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Rescuing Rebecca

Page 17

by Serena James

  Connor had forced her into a false world of love as he watched her day and night. When she tried to evade his advances, he would turn violent. One night he even put a gun to her head. Every night had been a torturous violent lie as he’d taunted her with killing Dominic if she didn’t obey. But to save Dominic’s life she would do anything, including lie to him now.

  Dominic smoothed one of his hands along her cheek. He answered her, “You went somewhere. Were you remembering something?”

  It was starting to rain. She felt the fresh drops on her face, cooling her hot brow. She lied, “I was lost remembering Jed’s murder again.”

  Connor asked, “No new memories then?”

  “No. I can’t seem to get anything else... I...” She trailed off, running a hand over her throat, remembering Tom’s hand being there. “What about Tom?”

  Kane’s eyes turned hard, icy. They made her shiver. “He’s lucky he is still alive. How are you feeling? Let me have a look at your throat? Did he say anything to you?”

  Her voice sounded hoarse when she told them everything Tom had said.

  Dominic shot a look at Connor. “No wonder he went off it. This is looking like a well-organised conspiracy. I can’t believe they are holding his family hostage. Shit. This is more than a bunch of irate doctors determined to stop you spoiling their money spinner. Rebecca, you’ve got somebody important, with a hell of a lot to lose, very frightened. Tom should have come to me. Damn it.” Dominic’s voice turned fierce. “I’ll kill him if he so much as looks at you again Rebecca.” She believed him. She never doubted him. He was a man of his word and he never hesitated.

  “I want you to stay here out of his way Rebecca. We are going to have trouble controlling him. Don’t leave my side or Connors if I can’t be there. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, okay. I’ll do as I’m told.” She looked at Connors sympathetic face with suspicion.

  She felt Dominic tilt her head back and caress his fingers over her sore throat. He gently pressed, causing a small groan of pain to escape from her lips as he examined every inch. Connor had the nerve to look concerned.

  Dominic’s tone was soft when he spoke again. “Shhhh, It’s all right. I just needed to make sure. You’re throat is so red and bruised. Rebecca, I don’t know how much more you can take.” He was supporting the back of her head. There was worry in his eyes for her. “Lie back. Try and get some rest. We start early in the morning. They may be waiting for us outside the forest tomorrow. We need to be alert.”

  Connor piped up. “What the hell are we going to do about Tom?”

  Dominic jumped on his words. “Keep a gun to his head and shoot him if he moves.”

  “I secured his hands with my tie. That’s not going to hold him for long. When he wakes up, he’s going to come after her again.”

  Rebecca shuddered and backed further against the tree. Dominic picked up her anxiety instantly. He rubbed her arm and told her in that quiet firm voice of his that told it straight, “Look at me Rebecca. If he does, I will kill him.”

  She stared at him and then nodded. Connor was agreeing with him. “I know he’s your friend, Dominic but he’s stepped over the line. If you don’t kill him, I will.”

  Kane glanced over at Tom’s prostrate form. He told Connor, “Drag him over there and keep your weapon trained on him. Get Charles to help you. He’s handy with blunt objects. Get him to hit Tom again if he tries anything. I will settle Rebecca.”

  Connor didn’t take the last part of Dominic’s order well. “You don’t give up do you?”

  “No. Why the hell should I?”

  Rebecca tried to keep them calm. “Look I’m fine. I need some space and some rest. I can look after myself.”

  Kane was standing his ground. He was immoveable, stubborn as hell when he made his mind up about something. They were like a couple of schoolboys fighting over their favourite toy. She didn’t want to chastise Connor so she said glibly, “Okay, suit yourself. I am going to try and get some sleep before someone else decides to try and kill me.”

