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The Kodiak's Mate ( Book 2)

Page 8

by April Zyon

  Drawing back, he stared down at her. “I didn’t know your birthday was coming up. This is not exactly how I expected you to mention it, either, for the record. But I do have to ask about why you go up, by yourself, to sit on the mountain on your birthday. Cause that really makes no sense to me at all.”

  “I go up there and as far away from people because every year I get a boost in my power. I can’t explain it but there it is. Each year my abilities expand. In all of the covens, my bloodline is the only one that increases like that. It doesn’t make sense and the elders have never been able to explain it either.”

  “Okay, I guess that makes some sort of sense. But for the guy who knows only what his own personal witch has told him about witches, dumb it down a hair more. Why go all the way out there? Why not stay at home? I mean that would appear to be the safer of the two options, at least in my mind.”

  “Because the one year that I didn’t go far from people there were nine people who were put into the hospital who all passed out and hit their heads, wrecked their cars, and so on. Now I get as far away from people as I can. And if we have a child and it’s a witch instead of a bear, he or she will have to do the same thing when they come of age. It’s simply protection for everyone.”

  “Huh, interesting,” he muttered. Stepping back, he laced the fingers of one hand through hers and tugged her toward the street and where his truck would be. “You’d think there’d be some sort of history about your lineage, especially with something as unique as this power surge. I wonder why it happens only on your birthday. I could see during growth spurts and emotional or hormonal changes, but birthdays?”

  Alaska shrugged. “Such is life. My mother was the same way, her mother and so on. It’s only through her line that they have done that. But what’s even odder was when Mom and Dad bonded he had a small bit of the same thing. Every year on the date of their bonding he would gain a smidge more power, not a lot and nothing that made him have to leave the area but he would gain in power.”

  “He was from a line of witches, too?” he asked. At his truck, he pulled open the passenger door and helped boost her inside. Going to shut it, he paused and leaned against the edge. “Before I forget, do we need to swing by your shop today for anything or are we heading straight home?”

  “Yes, I need to get a couple of things. I want to get some cooking supplies and pans so that I can bake for us. I want to make you some muffins or cupcakes.” She put her hand on his and grinned. “And yes, Dad was a witch, too.”

  “You’re planning on baking? Holy hell, this is a dream come true. Buckle up.” With a grin, he pressed a kiss to her hand, then shut her door. Jogging around the truck, he hopped in and had them taking off almost immediately.

  “Harley, promise me that I will never lose you?” she asked after a moment.

  “Oh, sweetheart.” Pulling to the side of the road, he quickly threw the truck into park and turned to her. After releasing her seatbelt, he tugged her in close to hug her tight. “I’m not going anywhere, Alaska. You are stuck with me for the next fifty-plus years of our life together. But you have to promise me the same. I can’t lose you. You are everything to me, beyond words, and all the hope for a rich future.”

  “Well, I don’t plan on going anywhere and even though I’m asking for you to let me be alone and vulnerable, we both know that I won’t be. You will be near. You would never let anyone harm me and that’s just one of the hundreds of things I love about you. You are my world, Harley Ogden.”

  “I’ll fucking eviscerate anyone that ever thinks to harm a single hair on your head. No one touches my woman and lives to tell the tale.” Harley tipped her chin up and kissed her hard. “You are mine to protect, to cherish, and to ravish. But I want those promised muffins first. Since you said that, I can’t get the thought out of my brain. I need muffins.”

  “Muffins means we have to go to my shop.” She kissed him again on his cheek, then scooted back to her seat and buckled up. “Come on, bear, get a move on, will ya?”

  “Out of curiosity, what kind of muffins are you planning on making?” Back on the road, he shot her a grin. “Your loving mate has to know before he expires from thinking about all the possibilities.”

  “Well, I was going to make some blueberry ones, some with honey and whatever else you might want. I’m pretty versatile in what I make, so you tell me what you’d like in them and I will make it for you. Especially since you are so darn cute.”

