Love Never Fails

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Love Never Fails Page 15

by Ginni Conquest

  “Excuse me Mr. Clooney, may I have this dance with the good Doctor?”

  “Sure my boy. What took you so long?” Bowing to me, Mr. Clooney kissed the back of my hand. “Remember what I told you. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  Damien didn’t waste any time with pulling me close to his body.

  “I have been waiting all night to dance with you Selina. It’s driving me crazy seeing you out here with everyone but me.”

  “You haven’t been sitting by yourself either Damien, not that I’m counting. Your “dance card” has been quite full too.”

  “You are the only one I want on that damned so called “dance card.” You have been avoiding me.”

  “I didn’t want to cause any gossip or problems for you but I think that it doesn’t matter any longer.”

  “What did Clooney talk to you about? You both looked really friendly.”

  “He asked about us and our relationship. Told me not to worry about the old men on the board either.”

  “Hmm interesting.” Damien rested his head close to mine. “You know, you are driving me crazy in this dress and how you look. You look stunning. I want nothing more than to take you home with me and get started on more interesting things with you.” I sensed that he wanted to say something else to me but the lights flickered a few times as the band ended their song. I saw Damien’s Dad up on the stage to start the program.

  “I have to get up there Princess. Let me take you back to your seat but at my table.”

  Damien escorted me right to the seat next to Charlie. Kissing me on the forehead, he headed up to the stage to stand next to his Dad.

  As Charlie acknowledged me, I saw her holding the hand of another beautiful woman seated next to her.

  “Dr. Harrison, while you asked me to watch over Damien for you, he wasn’t the one that I wanted to keep an eye on. Let me introduce you to my girlfriend Stephania. Had you given him a chance to explain things to you, Damien would have alleviated quite a bit of heartache I could see you were going thru this evening.”

  I was speechless; I really didn’t know what to say as Charlie thoroughly put me in my place. I didn’t trust Damien and imagined all kinds of crazy things about him and Charlie. To say that I was a bit embarrassed was putting it mildly.

  “I’m so sorry Ms. Mackenzie that I misjudged you being Damien’s “date” tonight.”

  “Listen, no apology needed. We are both going thru the same fight with our jobs to hide our relationships. Well, tonight, that ends for us. I want people to know that I love this wonderful woman by my side and that it doesn’t affect how I perform my job. If they have a problem with that, well, they can go fuck themselves.”

  “Such language Charlie,” scolded Stephania.

  “That’s just the right attitude to take. I wonder if Damien can get to that decision.”

  “Oh I believe he has Doctor. Let’s enjoy the program, shall we?”

  I didn’t know what this program was going to be about other than knowing that Stone Industries paid a hefty amount as the sponsor of this event so they were the company that would be highlighted in tonight’s program. Mr. Stone started talking about the history of Stone Industries with a power point presentation full of images flashing on the screen behind him; all photos from when they started the company until today. It was quite interesting to see all of the old photographs of Damien’s Grandfather breaking ground for the new Headquarters and starting this empire that Damien now runs with an iron fist.

  “And now, without further adieu, I would love to turn this presentation over to my son, the CEO of Stone Industries, Damien Stone.”

  I couldn’t help but feel proud of Damien at this moment as the applause from the audience was quite boisterous; he commanded a presence, a strength that has taken Stone Industries to another level. Besides looking so handsome up there, I’m sure I wasn’t the only woman in the room that was enamored of him. All I wanted to do was to apologize for my insecure behavior tonight. I wouldn’t feel better until I had that chance.

  “Good evening everyone and welcome to the Gala. Stone Industries is proud to be this year’s sponsor of this event and hope that everyone is having a wonderful time.” Looking over at me, he gave me a smile that warmed my heart towards him. I felt the disappointment melt away. I couldn’t fight him or what we had together. I love him. That was it, plain and simple. Somewhere along the way, I fell head over heels in love with this dynamic man. From that fateful flight to now, I am his. I belong to him; he owns my heart. Now, I just have to make things right between us again. No matter what happens, I have to be a part of his life. I’ll take whatever he can give me given his CEO position. It’s better than nothing at all.

