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Rescuing Rebecca

Page 29

by Serena James

  He could see two figures getting out of the car. They both pulled a third out, Rebecca. All three were staggering about dazed, in shock. Rebecca’s small frame wavered and Quayle pulled her up by the arm. He started dragging her across the runway. The second figure belonged to Simon. He took Rebecca’s other arm and pulled her along. Kane could see he was armed with a semi-automatic. He shouted at them to stop and aimed his weapon. Simon turned around and let go of Rebecca’s arm. He aimed his handgun at Kane. He went to fire but Kane was quicker, the man fell dead the second the bullet from Kane’s rifle ripped his skull apart.

  Quayle was still pulling Rebecca. Her feet were dragging along the ground. Quayle wasn’t giving up. He continued to drag Rebecca as the police swooped onto the runway, swiftly rounding up Michael and the other occupants from the cars that had tried to make a break for it. Even the assault team were being pursued as they fled in their van. Two police cars and their sirens screamed past Kane as he followed Quayle. He wanted to take a shot at him but it was too dangerous. The risk of hitting Rebecca instead was too great.

  He ran hard through the snow as it wetted his face. It was so cold his breath was freezing in the air in front of him. But he couldn’t feel it. His blood was pumping fast and furious, providing his muscles with the oxygen they needed to keep up his determined pursuit. He followed them into a building. It was disused, rundown. Quayle was getting desperate. He was running scared. Kane felt frustrated, Quayle had to know that there was no avenue of escape from the building.

  Kane was catching them up. He shouted at Miles to cover the back of the building. There were three floors and he could hear Rebecca’s heels clicking up the bare uncarpeted stairs. Quayle was shouting at her, telling her to get a move on or he would kill her. She was giving him a mouthful back in true Rebecca style. Kane pounded up the stairs after them, Ramsay following closely behind. He shouted at Quayle to stop but he was ignored.

  Quayle took them right to the top of the building and out on to the roof. Kane was worried that he might decide to cut his losses and end it, taking Rebecca with him. Quayle backed away from them on the roof. He swept his arm around Rebecca’s neck. Kane was right, Quayle was panicking. He was frantic and his eyes were wild with it, darting back and forth – looking for some means of escape. He was backing towards the edge, dragging Rebecca with him.

  Kane brought himself to a sudden halt alarmed. He put his hand out indicating that Ramsay should do the same. He skidded to a stop next to Kane. Kane aimed his rifle at Quayle’s head, ready to take him out should he try to pull Rebecca over the edge.

  Quayle tightened his grip on Rebecca’s neck as he dragged her backwards. Kane watched her hands fly up to loosen it. She was so pale, exhausted and clearly in pain from the pace Quayle had forced her to attempt up the stairs. She struggled in his arms. Kane wanted to rush over and wrestle Quayle’s grip from her but he kept his patience.

  Kane could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he started to reason with him. “There’s nowhere to go Quayle. Give it up.”

  Quayle gave a nervous laugh. “There is always a way out.” He was still backing towards the edge. Kane started to follow him, still aiming the rifle. Quayle looked downwards.

  “It’s a long way down Quayle,” Kane told him. “Let Rebecca go and give it up.”

  Quayle laughed again, diverting his attention back and forth between the edge of the roof he had now reached and Kane. “I’m not going to prison. I haven’t got the stomach for it. How about you back off and I won’t kill Rebecca.”

  His heart stopped as Quayle swung Rebecca around and forced her to lean over the edge. He gripped the back of her jacket collar and suspended her there. Kane shouted at him to stop, terrified as he watched her feet fight to keep balance on the edge. Quayle was clearly choking her with the grip on her collar that he pulled back against her throat tight. Her breath gurgled in her throat as she tried to breathe. Her fingers clawed at her throat.

  Kane stopped aiming his rifle aware that Ramsay had his semi-automatic trained on Quayle. He gave Ramsay a glance that told him to lower his weapon. He obeyed instantly. He could see Ramsay’s eyes were wide with horror at Rebecca’s predicament. Kane lowered his rifle to the floor, gesturing with his hands for Quayle to keep calm.

