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His Little Wife Lie: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance

Page 10

by Storm, Sloan

  He stopped and lifted his eyes, looking at me.

  My body stiffened, and I reminded myself of what I had to do. Whatever the first words coming out of his mouth happened to be, I was ready. Hell, I'd had more than enough time to go over every argument or reason he might give me. Licking my lips, I prepared to get to the truth. Neither one of us would be leaving the kitchen until we did.

  My eyes narrowed at him.

  Griff placed his phone on the kitchen counter. Here we go.

  "Did you eat?"

  Did I eat? Did. I. Eat?

  Funny. We hadn't seen each other at all, not even once, in the past three days, and that's the first question out of his mouth? My arms snapped across my chest, my bare foot tapped on heated flooring while he walked toward the refrigerator.

  "I'm starving. You never answered. If you haven't, wanna join me?"

  I exhaled a deep breath, blowing it out through my nostrils. "No."

  By now, he'd opened the refrigerator door and had half his body inside of it. "No what? You haven't eaten, or no you don't want to join me?"

  He reappeared and looked at me again, already chewing on something he'd grabbed.

  "I'm not hungry. Just bored, I guess."

  Griff nodded, brushing his hands together. "I see. Well, let's sit down and…"

  I lost my nerve. Instead of doing what I'd convinced myself I had to, I chickened out. While he talked, I turned and started to walk toward my bedroom.

  "Sneaks, something wrong? Come back!"

  Gee no, what could possibly be wrong? After I threw myself at you, practically begged you to take my virginity, you've hardly said a word or even been around for almost a week. Everything's really good. Thanks. I picked up the pace, moving my feet as fast as they would take me.

  But he hadn't waited, taking off right behind me. Within seconds I heard him making up ground, and unless I started to run, which would be ridiculous, he'd catch up to me. Instead, I froze in place, sending him a message with my glare that hadn't yet reached my lips. Make it quick.

  Griff stood a few feet away from me and with an exasperated breath, raked his fingers through his hair. Damn. I hated it when he did that.

  "Been kinda MIA the past few days, really sorry about that. Shit's been crazy at the office."


  He went silent, stopping and cocking his head to one side. "Not buying it, I see?"

  "Not buying what?" I said with a shrug. "Am I supposed to assume you're lying?"

  "No. That's not what I meant."

  Uh huh. "Okay. What did you mean?" Yeah, what did he mean? I decided I couldn't wait to hear.

  "Well, it's just that after the other night, I…"

  No. Finish what you were going to say. "You said I wasn't 'buying it'. I just want to know what you meant. That's all. Really, it's a simple question."

  He puts his hands up in front of his body.

  "Fair enough. I owe you an explanation. Listen, let's talk about it over dinner. Let's go out. Anywhere you want. Name it."


  Frozen Out (Griff)

  If she only knew…

  Keeping her at arm's length was killing me, eating me up inside. Not to mention giving me the most intense case of blue balls known to man.

  Turning her down the other night was about the hardest thing I'd ever had to do. All those kisses at the club, putting my hands on her curves, the feel of her warm breath beating against my neck when she leaned in to kiss me…

  Jesus fuck.

  It was enough to bring any man to his knees, and it should have done the same to me. It's almost did, and maybe that's why I'd felt like I had to give her the cold shoulder for a while.

  I realized it that night, looking down at her. That body I wanted to own, man, I realized I couldn't. Thank fuck she was drunk, at least it gave me an out.

  Even if she wouldn't admit it, we'd gone too far. She was hurting. I'd have to be blind not to see it.

  Things were breaking down, and I'm not sure who was in store for a bigger fall - her or me. The truth is, we both had a lot to lose. Shit, just the money alone should have been enough for her. For me, my entire future hung in the balance.

  The last thing I needed right now was her backing out of the deal over one night we could never take back. With the deadline I was facing from Papa, I didn't have a spare second to go find a new bride.

  What's worse, I didn't want to. She was everything I'd wanted but couldn't have. Christ.

