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Fighting for Us

Page 6

by Heather Lyn

  “Fuck!” I shout, and her eyes grow wide. I usher her inside, barely speaking a single word to her. “Shit, shit, shit,” I mumble, unaware that she’s behind me until I hear her start giggling.

  “Oh my gosh. Do you need help?” She tosses her stuff onto the couch and rushes into the kitchen.

  “Oh, I think it’s long past help. I murdered our dinner.” Rubbing my hand over the back of my neck, I slowly follow her and am shocked to find her laughing next to the stove.

  “Murdered it? Levi, this looks like you murdered it twice and then threw it into a woodstove. What the hell were you trying to make?”

  “Meatloaf.” I yank the fridge open and pull out a couple of waters, offering her one. She takes it and I sit on the stool at the island. “Fuck. Well, I’ve completely ruined dinner, so now what would you like to do?”

  Emmy takes a sip of water and then sets the bottle down, coming to stand between my legs. I rest my hands on her slim waist, hers on my shoulders.

  “Hey, Levi? Can I tell you something?”

  “What, Em?”

  “I’ve been looking forward to our date since you first asked me out. I think it’s sweet that you wanted to cook for me, but I’m fine with going to grab burgers or something, as long as you don’t send me home now.”

  Brushing her long hair off her shoulders, I lean forward to kiss her neck, smiling against her warm skin when I feel her body shiver.

  “Trust me, Em. You’re not going anywhere tonight.”

  “Good,” she whispers, leaning down to kiss me. Banding my arms around her waist, I pull her tight against me, breathing in the scent of her shampoo, feeling her soft skin against mine.

  “Let’s go grab some food,” she says, standing up straight. Emmy steps back and I kiss her cheek, moving around her to run upstairs. Going to my room, I pull on a pair of socks and stuff my feet into my boots, then throw on some cologne and grab my gray beanie from the dresser, putting it on as I head back downstairs.

  I find Emmy in the living room, looking at the photos I have on the mantel. Coming to stand next to her, I drape my arm over her shoulders.

  “Is that your brother?” she asks, pointing to a photo of Caden and me outside of Marveled Misfits Ink.

  “Yeah, that was the day we opened. And this one right here is the day my life changed.” I point to the large photo in the center from the day Lily was born. I’m holding my little six-pound baby girl, placing a gentle kiss to her tiny face.

  “It’s a beautiful photo, Levi. She’s lucky to have you.”

  “I’m the lucky one,” I say, kissing the top of her head.

  “You ready?” she asks.

  “Let’s roll, baby.”

  Grabbing my keys from the hall table and shoving my wallet into my front pocket, I hold the front door open for her. Shutting it behind us, I follow Em to help her into my truck, then jog around the hood and hop in. She looks tiny sitting next to me. I mean, my truck is huge, but I never thought she’d look so little.

  “What?” She raises a brow, the side of her mouth quirked up in a grin.

  “Nothing. Just thinking about how good you look riding shotgun.”

  Emmy blushes and looks out the window, and I can’t help the shit-eating grin on my face, which never leaves as I drive us the ten minutes to a local dive. When I park the truck, she unbuckles and leans over the console to kiss me. Pulling away, she grins at me.

  “What was that for?”

  “Thank you for the best first date ever.”

  “You realize we’re only ten minutes into it, right?”

  Emmy laughs and hops out of the truck. “So what? I’m having fun. Isn’t that the point?”

  “This is true.” Grabbing her hand, I lead us into the restaurant and we get a booth at the back. Settling in, I order us Cokes and we both decide on cheeseburgers and fries. The waitress takes the menus from us and we find ourselves alone.

  “How was your day, Em?” I reach across the table for her hands and she blushes again.

  “It was good. I finished my packing, so now I’m living out of a suitcase until Monday. The idiots in the apartment above me kept me up half the night fighting. Pretty sure he smashed a few things too. Ridiculous.”

  “Jesus, I’m glad you’re moving.”

  “That makes two of us. So, what’d you and Lily do?”

  While we wait for our food, I tell her about our day, laughing when she sees the photo I took of Lily in the midst of the flour disaster.

  “Would it be okay if we video-chat her tonight?”

