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Fighting for Us

Page 14

by Heather Lyn

  “Okay, Levi. I need you to go inside. I’ll take care of this.” Warren has stepped up to my side and places his hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

  “She said she hopes Emmy gets what she deserves. I want to know why!”

  I turn back to Dana, but she’s sunk down to the floor of the porch, shivering and coughing.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Warren asks.

  “She’s detoxing. Came here for money and said she needed more drugs.”

  “Levi, listen to me. We found some surveillance tapes that caught the vehicle they took Emerson in. We’ve been able to track it to a warehouse a few towns over. I think we’re close to finding her.”

  “She fucking knows something, Warren. I just know it.”

  “And that’s why I’m taking her in.” He pulls his cuffs from his belt and bends down to place them on Dana’s wrists. She doesn’t fight him, and he’s able to maneuver her to his car. I start to follow but he turns and stops me. “You’re staying here, Levi. Whether she knows shit or not, you aren’t coming.”

  “Fuck that.”

  “Jackson, get your ass back inside and let me do my damn job. You hear?”

  “Jesus Christ,” I groan, then spin on my heel and head back inside. I start pacing in circles, and my dad comes over to see what’s going on.

  “Son, what is it?”

  “Dana fucking knows something, Dad. She said she hopes Emmy gets what she deserves. What the hell could that mean?”

  “I have no idea. That girl has always been trouble. Let the police do their job.”

  “I can’t lose her, Dad. I love her too much.” My voice is hoarse with emotion that I refuse to let free. I need to be strong. Lily needs me, and Emmy needs me to hold it together so she can come home.

  “Levi, you won’t lose her. Have faith, son. She’s going to be fine.”

  Nodding, I pinch the bridge of my nose to stifle my tears. Before I can protest, Dad has me in a tight hug, one hand cupping the back of my head. Closing my eyes, I grasp the back of his shirt and bury my face in his shoulder.

  “I need her so bad,” I mumble into his shoulder.

  “We do too, Levi.”

  I let a few tears soak into Dad’s shirt and then I pull away roughly, swiping the back of my hand over my eyes, embarrassed at my display.

  “Don’t be sorry,” Dad says, knowing what I’m about to do.

  “Love you,” I say gruffly, holding out a hand.

  “I love you too, Levi. I’m proud of you. I never say it enough, but I want you to know that. The way you stood by Lily, and the incredible person you’re helping her become. You’ve been a part of this investigation, doing everything you can to help find Emerson, and have never wavered. I’m so proud of you, son.”

  Gripping my hand one last time, Dad lets go and walks back to the living room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and fears in silence. Striding into the kitchen, I start another pot of coffee and look out the window to the backyard.

  “Hold on just a little longer, baby. We’re gonna find you, Em,” I whisper to myself, wishing there was a way to get that message to her.

  Just hold on for me.

  Mom ordered pizza for dinner a couple hours ago, and after forcing a few slices down, I excused myself to take a shower. Standing under the hot water, I hang my head. Bracing my hands against the cold tiles, I allow myself a moment to fall apart. Warren gave us more news after returning a few hours later: they found the car Emmy was in, and the trunk had blood all over it. Not enough to confirm if she’s dead, but enough that they’re concerned they could be looking for a body now, not a person.

  Leaning against the tiles, my arms can no longer support me. I can’t stop the tears or the brutal sobs falling out of me. For the first time since she was taken, I’m afraid that she’s dead. I’m so fucking scared, and until they find something else, I won’t know.

  They’ve had Dana in an interrogation room since she was hauled in, and from what Warren said, she is involved in all of this. They’re even saying that they believe the attempted abduction on Lily could be connected. It’s a total nightmare, and I just want to wake up from it. I want to wake up in my own bed, with Emmy in my arms. But I can’t, and I don’t know if I ever will again.

  Forcing myself to calm down, my tears slow and I turn to face the water. Grabbing the bar of soap, I scrub myself clean as fast as I can. When I’m done, I step from the shower and wrap a towel around my waist.

  Ten minutes later, I’m walking downstairs in a pair of sleep pants and a sweatshirt. My parents, my siblings, and Emmy’s parents are sitting in the living room, a pot of coffee on the small table in the middle.

  “Where is Lily?” I ask, reaching for an empty mug and pouring coffee into it.

  “Sleeping, honey. We put her up in Cade’s room. She was exhausted.”

  Nodding, I glance over at the clock and see it’s only six at night.

  “Thanks, Momma.” Sitting between my brother and sister, I let out a sigh.

  “Oh, Levi,” Sydney whispers, leaning her head onto my shoulder. Turning, I place a kiss to her forehead.

  Caden grips my shoulder, and when I expect him to let go, he doesn’t. Taking a sip of coffee, I look over at Callie, who’s asleep with her head on Elliott’s shoulder. Biting my bottom lip, I place the cup of coffee back down and stand up.

  “I’m gonna head to bed, okay? Sorry, I just… I can’t right now.”

  Walking past everyone, I rush upstairs to the bed in my room. Lying down, I roll to my side and curl up, much like when I was a kid with a stomachache. Everything hurts, but mostly my heart. It’s shattering into pieces and I can’t stop it.