  “Stone Industries has taken a lot of positive moves in the future of oil drilling in this country. We have made great strides in securing a better future for our planet as well as pushing for energy independence from the Middle East. It’s time that we become more concerned over what faulty drilling can do to our environment and for our future generations. As you can see, we have made drastic changes in our policies and our approach to drilling in the Gulf that other oil companies, such as Mackenzie Oil, have also joined the ranks of clean oil drilling. Now in order for Stone Industries to have made such changes, we hired a brilliant Geologist, Dr. Selina Harrison. Dr. Harrison brought to our attention the problems that were at hand for Stone Industries and with her expertise and advice, those changes not only proved to be profitable but also fell into the category of what Stone Industries wanted to represent to the world. If I may, I would love to invite Dr. Harrison to please come up to the stage.”

  Hearing the applause, I looked at my Daddy. With tears in his eyes, he nodded his head and came around to escort me to the stage. I didn’t understand why Damien would want to bring me up there. I could have just waved from my seat which would be been more than sufficient. I didn’t need to be in the spotlight.

  “I’m so proud of you Selina. You have finished what you wanted to accomplish and that was to make a difference. You have done well my daughter.” Kissing me on the forehead, he saw that Damien was standing on the steps waiting for me. Then my Daddy did something a little unusual; He shook Damien’s hand and then placed my hand in his. As I watched him walk away, Damien softly called my name to walk with him to the center of the stage. Something wasn’t right here.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I would love to introduce to you, Dr. Selina Harrison and if she will have me, I would love to introduce her as my future wife.”

  I just looked at Damien as the place erupted with cheers and clapping. I stood there frozen and in shock. I couldn’t believe Damien just asked me to marry him in front of 300 people, including the Board of Directors. Oh My God! I looked to my parent’s table and they were all standing up cheering too. Sean Jr. gave me a thumbs up as my Mama and Julia were crying. Looking back at Damien, he was down on one knee holding an open ring box with the most beautiful diamond ring. The look on this man’s face was full of love and passion and to me was everything I had ever wanted in a man, lover and friend. From the plane ride right to now, Damien knew who he wanted and that was me.

  “Princess, will you be my friend, my lover and my wife, forever. I loved you from the moment I saw you. I knew that I had to have you as mine. I want to build a life with you, have children with you, and grow old with you. My life is incomplete without you Selina. Will you marry me Princess?”

  “Yes, Oh my God, yes Damien! I love you and want to be your wife.”

  Standing next to me, he placed the ring on my finger which was a perfect fit. The tears were streaming down my face as I couldn’t believe this was happening.

  Damien said into the microphone, “She said yes!”

  Hearing the cheers go up again, Damien held my face between his hands and just kissed me in front of all of those people. Neither of us cared at that point, it was just us, together. After all that we had endured in these short months, we knew that we were meant to be together
. Turning towards the crowd, we saw Damien’s parents with my parents. Our mom’s were still crying tears of happiness and our Father’s were shaking each other’s hands. The Board members were all standing and applauding. Winston blew me a kiss with a wink that was so endearing that I blew a kiss right back to him. It seemed as though this Gala was turning out to be a huge engagement party now. Damien told the band to start playing as we exited off the stage to our families. I couldn’t believe this had happened. The women wanted to see the ring while the men just slapped Damien on his back.

  I heard Sean Jr. mention the Bachelor Party and that they should go to Vegas as he has good connections there. I just threw my napkin at him as Julia told him to knock it off.

  “Can Sel at least wait until the ring is on her finger for at least 24 hours?” Julia scolded Sean Jr. as she came over to stand next to me.

  “So my dear friend, this is your happy ending. I knew it wasn’t over. What you don’t know is that Damien had called your parents and SJ, explained everything that he could and left out the personal things. He asked them for your hand in marriage so we all knew this was going to happen tonight. We just didn’t know how he was going to do it. Damien is the one for you Sel. No doubt about it and I couldn’t be happier for you and for him. Just remember, he has a great woman in you too. He’s a lucky man.”

  “Yes, I am Jules. I’ll remember that every day of my life,” said Damien as he wrapped his arms around my waist as he stood behind me. Kissing my neck, I turned around and just smiled up at him. I knew at that moment, I would be protected, adored and just loved by this special man.

  “I’m so sorry I doubted you and our argument and thinking you wanted to be with Charlie.”

  Putting his finger over my lips, he stopped me mid-sentence.

  “I’m sorry for not doing this sooner.”

  “Thank you Damien for choosing me.”

  “No, thank you Princess for saying yes.”

  At that moment, I looked forward to our future and our happy ending.

  Thank you’s…..

  “If Somebody Believes in You, and You Believe in Your Dreams, It Can Happen”

  I hope you have enjoyed the love story of Damien and Selina as much as I have enjoyed writing this for you. There are a few people that I would love to thank as I go thru my journey with sharing these stories: (If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me and let me know)

  My husband Bobby: who is patient with me as I escape into this World of Romance, Love and Intrigue. He understands my creative side as I take time away from him to write these stories. He knows I’m in the house and never far from him.