  My heart fills with her question and I nod, unable to form the right words. Her genuine interest in my daughter is something I can’t ignore; if anything, it makes my feelings for her stronger.

  Our food arrives and we’re both quiet as we dig in. It’s definitely better than the platter of charcoal I had ready for us. As we work toward finishing our food, the waitress comes by and drops the check, which I make sure to grab quickly. I refuse to let Emmy even think about paying. Taking a sip of my drink, I find her staring at me with a look I can’t figure out.

  “What’s up, Em?”

  “Nothing, just thinking about something my mom said to me yesterday.”

  “Oh yeah? Care to share?”

  “Not yet.” Emmy winks at me and pops her last fry into her mouth.

  “Ready to get going, babe?” I ask, finishing my drink.

  “Yeah, I am.”

  Leaving a couple twenties with the check, I guide her from the restaurant. When we make it to my truck, I pin her against the tailgate, kissing her gently while my arms cage her in.

  “I really like you, Emerson Reese,” I whisper against her soft lips.

  “I really like you too, Levi Jackson. Thank you for dinner.”

  “My pleasure.”

  Gently kissing her forehead, I step back so she can get into the truck. After shutting her door, I get in and look over at her.

  “Ready?” I ask, and her eyes close for a moment. Opening them, she trains them on me and bites her bottom lip.

  “Yeah, I think I am.”

  I know she means more than the drive back to my place, and I grin as I take us home.

  Home. I like the sound of that.



  THE DRIVE BACK TO Levi’s is silent. He’s holding my hand in his lap, his thumb slowly brushing the back, and my nerves begin to kick in. Looking over at him, my heart races. I know that at some point tonight we’re going to be making love. Levi is beautiful, inside and out. He’s gorgeous, and he’s so strong, I can’t imagine disappointing him. I’ve had sex, and I know what to do—I’m not an idiot—but I’m anxious.

  I’m suddenly self-conscious. I don’t have a toned stomach, like I’m sure he does. I don’t work out daily, just run a couple days a week. I don’t compare to him even the slightest.

  Fuck, maybe this isn’t a good idea.

  When we arrive at his house ten minutes later, I’m completely ready to bail. When he kills the engine, I grab my purse and hop down, avoiding his stare.


  I stride up to his front door, and he comes up behind me to unlock it. His cologne washes over me and I close my eyes. He pushes the door open and we step inside, and I start thinking of ways to get out of this. Tears are brimming in my eyes and before I can think of an idea or a good lie, Levi is pulling on my arm to turn me to face him.

  “Hey, what’s this? Emmy, baby, talk to me.” Levi’s eyes are filled with concern and his rough hands grip my face, forcing me to look at him.

  “Nothing, I’m fine. Just tired. Can we take a rain check?”

  “Please, Emmy. What’s the matter? Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, it’s me. I’m sorry, I’m acting like an idiot.”

  Levi smiles at me and leans down to pick me up, my legs going around his waist. He carries me over to the couch and sits down with me still in his lap. Gently brushing a stray tear off my cheek, he covers it
with a kiss.

  “Talk to me,” he whispers. “I’m never gonna pressure you into something you aren’t ready for, but I need you to always be honest with me. What’s wrong?”

  Taking a deep breath, I lean back to meet his eyes.

  “You’re perfect, Levi. Amazing father, gorgeous, smart, funny. You’re in amazing shape, you own a business. And then there’s me. Plain old Emerson. I’m nothing special. I pale in comparison to you, Levi. I just want to be worthy of you.”

  “Oh, Em. Jesus, baby, you are. You’re worthy of far beyond what I’ll ever be able to give you. Your beauty is so much more than your looks. You have no idea how special you are. You’re fucking beautiful, and every time I see you, you take my breath away. Your heart is bigger than anybody’s I know. The way you care about my daughter… Em, you have no idea the power you hold over me.”

  Levi is holding my gaze and I can’t look away. I know he’s a man of truth and would never lie to me, so I know that’s how he really feels. This man, in a matter of seconds, made me feel more wanted and beautiful than I ever have before.

  No going back now.

  “Okay,” I whisper, leaning forward to kiss him.

