sly smile formed on her lips. “Good boy.”

  He stood up and bowed to her. “What is your pleasure, Mistress?”

  “We’re leaving.” When he walked up to her, the Domme caressed his flaccid cock, making it flaccid no more. “Come, pet. I think playtime is in order.”

  They left the room without acknowledging Brie. She smiled to herself, taking a bite of a ripe peach. Brie wiped the juices that rolled down her chin. It made her think of Boa pleasing his Mistress. There was no doubt he was in for a treat, having passed his Mistress’s test.

  Lea and the Subs

  Brie sat alone in the room for a long time. She wondered what Sir was discussing with the trainers. Were they picking the new headmaster? She sighed, a fear nagging her; would there come a time when he resented the path his life had taken the day she knelt at his feet?

  She was grateful for the distraction when she heard a group of girls chattering in the hallway. They stopped at the door just before it swung wide open. All the chattering stopped the moment they saw Brie.

  She smiled self-consciously, feeling embarrassed, until a familiar voice rang out. “Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?”

  Lea broke through the small crowd and rushed at her. She grabbed onto Brie and they jumped around in circles like schoolgirls. Brie couldn’t stop smiling. It seemed like ages since she’d seen Lea, although it had only been a few days.

  “You’re supposed to be pleasing your Master, girl. You have no business being here!”

  “Sir was called in and he asked me to join him.”

  One of the other girls huffed and the group moved as one to the table laden with food. Lea remained with Brie, bursting with numerous questions. “I wonder if Sir has special plans for you afterwards.” She poked Brie in the ribs.

  Brie swatted her away. “As a matter of fact, he does.”

  “Oh God, how is it, Brie? Having a Master… Sir, no less. I can’t even imagine!”

  Suddenly the entire room became silent. Apparently everybody wanted to know. “Sir is…” But she didn’t want to share her experiences with everyone else so she finished by saying, “I’m seriously in love with him, Lea.”

  Her best friend squealed and hugged her again. “Every sub here wishes they were you, you know. Having the headmaster all to yourself… heck, I feel honored just to know you.” Lea got on her knees and went to kiss Brie’s feet.

  Brie backed away, laughing. “Stop!”

  An older-looking sub interrupted their silliness. “I’ll be surprised if it lasts. Sir Davis was simply flattered by your youthful rashness.”

  Lea picked herself up from the floor and chided the woman. “Don’t be like that, Rachael. Brie is one of the finest people I know, period. She and Sir are perfect for each other.” Lea turned to Brie and smiled. “I knew it on that first day when he touched you. I felt the electricity between you, even then.”

  Brie quickly changed the subject, not wanting her love life open for discussion. “So, girl, what the heck are you doing here? I imagined you would take some time off before the new session started.”

  “Heck no! They are running us subbies through the paces. The Center has to make sure the Dominant training is top-notch. I’ve already had practice sessions with Baron and Tono.”

  Brie caught her breath when Lea mentioned Tono’s name. She wanted to ask Lea how he’d seemed, but did not feel comfortable asking in front of the other subs. “Did they put you through the wringer?” she joked lightly.

  “Oh, yeah. Baron teased me mercilessly with the swing. Had to beat me with a flogger to get my pussy to obey.” Lea grinned and whispered, “I kinda cheated.”

  Brie laughed, imagining it in her head. “Did he complain what a difficult student you were?”

  “No. But Master Night, the head trainer for the Dominant class, took me aside afterwards. He was less than amused.”

  One of the other subs broke in. “Lea is always pushing the boundaries.”

  Brie nodded, wrapping her arm around her high-spirited friend. “It’s one of the things I love most about her.”

  Lea knew Brie well enough to know the question she could not ask. “As far as Tono,” she began. Brie tried to hide her interest by picking up and chewing on a stray carrot. “He showed me his style of Kinbaku yesterday. I must say, he is a gentle teacher.”

  Brie looked into her eyes. “Yes, that is true.”

  “I found him a bit preoccupied,” Lea continued, “but overall the experience was quite enjoyable.”

  A curly-haired blonde sub spoke up. “God, when he tells you to breathe with him I just want to die!”

  Brie quickly changed the subject, not wanting to hear about their experiences with Tono. “So Lea, got any plans this weekend?”

  Her face brightened up. “Why? Do you think we can get together? I would love that!”

  “Yeah, I can show you my new crib. Maybe you can help me unpack my stuff.”

  Lea smiled wickedly. “You want me to invite Mary?”

  Brie swatted her on the butt. “I can’t believe you just went there, Lea! I retract my previous invite.”

  Lea pouted. “No… I’m sorry. I want to see your new place. Let me make it up to you. Why did the submissive cross the road?”