  Silence. Good. She slid down the tree and turned her back on them. She heard Kane sit down in front of her. Connor swore and moved off towards Tom. Rebecca closed her eyes. She had no intention of sleeping. She had to fight off all of the cruel memories flooding her mind. She sobbed silently to herself, resisting the urge to reach out for Dominic and the comfort he would have readily given her. She knew he could defend himself with Connor more than adequately. But even she knew they would need Connors help if they encountered more trouble tomorrow. It was best to keep silent. Tomorrow when they got on the plane - she would tell Dominic everything.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rebecca felt a gentle tug on her arm. She blinked awake. Every muscle in her body ached. Her side throbbed and her broken ribs and bruises reminded her they were still there when she moved and took a breath. Her throat felt heavy and sore both on the inside and the out. She put her hand to it and slowly began to sit up. At least she didn’t feel as hot as she had last night. The air was cool, the sunlight fresh but weak. Its rays were gentle through the trees giving her surroundings a misty, dewy glow. The waterfall sounded soothing and peaceful.

  Connors face came into view as she sat back against the tree. She tried not to flinch when he touched her face and asked how she was feeling? He sounded so concerned. Bastard. Where’s Dominic? She answered him with a docile “yes” and looked for Dominic. He was standing by the smoking remains of the fire, near the water’s edge. He was next to Tom. He was reloading his handgun with the Uzi slung casually over his shoulder.

  Dominic was a tall powerful silhouette against the forest backdrop. He still gave the appearance of looking immaculate in his suit despite everything that had happened to them. There was an extra layer of stubble around his jaw that she decided lent credence to his nickname. It only served to make him more attractive.

  She watched him suddenly become aware she was watching him. She found herself holding her breath as he turned towards her. He gave her a steely blue gaze that sent a pleasurable shiver up her spine. It was angry, jealous, possessive, almost primeval. It was intoxicating, sexy, and very caveman. It made her feel loved. His eyes flicked to Connor then back to her. They narrowed.

  The last time she’d seen that look was in Afghanistan when she’d told him she was going out on an operation with Major Greer. He hadn’t taken that well. He’d been jealous. But it was his own fault. After they began a relationship and she’d suffered anguish over killing one of the enemy, he’d become a little over protective. It wasn’t good for the programme. There’d been an argument that she’d made sure ended in bed. She’d wanted him to know that she didn’t want anyone else – it was just her job. Although, he’d been right about the danger that time. He was rarely ever wrong where she was concerned. He looked away. She felt hurt.

  Connor offered her the flask of water and she drank from it to ease the dryness of her sore throat. He was studying her closely, too closely.

  He said, “There’s something different about you this morning. A different look in your eyes. The way you looked at Kane, There’s something more. It’s as though today you recognised him.” He rubbed his jaw. His expression was thoughtful. It made her nervous. She stared at him. “I think you’ve got your memory back,” he told her.

  She made sure she spoke quietly. Made sure that a slightly vacant expression returned to her face. “No. Sometimes I think I might. I remember certain things and then they go again.” She took another swig of the water. Connor started to laugh.

  He leaned in close to her face, snatching the flask from her, “Don’t play coy with me Rebecca. It might turn him on but I know you too well. You remember. I can see it in your eyes.” He sneered at her, “Welcome back lover. I missed you.” He lunged for her mouth and kissed her forcibly. She tried to push him off disgusted. He persisted and she cried out against his lips when she felt something hard jar against her bruised broken ribs.

  “Act like you
enjoy it lover. He’s watching.”

  She felt him dig his handgun against her flesh as he pushed his way inside her mouth. The pain brought tears to her eyes. His free hand swept around the side of her face and held her tight against him. She resisted but the gun was jabbed in hard once more. She squealed against Connors lips.

  Her fists pushed at his chest, trying to hold him back as he lifted from her lips to talk. “Remember, I will kill him if you step out of line. But I am going to kill him anyway when we get out of here. I am fed up with his pathetic attempts to win you back. And before he dies he is going to realise that you are mine. When he’s gone, you’ll understand that we are meant to be together.”

  “Go to hell. Like I said in Afghanistan, you have a problem. I protected you Connor. If Dominic had found out what you tried to do to me, he would have had you court marshalled. I should have told him, he was your commanding officer.”

