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Loving Lily Lavender

Page 3

by Deanna Kinney

  “Thank you for understanding.”

  “Absolutely.” He ran his hand through his hair making it even more messy but still sexy somehow. God help me, I thought.

  Meagan called to check on me. I reassured her that everything was okay. I used a secret code we used when we were younger to let her know that I was better than fine and not to call again.

  I expected that he would take me home then, but he didn’t. We spent the next three hours sitting on his sofa talking. He told me about the movie he was in, all the friends he’d made on the set, and the crazy things they did on their down time. He told me about the wild sea of young girls who flocked to the premiers yelling things at him like, “marry me” or “have my baby”. It all sounded so ridiculous to me. It was just a movie, for cryin’ out loud, but as he was sharing, I could see just how overwhelming it all was for him. I felt a strong sense of compassion for what he was going through. He was clearly uncomfortable in the spotlight, which seemed ironic considering his chosen profession. I suddenly had an urge to comfort him.

  “You know, Lucas, I think you need a hug.” As we embraced, he squeezed me tightly as if it was just what he needed. As we parted, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine once more, but this kiss was different. Not the hot, passionate kind as before, but something sweeter, truer.

  “It’s three a.m. I should probably be taking you home now,” he remarked, slowly releasing me.

  “Yes, I guess you’re right,” I reluctantly agreed, truly sorry to see the night come to an end.

  “Wow, this is your home?” he asked as he pulled into my driveway.

  “Yes. This is the house my grandfather built for my grandmother. My father and mother raised me here, and someday I’ll raise my family here as well.”

  “It’s remarkable. I love Victorian houses. They remind me a little bit of home.” He drove to the back of the house and stopped at the end of the drive. “Is that a rose garden?”

  “Oh yes, my mother loves roses. She planted those rose bushes twenty years ago. I try to keep the garden up, but I’m not as good at it as she is. ”

  “They’re lovely. My mum also loves roses. So, does your mum live here with you then?”

  I almost laughed at his use of the word ‘mum’. It isn’t something I could picture myself calling my mom, but Lucas was British after all. “No. She became very ill and had to go into a nursing home not even six months ago. A nurse and I took care of her as long as we could, but eventually the Alzheimer’s disease progressed until it was too difficult to care for her here. It was a painful decision, but I know it was for the best. My father willed the house to me after he died. My mom was already sick, and he wanted to make sure it stayed in the family.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that about your mum.”

  I lowered my head. “Thank you.” The separation from her was still very painful to think about. The house felt so empty without her.

  After a brief silence, I realized it was time for me to get out of the car, and reached for the handle. Lucas’s hand shot out to stop me. “Lily, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

  Wow, that was unexpected. He wants to see me again. This is too good to be true, I thought. “Umm, yes I would love to.” Suddenly I had another idea. “Would you like to come here, and I’ll cook for you?”

  “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “Of course not, I would love to. I’ll see you around seven?”

  “Absobloodylootely,” he agreed, smiling.

  “Um, what?”

  “Oh sorry, we say that in London. It means ‘Yes!’” He laughed.

  I laughed too. “I like it. I’ll remember that one.” I quickly leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek and got out of the car. I felt his gaze on me the entire time as I fumbled with the keys and finally entered the house. Once inside I heard his car crank and watched through the front door window as his car pulled away.

  “Ah,” I sighed. “What a great evening,” I said out loud as I tossed my keys on the kitchen counter, tucking a strand of irritating hair behind my ear. “He wasn’t even upset that I wouldn’t have sex with him and even asked to see me again. This is crazy, Lily.” I mock laughed. “He’s a famous actor and you’re a nobody. He’ll be leaving in less than two weeks and you’re gonna be heart broken. Hey, wait a minute! I’m a good catch too! Maybe he’ll fall so in love with me that he won’t leave at all.” Then I laughed in spite of myself, and raced up the stairs to write every detail in my journal.

