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Love Never Fails

Page 6

by Ginni Conquest

  “Good morning everyone. Welcome to our quarterly business meeting. I thank the Board for being present here, including my Father as we go thru the earnings as well as introduce our new employee, Dr. Selina Harrison.”

  A round of applause went around the room. I just stared at Damien and coolly nodded my head at him. His eyes bored right into me, almost daring me to let everyone know our secret. Turning my face from his, I acknowledged everyone else around the room. Keeping my face down at my paperwork, I worked to recover my composure before I had to give my presentation. Mike tapped me on the shoulder to hand me the bottle of water. Steve looked at me with a worried look on his face. I was pissed. First the asshole and now someone that I felt a connection with, betrayed my trust and took advantage of who I was. Damien even text me last night, asking me for dinner on Wednesday. That’s it. I’m done before we have started. I can’t do this with him.

  “And now, I would love to turn our program over to Dr. Selina Harrison.” Hearing Damien announce my name, I shook myself out of my murderous thoughts.

  Grabbing my own folder and one for Damien, I walked up to the room as calm as collected as I could be. Damien waited for me at the podium and extended his hand to shake mine. As soon as we touched hands, the shock of his touch brought me back to our flight just three days ago. I let go of his hand quickly and handed him the paperwork. On the outside, I presented the professional woman I was, but on the inside, I fought down my emotions of what we shared together. Stepping up to the microphone, I started my lecture.

  “Good morning. I would like to thank Mr. Stone for giving me this opportunity to work with Stone Oil Industries and to be a part of this wonderful company. Let me start by explaining what I’m being hired to do, especially for the Board members so they know where their money is being spent. (I heard a few chuckles around the room at that comment.) Mr. Stone is working to bring this company to the next level, to be more aware of how drilling and fracking are detrimental to the Earth’s environment. Everything that we do to our Earth’s crust can have serious repercussions. While I know that profits are a huge margin for any company, being environmentally sound is a major step in the right direction to keeping this world safe for future generations as well as being energy dependent from other countries, including the Middle East. I have a power point presentation all set up to explain in detail what I have researched and discovered in your drilling sites off the Texas coastline where you are having some setbacks I can only give you my recommendations. You will have the final say. So let’s begin.”

  As Mike worked thru the presentation with me, I glanced over at Damien to make my point and I can only say the look on his face was one of admiration. I shine when I talk about Geology and if I can get my ideas into other people’s minds to change their way of thinking, then I have done my job. I explained to the Board that the reason they are having a problem with this drilling site was that it sat near a fault line. Moving the drilling over in either direction would help to stabilize the area.

  “And that concludes my presentation. Do you have any questions?”

  “Yes Dr. Harrison. My name is Winston Clooney, one of the members of the Board. Any chance your Father is Dr. Sean Harrison?”

  “Yes Sir. Dr. Harrison is my Father. He is a Paleontologist. He gave me my love of science. Why do you ask?”

  “He’s more than just a Paleontologist; he has made incredible discoveries in his career. Well, I went to college with him, I won’t say how long ago that was but now my son works with him at NYU. He wants to follow in his footsteps. Do you mind if I ask you where you did your studies?”

  “I did my undergraduate work at Columbia and my Master’s and Doctorate at NYU. I have traveled around the world to study fault lines in various countries, including our own in LA and New York. In regards to oil research, my studies include the Middle East, particularly Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. My Father has been a tremendous influence in the line of work I do. He handles discoveries of species from thousands of years ago while I work with the world that we inhabit to help protect it for future generations.”

  I noticed that Mr. Stone “Senior” had everyone’s attention next as he addressed me.

  “Dr. Harrison, at first I told my son I wasn’t sold on bringing on a Geologist to advise us but I can see now that we can only benefit from your knowledge. Thank you for your candor and for your research. We look forward to hearing more from you as your time with us continues.”

  “Thank you Mr. Stone.” I walked off the podium without a second glance at Damien. I was just disgusted and upset with myself too; it wasn’t just Damien’s fault.

