His Little Wife Lie: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance

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His Little Wife Lie: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance Page 13

by Storm, Sloan

  "I know I am going to regret this."

  Thank fucking God.

  With that, Sneaks closed the door, and I didn't waste the opportunity. While she got her stuff, I sprinted to the G-Wagon.

  Grabbing the engagement ring from the glove compartment, I looked at it.

  "Hello, my beauty. Don't worry. You'll be back where you belong soon."

  After slipping it in my pocket, I slammed the door shut just when Sneaks emerged.

  "Ready?" I said, clapping my hands together.

  She walked in my direction, a dour grimace on her face. Sneaks passed by, and I reached for the handle, opening the truck door for her.

  Sliding inside, she rolled her eyes. "I don't know what you're so happy about. Nothing's going to change."

  I closed the door and patted the pocket holding the ring. We'll see.

  After a short drive, I turned onto the road leading up to the ranch. Sneaks hadn't spoken a word to me. I glanced over toward her.

  "Hey. Just remember he doesn't know about our arrangement. Okay?"

  Still giving me the cold shoulder, her eyes never left the road in front of us. "We don't have an arrangement anymore."

  With the driveway to the ranch coming up, I pulled off to the side of the road. After putting the truck in park, I reached over and put a hand on her shoulder. She flinched but didn't pull away, instead Sneaks looked out the window. One way or another she was going to give me a chance to tell her how I felt.

  "What happened between us the other night, that was fucking real for me." My emphasis on the real part got her attention. She looked at me. "Would I be chasing after you if it wasn’t?"

  "If it means saving your beloved inheritance, sure, why not?" Her words were meant to cut. I'm sure Sneaks hoped the insult did the damage she intended.

  "Okay, I deserve that. But, it doesn't change how I feel." I leaned a little closer to her. "Forget about all the legal bullshit between us. Look me in the eye and tell me you feel nothing."

  Sneaks frowned and scowled but didn't give me an answer. "Whatever, Griff. Just drive. I won't say anything to him."

  "Thanks. I appreciate it." Easing back in my seat, I reached in my pocket and pulled out the ring. "I need you to put this on again."

  She snatched it from my palm and put it on, shoving it down the length of her finger. Never said a word. Not exactly the win I was hoping for, but I'd take it. I put the pickup in gear and made the turn to the driveway leading up to the ranch.

  "The last time I was here, I'm not gonna lie, the old man was looking pretty bad. I just want you to know. In case stuff like that bothers you."

  "I'm not a child. I'll be fine."

  After pulling up in front, we got out and headed inside. On the way to Papa's room, I saw the head of the medical staff walking in front of us.

  "Jules. Wait up!"

  Jules was in her late forties, and before we hired her to take care of Papa, she'd been the coordinator for one of the largest cardiac care facilities in Portland. It cost a pretty penny to get her out here in the sticks, but it’d been worth it. We'd had a few close calls with Papa in recent months, and if it weren't for her, I didn't think he'd still be with us.

  Sneaks and I approached.

  "Hi Griff. I didn't know you were coming by."

  "Last-minute kind of thing. I hope that isn't gonna be a problem."

  Jules glanced at Lily. I'd never shown up with a woman before, so I'm sure she was curious. That and also protective of Papa. After all, it was her job to keep him above ground. The last thing he needed was a lot of excitement.

  There was really only one way to handle it. "Jules, I'd like you to meet my fiancé, Lily."

  Her eyebrows tented upward. Come again?

  "I didn't know you were engaged. When did this…"

  "A couple of weeks ago." I slipped my arm around Sneaks' waist. The muscles in her torso squeezed, turning to granite before I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "That's why I'm here. To surprise Papa. I figure some good news would help to lift his spirits."

  Jules wasn't much of a talker to begin with, but my little display of affection with Sneaks had her rocking on her heels.

  "Well," she said, straightening her shoulders and giving us a thin-lipped smile. "I'm sure he'll be delighted."

  With that, the three of us started walking toward Papa's room while I kept the conversation going.

