Love Never Fails

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Love Never Fails Page 4

by Ginni Conquest

  “Hello there, welcome to my store.”

  “Thank you very much.” Seeing a dress that caught my eye, I headed right to the rack to look at it.

  “Now that would be absolutely lovely on you with your coloring, so festive too.”

  It was a gorgeous deep magenta color, form fitting and slightly off the shoulder. I agreed with the saleswoman, the color would look great with my exotic coloring. And they had my size 4 too. Grabbing it off the rack, I headed in the back to the dressing room.

  “I can’t wait to see it on you love. My name is Maddie, are you new in town?”

  “Yes, I am. I start working this week over at Stone Oil Industries and just moved here from New Jersey. I’m Selina Harrison.”

  “Well welcome Selina Harrison. Would you love something to drink? Ice tea, some wine?”

  “Ice tea would be great. So what do you think?”

  I stepped out of the dressing room and loved this dress. It clung to my curves where it should. For a size 4, I have a somewhat hourglass figure, this dress made me feel so sexy and classy. I just hope I would have someplace and someone to wear it for.

  “Wow Selina, you are gorgeous in it! I hate you; I could never wear something like this.”

  I also needed some undergarments and saw that Maddie had quite a collection.

  “I’ll take this dress and some of the lingerie too. I have a feeling this is going to become my favorite store.”

  “Oh I hope so. I think we are going to become friends too.” Maddie had a fun personality and just a genuine person. I instantly felt at ease with her. It would be nice to have a friend here as Julia was so far away. So putting the 3 bra and panty sets on the counter, the magenta dress, I also found a pair of white linen pants with a pastel blue linen top that I added to the pile and a sexy nightgown. I don’t know why I wanted that, maybe to feel that I’m moving on; maybe Damien brought that out of me. Who knows? Paying for everything, I sat at a chair by her counter and sipped my tea.

  “So tell me about yourself Selina. So why all the way cross country for work?”

  I felt that I could talk to her so I spilled it out to her, my breakup, right down to meeting Damien but not what happened on the flight. I really was coming to terms with what happened on the flight anyway but it was our time, our memories.

  “I have to commend you for doing what you needed to do for yourself. It’s a blessing in disguise to find out about the ex before you were married. What a mess that would have been after the fact!”

  “That’s what I keep telling myself when I get a down about it. I just can’t believe he did that to me.”

  “Here’s to moving on.” Maddie clinked her glass to mine on that toast.

  “Now you are a Geologist. That must be very interesting work.”

  “Yes it is. Everything that we do to our earth, especially with off shore drilling and fracking, has an impact on our lives. I’m here to guide Mr. Stone and his company in making the right decisions for our environment.”

  “I’m sure you will do a great job at the company. Hey I just thought of this. Do you have any plans for this afternoon? My friends are having a BBQ at the park; I would love to have you join us. It’s very casual, they are businessmen and women; some own local businesses in town and some even work over at Stone. It would be great to have you come on by for it.”

  “You know, that would be really nice, I just have plans on doing the rest of the unpacking but that can wait until tomorrow. What can I bring?”

  “Just a bottle of wine, how’s that? We have all of the food ordered, we just show up at the park. It’s right over there down at the hill. If you want, I’m closing my shop at three today, why don’t you meet me here and then we can go over there together. I hate when I go to a new place and don’t know anyone. I will be there to introduce you to everyone.”

  “That sounds great. Thank you for everything and for the talk. I appreciate it. Here’s my number so you have it.” We exchanged cell numbers and then taking my packages, I told her I would see her later.

  I really liked Maddie and knew I would become friends with her as time went on. Now I just needed to find a liquor store and purchase a few bottles of wine. This is going to be a nice afternoon. I would get to meet quite a few people and even some from Stone Oil. Finding a liquor store on my way back to my condo, I picked up a few bottles of wine. Deciding to add a few for myself, I took my time walking back to the condo. Damien crossed my mind again and that had to stop. Unless he calls me, there isn’t anything there for me.