  Connors face twisted with discomfort and guilt. “I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted you. I love you. Why can’t you see that? You are wasted on him.”

  “You assaulted me Connor. If Major Greer hadn’t come out of the coffee shop and walked our way I would have had you up on a rape charge. You promised me you would get yourself sorted out. Instead you’ve threatened your way into my bed. You kill Dominic and I promise you Connor I will find a way to kill you.”

  She felt Connors fingers weave around her ponytail and cruelly pull it. He brought her to his lips again and kissed her hard. She felt smothered. There was no escape. Then he whispered against her lips, “That’s what I love about you Rebecca. You are so feisty. It’s a real turn on. It makes it just that bit more exciting when I put you back in your place. It’s a challenge to tame you, now act like you are enjoying our kiss or he’s dead.” She felt the gun jab her ribs hard again to emphasise his threat.

  Her eyes were watery. She tried to imagine it was Dominic she was kissing. She remembered their kiss in the hospital and clung on to it. She relaxed her tight jaw and lost herself in the memory. She would do anything to protect Dominic’s life. She felt Connors lips curve into a smile. “Good girl.”

  A voice snapped loud and clear. It made her jump. It was Dominic. His tone was full with reined in anger. “We need to move now if we are going to have a chance of making it to the airfield.” He’d obviously been watching and that was why Connor had pushed it with her. He was enjoying playing with Dominic’s emotions. He was getting his own back.

  Connor grinned as he moved off her. She watched him discreetly move his handgun back inside his suit jacket. He took her arm and helped her up. He said, “We are coming.”

  Dominic’s face was a picture of betrayal and hurt. He would not meet her eyes. He turned from her and forced Tom to stand. Charles was next to him carrying her laptop. He looked like death and appeared to be shaking. Dominic made no attempt to talk to her or come near her. It was as though a sudden barrier had been erected between them.

  Connor wasn’t letting go of her arm. He tugged her close to him. His pace was harsh and fast and it was a painful effort to keep up with him. He grinned and stared at Kane’s back with malice. “I told him that I had proposed to you before you came away and you had accepted. You don’t remember but we are engaged. You should have seen his face. I wanted to laugh.”

  “You’re a stupid bloody child, Connor.” She made a concerted effort to free her arm and succeeded. Before he could grab it again she made her way over to Charles and started to talk to him. Connor let her be but made a gesture at Kane’s back about shooting him. She glared.

  Charles was in a world of his own. The dark rims around his eyes and his constant sniffing told her he still hadn’t kicked his cocaine habit. Anna pushed him too hard. But the idiot loved her. He worshipped at her feet and in her bed. Anna Harker was Charles’s Beaumont’s life and that was the way he wanted it. He’d made that perfectly clear when they had argued about his habit. He took coke to keep up with the fast paced work life he secretly couldn’t hack.

  It seemed a strange relationship to Rebecca. Charles was twenty-seven and Anna was sixty-six. But then she’d told Rebecca that she had always gone for the younger man. She said they were attracted to her. Power and money always attracted them, she’d told Rebecca. But she used them up and discarded them when she’d burned them out. According to Anna they got what they wanted out of her and the relationship. Sex, money and a little bit of her power. They were takers. She merely taught them the price of taking.

  Charles was besotted with Anna. He would do anything to please her and she was toying with him. Rebecca liked Charles and before Anna really got her claws into him he had confessed a wish for them to go out. She’d let him down easy but he had been a little hurt. However, they had remained close friends.

  Rebecca wanted to tell him everything. Tell him about Connors threats and enlist his help. But he was in no state to help her. Connor might decide to kill him. It was safer to keep quiet until she could find a way to warn Dominic. That was if he ever spoke to her again. She knew now that if she even approached Dominic, Connor would be there – ready to kill him.

  She couldn’t raise a conversation from Charles. So she took the laptop from him and hugged it to her chest and walked quietly beside him. She stared with longing at Dominic’s broad shoulders as he led the way, pulling Tom with him. She vowed to find a way to make him safe.