  Brie shook her head.

  “To get some hits.”

  “That was pathetic, Lea. You get no brownie points for that one.”

  “Okay, okay. If you are hankering for a spirited spanking, when your Dom tells you to look him in the eye, look at him cross-eyed.”

  Brie couldn’t help it, she giggled at the stupid joke.

  “There! See, I made you laugh. Now you have to let me come and help you unpack.”

  Several of the other subs chuckled in the background. Brie looked at them for sympathy. “Was that really worth a re-invite?”

  Most smiled and voiced their support of Lea, but the oldest sub, the one who had expressed her doubts about Sir’s choice, glared at her.

  Lea jumped in. “There you go. They said yes, so now you have to let me come.”

  Brie was about to answer when the door opened. Sir appeared in the doorway, filling the small space with his commanding presence. Brie instantly jumped to attention, bowing her head.

  His aura filled the room. The silence expanded until Sir asked, “How is the additional tr
aining going, Ms. Taylor?”

  “Great, Sir.”

  “No issues?”

  She hesitated for only a second before answering truthfully, “I do have my areas of weakness, Sir.”

  “As do we all,” he replied generously before asking the group, “How are the rest of you faring?”

  All of the girls answered at once, making it impossible to understand them. He chuckled lightly. “I see… I expect that each of you is putting forth your best effort.”

  Sir addressed Brie last. “Come, téa. I have something special for you.”

  She loved that he called her by his pet name in front of the others. It emphasized her new status. Brie shivered in pleasure when he placed his hand on the small of her back. “Good evening, ladies,” he stated as he led Brie out of the room. She felt the jealous glares as she left, but she didn’t mind—not one bit.

  “Did you enjoy your time with the other subs, téa?”

  She looked up at him and smiled. “It was good to see Lea, Master. I’ve missed her.”

  He chuckled. “You two are unusually close. It was pleasant to watch as you were training. I appreciated when you brought Mary into the fold.”

  Brie snorted in disgust.

  “Do not be so quick to dismiss her,” Sir stated as they walked down the hallway.

  Brie tried to hide her resentment. “I will try not to, Master.”

  “Téa, try is not what I am asking from you.”

  She realized what he was demanding of her and reformed her answer. “I will do my best, Master.”

  He smiled down at her. “See that you do.”

  Brie pressed her cheek against his muscular arm, grateful that he challenged her to think beyond herself. “Master?”


  “Would it be agreeable if Lea helped me unpack this weekend?”

  He chuckled at the request. “I suspect the apartment will be filled with laughter. Yes, I find that agreeable.”

  “Thank you, Master.” Brie squeezed his arm.

  “Unfortunately, I have some unpleasant news, téa. Tonight I learned that Celestia, Marquis’ sub, suffered a burst appendix while visiting her parents in Seattle. Marquis Gray has traveled to attend to her.”

  “Is she okay?” Brie hated to think of anything bad happening to the kind-hearted woman. Celestia had been with her the night of graduation and had proven to be quite a comfort during Mary’s betrayal.

  “She underwent emergency surgery and, from what I was told, she is recovering well. We will visit and provide a meal on their return.”

  She noticed that he was leading her towards the kitchen area and her heart sank. The last thing she wanted was another cooking lesson.

  Brie glanced up and saw a playful smirk on his lips. She dutifully slowed down as they approached the dreaded room forty-two, but Sir walked past it. So cooking was not on the schedule for the night!

  “Normally, non-trainers are not allowed back here. However, while the classes are on hiatus, and in honor of my service, the staff has graciously offered me free run of the lower level.”

  There were still rooms Brie had yet to explore. Her heart raced faster the further down the hall they went. What was waiting for her behind those closed doors? Which one would it be?

  Sir finally stopped at the end of the hall: They couldn’t be any farther from the others—no one would hear her screams.

  “Tonight’s training begins.”

  As he opened the door, the butterflies began. What did Sir have planned for her this time?

  The opposite side of the room was covered in mirrors. In the center was a small table and an apparatus that looked like a padded balance beam with a wooden pole attached to the head of it vertically.

  “My own invention. It allows the sub control over the scene even when gagged. It also requires complete focus. Excellent for building a sub’s endurance.”

  Brie stared at it, her eyes growing wider with each passing second.

  Sir laughed warmly. “I am not planning to torture you. Where’s the trust, my little sub?”

  She glanced up at Sir apologetically. “Momentary lapse of reason, Master. I trust you completely.”

  He turned from her and muttered, “Maybe you shouldn’t.”

  Her mouth fell open. Was he teasing her?

  As Sir walked towards a cabinet in the far corner he instructed, “Undress completely and lie on your back. I want you to hold onto the pole with both hands.”

