His Little Wife Lie: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance

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His Little Wife Lie: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance Page 12

by Storm, Sloan

  "Ready to try again?"

  With a regretful nod, I agreed but not before asking him for a favor. "Please don't tell Griff."

  Terrence grabbed the door handle and tugged it. "Your secret is safe with me. But please don't worry. Mr. Foster, he buys new cars by the dozen every year. You're way more important to him than any of them."

  I know he was just being sweet. I mean, it was. Anyway, I traded places with him again, and within a few minutes, I'd settled down enough to get on the road and start heading home. Within a couple of hours, I arrived at the restaurant and pulled into the parking lot. Before I got out, I removed the engagement ring, stuffed it in my bag and walked inside where I was quickly seated.

  The waitress gestured across the booth. "Do you want a drink while you're waiting?"

  "No thanks. She'll be here soon."

  "Of course. Let me know if you change your mind."

  I spent the next fifteen minutes or so killing time. Looking at the menu, checking social media. Bored, I put my phone down and looked up. A familiar face headed in my direction.

  You have to be kidding.

  "I don't want to talk to you." I showed Dillard my palm.

  Of course, that didn't stop him. "Lily, please, I need to talk to you. I feel terrible about what happened."

  I cocked my head and pursed my lips. Please. "Why should you feel bad? After all, it's like you said, it's out of your hands, right? Remember? Automation?"

  He lurched toward the table, steadying himself with his hand. Is he drunk?

  "That's what I'm talking about. I lied. The guilt is eating me up. Please, I can't keep my secret any longer."

  What secret?


  Guilt Comes Calling (Lily)

  I'd only seen Dillard drunk once before. It was two years ago at the creamery's Christmas party. Believe me, it wasn't pretty. I narrowed my eyes, studying him. He didn't seem to be as intoxicated as he was that night. However, it probably wouldn't take much more booze to get him there.

  He kept mumbling, almost slurring his apology for the tenth time. Where's Mom? This is the last thing I wanted to deal with right now.

  Exasperated, I snarled at him. "It doesn't matter anymore. I don't care if you feel guilty. Leave me alone."

  Dillard slammed his mug of beer on the table. Golden, foamy liquid sloshed out of it. I scowled at him. What's your problem?

  "You don't know the whole truth about what happened, the real reason I had to fire you."

  "Like I said, you told me my position was being replaced with automation. Remember? Or are you too drunk?"

  He reached for his face, wiping his lips and then smacking them together before continuing. "No, see, that's just it. That's not the truth. That's what I was forced to tell you."

  I sighed. This is old news. Who even cares anymore? It didn't look like he would leave me alone until I gave him a chance to say whatever it was he'd stumbled over here to tell me.

  Spit it out. "Fine. Go ahead. I can't wait to hear this."

  He pointed toward Mom's side of the booth. "Can I sit?"


  Dillard wedged his round body into the booth and hammered back a big swallow of his beer. He raised a fisted hand to his mouth and stifled a semi-belch before beginning.

  Gross. "Look, hurry up, would you? I'm waiting for someone."

  He leaned toward the table, pressing his elbows against it and pointing at me.

  "The reason you were fired is because someone ordered me to do it." He paused and looked around like it was some big secret. "And if I didn't do it, I'd be fired also."

  Maybe he was drunk after all. None of this made any sense. The only person I could think of who would be in a position to tell him to do something like that would've been the president of the company.

  "So it was Chad?"

  While I asked my question, he took another pull of his drink. With his lips covered in foam, he shook his head. "No, not even close."

  I really had no interest in playing guessing games with him all night long. "Just tell me who it was."

  I’d barely finished asking the question when the answer tumbled out of his mouth.

  "Griff Foster."

  I literally laughed in his face. Out loud. He must be more drunk than I thought.

  "That's ridiculous," I scoffed. "That doesn't make any sense. How could Griff get me fired?"

