Love Never Fails

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Love Never Fails Page 14

by Ginni Conquest

  “I need your flight info. Damien is sending his driver to pick all of you up.”

  “Get it from Mom. I have to run.”

  “Selina baby. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Here is our flight information.”

  Then we spent the next half an hour catching up. I just love talking to her as she so lively and animated. They were looking forward to seeing Houston and meeting Damien. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that things weren’t that great with us right now and that we had to sneak around with our relationship. I know that wouldn’t go over big with her so I just answered her questions and didn’t go into too much detail. They would know soon enough when I went to the Gala with them and saw another woman on Damien’s arm. I was afraid about my brother’s response too but maybe with Julia here, she could distract him. Saying goodbye to her, I hung up and decided to get my gown out. Picking out my handbag and shoes, I placed everything to the side. I had the second bedroom all set for my parents. Sean Jr. would be on the couch and Julia said she already booked a room in the hotel nearby. She was hoping to get in some quality time with Sean and that wouldn’t happen if she was staying with me. It seemed like everyone had to sneak around for love. Turning off the light, I made a promise to myself that I would accept for now what Damien could give me. And when I was ready, I would walk away from the both of us.

  Chapter 39: Damien: The Gala

  Now that I know that Selina’s family was all settled into her condo, I jumped into the Corvette to go over to meet them. I didn’t tell Selina I was coming as I wanted to surprise her too. I was a bit anxious in meeting them even though I told them the truth. I think it was everything catching up to me, to us. Cruising thru the streets in downtown Houston, I was able to unwind for a bit. I knew I was meeting her best friend Julia too. If she didn’t like me, then I was done. The two girls were very close so I knew I had to turn up the charm. I’m sure she knows everything about how we met right up to our love shack rendezvous. It was time to face the music. So I got to the condo and parked out front. The security guard knows me so after a few casual words, he buzzed me up to her condo. Here goes nothing. Standing in front of the door, I hear laughter and excited voices coming from within. I had to bang on the door several times before Selina opened the door.

  “Oh my God, Damien. This is a surprise.”

  I gathered her in my arms and kissed her, not like I wanted to, certainly not in front of her brother, but I missed her, A LOT.

  Keeping my left arm around her waist, I introduced myself to her Dad, Mom, Julia and then her brother. Selina wasn’t kidding when she said he was built like the Roc. I’m a pretty strong guy too but Sean Jr. wow. He could be the Roc’s stunt double.

  “It’s so nice to finally meet Selina’s family. I hope you had a good flight into town and DT took good care of you.”

  I made sure to keep Selina right next to me during this exchange as she tried a little to move away from me. It wasn’t going to happen.

  “Yes, thank you Damien. Everything has been great and we love this place you have Selina set up in. Very beautiful and safe,” said Dr. Harrison.

  “We give only the best to our employees. We wanted to make sure that’s it feels like home.”

  “How about a drink everyone?” Selina announced as she was able to pull away from me.

  “I’ll help you.” This little minx wasn’t getting away from me that easily. Into the kitchen I followed her, taking the glasses from the top cabinet as she couldn’t reach it that easily.

  Pulling her into my arms, I crushed her lips to mine. I couldn’t help myself. It’s been two days since I’ve seen her and that it wasn’t acceptable to me. Hearing her soft moans, I knew that she wasn’t indifferent to me either. She just tried to put up a good front. As Selina grabbed the front of my shirt, she pushed away from me.

  “Please stop. If Sean Jr. comes in here, I don’t know what he will do.”

  “I’ll take my chances.” Just at that moment, Sean Jr. stuck his head in the kitchen.

  “Are we getting drinks or what?” Giving us both a wink, he went back out to Julia and my parents. I heard Julia tell him to leave us alone so now I know I have a good buffer with her here. Bringing out pitchers of lemonade and ice tea, we all sat around and caught up with each other. My parents got to know Damien and Julia kept winking at me. When Damien wasn’t looking, she mouthed “Oh my God, He’s Hot.” I just rolled my eyes over at her. How old were we? We certainly weren’t acting like mature woman.

