Love Never Fails

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Love Never Fails Page 5

by Ginni Conquest

  Chapter 12 Damien

  So I’m sitting at my desk, doing the outline for my presentation to the board when a message came thru to my phone. It’s from Selina. Well, I have to admit my heart did miss a beat when I saw it was her even though I know it’s a question about work. Seeing that she wanted to know how long her presentation could be and if she had access to power point, well that was easy to answer. To see that she was at a BBQ and met my CFO as well as her new assistant, I prayed that nothing else was said about me that she could connect the dots. I didn’t take her to be anything but an intelligent person that just one slip from someone and I would be finished before even starting with her. As I continued to answer the text, I knew I was in the clear. Running my hand thru my hair, I realized that this was a pretty shitty thing to have done to her but if things work out as planned, what a story to tell our kids, when they grew up that is.

  Realizing how late it was, I saw that she was a workaholic like me. Another good thing in the right column. Lauren was anything but that. She wanted to be pampered and often. That got tired and quickly. But now I’m doing exactly what Selina might be doing. She might be comparing me to her fiancée and I’m comparing her to Lauren. That stops now. There is no comparison. Selina was the type of woman that I might have been searching for but we’ll see after her presentation on Tuesday. If I have to strong arm her as her boss, so be it. I’m not going down without a fight. I’ve already had a taste of her and definitely wasn’t done with her. Oh Hell, I’m not getting this report done now. Slamming the laptop cover down, I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV for something mindless to watch. Sleep was evading me; really, I’m a mess just thinking about her. Ok, a glass of scotch. That would help knock me out. Tomorrow is the picnic with my family and then Tuesday is here.

  Chapter 13 Finished

  Happy July 4th to me! My report is all complete; the power point is all set. I’m so happy with how this report has come out. I can’t wait to start my new job. I feel energized just thinking about it. It’s three am and my body is starting to drag. Tomorrow is a day to finish unpacking and just relax before my big day at Stone Industries. The only thing missing is hearing from Damien. Who am I kidding that I could do a one night stand? That’s not me. When I think about how he took charge of us, how he sort of dominated me and how he made me feel, I just wanted more of him. But it’s impossible as I don’t know how to find him. Hitting my pillow in frustration, I hug it to myself and just resign myself to the fact that he could have been an amazing lover. I enjoyed the time we had together and am grateful for having that experience.

  Chapter 14 Damien’s Parents

  “Hey Mom. Hey Dad. Where are you guys?”

  “In the back son.” I heard my Mom answer me so I walked towards their backyard where my parents are with my brother Richard, my sister Dawn and their spouses and kids. Seeing the kids throwing water balloons at my Dad and having him run around the tree to protect himself from the onslaught was a great sight to behold. Gone was the tough CEO when he ran the company to a good family man and Grandpa. Hugging my sister and brother, I was the oldest of the three of us. Of course, I never hear the end of it that I’m not married and that I haven’t provided my parents with grandkids. I love them dearly but they need to just relax about it. It’s something that I brace myself for whenever we get together. Hopefully Steve’s mom told my mom I might have someone in the wings.

  “There’s my son, Happy July 4th Damien. You are looking well.”

  “Thanks Mom. Happy 4th everyone. How are you guys doing?”

  My sister was the first to answer.

  “Well, the kids are driving me insane with school being out. They are both crazy and on my last nerve. I can’t wait until they go to camp tomorrow. I’m glad they are going after Dad right now; we were all targeted before you got here. I threatened not to give them any ice cream if they pounded us with the balloons. It seemed to have worked for a little bit.”

  My sister loved her kids desperately but didn’t have any tolerance for their antics. Having two boys within two years of each other would have tried my patience too. Now my brother Richard has a boy and a girl. His wife declared the “factory” closed as they have one of each.

  “The firm is going well D. I’m happy with the clientele we have and the accountants on staff. The kids are great; they head to camp tomorrow with Dawn’s kids so we will all have some peace and quiet around the house. How about you?”

  “Well, our new Geologist starts tomorrow with her presentation to the Board. It’s the start of a new era in this business that we are excited about. Other than that, it’s business as usual.”

  My sister was never one to mince words and came right out with it.

  “Aren’t you forgetting one thing D? Mom mentioned that you might have a new girl in your life now that you got rid of Lauren.”

  “I hope to have her in my life. Too soon to tell Dawn. Can we give this a rest? And thanks Mom for telling them. I’ll let you all know if something happens.”

  “You have a new girl in your life son? Your Mother and I are so happy that you got rid of Lauren. She wasn’t right for you. You need the female version of you.”

  “Thanks Dad. I’ll keep you all posted on my love life. What’s for lunch Mom? I can’t stay late as I have the presentation to finish up tonight.”

  “Your Father kind of figured you would have to leave early so everything is ready now. Let’s go enjoy.”

  So I got through the rest of the picnic, had a nice time with my niece and nephews and headed out to get started on my report. I found my Dad walking me out to the car and knew he wanted to speak to me about work.

  “Son, I just want you to know how proud I am of what you have done with our company. I’ll be there tomorrow in the capacity of a Board Member and also with curiosity in meeting Dr. Harrison. I’m hoping she will be the answer to the latest problems we’ve been having on site. I know there is something we are missing here.”