  My family: Mama, Dad and Sandy for their support and love. I’m sorry if I’m embarrassing my brothers with these stories They should know me by now.

  Elizabeth, Ethan and Ryan, you two can read the stories when you are 25.

  Chrissie and Becky, my beautiful Step-Daughters, and the boys.

  Aunt Gidget in Ohio: You are my biggest fan out there besides my Mama. Thank you for telling your friends about my books. I’ll ask Grant and Kate to sign copies for you and your friends!

  Jimmy Kimmel: people have asked me why I #Jimmy Kimmel: well he needs to put me on his show after my 5threlease in Jan. 2017.

  Ahren Sanders and Julie Johnson: my writer “friends” who have given me guidelines and advice as I venture into this whole romance writing gig. I know I will meet them at some point.

  My friends and FB friends for posting and reposting when I have a release coming out. It’s all about Social Media now and I appreciate you spreading the word for me. (Melinda, Sonia, JD, Jamie, Earnest (Do you want to eat my Taters? Tater tots folks. It just came out all wrong over a client breakfast one morning. I have a way with words at times) Linda P, Danny P(the World Famous Potter and my publicity agent during our vacation at Emerald Isle, that is if you count yelling out my name up and down grocery aisles whenever he saw me pushing our cart. Gee, how glamorous am I. It was hysterical.) Elaine G, Nadine P, Topher, JD (it’s her fault that I’m doing my writing now. I might owe her a vacation in the future LOL) To my furbabies: Rocky and Sammy, always near me while I work on the book unless Bobby is eating something in the den; that’s when they will leave me. They are the sweetest pups on the planet to me.

  For my beautiful and wonderful cover Models:

  The insanely handsome Grant Luther, Wilhelmina NY model/Fitness Division and my friend. When I first met you, I knew you were Damien Stone and kind of blurted that out to you.  You said you would be honored to be on my cover. I am honored that you are part of this as you made Damien come alive; not only for me but for anyone that reads this. I can’t thank you enough fellow Aries.

  The stunning Kate Johnson, Wilhelmina NY model/Direct Division: I have known and worked with Kate for at least 10 years. You are the perfect Selina! Sexy, strong with a bit of innocence. I knew once Grant agreed to do the cover, you would be his perfect Selina. You both created magic on set, it was infectious to watch. You are a living doll to have done this for me.

  To the incredibly talented Michael Reh, Photographer and friend. You brought it all together. I showed you a few ideas that you took it to another level. Sexy but not over the top. That’s what I envisioned and you delivered. You made this a lot of fun. Thank you!

  Mariano, our assistant. You were wonderful to have on hand to do what assistant’s do I listened when you said “You’ve got the shot.” I so appreciated your help that day. Thank you!

  To Melissa at MG Book Covers: Once again, a beautifully designed cover that exceeded all my expectations. Wow! You will have all of my covers! You are my book cover Guru!!

  Thank you to the Bloggers, reviewers; your networking is so important for getting the word out for Independent Writers. I appreciate you!

  Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

  The Future:

  My next book, “Desire’s Way” will be released in November.

  “Second Chance at Love” will be released in January.

  And I’m thinking of a sequel with this book. I’ve also had requests for a sequel of “A Love in Name Only.” You guys are going to keep the creative thoughts really busy! I hope I can keep upwith your demands

  All of my books are available on under Ginni Conquest and in several languages too.


  Facebook: Ginni Conquest (Author Page)


  Instagram: Gindoll1

  email: [email protected]

  I would love to hear from you!


  Ginni Conquest started her Romance Writing last year with her first release “A Crime of the Heart” followed shortly by her paperback release “A Love in Name Only.” She started out writing Children’s books and has a collection entitled “The Adventures of Mac and Cletus,” which are stories based around her two beloved Basset Hounds. Not getting the response she wanted for them, Ginni put aside writing until she had a dream that developed into a whole book:

  “A Love in Name Only” was born and she hasn’t looked back.

  Living in New Jersey with her husband Bobby and their two Basset Hounds, Rocky and Sammy, Ginni still works full time in New York City while writing on her long commute as well as in her spare time some evenings and on the weekends. She loves motorcycle rides and plans to get her own license next year. She loves the Lake, the Beach, Date Nights with her man and just having fun. Life is too short not to enjoy it! Xxxxx




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