  “So what are you wearing to the Gala tonight my dear?” God bless my Dad to keep the conversation going. After the women let everyone know what color dresses we were wearing, Damien spoke about the Gala in general. He had a speech to give tonight about what Stone Industries was doing to pave the way to the future.

  “You are giving a speech tonight?”

  “Yes Selina. I’m going to cover the work you have done too and also what you have done for the competing oil companies. We have become the forefront to what the oil business is going to aspire to do. We have you to thank for this.”

  “I knew my daughter would do great things in her work. I’m proud of you baby.”

  “Thanks Daddy.”

  “Well, I have to get ready for tonight. It was nice finally meeting everyone and I’ll see you this evening. Your table will be right up front next to mine and the Board.”

  “It was good to meet you too Damien. Happy to be a part of this,” said Dr. Harrison.

  “Walk with me Selina.” I held her hand as I stood up towards the door.

  “I’ll see you tonight. I want a few dances with you, ok?”

  “Yes Damien, unless my dance card gets filled up.” I wrapped my arms around her waist.

  “Let’s make sure that my name is on the entire card, ok?” I brought my lips down to hers for a searing kiss that I wanted her to think about until she saw me that night. Feeling her sway closer to me, I had to break the kiss before it went a little too far with her family right in the next room.

  “I’ll see you tonight Princess.” Giving me a wink, he was gone.

  Walking back into the living room, everyone spoke at once.

  “Handsome man,” “Excellent manners,” “He’s got it bad for you,” “You have to marry that man.” It’s easy to figure out who said what with this bunch. I just flopped onto the couch and grabbed the pillow to my stomach.

  “He’s pretty amazing but I have to tell all of you something.” I proceeded to tell them about our situation, leaving out the sexy hot times we were together. Julia knew the stories but my parents and brother didn’t. When I was done, my Mom was the first to speak.

  “Selina baby, please give this time. I know it will all work out. Do you think your Father and I had an easy time of things? My family didn’t accept your Daddy at first. They thought I would marry my neighbor down the street, even trying to do an arranged marriage for me. We stayed strong together but didn’t want to alienate our families as family is all one has. But I couldn’t let them decide my happiness or our happiness. And now look at us. Two beautiful children, two successful careers and so much love. Look at him, it’s still like we are on our honeymoon.”

  “Ok Mom, we don’t need a visual over here.”

  “Oh hush Sean Jr. You can be as lucky as us if you decide on beautiful Julia. There, I said it. You are both beautiful together. What are you both waiting for?”

  Julia pushed her shoulder into Sean Jr. as he looked down at her with that gorgeous smile of his. Oh they were definitely on their way to happiness.

  “Regardless,” said Mom. “Love will find a way; Love never fails if you put your trust in it. Remember that my baby. Men like Damien don’t come often so you have to decide to be with him or live your life without him. There is no in between.” I went over to hug my mom as the tears started falling. She just rocked me as she looked over at my Dad.

  “Selina, everything will work out. Of this I have no doubt. We can all tell how he feels about y
ou. Just give him time to work it out with the business, ok? Now dry the tears, you need to look your best tonight and we all have to get ready for this amazing party.” Hugging my Dad too, it was great to have them all in town. I missed them all so much. Wiping my face, I decided to put my best self forward and to enjoy the evening, no matter what happened.

  So a few hours later, we were all looking our best. Daddy and Sean Jr. were dressed in their Armani tuxedos. Mama was in a gorgeous sapphire blue floor length gown by Badgley Mischka, Julia in a black Oscar de la Renta gown and me in a darker champagne colored gown also by Badgley Mischka. It was beautifully made with a bodice that came off the shoulders and had a little train. My hair was all curls cascading down my back with it pulled up on the sides. With my tan and exotic coloring, this dress was the perfect match. I couldn’t wait for Damien to see me though I don’t know if I will even get a chance to dance with him tonight. Cinderella was going to the ball without her Prince. Oh well. It wouldn’t be the first time.