  He controlled his fear and spoke calmly. “Okay, Quayle. Bring Rebecca from the edge and we will talk.”

  “No, you give me a guarantee I can walk out of here. Call off the police with their guns down there.”

  Kane moved to the side and looked over the edge. Sure enough the police had the place surrounded. They were probably running up the stairs at that very moment.

  “I can’t do that. You have to realise there is no way for you to walk free from here. If you let Rebecca fall, they will kill you. Let her go free and I will be able to talk to them and tell how you co-operated. That may count for something.”

  Kane was talking crap to him and he knew it. Quayle laughed again. There was an edge to it this time, a hysteria. Kane grew more worried.

  Rebecca stumbled as her legs buckled with exhaustion. He heard her whimper and watched her look down. He had to move fast. Rebecca started to hit out at Quayle and for a split second he was distracted. Kane lunged for him as he fought to maintain control of Rebecca. But before Kane could reach them Rebecca stumbled again and they both fell over the edge.

  Kane would never forget how loud he screamed her name. He rushed to the edge and found her clinging on to the edge for dear life. Her fingers were fighting to maintain a grip. She was crying out with the effort. Kane reached down and gripped her arm and Ramsay was quickly at his side taking hold of her other arm. It was only then that they realised that Quayle was clinging onto her body and trying to pull himself up over the top of her. Kane heard Rebecca scream as he used her body to pull himself up. Kane knew she couldn’t take Quayle’s weight. He was pulling her apart. Kane desperately clung on to her arm for dear life.

  Quayle ignored Ramsay’s repeated instructions for him to stay still and they would get them both up. He wasn’t having any of it. He tried to pull Rebecca down and Kane realised he had no intention of wanting to be rescued, he just wanted to pull her with him.

  He heard Quayle shout at her. “You’ve ruined everything. I’m not going to prison because of you Rebecca. You are going to die with me, bitch.”

  He gave a sharp yank on Rebecca’s body that made her scream out in excruciating pain. The sound sent a shiver up Kane’s spine. He looked at Ramsay and told him. “Hold them.” He saw Ramsay’s face grimace the moment he let Rebecca’s arm go. She scrabbled around for the edge again. He helped her find it and then quickly took his semi-automatic out of his jacket. He balanced his foot on the edge and aimed it down at Quayle and wasted no time in shooting him twice. For a split second Quayle fought to keep hold of Rebecca and then lost his grip. He fell backwards and hit the snow-covered ground with a muffled thud, dead.

  Kane scrabbled again for Rebecca’s hand and he and Ramsay pulled her up. Kane wrapped her straight into his arms and clung on to her for dear life. Her chest was heaving as she tried to get her breath. He felt her head fall against his chest. She was limp against him, exhausted. He smoothed his hand through her hair and rocked her against him as she sobbed. He wanted to give her words of comfort but he couldn’t speak. He was in shock. He just wanted to hold her and not let go.

  Ramsay moved towards the police as they came out onto the roof. He shouted to them, “Get an ambulance.”

  One of them shouted back as he moved towards them. “One is already on its way. Is everyone in one piece.”

  Ramsay began to explain.

  The snow was falling heavily now. Kane looked up at the police officer and Ramsay who were standing next to him. He was shivering with Rebecca. He could feel the snow settling in his hair chilling him. He grew frightened for Rebecca lying in his arms, worried that she was getting too cold. He pressed her closer to him. The police officer approached and looked down at him with
concern, understanding his worry even though it remained unspoken. Kane watched him take off his fluorescent yellow coat and put it around Rebecca’s back. Kane pulled it around her tighter making sure as much of her was covered with it as possible. He nodded his thanks at the man, still unable to speak. The officer patted his shoulder.

  He heard him say to Ramsay. “We were told to keep out of your way and let you deal with this. We were told to provide assistance only when necessary. Those orders came from on high, MI5. Strange though, I didn’t take you for spooks.”

  Ramsay answered him eloquently, “We certainly aren’t.”