  Chapter Three

  Slowly, as my mind became alert and memories from the previous evening flooded my consciousness, I turned to glance at the clock and gasped. Eleven o’clock! I’d slept the whole morning away and had tons to do before my date with Lucas.

  I jumped out of bed and sprinted for the bathroom. When I exited, some minutes later, I grabbed my comfy jeans lying across the chair in the corner of my room and pulled on my favorite green Yoda t-shirt. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and headed downstairs for a highly anticipated cup of coffee. That first sip is the kind of things dreams are made of.

  I checked my phone, three missed calls from Meagan. No surprise there. There was no need to check them since I already knew what she wanted.

  I turned on my computer and checked my e-mails. Two messages were from Meagan along with two messages from my current client, Aaron Parker. She was due to marry Josh Helms the next month and kept changing her mind on the food for the reception. The first time it was because she wanted more cheese rolls. The second was because she found out her mother-in-law was allergic to cheese—if all else fails, please the mother-in-law.

  I absolutely love being a wedding planner, although initially my plans were altogether different. After my first year at UNC State, I started to have the nagging suspicion that I was headed in the wrong direction, like perhaps psychology wasn’t the best fit for me after all. So, after some serious re-evaluation, I realized that what I really wanted to do from the time I was a young girl was to organize and plan weddings. As a result, I followed my heart and changed course, but continued college for another year, feeling it would only further my future goals.

  After leaving college, I worked for three years at a successful shipping company called Blume’s Shipping and Supply Co.

  At first I felt like Russ, the owner, only hired me for my looks, but I soon proved myself worthy and, after only two short months, was promoted to Office Manager. That job paid the bills while I struggled to build my business.

  A full year has passed since my wedding planning business went full time.

  I jumped as the phone rang my favorite Star Wars theme beside me. I glanced down at the phone…..Meagan again. I figured if I didn’t answer it she’d probably call the police.

  “Hey, Meg, what’s up?”

  “What do you mean—what’s up? I’ve been trying to reach you all morning, and now it’s almost noon! What happened last night? Are you all right? Did he kiss you? Do you know who he is?”

  Blah blah blah.

  Just then I heard the doorbell ring. “Oh, Meg, I’m gonna have to call you back. Someone’s at the door.” I heard her protesting as I snapped the phone closed and shoved it in my back pocket.

  As I opened the door, I was enraptured at the sight of a man’s legs, the only visible part, under a sea of the most beautiful roses I’d ever seen. Yellow, red, white, orange, and pink all perfectly pieced together to make the most remarkable arrangement.

  “Are you Lilianna?” he asked, peering around the flowers.

  “Yes I am.”

  “Then these are for you. Can you sign this clipboard under my arm please?”

  “Yes, of course.” I reached under his arm, retrieved the paperwork, signed it, and returned it back to him, shoving it back under his thick arm.

  “Thank you.” He handed me the bouquet, and I stumbled under the weight of it. “Have a blessed day!” I managed to yell out to him.

  Once inside, I set the arrangeme
nt on the center of my dining room table and jerked out the card, fumbling to get it open as fast as I could.

  It simply read . . .

  I’m looking forward to tonight.

  ~ Lucas

  It’s amazing how reading those simple words made my heart do somersaults. I’ve had flowers delivered to me before, but somehow it felt different. Just a few simple words, and yet, in them held a hint of a promise of something to come, perhaps something wonderful. I hoped I wasn’t being influenced by his fame. I hated the idea that I would think higher of someone just because of their success. But the truth is I was thrilled at the idea of seeing him again.

  I believe he liked me too. After all, he said I was the most beautiful girl he’d ever met. I mean I’ve been called beautiful before. The name they called me in school was Miss America. It could’ve been worse, I realize, but I’d like to believe I put more emphasis on the inside rather than the outside. Still, for Lucas to say that to me was a bit overwhelming considering who he was. I hope he was being honest. He seemed sincere. Though, up to that point I hadn’t developed a clear-cut feeling about his character.