  Hearing security buzzing for us, I knew DT was downstairs to pick us up. So deciding to put on a happy face, the five of us headed downstairs to what I’m sure would be an interesting evening. Sean Jr. already said he would escort Julia and me into the Gala so I didn’t have to walk in alone. For some strange reason, I would feel very uncomfortable walking into that place by myself.

  I felt a little anxious coupled with feeling resentment. I resented the fact that ten people were controlling my road to happiness and resentment that Damien didn’t stand up to these people, including his Father. I was anxious because I couldn’t share this wonderful evening for his company with him but had to sit on the sidelines and watch him several tables from mine. I was upset that he will have a gorgeous woman on his arms. We are not in the best place and who knows what can happen. I can’t believe that Damien has given up on us but just maybe this Charlie will be a temptation he wouldn’t be able to resist. Even before this evening started, I wish it was over.

  Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice that four sets of eyes were focused on me and that we pulled up to Symphony Hall. Had I noticed, I would have seen Sean Jr. winking at everyone with a silly smile on his face. I just noticed the amount of Paparazzi that were gathered on the stairs going into the Gala. I planned on just trying to sneak in with Sean Jr, find out where I was sitting and head to the nearest bar. A drink would settle my nerves and numb my feelings. Well, that wasn’t going to happen. Seems the photographers had lists and photos of everyone who was anyone and they classified me as “a someone.” Just my luck. I grabbed onto Sean Jr’s arm with Julia on the other side.

  Walking a few feet ahead of me was the man of my life: Damien looked absolutely incredible in an Armani tuxedo with a stunning blonde on his arm:

  Ms. Charlie McKenzie. They look beautiful together, the perfect power couple. I wanted to look away but I couldn’t. I just seemed to want to punish myself for how I acted earlier at the cottage and might have thrown away the only true happiness I have always dreamed about.

  As the cameras flashed in their faces, Damien said something to Charlie that made her laugh out loud and move closer to him. I heard the photographers yelling out “Are you guys a couple?”, “When did you start dating”, “If you get married, would your companies merge?” I fought to keep the tears from gathering in my eyes.

  “Hey Sel, don’t worry about those idiots. You know that man is so in love with you, don’t you?”

  Looking up at my big brother, I gave him a watery smile. I couldn’t answer as the lump in my throat wouldn’t make that possible. Sean Jr. has always been my protector and my best friend. I just couldn’t take two failed relationships in one year. I’m definitely feeling like a relationship demolition magnet.

  My Daddy and Mama were next. Daddy was definitely a celebrity in his own way and the press was excited to know he was here. Mama was radiant on his arm. The press loved them.

  Then it was our turn. Even though the press took photos of the three of us, they asked if they could just get me alone. Unbelievable: I just wanted to find my seat and not be in the spotlight.

  “Dr. Harrison, give us a smile,” “Gorgeous lady, look over here,” and “There she is: the brains and beauty behind Stone Industries.”

  “Yes, she is,” said Damien as he came to stand next to me. “I thought you would want a little company,” he whispered in my ear. The camera flashes were going crazy now, especially when Damien put his arm possessively around my waist and placed a kiss on my forehead.

  “What are you doing,” I whispered to him. Damien didn’t have a chance to answer with the reporters yelling out to him.

  “Mr. Stone, is this the woman of your dreams?” “Hey Stone, don’t let this one get away.”

  “I promise you guys, I won’t. You have your photos now. Have a good night,” said Damien and he escorted me into the hall.

  Pulling me into a secluded area, he held my hands up to his lips and kissed them.

  “You look stunning tonight Selina. Again, I’m sorry about all of this. I hope that you have forgiven me so I can have a dance with you tonight.”

  How could I stay mad at this man? Mad wasn’t the right word; disappointed was more the way I felt. Touching his face, I gave him a slight smile and asked to be shown to my seat.

  “You don’t want to keep Ms. Mackenzie waiting; that would be rude of you.”