  Brie’s whole body was trembling as she undid her corset and slipped out of her garter and hose. Sir already had her tense with anticipation. With his limitless experience, anything was possible tonight.

  She gingerly lay down on the beam that looked to be about eight inches wide. Sir was right, she had to concentrate to balance her body on it. Brie bent her knees and placed her feet together to keep her balance. She then lifted her hands over her head too fast and nearly fell off the beam. She stopped to regain her composure before gripping the pole tightly with both hands.

  Sir returned to her with a metal box in one hand and several items in the other. He looked down at her and smiled. “You must maintain your balance the entire time, téa. No matter what I do to you.”

  She nodded, looking up at him apprehensively, but unable to hide the excitement he inspired.

  He put down the items on the table and proceeded to run his fingers over the length of her. Brie bit her lip, her skin tingling with the intensity of his touch, her nipples already painfully erect with need. He slipped his fingers between her legs. “As I expected. You enjoy the prospect of the unknown.”

  Sir picked up a piece of cloth. “Let’s add to the experience. Lift your head and open your mouth.” He quickly placed the cloth in her mouth and tied it. There was an added sense of vulnerability in not being able to speak.

  “If I do anything you cannot handle, let go of the pole. The instant you do I will stop. Do you understand?”

  She nodded with lustful eyes, watching his every move.

  “Instead of a blindfold, I have something more romantic.” He opened the white box and pulled out a huge red rose. He lifted it to his nose and smelled it, smiling at her. Then he put it under her nose and she breathed in its sweetness. He rubbed the soft petals against each nipple, then crushed the flower in his hand. “Close your eyes.”

  Brie did as he asked and felt the cold, velvet petals fall on her eyelids.

  “A slight turn of your head and they will fall away. You are in complete control of this session, even though you are figuratively blind and bound.”

  Brie’s chest was rising and falling rapidly. He hadn’t even started yet and she was a delicious mess.

  She heard him unsnap the lock on the metal box. He began riffling through, chuckling softly to himself. She heard him lay several items on the table, then shut the case.

  “The human brain is a hotbed of imagination, capable of taking a simple stimulus and magnifying it many times greater than it is. I am going to leave you here, téa. Let your mind run wild.”

  She whimpered when she heard him walk away.

  “This is my gift to you,” he said before shutting the door.

  Brie lay there on the thin length of wood smiling to herself. Sir certainly knew how to play her. Would he watch her from a camera, or had he rejoined the others while she contemplated what he would do?

  Brie felt the tension of her stomach muscles as she remained stagnant on the balance beam. Luckily for her, the temperature of this room was pleasant and did not distract.

  She imagined what he had placed on the table beside her. Was one of the items a Wartenberg wheel? Her skin instantly developed goosebumps at the mere thought. Could it be a variety of colored waxes? Brie’s nipples ached at the thought of the hot wax rolling down them. Maybe he was planning something more intense. Were there clothespins or possibly nipple clamps on that table?

  Would he do something she’d experienced before? Probably not…

  When she heard h
im standing outside the door she held her breath, not wanting to lose her balance in the yearning he caused.

  His Electric Touch

  Sir entered the room quietly. She heard his footsteps as he walked to the far corner of the room. She silently questioned what he was doing until he volunteered the answer. “I do not care to have our private affairs recorded.” So he was blinding the camera. It made the encounter seem much more personal, but also a little dangerous.

  The distinct sound of his dress shoes as he approached made the butterflies in her stomach swarm. “Are you ready to begin, téa?”

  Brie nodded slightly, so she did not displace the petals.

  She heard him pick up something from the table and then buzzing filled the room.

  The violet wand…

  Brie wobbled on the beam as he drew near her. “We begin on the lowest setting.” She felt the contact of the smooth glass as the sound of static filled the air and tiny electrical bursts tickled her stomach.

  She giggled into her gag, loving the feel of it. Sir moved it over her body, letting every area of her skin feel the stimulating effects of the device from her shoulders to her toes.

  No wonder Lea likes it so much!

  He disengaged for a moment and she heard the frequency of the wand increase. She whimpered, inadvertently jumping when it sparked against her skin. She had to quickly right herself or risk falling off as Sir glided it under the crease of her breasts before lightly touching the tips of her nipples. The current was still light enough to be tingling and she moaned into her gag, a gush of wetness flowing between her legs.

  Sir slowly lifted her right leg and brushed the sole of her foot. Her pussy contracted in pleasure. With careful precision he lifted her other leg, holding her so that she did not fall as he caressed the sole of her left foot with the wand. She squealed into the gag when he slowly moved up her leg towards her mound. He brushed it lightly, a feeling of fizzy bubbles lingering after the pass.


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