  Dillard spent the next couple of minutes spilling his guts. He told me about the phone call he had with Griff. Griff knew everything. He confronted Dillard about what he'd asked me to do with Ernie, about how Ernie attacked me on the trail and how he'd stopped him.

  Dillard paused and slumped into the booth, taking another swallow of his beer before continuing.

  "I wanted to tell you how sorry I was about what happened with Ernie. I had no idea he was capable of something like that. So anyway, Foster told me that if I didn't fire you, he would buy the creamery, fire me, and make sure I never got a dime of my pension."

  I was speechless. The whole thing seemed impossible to believe. But I could tell by the look on his face, the tone of his voice, that at least he believed he was sincere.

  What the hell?

  "Lily, I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?"

  Holy shit. While he talked, I connected the dots in my mind. The firing and then a very convenient "job interview" the next day. It all made sense. Dillard babbled on for another minute or so, still begging for my forgiveness, while I tried to wrap my brain around Griff's deception.

  I looked at Dillard. "Does anyone else know about this?"

  He shook his head. Griff's not getting away with this. Sonofabitch.

  Leaning forward, I rested my elbow on the table and pointed at him. "Let's keep it that way. Do not tell my mother. As far as you and I are concerned, don't worry about it. I know you were only doing what you had to do."

  Dillard thanked me profusely before stumbling out of the booth and wandering off. I sat there, my blood boiling, while I realized Griff's deception more or less forced me into accepting his fake proposal in the first place. God! And then I slept with him!

  While I fumed, I noticed Mom approaching. Left with no choice but to bury my rage, I smiled and slid out of the booth, pretending to be excited to see her. For the first few minutes, we kept the conversation light, just random chit chat. Eventually, she got around to asking me how everything was going. I couldn't be honest. I did my best to answer her questions without revealing what Dillard's confession did to me.

  She wasn't buying it. "What's wrong with you?"

  "I'm sorry, it's nothing," I said, looking away from her and picking up a menu. "I'm just exhausted. We can talk more tomorrow, but right now I just want to get something to eat, go home, and go to bed."

  Satisfied for now, Mom dropped her questions, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to reveal anything to her anyway. There was no need to, we'd find another way to pay off the debt.

  I was done with Griff Foster.

  * * *

  Looking back on it, it should have been more obvious. I'd been played. But whatever, he could go to hell.

  Exhausted, I dragged my butt out of bed early and headed to the trail for a run. Of course, he'd been blowing up my phone, calling and texting since he returned from Seattle late the night before. Mostly, he wanted to know when I was coming back.

  Yeah. Right around never.

  Mentally, I prepared myself for a horrible workout. But for some reason, once I got going, my mind blocked out the bullshit. Before long, heat filled my lungs, the cool morning air burned in that painful, familiar way.

  Every step brought more questions, a sharper focus.

  What kind of a person does something like this?

  What else is he capable of?

  And most of all, why did I sleep with him?!?!

  On the descent, I glanced at my watch. If I hurried, it'd be a new personal best. Biting on my lower lip, I repeated his name over and over, like a cruel mantra, and the mus
cles in my legs responded. My thighs began to cramp, hamstrings and calves started to seize up, but nothing would stop me, especially not him.

  Sprinting to the parking lot, I fell to my knees and checked the time. My breath came in huge gulps while I braced myself on all fours. It was a new record all right, but now it was time to settle the score. The run gave me the confidence I needed.

  Several hours later, I'd showered and had something to eat, when I decided it was time to confront him. I knew what I had to say. Of course he'd try and lie his way out of it. Wasn't happening. Griff was a man who lived his life like there weren't any consequences, but this time, there would be.

  He answered on the first ring. "Hey, Sneaks!"

  I blew out a breath, replying with a glum tone. "Hey."

  Right away, I realized this would be harder than I thought. Goddamn you, Griff. Of course, he seemed completely oblivious.