  "How's he been doing?"

  "Oh, you know. Good days. Bad days. Today hasn't been great."

  I rolled my eyes. There wasn't anything I could do about it, we'd just have to get this over with no matter what kind of mood he might be in. We stopped a few feet away from the door when Jules looked at Sneaks.

  "Where are my manners?" She placed a hand on her chest. "Congratulations. That's wonderful news. For both of you."

  Sneaks had her game face on, keeping up her end of the bargain. "Thank you."

  Jules peeked her head into Papa's open bedroom door. "You can go in."

  Keeping up the charade, I wrapped my fingers around Sneaks' hand and tugged her close. "Ready?"

  Even though I'm sure she hated every fucking second of it, it felt so right to have her with me, by my side. I'd been such a fool, nearly burning the whole thing to the ground. Not that a few minutes of handholding was going to fix the problem, but sometimes touch heals better than any words. We reached his bed, and I leaned over, giving him a gentle shake.


  I leaned away, and the old man started to stir, at last opening one eye. He looked at me for a second and then turned his attention to Sneaks, opening both eyes and blinking a few times. This should be interesting. He never took his eyes off of her, doing his best to try and sit up in bed. I could tell he was struggling, so I reached for him to help. As always, he didn't want any.

  "I'm fine, son," he barked, swatting my hand away.

  I glanced at Sneaks. A tiny smile came to her face. I'm sure seeing Papa smack me around a little bit brought her some satisfaction. That was fine by me. I turned and looked at him again and couldn't believe what I saw.

  Couldn't be. I'm not even sure I'd ever seen Papa so much as laugh one time in my entire life. And smiling? Forget it. But fuck me if it wasn't right there on his face. While I stood there gawking at him, the old man snapped me out of it.

  "Boy, are you going to introduce us? I don't have much time these days."

  I didn't waste a second, introducing her straightaway as my fiancé. The old man's lips puckered and he arched an eyebrow at me.

  "Sorry. Fiancé did you say? When did this happen?"

  I repeated the lie I told Jules a few minutes earlier. "A little over a week ago. I asked, and she said yes."

  Papa just looked at me, nodding. I couldn't tell if he believed me or not, but he didn't keep me in suspense for long.

  "I've got no idea how a beauty like this got tied up with the likes of you." That stupid smile came back to his face, and he looked at Sneaks again. "You are marrying up, my boy."

  I'm marrying up? I frowned and glanced at Sneaks. Her lips quivered while she fought back laughter. You know what? Fuck it. She's not pissed for once, and Papa seems to like her. What the hell?

  I'll play along.

  Papa raised his frail arm and shooed me away with the flick of a wrist. "Move out of the way. I'd like to get a better look at this beauty."

  With pleasure. I stepped back, and Sneaks edged past me, extending her hand and introducing herself. The old man's eyes boggled, that ridiculous grin spreading so wide that teeth appeared. Unbelievable. Papa hated absolutely everybody, but not her. What gives? I didn't have to wait long for the answer.

  Papa had both hands wrapped around hers. "You remind me so much of my wife when she was young."


  I looked at Sneaks. He was right. I did see the resemblance a little. Not sure why I hadn't realized it before. While I stood there slack-jawed, Papa kept talking.

  "So how did you two wind up to
gether? An engagement? I didn't even know Griff was dating…"

  She didn't miss a beat. Sneaks rattled off the same well-rehearsed story we gave to my friends during the party at La Nicole. Papa seemed spellbound, nodding and smiling with every word out of her mouth. For a brief second, he looked away from her and barked an order at me.

  "Fetch the nurse."

  What am I? The fucking help?

  "Why? Just use your call button. That's what is there for."

  Fetch the nurse. Please.

  He completely ignored what I said, brushing me off. "No, that's what you're here for. Now, go. I'd like to spend a little more time getting to know Lily."

  Sneaks turned to me with a shrug. Should I do it?

  Hey whatever. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, whispering encouragement.

  "You're doing great."