  “I’m sure she will Dad. So I’ll see you tomorrow at 10, ok? Have a great night.”

  Pulling away from their house, I breathed a sigh of relief that I got thru the interrogation. I love my family dearly but like anyone else, they can be a pain in the ass. Smiling at the thought that my sister was the one to jump into the line of questioning with Mom just sitting looking so innocent, well, they definitely knew how to tag team me. Driving into the complex, I headed upstairs to my condo. I made a decision that I was going to text Selina. I knew that I shouldn’t but my over anxious self couldn’t help it. I needed to have some contact with her. Grabbing my personal cell phone so the number was different, I reached out to her.

  Hi Selina. It’s me, Damien. How are you?

  Her answer seemed to take forever as I just stared at the screen.

  Hi Damien. Happy July 4th to you. How are you?

  I’m well. Hope you had a great day. Did you do anything special?

  No, I finished the report early this am I have to give at work tomorrow. I just finished unpacking and planning on watching the fireworks from my deck tonight. You?

  I was at my parents today for their annual BBQ with my sister and brother and their brood. I have work to do today too so I cut my visit short. The reason why I’m writing is to let you know that I have been thinking about you and if you wanted to get together for dinner on Wednesday night?

  Selina didn’t answer right away which had me a bit worried.

  I have to ask you this and please don’t think this is an odd question. Are you married?

  No, absolutely not. My parents wish that everyday but no. LOL. I haven’t met the right woman yet.

  Ok, Wednesday is good Damien. Let me get thru my first day tomorrow and we can touch base.

  Let’s say 7pm and I’ll pick you up. You can text me your address tomorrow when you know if that time is good for you. Have a good night Princess.

  You too Damien. Thank you for reaching out to me.

  Well, ok then. Oh she is g
oing to be pissed tomorrow.

  Chapter 15 The Text

  Oh my God, Damien sent me a text! Things are looking up for me. New job, new home, maybe a new guy. And he says he’s not married. Just my luck. Ok, I’ll take things one day at a time. I can’t help but have a goofy smile on my face at the thought of seeing him again. I’ll wear the new magenta dress I bought at Maddie’s. Nothing would make me feel wonderful and feminine but wearing that outfit. I’ll pair it with the beautiful black lingerie set I purchased too, just in case. Now it’s almost time for fireworks. Grabbing a glass of wine, I have a ringside seat to wish America a very Happy Birthday. As the first fireworks explode in the sky, the inner child in me just looks at them with amazement. I see my neighbor’s also sitting on their decks and wave to them. There would be plenty of time to get to know them. Right now, I just want to enjoy and live in the moment that Damien text me. Almost as soon as they started the fireworks, it seemed the Grand Finale started. They were pretty good, not as good as the ones in New York but not too bad overall. I locked up the deck sliding door and headed back to my bedroom to make sure my navy dress was all pressed for the morning. It was one of my favorite dresses, not too formal but not too sexy either. It was perfect for my presentation with sexy navy pumps. I would look presentable but not like a science nerd to the Board. First impressions were everything and I plan on making a good first impression. Reaching my new romance novel, I decided I could get a few chapters in before falling asleep. Saying a prayer of thanks, I realized I was more tired than I thought. Well, so much for reading. I turned off the light and got a good night’s sleep.

  Chapter 16 The Presentation

  I can’t look any better than this. Looking into the mirror, my navy dress hugged my curves, dipped into a little “V” in the front and also in the back. Since my legs were tan, I did away with any type of stockings in this heat. My navy pumps showed them off to their best advantage. I had my hair down in waves and pulled it into a low pony tail with wisps of hair framing my face. My makeup was subtle but enhanced my exotic look. I wanted the Board to take me seriously but I didn’t want to look unpolished. Packing my laptop, I ran into the kitchen for a quick snack and some coffee. I saw that I had twenty minutes before DT picked me up so I had my breakfast and did some breathing exercises to calm my nerves a bit.

  I knew I had this. I just wanted to make my points, be taken seriously and do my job. That’s all I could ask for. Seeing it was time to head downstairs to meet DT, I made sure I had my apartment key card as well as my key card for the office, my laptop and handbag.

  Knowing he would be prompt, DT was standing outside the passenger door waiting for me.

  “Good morning Selina. Ready for today?”

  “Yes DT. Thank you for picking me up.”

  “No problem, let’s get you to work.”

  So I settled into the back seat and smoothed down my dress. I was a bit nervous as I should be. This was totally normal. I just kept telling myself I was one of the best Geologists in my field, well respected and published. I can handle a CEO and his Board of Directors. Pulling up to the curb, I let myself out of the car just as DT came running over to my side.

  “Please don’t feel you have to hold the door for me DT. It’s totally not necessary.”

  “You are just like the Boss. He hates when I do that too. Good luck today Selina even though I’m sure you won’t need it.”