  "I miss you. When are you planning on coming back? How is your mom doing?"

  His words, those questions… They should have touched my heart, but instead they did the opposite, stabbing and cutting, leaving me an ache where I didn't deserve one. Griff started to say something else, but I cut him off. Do it now!

  "Just stop, okay?" I paced across the living room. "I know what you've done! How could you?"

  Griff fell silent. Yes. That's right. I know everything. Let that sink in!

  "Um," the word stumbled out of his stupid mouth. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  Right. Of course you don't. "Dillard." That name should ring a bell. "I saw him last night, and he told me everything. Don't try and deny it!"

  He sort of grunted. "Hmm. Didn't see that one coming."

  Uh! "So, wait." I froze in place, focusing my poisoned tongue. "You're not even trying to deny it?"

  "What do you want me to say?"

  Gee, I don't know. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. It was a terrible mistake. Something. Anything. Dick!

  "Right." I shook my head, filling my lungs. "You're right. Nothing, I guess. You…"

  He interrupted me. "Look. I get you're pissed. But tell me you haven't been enjoying yourself. I know for a fact you have. What difference does it make how it all came together?"

  Seriously? I couldn't believe he didn't understand how wrong this was.

  Sociopath much?

  "It makes a difference because you lied and manipulated me to get what you wanted. You're always saying how important my honesty is to you. Why is it okay for you to be a total liar? How can I be expected to trust you?"

  Griff didn't hesitate, firing back at me with a biting tone. "Hang on. I've given you everything I promised I would and more. Shouldn't that count for something?"

  "Uh!" I stomped my foot. "No!"

  And then it happened. He activated the charm, trying to flip it on me. "Come on, haven't you ever made a mistake in your life? Did something you regret?"

  "Yeah, but this wasn't a mistake, and I know you don't regret it. You knew exactly what you were doing! This is about as far from a mistake as it could possibly be. Just admit it."

  He exhaled a frustrated breath. "What else do you want me to say? I've apologized. Let's just move on."

  Not getting it. "That's the whole point. I can't move on. I can't trust you. Don't you understand that?"

  "Actually, no. What I understand is you're willing to throw a good thing away. And for what? A little white lie? Now, when are you coming back?"

  Wow. "Yeah, apparently you haven't been listening. I am not coming back. There's no fake engagement, no phony wedding. The deal is off. I'll give you the money and the ring back. It's over between us."

  I didn't bother to listen to another word, hanging up. He tried to call me back immediately.

  Fuck you. I turned off my phone.

  I stood there in the living room, looking out the window and shaking my head. Crap. That stupid car of his was still here. If he wanted it, he'd have to come get it. I wasn't going anywhere near him.

  Mom arrived a few hours later. "Lily!"

  I wasn't looking forward to this conversation. I'd have to lie, and it sucked. However, the truth would turn into a long conversation with me looking like a naïve fool. While that may have been true, I just wasn't up for it.

  And so, over a crockpot dinner, I gave Mom the bad news. Things weren't working out between me and Griff. It was hard, much harder than I thought it would be. I just didn't feel comfortable. I apologized for letting her down, promising I'd find some way to help her pay off the debt.

  "Don't worry about it, honey. I wouldn't take a dime of your money, anyway. All I want is for you to be happy."

  While she talked, I swallowed a bite of the salty, tender meat. While it had been great to eat gourmet food all the time, sitting there, I was glad to trade it for a home-cooked meal.

  "I'm sorry things didn't work out between you two, but you know, sometimes the fairytale is just that, fiction."


  Play Along (Griff)

  What a clusterfuck.

  When I told her I hadn't seen this one coming, I wasn't kidding. That fucking Dillard. Part of me wanted to bring the hammer down on his ass, but that idea was a nonstarter. It would only make things worse with her.

  I'd been trying like hell to reach Sneaks, calling and texting. Pretty obvious she had no interest in talking to me. Left with no alternative, I decided I had to fly down there and convince her to come back to Portland in person.