  Her reaction was different this time. Gone was the stiffness, the icy indifference I'd brought about in her. In its place, a familiar twitch. I was a long way from getting her back in the sack but closer than I was when I woke up this morning. I never imagined the day when Papa would be my wingman, but I wasn't about to interrupt him.

  "Back in a few," I said, turning and starting to walk away.

  "Take your time!" Papa yelled.

  I wasn't gone five minutes when I returned to the room, Papa's nurse in tow. After a hard blink, I looked across the room in total disbelief. Sneaks sat on the edge of Papa's bed, wiping tears of laughter away from her face.

  "What's so funny?" I stopped at the foot of his bed.

  Papa looked right at me before swiveling his head toward Sneaks again, raising his index finger to his lips.

  "Our little secret?"

  Sneaks nodded, making the shape of an X over her chest. "Cross my heart."

  What the hell?


  Fool Me Twice (Lily)

  Once we said our goodbyes with Papa, Griff I headed back to the pickup. After everything he'd put me through in the last couple of days, keeping Papa's secret from him was a tiny bit of poetic justice.

  Well that, and it was driving him crazy.

  At least three or four times he asked me to tell him what Papa said. Each time I responded in a similar way.


  None of your business.

  I bet you'd like to know, wouldn't you?

  I walked out the front door. Even the air smelled a little sweeter. From behind, I heard the sound of his big feet coming down the steps.

  Don't bother. "I'm not telling you. Papa swore me to secrecy."

  Walking around the front of the pickup, I approached the passenger side. Griff came up behind me to open the door. He wrapped his hand around the old, worn handle and tugged on it.

  "You know, Sneaks. There shouldn't be any secrets between man and wife."

  Seriously? "Look who's talking! Do we need to recap yours?"

  While he opened the door for me, I pinched the ring between my thumb and index finger and started to tug on it. "Which reminds me…"

  His hand covered mine. "No. Don't."

  Looking down at his fingers, I traced the thick muscles of his forearm with my eyes until they disappeared in his sleeve. I hated that I missed his touch. My eyes met his.

  "I'm not letting you go. I won't."

  I sighed. "Griff…" The pain of his lies returned, wiping away the pleasure I'd had getting to know Papa.

  "Don't Griff me." He squeezed my hand. "I'm done pretending, I want to marry you. For real."

  I pulled my hand until he let it go free. Turning away from the pickup, I walked a few feet away.

  You already know what I'm going to say. Don't let him back in. Why did you even come here? What were you thinking?

  Not now, Tiny Me. Not now.

  The soles of his shoes crunched on the dusty gravel of the old driveway. Griff walked around in front of me.

  "I'm sorry for what I've done, but after seeing the way Papa reacted to you, babe, I know you're the one. I'm serious. No contracts, none of that bullshit. I'll still pay you the money but otherwise, man and wife, the way it should be."

  I couldn't look him in the eye. The ring sparkled, mocking me, daring me to let him in again.

  "Just give me another chance. I swear I can make it right. I made a terrible mistake, and I can see how bad it's hurt you. I'm so sorry."

  The tone of his voice drew my eyes up to meet his. There was so much sincerity in his words. His still blues flickered, looking into my soul.

  I felt my resolve slip.

  Oh man. Heart, meet arrow.

  Like a tidal wave crashing on a craggy shore, the memory of the night we spent together flooded my mind. Desire consumed me. It was all I could do to not hurl myself against him, crushing my lips into his. But he'd already played my flesh for a fool once, and no way was I about to let him do it again.

  "I can't… I…"

  Griff grasped my hand again, swallowing the ring into the darkness of his massive digits. I wanted to feel them holding me, touching me, pinning me down while he took his pleasure.

  With a gentle squeeze, he continued. "Just promise me you'll think it over."

  Needless to say, it was a long, quiet ride back from the ranch to my house. Griff pulled into the driveway and parked. Mom was home. Great. This will be fun. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the key to the G-Wagon and tried to pass it to me.

  "I don't want it." I waved him off. "No."

  "Take it," he replied, pushing the key into my hand. "If the answer is yes, drive it back."