  But what I had noticed is, besides the obvious gorgeousness, he was bright, talented, humble, a good dancer, a great kisser, and a bit insecure. All in all, I’d say not a bad package—not too bad at all.

  I was constructively busy the rest of the day. First, I made a grocery list and went shopping. When I returned home, I put the chicken in the fridge to marinade and put the rest of the groceries away. Next, I started on the house cleaning. I began with the bathrooms, not sure which one he would use. I straightened the den, dusted all the furniture, cleaned the kitchen, swept and mopped the floors, vacuumed the rugs, and finally ended with decorating the dining room table. I brought out my most elegant tablecloth, my grandmother’s china, linen napkins, silver utensils, and finished with crystal goblets. I sighed in contentment; the table was breathtaking.

  I went into my mother’s rose garden and cut some roses, trying to match the colors of the ones the messenger brought. I arranged them in a tall glass vase and set them in the middle of the coffee table in the den. Hmm, I observed, not as beautiful as the ones sent by Lucas, but lovely nonetheless.

  Once I was finished with the housework, I looked around and admired how elegant everything looked, hoping it made a good impression.

  After my mother went into the nursing home, I redecorated a lot of the house. I love my mother, but her style is very old fashioned. The style I love most is romantic chic with splashes of old England.

  By the time I finished it was after five, so I headed upstairs to my bedroom. I tidied up the room, knowing Lucas wouldn’t see it but wanting it to match the rest of the house, then, without further hesitation, jumped in the shower.

  When I emerged from the bathroom, some twenty minutes later, I wasn’t all that surprised to see Meagan sitting on my bed waiting for me.

  “So, were you ever going to call me back?” She was trying hard to act aggravated, but I wasn’t totally convinced.

  “Well, eventually.” I shrugged.

  “So, now will you tell me everything? And leave nothing out.”

  “You mean you didn’t sneak a peek at my journal this time?”

  She rolled her eyes at me.

  “Actually, there’s not much to tell. We went back to his place, as you know. By the way, the apartment he’s staying in is very nice, very expensive. And we made out a little, and yes I was able to stop, though it wasn’t easy. I told him my feelings on sex before marriage, and he was very sweet about it. He even said he admired me. We spent the rest of the time talking, and then he brought me home. He asked me out for tonight, and instead I offered to make dinner here. He’ll be here at seven so you can’t stay long.”

  “Is he a good kisser?”

  “Oh-my-God, yes.” I was almost breathless at the very memory.

  She reached across the bed and pinched me. I could even feel the sting through the towel. “Oww!” I yelled, rubbing myself. “I think I’m changing my mind about the whole pinching thing. I think I’d rather you slap me.”

  “No way. Pinching is much more fun. Your facial expressions are hilarious.”

  “I’m gonna have black and blue marks all over my body,” I complained.

  “Oh stop your whining. No one’s gonna see them anyway,” she retorted. “I saw the beautiful flowers he sent you. You must’ve made a good impression. Which reminds me,” her voice turned a little cold as she continued, “you also made quite an impression on Randall. You were all he talked about until you left with Lucas. He thought you were very beautiful. He wanted to know if you were seeing anyone, how long I’ve known you, what kind of work you do, and if your eyes were really that green or did you wear contacts. I was starting to get annoyed. But after you left he seemed to get interested in me. He even kissed me when he walked me to my car.”

  “Really? Was it good?” I was excited for her. She’d been talking about the guy, off and on, for the last two years.

  “Yes, better than I imagined. He mentioned that maybe we could double date with you guys sometime. So do you think we could do that?”

  “I don’t know. Let’s just see how tonight goes first. By the way, you knew who he was?”

  “Yeah, Randall told me while we were dancing. Can you believe it? You’re going out with the number one Hollywood “it” guy.”

  “It’s just dinner, Meagan, but I have to admit it’s a little exciting. I mean I didn’t even recognize him.”

  “I know, me either. He looks so different than he did in the movie. I think it’s all that stubble. Did it hurt when he kissed you?”