  The officer smiled. “Well according to Marcus Allbright you were on the payroll for this operation and there is to be no investigation into this incident by ourselves. Job well done, gentlemen.”

  Ramsay looked at him curiously as he walked away back towards the other officers who had come bustling onto the roof. Kane opened his mouth. He told Ramsay, “He’s the spook, Ramsay. Allbright must have sent him to make sure everything was in hand. He is safe-guarding our position with the police.”

  Ramsay gave him a surprised look and turned quickly to stare after the man but he was gone. Ramsay moved towards Kane and knelt down. He pulled the jacket gently around Rebecca’s neck when it slipped and rubbed her back. Kane was still rocking with her. His arms were locked so tight around her they felt as though they were frozen in place as she lay in his arms. He didn’t let go until the paramedics arrived to check her over.

  * * * * *

  One day later Kane sat in Philip Traynor’s office in number ten with Rebecca, Marcus Allbright and his boss Mary Collins, the head of MI5 and the Chief Whip.

  It was clear that Traynor hadn’t expected anyone to be there when he came in. His face dropped. Marcus stood up and closed the door behind him. The family resemblance between Traynor and Rebecca was noticeable in the bright emerald eyes and the pale skin. His hair had been the same rich chestnut once but grey had taken over as the dominant colour. He gave them all an imperious look that Kane had seen Rebecca deliver on more than one occasion to show her displeasure at something he had done.

  Mary Collins spoke first in a pleasant polite tone as though her presence was not unnatural. “Please sit down Prime Minister. I am sure you know why we are all here. We all have a lot to talk about.”

  Traynor moved around behind his desk. Kane watched his eyes search the room at his accusers. He knew Traynor was seeking out Rebecca. He paused before sitting and let his eyes rest on her. Kane saw hatred and resentment. He felt for Rebecca. Despite his disagreements with his family, he knew he was loved by his mother and had been by his late father. Rebecca hadn’t been so lucky. He vowed to himself that he would make up for the love she never had.

  Mary Collins told him what they had found out and then listed their demands, “So, Prime Minister we want you to change your views on defending North Bundhara and sending a task force to South Bundhara. The Americans are ready to go in and just need your support. We want you to agree to their plans today. At the same time you will recommend that talks are opened up with Tasanee Somwan and the BLA. You will put them forward as credible contenders for democratic leaders of South Bundhara after it’s reconstruction. Then we want the names of everyone in government involved in the organ harvesting organization, especially those on the Board with you.”

  Traynor clasped and unclasped his hands on the table. His mouth was bad tempered as he said, “I won’t deal with terrorists.”

  The Chief Whip interjected with only a measured amount of anger audible in his tone. “I am not sure they will be too happy dealing with the instigator of the mass murder of their people.”

  Collins gave the man a look of warning. She said in a more serious tone, “If you decline to comply we will have no choice, but to expose you, with all the implications that will bring for the government, the country, your party, your daughter and family. Your daughter’s name will be removed from the donor register and she will be taken from your family and refused any further medical treatment private or otherwise. In short, Prime Minister she will be left to die an agonizing death.”

  Traynor’s eyes widened with disbelief. “You wouldn’t dare...”

  Collins answered him quickly, “Oh but we would.”

  Kane saw Rebecca’s head dip. He knew she found the whole scene distasteful, albeit necessary. He felt sympathy with that feeling.

  Traynor’s voice was raised, “I have no bloody choice do I?”

  “No you don’t. When you have done that you will resign shortly afterwards on the grounds of ill health. Then you will co –operate fully with our on going investigation and help us shut down the vile trade in organs.”

  Traynor’s hands slammed down hard on the table. Rebecca jumped. The whole room fell silent. He leaned across the table towards Rebecca and sneered at her. “You stupid little bitch. You shouldn’t have even been born. You are a mistake, a freak of nature. You shouldn’t exist. You are not my daughter. You are nothing to me. I would kill you in a heartbeat and take every organ you have to save my real daughter’s life.”