  One of his hands cradles the back of my head as he deepens the kiss, sweeping his tongue into my mouth. His touch is quickly setting my skin on fire, and in a matter of minutes my hips start grinding against his. He groans into my mouth and tears his lips from mine.

  “Do you want to take this upstairs?” he asks, eyes on mine.

  “Yes, I do,” I confess.

  No further words are needed as he sweeps me into his arms and throws me over his shoulder. Laughing, I try to wriggle my way off him, but he just swats me on the ass and chuckles, continuing his way upstairs. By the time we reach his bedroom, I can’t stop laughing, and he tosses me onto his bed. Climbing up next to me, he rests his elbows by my shoulders and lowers himself on top of me.

  Opening my legs, I make space for his hips to settle with mine and moan quietly when his erection presses against me. His weight pushes me into the mattress, and I’m completely gone. Wrapping my legs tightly around his waist, I use it as leverage to rock my hips against his. He groans into my mouth and pulls back, staring down at me with hooded eyes.


  Reaching up, I pull the beanie off his head and toss it across the room, running my fingers through his hair. Levi lowers his mouth to my neck, one hand pushing my shirt up. He rises to his knees, straddling my legs, and with my help pulls my shirt over my head. My chest heaves up and down as I struggle to catch my breath. His hands move to the front of my bra, unclasping it in seconds and pushing it away, baring my breasts to him.

  “Fucking perfect,” he growls, dropping his head to one of my nipples and taking it into his mouth. My back arches against his ministrations, and I clasp the back of his head. Shamelessly, I grind myself against one of his legs, needing the friction, the ache between my legs becoming unbearable.

  “Levi,” I gasp, free hand fisting the blankets below me. He doesn’t answer me but sits back up, undoing the button on my jeans. Before I can react, he’s yanking my pants down, leaving me lying there in just my lace panties, clearly soaked in my arousal. He loops his fingers under the band and pulls them off me.

  “Fuck,” he groans, running a hand down my body, stopping just short of where I need him most. Something about being completely naked in front of him while he’s still fully clothed has heightened my arousal, and I spread myself for him, needing him to do something.


  “Yeah, that’s it, baby. Show me that sexy body. What do you need?”

  “You,” I mumble, eyes falling closed when he grips my knees, pushing my legs open even wider. “I just need you.”

  I don’t see but feel his mouth close over where I need him most. My eyes spring open and my entire body goes stiff. I try to push him away but his large hands hold me down, and I surrender to the pleasure quickly overtaking my body. His mouth makes me dizzy, leaving me panting and crying out, mumbling incoherent words. He reaches up to tweak one of my stiff nipples, twisting the peak between his rough fingers. The other hand finds my opening and he slowly begins to enter me, my mouth dropping open on a silent scream.

  He growls against my center, and the vibrations are almost my undoing. He adds a second finger and begins pumping them both in and out, his wicked tongue continuing its torture on my swollen clit.


  His mouth leaves me and he sits up, staring down at me, biting his bottom lip. His fingers never stop their movement, his thumb pushing down on my clit.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I throw my head back onto the pillows, moaning his name as I come. And fuck, I come so hard my entire body tingles with the pleasure. He doesn’t stop wringing my release out of me until I’m lying in a boneless heap.

  “Watching you come apart is the sexiest fucking thing I have ever seen.”

  Ripping his shirt off, I finally come face-to-face with his bare torso, and I swear my mouth waters at the sight of him. His toned chest, his rippling arms, and yeah, that stupid V. He’s beautiful. And he’s all mine.

  Getting up onto my hands and knees, I move to the end of the bed where he’s standing and kneel in front of him.

  Levi looks down at me and I smile, knowing I get to have my fun now. Reaching up, I place a kiss over the pink and white lily tattooed across his chest, my lips trailing down his toned abs, not missing the way the muscles jump under my touch. I don’t move my lips from his skin as I fumble with the button on his jean. Finally, I get it open and pull the zipper down, careful of the bulge pressing behind it.

  “Em,” he grunts, his head falling back onto his shoulders. Pushing his jeans down his hips, I leave his underwear in place, the material in the front damp. Looking up, I keep my eyes on him as I grip the band and pull them down his hips, his erection springing out.