  Damien knew I was disappointed with this whole situation. Creating a scene about it wouldn’t change things so he escorted me to his table to introduce me to Charlie. He excused himself to get us a few cocktails while I stayed behind to speak to Ms. Mackenzie.

  “It’s so nice to meet you Doctor Harrison. I’m sorry that we are both in positions that we don’t care to be in.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too but I don’t quite understand what you mean by that statement.”

  “I’m sorry, Damien didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?” Charlie didn’t have a chance to answer as Damien came back with our drinks.

  “Please take good care of him for me, ok?” Excusing myself, I kept my tears at bay. Reaching my table, my brother put his arm around me and guided me to my seat. Taking a good sip of my drink, Jules was right by my side.

  “What happened over there?” Asked Jules.

  “I was introduced to Charlie, she mentioned that she was sorry about the positions we were both placed in and when I asked her what she meant by that, Damien came back with my drink. She wasn’t able to clarify what she meant by that statement. I asked her to take care of Damien but maybe I shouldn’t have said that.” I couldn’t help but laugh as my own words. I basically gave her permission to take care of him as she saw fit. What an idiot I was!

  I looked back over to his table and he was seated facing me. He gave me that knee weakening smile. I could just hit him. He was having a good ole time as I sat here miserable. Well, that ends right now. I will just have to show him that I’m having a good time without him.

  Sean Jr. came back to our table with drinks for me and Julia. I’ll down this second one quickly to take the edge off and then I can enjoy myself. Soon the dinner courses began. I have to admit that I started to enjoy the evening. It was wonderful to spend time with my family that I started to relax.

  Everything was perfect right down to the four course meal that was served. Even the band was wonderful. I’ve had several dances already from men in different departments at Stone. It gave me a little satisfaction seeing Damien’s reaction to me dancing with them. He didn’t like it, I could tell. His eyes were a stormy grey and the laughter left his face. I wasn’t going to let an argument and a “Charlie” affect my time to have some fun. So I danced with every man that asked me too. I was getting a bit exhausted and thought maybe this little act of defiance was starting to wear me down. About the time I finished my dance with my assistant Mike, I knew I could relax. All I wanted to do was take off my shoes but that wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

  As I was e
scorted back to our table, I kissed Mike on the cheek to thank him for the dance. I noticed Winston Clooney over at our table having a great time with my Daddy. It was wonderful they could reconnect their friendship and share good times again.

  “Ah Doctor, there you are. I was wondering if you would do me the honor of this next dance.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Winston extended his arm to me which I gladly took. Smiling up at him, I wondered if this dance had a motive to it and he didn’t disappoint me.

  “So Doctor, are you having a good time?”

  “Yes Mr. Clooney, I am. Thank you.”

  “I have a funny feeling that you would be having a better time if you sitting with Damien at his table.”

  I felt my feet do a little stumble at his words.

  “I don’t exactly know what you mean Sir.”

  “Oh, I think you do. I’ve known Damien a long time Selina, since he was a young man to be exact, to know that he is quite smitten with you. Even now, he is shooting daggers at me with his eyes from across the room. In fact, I’ve seen you dancing most of the night away and he has been simmering at his table. You are both providing me with quite the entertainment this evening.”

  “I’m happy to oblige Mr. Clooney.” I couldn’t keep the smile out of my voice.

  “He thinks that the both of you can keep things secret but actually, I love the thought that Damien settles down. I am hoping that you are the woman to do that for him.”

  “I really don’t know what to say Mr. Clooney. I think that it’s up to Damien to decide.”

  “What? Don’t you have a say here?”

  “If I may speak frankly, there is a matter of the Board and fraternizing with the staff.”

  “Oh don’t worry about those old guys, including Damien’s Dad. We are all romantics at heart. Granted we don’t want this happening in the workplace but how can one control a wayward heart? Now my dear, you just keep doing the good work you are doing at Stone and let nature take its course. Right now, I see Damien heading straight for us. I have a feeling that he is going to claim you for the rest of this dance. Young men nowadays. They need to learn from us seasoned professionals.”


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