  After calling into the office and clearing my schedule for the day, I was on my way to her house by lunch. When I arrived at the airport and jumped into my pickup, I noticed her car was gone.


  I started the engine and drove across town. When I pulled down her street, the only car I saw in the driveway was my new G-Wagon. Grimacing, I crushed the shifter in my hand and jammed it into park. Like a cop on a stakeout, I sat there and waited, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel and keeping an eye on the rearview mirror.

  I wasn't there long when Sneaks turned down the street, headed my direction.

  She hadn't gone far before she saw me and stopped. What's it gonna be? Sneaks must have sat there for a good minute or two until she began creeping my direction. Without looking at me, she passed by and pulled into the driveway.

  I didn't waste any time, putting my truck in gear and easing up behind her while she climbed out of her car, moving fast toward the front door.

  "Hey!" I yelled, jumping out.

  She never turned to look at me. "I'll get the key to your car."

  "Fuck the car!" I hustled to catch up to her. "Talk to me."

  She ignored me and went inside anyway. Fuck. This is gonna be harder than I thought. While I stood there trying to think of what to say, she reappeared, half her body still inside the house. Sneaks extended her arm and offered me the key.

  "Here." I glanced at her ring finger and then looked her in the eye. "I assumed you'd be here sooner or later. It's locked it in the glove compartment."

  Shit. "Hey, come on." I took a step toward her.

  She may have been angry, hell, even furious. But the look in her eyes didn't match up. She was conflicted. I'd have to be fucking blind not to see she had feelings for me.

  What the fuck have you done, Foster? Now I understood. Her pain was real, and it was all my fault. I took the key from her.

  "Listen," I began, searching for any combination of words that wouldn't result in the door being slammed in my face. "I know this will sound bad, but if I could go back and do it all over again, I would do it the same way."

  I had to make her believe hurting her was something I would never do, because I wouldn't. Ever.

  Sneaks bit her lip and dropped her hand to her side, disgust sputtering from her mouth. "You are such an ass."

  "Okay. Fine. I'm an ass. But you don't know the whole story. And it's my fault for not telling you. But I want to now, if you'll let me."

  "What are you talking about?" She snapped her arms acros
s her chest. "I don't care about anything you have to say to me. And I sure as hell don't care about your problems!"

  Again, her speech didn't match her actions. Sneaks kept wasting words, telling me it was all over, but she still hadn't walked away. Even so, it was probably only a matter of time before she did. If she wouldn't hear me out, maybe there's someone she would listen to…

  It was the only shot I had, so I took it. "Just give me one chance. If after that, you want me out of your life, I won't bother you again."

  She paused before blowing out an exhausted sigh. "And if I refuse?"

  "Then I will stalk you. Morning, noon, and night. I will move here and sleep in your driveway until you do. I'm not taking no for an answer."

  She hesitated for several seconds. "Fine, whatever. Make it quick."

  "I can't do it here. There's someone I need you to meet, but you've got to come with me."

  "No. I'm not going anywhere with you."

  She took a step back and tried to close the door in my face, but I blocked her. "Just an hour. I promise, that's all it will take. Please."

  The truth is, I'd planned on introducing her to Papa all along, but thanks to that asshat Dillard, the timetable changed. I figured if she got a sense of how serious the old man was about this whole marriage thing, maybe she'd give me another shot. First though, I'd have to convince her to give two shits about anything having to do with my life.

  The only option I had was the truth.

  "I honestly don't know how much time I might have left with him."

  Sneaks frowned at me. "Your grandfather?"

  "Yes. Look, I know you probably don't think much of me right now, but believe it or not, I really do love him and care about my family's legacy. I'm not even asking you to change your mind. Just come meet him so you can better understand."

  It seemed like forever until Sneaks uttered another word. Lucky for me, they were the ones I needed.


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