  It was my own goddamn fault, and now, it was time for me to own up to it. Before I could though, I had to find a way to smash that impenetrable ice wall she'd constructed to protect herself from me.

  Since she never responded to my earlier question, I tried again. "Let's go out. Anywhere you want. Name it."

  Somehow she hadn't turned and walked away. I guess that was a good thing. At least she was listening.

  "You don't have to do that, I'm fine."

  "I know I don't have to. Look, don't make me cook something. I swear, I will."

  She gave me a rough chuckle and a reluctant smile. "You mean warm up leftovers?"

  Whatever. I got rid of her scowl for a second.

  "How about a pie? Best joint in Portland is two blocks away. Come on, let's go."

  "I didn't think billionaires ate pizza." Wow. Okay.

  Almost as soon as she said it, Sneaks waved a hand in front of her face. "Sorry, that was a bitchy thing to say. I didn't mean it."

  "Whatever." I gave her a shrug. Probably deserved it. "Don't worry about it."

  The spark flickered, and she closed herself off from me again. "Thanks, but I don't feel like going anywhere. I think I'll just go to my room."

  "Not tonight, you won't." Oh fuck.

  "What did you say?"

  Thinking quick, I tried to cover my lie. "Not right now, you won't."

  Sneaks gave me a frustrated grimace, but before she could say anything, I whipped out my phone and dialed the pizza joint. After convincing her to sit still with a glass of wine, the pie arrived, and we downed a couple of slices. She seemed to be enjoying it, but I was a long way from where I wanted to be.


  Until now, I'd really done what I could to stick to the letter of the agreement. But fuck, it gnawed at me. She was more than a financial arrangement. If I wanted more from Sneaks, I had to know more… Who was she? What made her tick?

  Fuck it. I dove in, head first.

  "Your folks aren't together. Divorced?" Sneaks seemed surprised by the question.

  "Umm. No," she replied, putting her plate and empty wine glass on the table.


  "No, it's nothing like that, it's…" Sneaks shook her head, her voice trailing off. She seemed oddly emotional all of a sudden.

  Something I said? "Didn't mean to pry. We don't have to talk about it."

  "It's okay." She let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. It's just not something I talk about very often. Ever, actually."

  "What's that? Did something happen with your parents?"

  Sneaks sat there thinking. I'd swerved into something. What it was, I had no idea.

  "Not to both of them. My dad."

  Oh. The muscles in my jaw flexed. Sneaks sat forward in her chair, placing an elbow on one knee and tugging a strand of hair behind her ear. Everything about her posture conveyed pain.

  "He…" She paused, a difficult swallow crept down her throat. "He um, passed away."

  "Wow, sorry to hear that." Something told me there was a sad fucking story coming. "Was he ill?"

  "No." The answer came out quick. "It was an accident."

  "I see. Were you and your mom involved?"

  "No." Still leaning forward, Sneaks cradled her arms low around her stomach. "He stopped by the side of the road to help a pregnant woman whose car had broken down. You know, the whole good Samaritan thing."

  "What um, what happened to him?"

  Sneaks looked at me, her eyes reflecting the pain of the next words from her m
outh. "They were both killed when another car ran into hers. Happened instantly."

  "Jesus Christ. That's fucking heartbreaking. When did this happen?" I could see in her face it was almost like she'd relived the moment she got the news. More than anything, I wanted to hug her, comfort her.

  After a brief pause, she answered me. "It happened a long time ago, I was only six."

  "Damn. What about the baby? Did it die as well?"

  She blew out another deep breath. Somehow, she hadn't broken down. "My mom told me they managed to save it. I don't know any more than that."

  "Shit, so sorry, babe. Christ, your poor Mom."

  Sneaks seemed to recover a little. She sat back in the chair and continued.

  "It wasn't long after that she met my stepdad, Carl. That's how we wound up out here from Chicago. But they split up years ago, after the real estate crash in '08. Haven't seen him since. Sorry, I didn't mean to be downer. I shouldn't have brought it up."

  "You didn't, though, I did. Don't feel bad. Means a lot you're willing to tell me something like that. I'm assuming few people know."

  "No, not many and zero men I've ever dated."