  He didn't offer me another option.

  Frowning, I folded my fingers around the key. "What if it's a no?"

  Griff angled his body toward mine, leaning in and pressing his mouth hard against my lips. Oh God. My mind went blank, and I surrendered, desperate to taste him, touch him, fuck…

  And then, he pulled away, gliding his tongue across his lower lip. "Then keep it."

  Blinking, I looked around inside of the pickup. Keep what? Oh, shit. The car. Right.

  By then he'd gotten out of the truck and was walking around to my side. Soaked through, I was glad the door was still closed. Otherwise, I might've slid right off the seat and hit the pavement. When I stepped out, I tried one last time to give him the key back.

  Even logic didn't work. "It's a two hundred fifty thousand dollar car. I can't even afford an oil change on it."

  Griff sniffed out an indifferent response. "I already said no. Let it rot in the driveway, sell it for scrap, whatever. I don't want to see it again. It will only remind me of you."

  This is going nowhere. I decided not to argue with him, slipping the key inside of my pocket. I knew that once this all blew over, he'd want it back.

  He reached for my shoulder, giving it a tender squeeze. "I won't stop. Not until you give me the answer I want."

  It was around that time I noticed Mom, standing at the window, peeking her head between the curtains. Awesome. Perfect.

  "Listen, I have to go. Okay? I can't talk about this right now." Lifting my hands in front of my body, I started to back away from him.

  I walked inside and heard the sound of his truck starting. He backed out, the low rumble of the engine vibrating in my ear until I shut the door with a click. Closing my eyes, I leaned against the door, bumping my head against it.

  Marriage? For real?

  My eyes flipped open, and I reached for the engagement ring. No. I can't. It's a bridge too far. I'd have to trust him again and risk having him crush me with some shady lie or compulsive act. I had to be insane for even considering it.

  Umm, yes. That's what I've been trying to tell you.

  I scolded her with a whisper. "You know what, Tiny Me? Half the time you like him, half the time you don't. Make up your goddamn mind, would you?"

  She went silent. In her place, my mom's voice.

  "Honey? Everything okay?"

  What the hell was I going to tell her? After everything she went through with my stepdad,
she'd tell me to run from Griff after what he did.

  And then there was the money. One way or another, I was sure I could convince her to take it from me. There was only one way to make that happen though. I knew right then I didn't have a choice.

  I walked up to Mom and hugged her.

  "Just here to get my things."


  For Keeps (Lily)

  Getting married is one of life's highlights. However, every emotion that's supposed to come with it eluded me. There was no happiness, no joy, no anticipation. Since making up my mind to go back to Griff, feelings of suspense, doubt, and fear fogged my mind.

  I called him that morning letting him know I'd be back. Griff said I'd made him the happiest man in the world. He told me I didn't need to worry, he'd never stop working to earn my trust. Aside from making me his wife, nothing was more important to him. Strong words.

  Driving back to Portland, I found myself lost in thought, one question leading to another.

  Was it a mistake? Probably.

  Was I rationalizing getting back together with him, using Mom and the debt as an excuse? Yes.

  Was I really prepared to be married to him? No!

  Whatever the reasons I worried, they weren't enough to keep me from pulling into the garage the next evening. After turning over the unscathed G-Wagon to Terrence, I was glad to be rid of the burden of driving it.

  Terrence took the key from me. "How was your trip?"

  Which part?

  The part where I found out my would-be husband went behind my back to get me fired so he could manipulate me into a pretend marriage only to divorce me once he inherited billions?

  Or hang on, the part where he took me to see his dying Grandfather maybe knowing it would tug at my heartstrings and trick me into feeling something for him again?

  No wait, maybe the part where he told me he wanted to me to be his wife for real, no more fake engagement because when you're out of options, go for the big one!

  Each one of those parts of the trip was awesome. Thanks for asking.

  I smiled at Terrence. "Good."

  "Excellent." Terrence grabbed my luggage. "Mr. Foster is expecting you. We'll have your bag right up."


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