  “Aww, you think I’m cute? Well, that’s good because I think you are damn fucking sexy.” Slowing the truck, he swung around a corner and pulled to a stop in her back parking area. “Get your adorable and fine ass inside. Whatever we are getting I will carry out. No need to exhaust you until later.”

  “Oh, I love it when you make promises like that,” she said with a grin and ran her fingers over his cheek. “So tell me, what do you want in your muffins? Or even cupcakes. I can make both. I’m pretty easy to get along with, you know.”

  “Not really a cupcake guy, or cakes either. Overall I’m really not a dessert person. But muffins, oh hell yeah, love them. Any kind.”

  “I have a honey and almond one that you would love. And maybe a blue and blackberry one. Yeah, I think that’s the way to go. Definitely.” Just the idea of baking for him made her happy. “I know I didn’t say it before but welcome to my shop. Feel free to poke around all that you want to, love. My shop is all yours as well. I will have to create some things just for you. Maybe the other bears will like them, too?”

  “I’m pretty sure that anything you make, they will love. You have a pure talent and love for baking that shows in everything you create.” He moved to lean a hip against a countertop and watched her. “You love what you do and it comes through in your baked goodies.”

  She soaked up his compliment with a smile. “Flattery will get you everywhere with me, just so you know. And yes, I do believe that I will create a line of muffins just for the bears in your pack. Maybe it’s time for me to create for everyone in the Falls. What do you think?”

  “I think you are an amazing woman, Alaska Ceridwen. I also know that I’m the luckiest man and bear alive because you are my mate.” Pushing off the counter, he moved toward her and slipped his arms around her waist. “Do whatever makes you happy. It shows in everything you do and that’s all that really matters. If you want to expand into new muffin lines, then do it, but do it because that’s what you want and not because you think I expect you to. My only expectations for you are to be in my bed each and every night for the rest of our days. Although the occasional muffin wouldn’t be turned down either.”

  “I plan on being in your bed as often as I can.” It would be everything she could hope for, everything she would want as well.

  “It won’t only be the bed. But that’s a discussion for after we get home and naked. Now, what all do we need to grab?” He gave her a gentle squeeze before releasing her to clap his hands. “Give me some things we’re taking and I’ll toss them in the truck.”

  “If you’ll grab the large unopened bag of flour and sugar, I’ll get the rest of the ingredients. Then we’ll come back for the tins and some other of the little things that we’ll need.”

  “You just want to see me flexing and exerting myself, I get it.” With a wink, he went to collect the bags she needed, one under each arm, and headed for the door. “I’ll be back for the other things. Gather them up and stack them on the counter for me, sweetheart.”

  “Do you blame me for wanting to watch you flexing and doing your thing? You have beautiful muscles. I want to see them.” She began to gather everything she needed, then looked around. She also tossed a couple of pastry bags in there so that she had them just in case.

  Harley returned to take another load out to his truck, leaving only a few smaller items. When he came back next, he looked around. “Anything else?” he asked. When she shook her head, he held out a hand after collecting the last few bits. “Then let’s get home and get you naked.�

  “Do you want me to bake in the buff as well?” She would—for him she would do anything at all. She would let go of all her inhibitions and fears. He was her everything. He was her life. Besides, she liked the idea of baking in the nude. She had never done it before.

  “I like the idea, even though I don’t want you hurting yourself. But now that you’ve said that all I can picture is you running around in an apron and nothing else. Damn it, woman,” he muttered. Reaching down, he adjusted his cock and shot her a glare.

  “It’s baking, not cooking. There is no way I would be hurt by something splattering on me, thus why I offered. I think it would be hella kinky to bake in nothing but my apron and hand mittens for when I pull them out of the oven.”

  “Killing me here.” After tossing the last items into the truck, he lifted her up into the passenger seat. “I’m never going to survive you bending over to drag anything from the oven if you’re naked under your apron. I love you, Alaska, but that’s probably going to put me in an early grave, woman.”