  “Not enough to stop.” I laughed. “But I have to stop jawwin’ with you, or I’m not gonna be ready in time.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  Meagan stayed and helped me get ready, picking out something more appropriate for me to wear this time. I went with a pair of fitted khaki jeans and a deep-blue pullover blouse I’d bought that week. She helped me use the straightener on my natural wavy locks to create a different look. Personally, I loved my blonde curls, but oh well. I kept my makeup light and only added small, gold earrings for jewelry.

  “Oh, I made peaches and cream shortcake for dessert tonight. Do you think that’s a good choice?” I asked as I pulled the chicken from the fridge.

  “You’re kidding me. Save me some,” she whined. “What are you cooking for supper?”

  “Well, let’s see, marinated chicken breast in Paula Dean’s special marinade, sautéed mushrooms and vegetables, dinner rolls, and a salad. Oops, I hope he’s not a vegetarian. I forgot to ask.”

  “I’m sure he’s not, or he would’ve mentioned it. And that sounds delicious, by the way. You keep cooking meals like that for him and he’ll fall in love with you for sure.”

  “Oh! Would you go out back and start the grill for me please?”


  I reached under my kitchen cabinet to my CD player and hit play. The song “YMCA” had just begun and I danced around and made the hand signals while I chopped my veggies, careful not to chop anything off. I’d like to see the doctor’s face when I explained that one.

  When Meagan returned she grimaced, “This again, you’re the only person I know who dances to disco while cooking.”

  “That’s not true—I also dance to the 80’s, and I bet Paula Dean dances sometimes when she cooks, or at least sings. Why wouldn’t she? She’s having fun just like me. Now go home!”

  “Fine, but I want you to call me tomorrow and tell me everything, okay?”

  “Okay, I promise.”

  “Everything looks beautiful and so do you,” she remarked as she hugged me goodbye.

  “Thanks. I love you too.”

  It was 6:58 when I heard the front doorbell ring, and I practically killed myself running down the long hall. When I got to the door I stopped, straightened my clothes, smoothed my hair, and checked my breath. When everything seemed to be in order,
I took a moment to count to ten, something that often helped my nerves when I was feeling anxious, then opened the door. I was stunned yet again as I studied the man before me. He stood there looking just as handsome as I remembered from the night before, except something was different. Oh, he had shaven—nice. He was also wearing fitted khakis and a blue button up shirt, though the color blue was a slightly lighter shade.

  “Good evening, Lilianna.” He greeted me with a dazzling smile. Oh wow. I thought my heart would stop beating right then and there. His smile was breathtaking, and I noted how elegant my long name sounded being spoken in his glorious accent.

  “Please, call me Lily,” I breathed.

  “But Lilianna is such a beautiful and rare name. I like it.”

  “Oh, well thank you. Hey, we match.” I laughed, pointing to our clothing.

  “Have you ever heard the saying ‘great minds think alike’?”

  “Yes, I believe I have heard that before,” I teased. “Please come in.”

  He followed me down the hall and into the dining room. “Thank you, Lucas, for the gorgeous flowers, by the way. They really made my day, and it was a very sweet gesture.”

  “You’re welcome. I was hoping they would make you smile. I see that they are very beautiful—just as you are tonight,” he said, looking at me intently. He walked over to me, put his hands on my waist and whispered, “Very beautiful.” Then he leaned his head down and pressed his lips to mine. Too soon he released me and stepped back. “Mmm, something smells delicious.”

  “Oh yes, well I hope you’re hungry and not a vegetarian.” I looked at him, questioning.

  “No, I’m not a vegetarian. I love cheeseburgers too much.” He rubbed his hands over his flat stomach and smiled.

  “Good to know. I cook a mean cheeseburger.” I laughed and he giggled too, a cute sound, a sound that showed his innocence and vulnerability. I liked it.

  When we finished eating, he gladly offered to help me with the dishes, which I adamantly refused. He made several comments on how delicious the meal was and how he hadn’t had such good cooking since the last meal his mom cooked for him.


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