  Chapter 10 Damien’s afternoon

  Happy July 4th weekend to me. Getting out of the shower, I had a little bit of time before I headed over to Steve’s for their annual family BBQ. I knew I would be drilled by his mom about my current love life now that I moved on from my former girlfriend Lauren Saylor. She just got to be too much for me, clingy, was pushing to get married. Unfortunately, she wasn’t taking the breakup well and still tries to be a part of my life. I’m not one to be cruel to another person but it’s getting to the point that she is putting us in a position for me to take that route. She just wasn’t who I saw myself ending up with happily forever after. Now Selina was a different story. But who knows what is going to happen when I walk into our staff meeting after the holiday. I haven’t text her as there wasn’t anything to say as CEO. Unless she texts me with a question, there was no reason for me to reach out to her.

  This is going to be the longest two days of my life. Heading down to the garage, I got into my Corvette. During the week, DT drives me but I love driving and enjoy a drive to unwind after a crazy week. The thought of having Selina next to me with the top down, well, just thinking about her has me wanting her. As I pulled up to the liquor store, I saw a woman walking down the street that looked like Selina. As I looked closely, I realized it is her. I stay in my car, just looking at her carrying a few packages back towards the condo. She has incredible legs and such a gorgeous ass. Unfortunately, I can’t let her see me. I would love nothing more than to take her with me to the party but I can’t let her know who I am until we go to work. Putting my head back against the seat, I got myself under control and finally went into the liquor store for a few cases of Corona.

  Loading up the Corvette, I pulled out of the space and head on over to Steve’s house. I can’t stop thinking about how Selina responded to my touch. She came alive when I touched her. Thinking of her lips crushed under mine and hearing her cries made me want her even more, all of her. Reaching between my legs to adjust myself, I pull into Steve’s driveway. His kids playing basketball in the driveway, I decided to back the car out and park it on the street.

  “Sorry Uncle Damien. We promise not to hit your car.” Grabbing the cases of beer, I head on over to see them. Steve’s kids were good young men, they were very respectful but I wasn’t going to be a fool to park the Corvette in the driveway.

  “Hey guys, how are you? Where’s your Dad?”

  “He’s in the back at the grill. Do you need help?”

  “No, I’m good. See you guys later.”

  So I headed around back to meet up with everyone. Putting the beer by the coolers, I grab two of them and walk over to Steve at the BBQ.

  “Hey buddy, how are you doing?”

  “Hey Damien. Steer clear of my mom; she is looking for you now that you are single again. She swears she has someone that you have to meet. I already told her to leave you alone but I think between your mom and my mom, they pledged together they will get you married off.”

  “Thanks for the warning but I just may have things under control myself.” Taking a swig out of my Corona, I saw Steve raise his eyebrows high into his forehead.

  “Well that’s some news D. Who is she?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me.”

  “Without getting into everything, I met her on the flight to Houston last night. Turns out to be our new Geologist. The thing is I didn’t tell her who I was. Th
e rest of it is between Selina and me.”

  “Jesus Damien. You are playing with fire here but then again, that’s you. Wow, I gotta hand it to you. You don’t do anything on a small scale. Can’t wait until the fireworks at the staff meeting when we get back.”

  “Yeah but she is so worth the wrath I’ll face at the office. I’m sure it’s nothing that I can’t handle, in fact, I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

  “Well, I’ll back you up my friend, especially if things start flying in the office. So is she worth the fight?”

  “Yep, definitely.” I started smiling when I thought of Selina. She was definitely worth the fight.

  “Ok, I’ll tell my mom that you are working on someone and that she needs to back off. Here, have a burger. So besides the attraction you have towards her, how is she as a Geologist? Good idea to have her on board with us?”