  “Good point. Maybe you should sit on the other side of the island while I pull them out.”

  “Babe, if you’re naked I damn well will be, too. That much I can guarantee you.” Shutting her door, he walked around to his side and climbed in with a wince. He made another adjustment of his cock before getting them moving away from her shop.

  “We just have to be very careful because I don’t want to burn them. Think that we can get things done that we need to in less than fifteen minutes?” She moved her hand to his thigh and looked at him. “Can I help you at all with that?” She pointedly looked at his cock. “I wouldn’t mind it at all.”

  “And have me driving into a ditch? Not a good idea. We don’t need the sheriff coming out to the accident scene and asking you what happened. Your pretty blushes would give us away in an instant. There are many things I’m more than willing to do, but hanky-panky in a moving vehicle isn’t one of them.”

  She grinned. “As soon as we get home, then. Once we get things in the house, we are getting nekkid and I will let you take me against the wall or table, or anywhere you want to.”

  “You’d better hope I let you inside at this rate. Maybe I’ll just take you against the hood. If you make it that far.” Sliding his hand over hers where she had it resting on his leg, he laced their fingers together. “And now onto safer topics to allow me to still have blood in my brain—have you decided what you’re making first?”

  “I think the honey muffins would be perfect. After that I think I will do blueberry and then maybe some chocolate chip banana bread muffins. How does that sound?” She just hoped he liked them. She was all nervous about baking for him.

  “Works for me. Like I said earlier, I’m pretty easy. But you’re nervous now. What’s up with that?” Lifting her hand, he pressed a kiss to her fingers while shooting her a quick look. “Talk to me, Alaska. I can smell the change and it’s got my bear scratching around inside.”

  “I guess that I’m just a little nervous about baking for you for the first time. You’ve never tasted my baked goods, so that has me all sorts of nervous. I just hope that you like it. I always get nervous when I learn someone’s tasting my baking for the first time.”

  “I’ve had your bread, and I have had muffins the guys have brought into the shop. Not exactly my first time, Alaska. Although it will be a first for me having my own personal little baker in my house creating something just for me. I personally can’t wait to see what she comes up with.”

  That had her face heating. She had to grin and bowed her head as she leaned into him. “Well, I think you’re pretty awesome, so I want to create some pretty awesome treats for you. Things that you can lord over your friends, saying that I’ve made just for you and you alone.”

  “Babe, I have you. That’s plenty to lord over my friends. Sexiest woman around and she can bake. Pretty sure that’s the grand slam of relationship goals.” Slowing the truck, he turned them onto a back road before speeding up once more. “They will all be begging me to bring in goodies you’ve made. I can already see it happening.”

  “Well, if they do I will let you have them to bring in. I’m going to create the cake for Jagger and Phi’s son’s first birthday. Did he tell you that? I can’t wait. It’s going to be so much fun.”

  “Do you want to have kids, Alaska?”

  “Of course. I love kids but I’m perfectly willing to wait for as long as you need to wait.”

  “Let’s make sure you’re around to have these kids before we go the full Monty under the new moon. We have someone out to do you harm that we need to take out of the equation. Then we should take some time for ourselves before we start making mini Alaskas for me to adore.”

  She sighed and nodded. “You make me feel so safe that I forget about being in danger. We have to find this bastard.”

  “I’d be a lot happier if we had a clue what we’re going up against. My biggest problem with this whole thing is that he’s obviously been watching you, knows what and who you are, and planned to take you from the shop. The why of it all is eating at me and making it really hard to be on board with your plan, Alaska.”

  “Which is what’s killing me as well. I don’t understand at all why this person is doing this.”

  “Hopefully, when we catch this guy trying to grab you, we can ask him. It would be nice to know if he’s the only threat waiting out there or if there’s someone else I need to hunt down.”