  "Well, I am your fiancé."

  A sad smile came to her face. "Right, I forgot."

  Tremendous job, Foster. Way to bring down the fucking mood again. Christ.

  Before I could say anything else, she sighed again and started to stand. "Look, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just not used to all of this. Your life, I mean, and I don't know if I ever will be."

  "It's okay. Come sit." I patted my hand on the cushion next to me.

  "No, I don't think that's a good idea."

  "That's not what you were saying a few nights ago." Damn it. You asshole. What the hell is wrong with you? Talk about mixed messages.

  "Yeah, don't remind me." A nasty expression came to her face, turning her beauty to stone.

  Fix this. I nodded and stood, dropping my plate on top of the pizza box. Arriving at her chair, I knelt and reached for her hands. Sneaks resisted, easing them out of my grasp and trying to stand.

  "Hey, hey." I put my palms on her thighs, keeping her seated. "What are you doing?"

  "I don't know. I'm sorry for the other night. Okay? I was drunk and stupid. I got carried away, and it won't happen again. You've made it pretty obvious the past few days that you weren't happy about it."

  Fuck. That wasn't true at all. I wasn't about to let her sit there and take the blame for something I did.

  "No, you're wrong. I…" She grabbed my hands, pushing them away. This time I didn't fight her. She stood up.

  "I'd really rather not talk about it. I just want to go to my room. Thank you for dinner."

  I got to my feet, grabbing her forearm. Sneaks looked at my hand and then, into my eyes.

  Fuck it. You want the truth? Here it is. "I'm not gonna risk losing everything I've worked for. If we cross that line, there's no going back. It can't be undone. You understand that don't you?"

  "Of course I understand that. I…"

  "Then don't put me in that situation. If I get what I've craved from you the instant I laid eyes on you, that'll be it. I will stop at nothing to have you twenty-four, seven."

  She looked away from me, but I wasn't done. Not even close.

  "Do you have any idea how impossible it is not pin you down and fuck you? It's all I think about. You wonder why I work so much - well there's part of your answer. If I didn't, I would lose control. That's not happening, no fucking way."

  Sneaks snapped her eyes at me again, cracks of anger splitting her angelic expression.

  "What about me?" She pulled her arm away.

  I shrugged. What about you?

  "The way you touch and tease and kiss when we we're out in public! Don't you think that affects me? I was ready to give my virginity up to you for God's sake! Don't act like you're the only one who's in too deep. Spare me, Mr. Martyr."

  "Look, I'm sorry. I handled that like shit. I…"

  Her demeanor changed again, frustration morphing to anger. "Well, you should be sorry because that offer is officially off the table. You want to keep things professional so you can get your precious inheritance? Fine by me."

  "Like hell it is." I grabbed Sneaks and yanked her against my body. Her hot breath beat against my lips for an instant.

  "Never," she hissed, emerald eyes sparkling with a hateful twinkle. "I won't make that mistake with you again."

  I held her tight. She squirmed, trying to break free.

  You're going to listen. "Everything about us is a lie. If we take that step, I don't know what the truth will be. I'm not afraid to fall. Are you? Because if you are, don't let me in. Not now, not ever. I will ravish you, possess you, consume you. I will take everything you have to offer, starting with your virginity…"

  And just like that, fire stung my cheek. She slapped me and broke free, storming away. Sneaks headed toward her wing, moving as fast as her legs would carry her.



  No Way Out (Lily)

  That was it!

  What kind of fucking game was he trying to play? I made a complete fool out of myself, then he tried to turn it around on me! No one was going to treat me like this, especially not him.

  Once in my room, I raced toward the closet, grabbed my bag, and dragged it out. Fuck this place!

  Tiny Me chimed in. No, no! Wait! What are you doing? The money!

  "I don't care about the money!" I yelped, clutching my fingers into fists. "Don't you understand? I care about him!" Oh shit. No. No.

  I sensed a presence in the doorway. "What did you say?"

  "Stay away from me." I spun in place, biting my lip and sputtering hate. "I'm leaving. You can't stop me."