  I gave him a wink and walked into my new life at Stone Oil Industries. The lobby was very impressive and immense. Walking to security, I showed them my badge and key card. Welcoming me to the company, they pointed to the rear bank elevators to take me to the Executive offices. Seems I would be on the main floor with the CEO, CFO, VP and the Board. Now this was both impressive and unexpected. Getting off on the 25th floor, I walked over to the main check in desk and introduced myself. A woman and a man manned the front desk. Lisa and William handled all of the clients coming to see any of us on this floor. Lisa took me to my new office down the hall from the CEO. She explained that Mr. Stone was in a meeting with his assistant and would see me at the staff meeting at ten o’clock. Everyone was expected to convene in the main conference room by nine forty-five as Mr. Stone was very prompt and would start the meeting right on time. She showed me to the corner office which was right next to the CFO and VP. I was very impressed by this as I didn’t think I would rank near these officers. Lisa pointed out where Mike sat. Thanking her for everything, I signaled Mike to meet me in my office as I wanted to discuss the power point presentation with him since I wanted him with me in the meeting.

  “Good morning Selina. Welcome. I just want to say how excited I am to work with you.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way as I’m going to have you handle my power point presentation for me this morning. Are you ok with that?”

  “Yes absolutely.”

  “Great, grab your coffee and show me where to get mine as we have a presentation to run thru quickly before the meeting.”

  “It’s down the hall to the left. I’ll be right back to get this set up with you.”

  I quickly put my laptop on my desk and other printed materials. Heading out to the kitchen, I passed Thomas’s office. I waved to him as I made my way down the hall.

  “Selina. Hey, how are you doing?”

  “I’m headed over for coffee before I go thru my power point presentation with Mike.”

  “I won’t keep you as the Boss doesn’t like to be kept waiting. I’ll talk to you later. Good luck.”

  “Thanks Tom.”

  As I passed the Vice-President’s office, I noticed that he just stared at me for a few seconds before waving to me. I figured I would have time to meet everyone after the meeting. I would feel better getting Mike up to speed before I spent time saying hello. Reaching for a cup, another hand followed mine to the cabinet. Looking over to the person standing next to me, I saw it was the VP that I just passed by.

  “Excuse me, are you Dr. Harrison?”

  “Yes, please call me Selina.”

  “Steve Miller, VP of the firm. It’s very nice to meet you.” After he shook my hand, he told me he would see me later at the meeting, grabbed his coffee and headed back to his office.

  Walking quickly back to my office, I saw that Mike was there and already had my laptop set up for me. I could tell now he was going to be a life saver. Going thru the entire presentation quickly, he told me not to worry. He would take cues from me and he would move the presentation at my pace. He found out how many officers would be attending and made sure enough copies were printed out and all collated for me. I couldn’t thank him enough. I had a half hour before Mike came to get me for the meeting. Standing at the window, I just stood there as I surveyed downtown Houston. As I looked out over the water I saw where the drilling sites were. I planned on getting out there this week, maybe even tomorrow. I would do my ground work in the office first. Within a few days, my life was definitely looking up. I have already felt good at my job and knew I could make a difference. I just can’t get Damien out of my mind; what that man did to me in such a short time. I can’t believe how those lips and hands made me feel as they explored my body; and that tattoo. Seriously Selina, time to get a grip on things. I’ve never felt this way before with anyone.

  Hearing a knock at my door, I saw Mike standing there indicating that it was time to go to the conference room. He told me the usual set up would be him sitting behind me against the wall. When it was my time for the presentation, I would move to the front of the room and he would move to my chair to operate the power point. He had a bottle of water for me too.

  “What would I do without you Mike?”

  “You will do well Selina and you look amazing too.” Giving him a playful nudge, we both headed down to the main conference room. As we walked in, heads turned our way. Mike went to his area to set up the power point. I nodded to the various members and saw Thomas again. As he shook my hand, he introduced me to Mr. Stone Senior.

. Stone, it’s an honor to meet you Sir.”

  “Nice to meet you too Dr. Harrison. Your reputation precedes you. My son has told me wonderful things about you. He has faith that you will help bring this company to new heights.”

  “I hope so Sir. I’m going to do my very best.” Mr. Stone moved over to the section where the other Board members were sitting down. I noticed several were looking me with admiration and some with skepticism. It was my job to win them over today and I would do my very best. It was ten o’clock and the doors opened to Mr. Damien Stone.

  “Please take your seats.”

  As I turned around at the sound of his voice, the floor could have opened and swallowed me up. What the Hell? The man of my dreams was standing in from of the room. The man that I opened myself up to in more ways than one was my Boss!

  Steve noticed that I was just standing there with my mouth open and grabbed me by the waist. He whispered in my ear as he guided me to my seat.

  “Please give him a chance to explain when the meeting is over. You have a job to do right now. He is counting on you.”

  “You are kidding me, right?” Sitting down in my seat, I couldn’t even look at Damien. This is an absolute nightmare. And he knew! How the Hell did he know who I was on the flight? And not tell me who he was? Oh my God, I didn’t ask for his full name. Now who was the fool? Everything came crashing down on me. The crying, telling him my story, what went on under the blankets. Oh my God. What I did under the blankets! He’s my Boss! I think within a minute, I went through every emotion; from being shocked to humiliated to being extremely pissed off.


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