  “Oh God, I hope that there isn’t more than one person, Harley. I don’t want to live our lives in worry. I want a long and healthy and happy life with you for the rest of forever. Neither of us needs to live this life looking over our shoulders.”

  “And we won’t, Alaska.” Turning onto the road leading to the house, he slowed more. “We are going to make sure that you’re safe and that whoever thinks they know things about you is no longer a threat. To you or your coven. I don’t know how yet, and I still really hate your plan, but we’ll find a way.” Throwing the truck into park, he turned to look at her, brushing his fingers against her cheek. “I don’t like the idea of you being bait. I hate the thought.”

  “Me, too, but I will do everything in my power so that we can have our lives together and one day, hopefully, have little bear cubs running around with their daddy.”

  “I know you will, sweetheart. Now, why don’t you take the little bag with you to unlock the door and I’ll grab the heavy stuff. Then you need to get to work baking for your man.” Leaning in, he gave her a kiss that cooked a few brain cells, pressed the keys into her hand, and slipped from the truck while she sat there trying to remember her own name.

  She finally shook herself out of her stupor and got out of the vehicle, then started for the door. She left the front door open for Harley and headed toward the kitchen so that she could start what she needed to do to bake her bear some muffins.

  He slid his arms around her from behind a couple minutes later. “Don’t think I forgot about getting you naked. Or that I need to fuck you silly until you can’t walk straight for a week.”

  “Oh, I was just waiting for you to get everything in and close the door. I didn’t want to chance someone coming up before we were behind closed doors.” She turned in his arms and ran her hands up and down his arms. “I’m going to get naked and put on my apron. You wanna watch?”

  His low growl had her clamping her thighs together in need. “Fuck yeah, I want to watch.” Stepping back, he kept his hungry gaze locked on her.

  She began to sway, moving with music only she could hear as she stripped for him. Alaska knew that her body wasn’t one of perfection but of curves and soft rolls that denoted her love for the sweet but when Harley looked at her like he did, she felt like she was the sexiest thing on the planet and that gave her all the confidence in the world. She tossed her clothes all on a chair on the other side of the kitchen, then winked. “Wanna help me with my apron?” she asked as she pulled it off the counter.

��Baby, there are any number of things I’d love to help you with. Covering you up with that apron is not one of them. But I will since you are making me muffins. This one time. Don’t think this will become the norm around here.” He tied the apron at her back, his hands then trailing down to her ass to give it a squeeze and light slap. “It’s taking everything I have not to bite this sweet ass, Alaska.”

  “Let me, at least, get started and then I will let you,” she teased him, turning around. She leaned up on her toes and pulled him down to her. “Kiss me, then let me bake.” His lips met hers in a slow kiss that briefly had her rethinking even starting to bake. Then he drew back and let her go with a smile that said he knew exactly what he did to her.

  “Damn,” she whispered, because he certainly knew how to play her body and she loved it. “Okay, organization, then baking.” She had to get herself on track or she was seriously going to get lost and go right back into his arms.

  Chapter Nine

  Alaska’s birthday. High in the mountains at the hot springs…

  Alaska had her tent set up in the trees so that it would—she hoped—be protected from whatever burst of power came this year. Harley and several of his pack mates were in bear form in the woods. Because of that, she wouldn’t be stripping naked as she usually did. She would wear her bra and panties and hope that they survived. Her fire was built and the frisson of power was starting to dance along her skin. She swallowed hard.

  She was hot and cold all at once, her skin too tight, and her whole body was starting to ache. She sent up a silent prayer that Harley wouldn’t come while she was changing or gaining power. She’d had to explain to him and all of his pack mates that were helping that it would look like she was in agony, and she would be, but it was expected. They were only to interfere if the man came for her.

  Kneeling on a blanket, she took a meditative pose in front of the fire. The sun slid across the sky until it was pitch black save for her fire before her. Lightning struck her body, and the pain was immense but it was no worse than it had been last year. She sensed the powers shifting, merging and changing, and held back a shriek of pain.


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