  Holy hell.

  Levi must see my eyes widen, because he chuckles and pulls away from my touch, completely shucking the clothes from his body. Stepping over to the nightstand, he grabs a condom and pushes me back down onto the bed. He settles himself atop me once more, and I can’t help the words that fall from my mouth.

  “Is that even going to fit?”

  Levi throws his head back and barks out a laugh, unable to contain himself.

  “Oh, Em, baby, you kill me. Trust me, it’s gonna fit.”

  “Well, I’m sorry. I don’t normally sleep with guys packing a twelve-inch dick. That monster is going to hurt.”

  He laughs even harder at me and then buries his face in my neck.

  “First off, it’s more like eight. And yes, it’s going to hurt you. It’s going to hurt you so fucking good. I promise.”

  His heated words have me ready for him in no time, and he leans back to rip the condom open and roll it down his shaft.

  “Mmm. Have at it, handsome.”

  Levi’s grin widens and he cradles me in his arms, shifting us around until he’s holding himself at my opening. My eyes shut when the head pushes inside. His hand grips my face and I open my eyes, looking directly into his as he thrusts inside, our eyes locked as we come together.


  “Baby. Fuck me, you feel so good.”

  Slowly he begins moving in and out of me, stretching me and filling me so perfectly. I grip his back tightly, feeling the muscles shifting under my hands as he moves. He takes my mouth in a passionate kiss, tongue sliding along mine as he picks up the pace. Pushing up onto his hands for better leverage, he begins moving impossibly faster, the base of his cock rubbing my clit, causing sparks of pleasure to shoot through me.

  “Levi, I can’t. Not again,” I break off, moaning loudly. He pushes up to his knees and grabs my legs, throwing them over his arms and sliding me down so my ass is resting on his thighs. He wraps my legs around his lower back and grips my hips.

  “You can. Just feel, Em. Let me take you there. Your pussy is so fucking tight right
now. It wants to come again, and this time you’re gonna take me with you.”

  Levi’s eyes lock on where we’re connected, watching himself slide in and out of me. I look down and the sight is so erotic that I fall back against the bed, legs beginning to shake.

  “That’s it, Em. Don’t fight it. Let me make you feel good. Fuck, yeah.”

  He releases one of my legs and flattens his hand over my lower belly, his thumb rubbing fast circles on my clit. Biting my lower lip, I tighten my legs around him and reach up to grab the pillow, panting his name.

  “Emmy. Come, baby.”

  And God, do I. This orgasm is even more intense than my first, and I register him slamming into me harder, hearing the harsh groan that tears from his chest as he finds his own release.

  Dropping my legs, he moves back to me, gathering me in his arms as we try to catch our breath. His lips find mine in a scorching kiss, and I run my hands up and down his sweaty back.

  “Jesus,” he mutters against my lips.


  “I just came so hard I think my eyes crossed.”

  I burst out laughing, his own chuckles joining mine. Carefully pulling out, he rolls onto his side, taking me with him. Levi cups my face and kisses the end of my nose. “You want to take a shower?”

  “Yeah, I think I do. I hope you have conditioner though. Otherwise I’ll never get the knots out of my hair.”

  Levi gets up off the bed and disposes of the condom. I hear him start the water in the bathroom and come back into the bedroom. I take his hand and he helps me off the bed. Leaning down, he palms my sensitive breasts, thumbs rolling over my nipples.

  “Who said anything about needing to wash your hair?”

  Grinning wickedly, he carries me into the bathroom. True to his word, I have no reason to wash my hair in there. And when we finally emerge, wrapped in towels and unable to keep our hands off each other, I know there is no thinking about it.

  My mom was right. One hundred percent.

  Waking up slowly, my eyes find the most handsome face sound asleep next to me. Lying there quietly, I take in the peaceful look on Levi’s face. Last night was absolutely amazing. After we finished in the shower, we went downstairs to watch a movie and FaceTimed Lily to say good night to her. Something about that sweet little face. I may not know exactly where my feelings for Levi are going, but I am one hundred percent completely head over heels in love with Lily. It’s hard not to be. As much as I adore her father and enjoy being with him, I’m looking forward to the next time I get to spend time with her.


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