  “Yes, absolutely. She is one of the best in her field. She was going to teach, that’s why she turned down this job initially. Her fiancée didn’t work out and Selina reached out to me as asked if the job was still available.”

  “A fiancée? I hope that you won’t be a rebound relationship for her.”

  “ I don’t plan on being a rebound anything Steve. You know me better than that.”

  “No I can’t imagine you would ever put yourself in that position. It’s either all or nothing for you. Now with Lauren, she isn’t taking no for an answer. She happened to call my wife today to find out if you were going to be here. Denise told her no, you weren’t going to make it.”

  “Remind me to kiss your wife for that lie. I don’t know what to do with Lauren. I’m getting to the point that I’m going to really end up hurting her. How about telling your mom to help find her another guy?”

  “Hey now, that’s an idea! I will just go ahead and do that.” And so the rest of the afternoon was very nice. I enjoyed seeing my staff that was there: I made sure that I was just a friend and not their boss. I didn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable. I visited with Steve’s mom for a bit too. She wasn’t too bad with her advice in finding a woman. Steve already told her to leave me alone as I did meet someone and was working on her. Looking at the time, I really needed to get going. I had some paperwork to do for the meeting on Tuesday. Thanking Steve and Denise for a great afternoon, I jumped into my car and headed back into the city to my condo.

  Chapter 11 Selina’s afternoon

  The people that I met this afternoon couldn’t be nicer to me. I was able to meet a few of the other employees from Stone and we had a great conversation on the upcoming drilling and my take on it. This was my specialty. I love when I can get people’s attention on what drilling does to our environment even though I do recognize the importance of our oil dependency in this country. I’m even hoping to change the CEO’s thoughts to clean energy. Why not? I could definitely try. I know I have to get my report together tomorrow for my presentation to the board and the CEO on Tuesday. I already had my outline, just had to put my power point presentation together. I plan on making a good argument on this drilling site but will think about it tomorrow and not at the picnic. I met the CFO Thomas Hutchings and his wife Theresa, and a few of the drillers who were very interested in what my take was on their current plan. I told them my report was going to be presented to the Board on Tuesday with my recommendations. I also met my new assistant Mike. I didn’t even think I would have someone working with me so it was a pleasant surprise to meet him. He had his business degree but started taking science classes in the evening to become more familiar with the work he would be doing with me. I was very impressed with this and just clicked with him. I was introduced to his partner Chris and really liked them on the spot. I couldn’t thank Maddie enough for introducing me to her friends and felt welcome in a strange city. Seeing that it was getting late, I thanked all of them and needed to head on home. Mike and Chris were heading out too so they gave me a lift to the complex to see me safely home.

  “Thanks for the lift. I’ll see you on Tuesday and look forward to working with you Mike.”

  “Thanks Selina. I’m looking forward to it too.”

  As they drove off, I knew I wanted to get moving on that report for Tuesday. Actually I was looking forward to it but wanted to Skype with Julie first.

  I knew this conversation would be girly talk as I needed her advice so grabbing a glass of wine, I fired up my laptop and got a connection to her. I got myself comfortable in the couch that hugged me and waited for her to connect in with me.

  Well hello Ms. Texas. How are you doing? You have some color already.

  Hey there yourself. I was invited to a picnic today so I went and met some nice people; a few from the job too. They were curious about my presentation on Tuesday.

  You are going to knock it out of the park at that meeting. I know how passionate you are about drilling and the environment. I wish I were there to see you in action.

  Thanks Jules. Well, I’m calling about something else. Actually, I met someone on the flight here and well, let’s just say things got out of hand on the flight over.

  You have got to be kidding me? You finally have a one night stand in the mile high club after this past month of me telling you to just go for it? Wow Sel. How was he?

  I can’t talk about this but it was amazing for what we could actually do in our seats. On top of that, he was gorgeous and very kind. I lost it when the flight took off, everything started crashing down on me that I should have been on my honeymoon and cancelling the wedding, seeing the ex with his nurse. The few drinks I had in me made me lose it. He placed his hanky in my hand and then held my hand until I could get myself together. I ended up having another drink and told him everything and well, things just happened.