  They walked for an hour undisturbed through the forest. Only the sounds of chattering birds could be heard. It was getting hotter as the day progressed and Rebecca began to feel the impact of walking on her injuries again. Her pace began to slow involuntarily as they approached the edge of the forest. Green fields stretched out before them. There were a couple of houses and what looked like a farm at the end of the first field.

  She had no choice but to stop suddenly. Her side felt wet. She watched the others walk on, not noticing that she had stopped, and turned her back from them. With trembling hands she lifted up the material of her blouse. It was covered in a small amount of blood. Blood was seeping through the bandage over her surgical wound. She wanted to lift it off but she was nervous of what she might find. She felt hot again.

  Putting her anxiety to one side, Rebecca lifted the bandage off a little way. The wound was red and there was some slight swelling. It was obvious that the infection hadn’t yet cleared. She hadn’t had any antibiotic for hours. It would be having an effect. It was going to slow her down. She felt lightheaded. She leaned back against a tree and panted her breath. The pain was exhausting. She was replacing the bandage when she felt a hand touch her arm. She knew it was Dominic without looking up. His touch was tender, caring. He asked her softly, “Are you bleeding?” She looked up at him, urgently grabbed his hand and blurted out a reply. It had nothing to do with her worrying predicament.

  “Don’t trust him. He’s a liar Dominic. He wants to kill you.”

  His blue eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak but Connor came up behind him dragging Tom. “Yes, but I’m fine,” she said, quickly covering. “I will make it. I think one of the stitches may have come out. I don’t know. I’ll be okay. Let’s go, I don’t want to hold everyone up.”

  She made to move off but Dominic caught her arm. He held her eyes to attention. “I understand how you feel, but hang on in there, it isn’t far now. I will get you home. Just trust me. I understand.” She watched him intensify his gaze. She got the meaning of his communication instantly. He knew whom she was talking about and what was going on. He trusted what she had told him. A wave of relief washed over her reducing some of the tension she felt. He removed his hand as Connor took hold of her arm.

  She hugged the laptop closer as Connor started leading her off. “Come on sweetheart. I will help you. You need to tell me when it’s difficult for you. I will help you.” She glanced back at Dominic. He nodded to her with narrowed eyes. She wasn’t alone anymore. She watched him whisper something to Charles who lifted his head in response. A moment later Charles was by her
side. He never left it after that.

  Dominic had made them all stop at the edge of the field. Rebecca watched him take out his semi-automatic and study the field closely. “We stay close to the edge.” He turned to Tom and said coolly, “I want you in front of Rebecca. If anyone does try to take her out. They will hit you first and give me a chance to intervene.”

  Tom replied flatly, “Makes sense. But there is little chance of escape. They will kill her and the rest of you.”

  “You’ll go first. I’ll make sure of that. Who’s at the top of the tree, Tom? Who is providing the finance and the clout to organise this?”

  “We have already talked about that Dominic. I don’t know. I only know the male voice at the end of the telephone that told me he had my family and sent me pictures to my phone to prove it. I can’t help you.” Tom was angry. “When are you going to get it? I had no choice. Doesn’t our friendship mean anything? It was her or my kids. The kids you play football with every Sunday. What would you have done if it was Rebecca?”

  Dominic’s voice was cold and hard. “I am doing it. You should have come to me. You know the rules. If you are being threatened...”

  “I had no choice.”

  “Yeah, you always have a choice. You’ve let me down.”

  Tom pushed against him, spoiling for a fight. It was a futile gesture. His hands were secure and he had no chance of a fair fight. Dominic pushed him over. He lay on the ground breathing hard. “You better watch me Dominic. I am not going to take any risks with my family. You turn your back on me once and I will seize the opportunity to kill her. And this time I won’t fail.”

  Rebecca felt Tom’s eyes rest on her. She was ashamed that her fear made her take a step backwards despite glaring back at him defiantly. Dominic’s temper appeared ready to break. He pulled him up by the lapels of his jacket and got in his face. Rebecca’s heart began to pound. “Try it and you’ll die.”


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