  Shaking Mike’s hand, he went back to his own seat as I sat back down between Tom and Steve.

  “That was incredible Doctor.” Steve squeezed my arm and gave me a smile.

  “Now, we will take a twenty minute break. See you back here by 11:30.”

  As everyone including myself got up, I heard Damien say to me, “Not you Dr. Harrison. A moment please.”

  Steve leaned over to me as he was getting ready to leave.

  “Remember what I told you Selina. Please give him a chance to explain.” Steve winked at me as he left the room and nodded at Damien. The room cleared out fast. Damien stood facing me until he took off his jacket. As he sat on the corner of the desk, he loosened his tie and unbuttoned a few buttons. His eyes never left mine.

  “First of all, your presentation was flawless. I noticed that you turned quite a few of the stubborn minds around with your explanations and I thank you for that. You will definitely be a great asset to this company.”

  I didn’t even acknowledge his compliment and definitely didn’t blink an eye. If I could throw something at him, I would have. As he looked right into my eyes, Damien definitely had an idea about how angry I was.

  “I’m sorry about all of this. If you knew who I was from the beginning, nothing would have happened between us and that wasn’t acceptable to me. I felt something, a connection from the beginning with you,” explained Damien.

  “I opened myself up to you, I did things that I wouldn’t have done with anyone, especially my Boss. I can’t believe this is happening.” I just put my head down for a second.


  “Don’t you dare call me that! This changes everything.” I can’t believe the man that occupied my thoughts and dreams has now become my Boss. How can I have a relationship with him? I’m so disappointed about the whole situation and in myself. Oh my God, how I responded to him came crashing down around me. Sensing that Damien was standing in front of me, he grabbed me by the arms.

  “I don’t regret for one single moment what we shared together. You have been in my thoughts and my desires all weekend. I don’t give a damn that we work together, we can get around this. I need to know more about you, all of you Selina. Just give us time. I’m so sorry to make you feel that I betrayed you. I had my own selfish reasons to keep my identity from you. Look at me Selina.”

  Raising my eyes up to his, I saw the stormy blues of his eyes boring into mine.

  “I will not lie to you any longer. I want you. I want you so much that it hurts. I want to bury myself deep inside you and make you cry out my name. I want to make you forget your fiancé and be mine in every way possible. And I will not stop until I have you.”

  Pulling my arm from his, I reached up to slap him in the face but didn’t make it. He stopped my hand in mid slap and pulled me up against him. Slamming his mouth on top of mine, his lips devoured me. Biting my lower lip, I opened my mouth as he drove his tongue into mine, twisting and teasing me. It was just like it was on the plane. This man ignited something deep within me. Pulling his mouth from mine, his lips traveled to the pulse beating wildly in my neck. Hearing a moan escape from my lips, I begged him to stop. I knew I had to get my thoughts in order and get away from him before it was too late.

  “Please Damien, stop.”

  Looking at me, I couldn’t stop my lip from quivering.

nbsp; “I’m so sorry to have lifted my hand to you. It will never happen again. And this can’t happen again. Not now.” Damien stopped and dropped his arms from mine. Walking to his jacket, he picked it up.

  “Ok Dr. Harrison. Be ready for dinner tonight at 7 o’clock. It’s a business dinner with Tom and Steve. They will be bringing their wives so you will be comfortable with us. I will come around with DT to pick you up. Don’t be late.”

  Frowning at Damien, I saw him shrug back into his suit jacket and straighten his tie.

  “That is all.”

  Feeling definitely dismissed, I gathered my things and exited the conference room to the safety of my office.

  Chapter 17 The Fallout

  “Hey, is it safe to come in?” Steve stuck his head in the conference room. “Looks like everything’s in place in here and you aren’t sporting a black eye.” He couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “It doesn’t mean that she didn’t try. She did apologize for trying to hit me but I caught her and then kissed the Hell out of her. Where this woman is concerned, I have no boundaries or control.”