  The good thing about Skype is that you can see the others reaction during a conversation like this.

  I like him already. Hold this thought. I’ll be right back.

  Julia left the screen and came back in a few moments with a glass and a bottle of wine. Laughing at her, she poured a nice amount, took a big gulp and just started laughing.

  You did what people read about in the hot romance novels Sel. I’m shocked but happy for you. What happened when you landed?

  I gave him my card with my cell number on it and we went our separate ways. With my luck, he is probably married. I can’t imagine I would hear from him again. I’m hoping but thinking maybe not. I haven’t heard from him yet

  You never know Sel. But I’m happy you went out of your comfort zone. Good for you. Who says women can’t get the same pleasures as men, even opportunities and spur of the moment hot sex? He might have thought you used him too.

  I think I tried to give him that impression but there was something in his eyes that let me know we weren’t done yet.

  Ooh, I love that Sel. Handsome?

  Yes, and then some. Dark hair, blue eyes, beard, body of living death and a tattoo that goes from his forearm to God knows where. You know how I love tattoos on a man. I wonder if he has others. Something tells me he does. I’m guessing late 30’s.

  Yep, you’re a goner. Let’s toast to a possible future with this hottie. And if not him, maybe you’ll have an affair with your CEO. You never know.

  Laughing at Julie, we touched our glasses to the screen and decided it was time to sign off.

  I have to get my report all set for Tuesday. I’ll keep you posted on what happens on Tuesday and Skype with you then.

  Sure Sel. Good luck and Happy 4th.

  As I saw Julia’s image disappear from the screen, I thanked my lucky stars that I had such a dear friend to confide in. Something told me that I’m going to need her next week.

  Grabbing my yoga wear, I jumped in the shower to get myself ready to work late in the evening. I thought of how the presentation would go, how I would dress and the points I definitely wanted to make. That’s what the CEO hired me to do and I plan on educating all of them in that room on Tuesday morning.

  As I toweled dried my hair,
I thought that I should reach out to Mr. Stone to see how much time he would allot me to speak. That would be important to the content of my report. So grabbing my cell phone, I put in a text to him.

  Mr. Stone, Sorry to bother you on the holiday weekend. I’m working on my presentation to the Board and just needed to know how much time you are allocating me for my findings/report?

  I didn’t have long to wait for his answer. I was surprised by this as I thought that maybe with the holiday weekend, he might be away with family.

  Dr. Harrison, I’m happy to see that you are hard at work on this report but I hope that you are also enjoying some time this holiday weekend. How about 30 minutes? I know the Board is very interested in what you have to say.

  Mr. Stone, 30 minutes is just perfect. I certainly don’t want to bore anyone but make the maximum explanations with the presentation; the pros and cons of this drilling site. I’m guessing I would have access to power point?

  Good Dr. I leave all of this in your very capable hands and look forward to hearing what your findings are. And yes, you will have access to power point. I hope that you also had a nice time today and were able to get out.

  Yes Sir. I met some new friends and was invited to a BBQ at the park nearby. I met my assistant Mike and your CFO and his wife too. It was a beautiful day. I wish you a good night. If I have any other questions, I’ll be sure to reach out to you. Until then, I look forward to meeting you on Tuesday.

  Good night Dr.

  Well, that went well. I have 30 minutes to make my case, charm them, let them know that I have a brain in my head for this work and see what I can do to make sure I will be a good asset to the team. I’ve already started winning over the drillers as they really didn’t see why the boss would bring in a Geologist but now they get it. I really am excited that I made the right choice in coming to Houston. Staying in New Jersey was going to bury me. Grabbing a bottle of water and putting the radio on for some background noise, I opened my laptop to start putting my presentation together. I plan on making this a long night.


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