  Rebecca stared at him. She said with contempt, “I want nothing from you. You are not my father either. My father died years ago when he was shot by people you sent to kill me. You are nothing to me. I hope you rot in hell.”

  With that she stood up and stormed out. Kane followed her out. He put his arm around her and squeezed her shoulders. He whispered softly to her, “It’s all over. You won. They’ve got him. Come on let’s get you back to the hospital. You can see your mother and then back to bed. You’ve been on your feet too long doing news reports and interviews, you need your rest. This isn’t going to go away any time soon and the media just wants more information from you. Your headline news around the world. You need to get some sleep so you can fight the onslaught once more tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “I know, I promised ATM I would do a special programme for them.”

  “Rebecca, you are doing too much. You need to recover...”

  “I know but that’s the nature of my job and I love it. It’s also got Somwan to call off her suicide bombers. Although I am pleased that Allbright caught two of them as they made preparations. I think he enjoyed telling her that when they talked. But you know, there’s only one thing I haven’t found out. I still have no idea who stopped Jed’s upload and why.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that.”

  Kane led her outside to the car. Ramsay jumped out and held the door of the Range Rover open for them. Kane helped Rebecca get in. He continued as he sat next to her. “I think your mother might be able to give us the answer.”

  “But she’s in a coma.”

  “Wait and see.”

  * * * * *

  Kane led the way to Anna Harker’s bedside in her private room in intensive care. Sure enough Charles was by her bedside watching the ventilator make her chest rise and fall. He looked tired.

  Kane drew up a chair for Rebecca and made her sit down. She asked Charles how her mother was doing.

  “No change.”

  “Do they think she will make it?”

  He sounded tearful, “I don’t think so, Rebecca.”

  She hugged him and then sat down. Kane stood by Charles and asked. “Why did you stop Jed’s upload?”

  Charles was startled, “What are you talking about? I never did anything.”

  “Yes you did. You already knew about the organization from Anna. But you didn’t want to fight it to protect Rebecca. You saw an opportunity to try to keep Anna alive. You stopped the upload so the organization wouldn’t be exposed. You approached Quayle and made a deal with him. Anna needed a heart. You bartered for Rebecca’s.”

  Charles was out of his chair. He stared at Rebecca. “No, I didn’t. You have to believe me, Rebecca.”

  Kane said quietly, “Don’t lie, Charles. The Police are walking in here as we speak. They are coming to arrest you.”

  Charles looked at Rebecca and then at An
na. He appeared desperate. “I’m sorry Rebecca. I love Anna, I did what I had to, to save her. Only I was too late.”

  Rebecca couldn’t look at him. She hung her head and picked up her mother’s hand and stroked it. Her eyes were weary and full. She said nothing. Kane just felt relieved. It was the last piece of the puzzle. Now they could get on with their lives. Two officers approached the bed and took a sobbing Charles into custody.

  Kane rested his hands on Rebecca’s shoulders and asked her to let go of Anna’s hand. She kissed it and laid her hand back on the bed. Kane raised her from the chair and led her back to her own room.

  He was relieved when she was attended by the nurses and helped back into bed. They gave her a light sedative and dimmed the lights. Only the television light flickered in the room as Kane climbed on to the bed next to her. He reached for the remote as he gave a mocking sigh, “Every time I see a television I see your face on it. Everybody is talking about you. Maybe I should give them another interview and tell the world about the real you, give all of your secrets away, shock everyone, cause some scandal. I would be worth a fortune.”

  He grinned as he saw her smile and close her eyes. He put his arm over her and snuggled close. She pressed her body close to him in response. She whispered, “Don’t leave me. Tell me it’s really all over now.”

  “It’s all over. I have no intention of leaving you. You tend to get into trouble if I am not here. So there is no chance. Shhh, go to sleep. I’m exhausted. I haven’t slept properly for days.”

  “I heard on the news earlier that South Bundhara has taken Kamol. The Americans and their allies are invading South Bundhara in response. They are bombing it as we speak. I know what the Americans” first target will be. They will destroy the organ harvesting facility won’t they? I wonder what happened to Jonathan.”


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