  “Well that is attraction and love my friend. How did you end it?”

  “Selina begged me to stop and I dismissed her. Pulled the “Boss” act like I knew I would have to. I told her to be ready by 7 o’clock tonight with you, Tom, and your wives. Then I told her she was dismissed.” I stood by the window and ran my hand thru my hair. If it’s at all possible, my attraction to her was even greater than it was three days ago.

  “Ok my friend. At least Selina knows now. Give her time to process everything and we’ll try to smooth things over tonight. I hope you don’t mind by I told Denise about this. Maybe she can help from a woman’s point of view.”

  “That’s fine Steve. Can’t be any worse than what it is now.”

  “I wouldn’t count on that. Denise can’t believe you did this and was quite vocal in her objections about it. I’ll have her calmed down by the time you pick us up but I’m sure she will say something to you.”

  “No doubt. At least the worst part is over and now I have to work on winning Selina back.”

  Hearing the door opening, the Board and my senior staff started coming back in the room. Selina wasn’t needed for this part of the meeting so her chair was vacant. Wrapping my head around what I needed to do now, I started this meeting and got thru it before lunchtime.

  Now with Selina...

  Standing by the window, I touched my fingers to my lips, still feeling where he touched me. In an instant, my world tilted on its own axis. The man of my dreams is my Boss. Wow. And He knew the whole time. I was going thru my mind everything that happened on the plane. Damn, right down to DT. He knows too. Damien had this all planned out.

  Hearing a knock on my door, I saw Mike smiling at me.

  “Come in Mike. Thank you so much for your assistance this morning.”

  “Selina, you were brilliant. I learned so much from listening to you. I got more out of this than when my professor teaches his lesson.”

  “I’m sure your professor is just fine but thank you. I’m glad it’s over and now I can get down to work. By the way, where can I get something to eat for lunch?”

  “Right on the fifth floor. There is a restaurant and also a deli. Take your pick.”

  “Ok, I’ll head out in an hour.” As Mike headed back to his desk, I had ocean floor charts to go thru. I wanted to get out to the drill site tomorrow so mapping this out now would be a smart thing to do.

  Picking up my Iphone, I sent a quick text to Julie.

  Hey Jules. You are not going to believe this. The gorgeous man on the flight that things got a little out of control, well, he turned out to be my BOSS. Yes, that’s right, Damien is Damien Stone, CEO and owner of this firm. I just found out right before I had to give my report. He knew the whole time who I was. He apologized right after the meeting and just before I tried to hit him in the face. OMG. I’m mortified that I tried to hit him and what happened on the flight. Now I’ve been ordered to be ready for dinner tonight with the CFO, VP and their wives.

  Hey Sel, Wow. That’s insane. He must have his reasons for keeping his identity a secret. He definitely brings out the emotions in you too. I don’t ever remember you ever acting like this over a man. Why don’t you relax and just go with it?

  He did tell me that he isn’t giving me up.

  Listen Sel. Give him a chance. It’s understandable that you are upset and felt that you were lied to. It’s kind of romantic that he would go thru such lengths to be with you but Yes, that doesn’t excuse how he did it. So why don’t you have fun with this. Torture him a bit, that is if you want to pursue a relationship with him. Make him earn you.

  I don’t know if I can do that.

  Sel, you are gorgeous without trying. Look what he has done so far to be with you. Have some fun with it.

  Ok, I’ll think about it Jules. I’ll let you know what happens.

  Listen, you’re attracted to him, right?

  Yes, I can’t stop thinking about him.

  So, what’s a little fun? Sounds like he is into you. Make him earn you and it! I can’t wait to hear more as time goes on. I live such a boring life in Jersey. Keep me posted Sel, ok?

  I will Jules. Thank you for always being there. Love you.

  Love you too Sel.

  Make him earn it. Hmmm. Just might work but first I have to decide what I want from this possible relationship. Right now, I have to get to mapping out the site. I put Damien in the back of my mind and just focused on the work at hand.