  He didn't listen. Of course. I mean, why start now?

  Marching right toward me, Griff continued, "You said you cared about me. Don't try and deny it."

  Yeah, no kidding. You ass. "Of course, I do! Jesus! Do you know how many men I've offered my virginity to? Do you? Take a wild guess."

  Griff didn't respond. What could he say? He already knew the answer.

  I poked him in the chest. "Just one. Guess how that went over?"

  Griff's nostrils flared. His eyes narrowed. I was pissing him off. Well. Good! Now he knew how I felt!

  "Move," I snarled, edging past him.

  I felt the handle of my suitcase rip free from my hand. By the time I turned to look and see what happened, he'd swept me up me in his arms, racing for the bed.


  "Put me down!" I floated in his embrace until he slammed me with a thump, pinning me beneath him. Struggle was useless, but I gave it everything I had, jerking from side-to-side until the instant his lips found mine.

  Oh fuck. No! Yes. Yes. Yeeessss…

  The passion from his kiss ripped through my body like wildfire, reigniting the embers he left smoldering inside of me with his refusal. Griff's pelvis pressed into me, the impossible hardness between his legs threatened to reawaken my lust into an inferno until my wits returned.

  "Stop!" I gasped, breaking my mouth free. My palms went flat, shoving against his torso. "Get off of me!"

  His gaze gave me the answer. Never. Griff ignored my pleas and gripped harder, making me feel he'd crush me into dust if I uttered another word. Reaching up, I clawed and scratched, digging my nails into the steel of his thick chest. But my rage only stoked him, and he groaned, his mouth invading mine again, filling it with his tongue. My resistance turned to vapor, whisps of hate floating away from me while Griff took what he wanted.

  At last, he pulled away. I looked at him, my vision glassy from the struggle, each of us fighting for a breath.

  "We can't." I exhaled. "It's a mistake."

  Wait. That wasn't no. Was it?

  He licked his lips and sank his pelvis deeper, driving it hard between my legs. I stifled a whimper.

  "You're right," he hummed, reaching for one of my tits, cupping it in his grasp. Uhhh. My eyes r
olled back in my head, his touch had me on the verge of blackout.

  "It's the biggest mistake of all," he warned. "No turning back. No way out."

  No way out. His words reached into my soul, giving me the answer my brain couldn't. I don't want one. Don't give me one. If you do, I might take it.

  Wordless, Griff moved over me, a shadow threatening the last shreds of my chastity. With my legs spread and my innocence at risk, I inched my mouth toward his lips when he whispered his final threat.

  "At last."

  My breath came in huge swells, rocking my diaphragm up and down like a tiny boat in the center of Griff's gathering storm. With my lips parted, heat escaped from between them while he began to tease, taking delight in my inexperience.

  Even worse, it's not like I'd dressed to go anywhere. After showering, I'd eased into the comfort of yoga pants and a thin tee. There wasn't much separating us or worse, standing in his way.

  It was a small miracle I had underwear on.

  While I fretted, Griff lowered his lips, tracing along the exposed skin of my neck.

  "Fuck…" I whispered a sigh, trying to reach toward him.

  "Don't move, baby." Griff wrapped his fingers around my wrist, rejecting me with a gentle squeeze. "I've waited a long time for this. Nothing is going to stop me from savoring every square inch of you."

  Um, okay. That sounded fine by me.

  With my wrist still in his hand, Griff pressed my arm flat against the mattress and held it there. He moved his mouth close to my ear, nibbling at the lobes while torturing me with details of what lie ahead.

  "Do you know how long I've wanted to taste that pussy of yours?"

  My eyes flickered. Somewhere between my thighs, the message was received. Loud and clear. I shuddered, choking out a response.


  He didn't say anything else, instead turning his attention to my neck. His tongue glided and swirled, making lazy circles while I wiggled and twitched, still trying to answer his question in my mind.

  While his tender lips bathed my skin, Griff's hand fell away from my wrist and made its way lower. Meandering down my arm, he dragged his fingers with a feather light touch, provoking an eruption of goose pimples in their wake.


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