  Before I knew it, an hour had gone by. My stomach let me know that it was lunchtime, so grabbing my notes, I figured I can work while I was eating to keep ahead of my work. Making my way to the fifth floor, I walked into the deli area and ordered a salad. With what happened almost two hours ago still had me reeling a bit so something light and quick was perfect.

  As I started into my research, I heard Damien’s familiar voice coming into the deli. I was happy that I was sitting in a slightly darkened corner as he walked in with a blonde. She looked very friendly with him and he had his hand on her back escorting her in. Some speech he gave me in the board room. He must have several different women at his beck and call. Why wouldn’t he? I’m such a fool when it comes to men. I tried not to let this bother me but it did. Oh damn. He is sitting five tables away from me. It would only be a matter of time until he saw me sitting here. Seeing the blonde put her arm thru Damien’s, I knew I had to get out of there. I can’t stand looking at them together. Gathering up my notes, I stood up a little too quickly that my salad crashed to the floor. Damn it, now this will get people’s attention. This was really not my day. As I bent down to pick up the bowl and put the lettuce in it, a familiar masculine hand was helping me.

  “Selina, let me help you with this.”

  “I don’t want your help or to keep you from your lunch date.”

  As Damien held my hand in his, I couldn’t help but look up at his face.

  “She is not a lunch date.” It seemed that for a brief second, it was just us together in that deli. Shaking myself from my dreaming, I pulled my hand from his.

  “Well, what have we here? And why are you holding her hand Damien?” Asked the blonde.

  “Enough Lauren,” growled Damien.

  “Who are you?” Asked the blonde.

  “I’m Dr. Harrison,” replied Selina with a bit of edge to her voice.

  “Lauren, go sit back at the table and I’ll be right there. This isn’t any of your concern.”

  “Damien baby, you don’t have to be this way. I just wanted to meet your friend.”

  “It’s either go sit down or leave. Take your pick.” Damien’s voice lowered to an octave that I’ve never heard before as he stared at Lauren. Lifting her head high, she spun on her heels and walked back to their table.

  “I’m sorry about Lauren,” said Damien.

  “She is not my concern. Well, I have this and I won’t keep you.” Using
my napkin to clean up the rest of it, I tossed everything in the trash. One of the workers came over to me with a mop. He assured me that he would take care of the rest of the mess and not to worry about it.

  Looking at Damien, I wished him a good lunch.

  “Enjoy your lunch Mr. Stone. See you tonight.”

  I felt his eyes staring at me as I walked to the elevators. I had my pride but it had a big crack in it right now.

  Chapter 18 Dinner Date: Damien’s story

  The five of us were in the limo on our way over to Selina’s. Looking at my two friends, Tom and Steve, I didn’t say a word while gazing at their angry wives, Denise and Theresa.

  Running my hands thru my hair, I sat there waiting for the interrogation to begin and I knew it was going to come first from Theresa.

  “So Damien, is that a new Armani suit you are wearing? I love the no tie look.” Theresa sat there with her arms across her chest.

  “Here it comes,” muttered Tom under his breath.

  “Theresa, just say it. We’ve known each other a long time.”

  “Ok, as much as what you did was pretty shitty, I understand why you did it.”

  Both me and Tom said “You do?” at the same time. It was almost comical.

  “Yes, I do. Selina would have never opened up to you the way she did had she known you were her boss and you are in love with her.”


  “Yes Damien, you are feeling a strong connection to her. If it’s not love or the beginning of that, then I don’t know what it is. I can see that. Denise can see that, don’t you Denise?”

  “Yes, but you have made a damn good mess of things Damien. You lost her trust. So Theresa and I have thought things thru. If you want to win her back, you are going to have to grovel.”

  Both me and Steve said at the same time, “Grovel?”

  “Yes, plenty of it. You need to win her trust back. That means apologies, kind words, gifts, thoughtful gestures; you have to be on her mind 24/7. Do you understand?”


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