  Jolting upright in bed, I see it’s still dark out; my bedside clock shows it’s three in the morning. Lily is asleep next to me. She must have crawled in after I fell asleep. Shaking my head, I stumble from the bed and practically fall down the stairs to where my mom is yelling for me.

  When I rush into the kitchen, all the lights are on and both my parents and Emmy’s parents are standing around the room, my dad clutching his phone tightly. I take in their faces, and when I see Callie crying into Elliot’s chest, my own emotions bubble to the surface and I almost drop to my knees. Mom comes to me quickly when she sees the breakdown about to happen and reaches up to grab my face. Staring into her tear-filled eyes, I brace myself for her words. But I’m wrong, and as soon as she finishes speaking, I have to tell myself to remember to breathe.

  “They found her, sweetheart. They have Emerson, Levi.”


  “Come here, baby. It’s okay. It’s all gonna be okay.”

  Mom pulls me down into her arms, my arms are around her so tight I must be hurting her, but I don’t care. Someone’s arms wrap around me from behind and I can sense it’s Callie.

  Our three days of pain, grief, and fear are over. I have no clue what my girl has been through, but I don’t care. She could be in pieces and I would still see to it that she’s put back together. As long as we’re both breathing, I’ll ensure she makes it through this.





  I struggle to open my eyes, loud bangs and screaming waking me up. I’m back on the cot, tied down once more. I don’t even remember anything after getting up the stairs. Gunshots ring out and I begin to shake, terrified that they’re coming for me. I can’t make out anything beyond the loud noises. Voices are warbled, and I haven’t the faintest idea who they even belong to.

  Turning my head, I find the stairs and seconds later a crash sounds, followed by light streaming into the room. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pray that this time they just kill me. I can’t take much more, my entire body littered in bruises and blood.

  “Emerson Reese?”

  My eyes creak back open, and I swear I must be hallucinating. A man wearing a black vest with the word SWAT on the front is standing before me, a large gun in his

  “Ms. Reese, my name is Daniel, and you’re going to be okay. You’re safe now, ma’am.”

  Tears begin to fall down my cheeks when I realize this isn’t a dream. They found me. As carefully as he can manage, he begins to untie my wrists and ankles. When my hands are free, he grabs for the walkie on his vest.

  “We need an ambo down here now. I’m with the victim and she’s alive.” Turning back to my ankles, he gets me completely free and looks around the room. Shivering, I try to sit up but he stops me, being as careful with me as he can.

  “Ms. Reese, you need to stay still. They’ll be down in just a moment to check on you.”

  “Please,” I whisper, starting to feel tired as I reach for his hand. When he realizes what I’m doing, he grabs my hand, squeezing gently.

  “Tell him I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “Tell who?”

  “Levi, my boyfriend. Tell him I’m sorry and that I love him,” I force out, my lips dry and raw, the taste of tangy blood in my mouth.

  “Just wait a little longer and you can tell him yourself.”

  But he’s fading, my eyes closing again. I register him trying to keep me awake, but it’s no use. I can’t hang on any longer. I did my best, and I fought as long as I could, but I can’t anymore.

  When everything goes dark, I’m assaulted with the most beautiful memories one could have. Levi and Lily laughing. Our first date. Making love. Our life together.

  All the beautiful things that I didn’t cherish enough. That I took for granted.

  “Ms. Reese, can you hear me?”

  Loud sirens are shrieking, and I look up into the gentle face of a young woman wearing a paramedics jacket.

  “I died,” I mumble, looking around in confusion.

  “No, I believe you just passed out. Can you tell me how many fingers I’m holding up?”

  She lifts four fingers, I tell her as much, and she smiles.

  “That’s good. We’re on our way to the hospital, and they’ll take good care of you.”

  Nodding, I close my eyes, exhausted and hurting but so grateful.

  “Did… did they find him?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure, honey. We just got you out of there as quickly as possible. I’m sure the police will be checking on you soon enough. I’m gonna give you something for the pain, so just close your eyes and rest.”

  Doing as she says, I feel myself drifting off again. I have no idea what’s going to happen next, but I know one thing for sure. I survived. And I’ll be with Levi soon.

  Thank God.

  I did it.



  WARREN HAS SPENT THE past hour telling us everything. Dana broke down and confessed, knowing she had no other choice. They offered her a deal if she talked, and for once in her sorry life, other than giving up Lily, she did the right thing.

  Dana owed her dealer ten grand. She came up with this elaborate scheme that Mark, the guy behind this whole thing, could have Lily in place of the money. She sold our daughter for drugs. Tried to, anyway. Mark was one of the guys who orchestrated the attempted kidnapping of Lily last month. When Emmy got in the way, he saw her as the next best thing.

  The people Dana has been involved with over the last couple years are some of the worst that Warren has seen. They go far past low-life druggies—they deal heroin and cocaine, some levels of the ring are involved in drug smuggling, and they’re even known for prostitution as well. Mark, Dana, and everyone found in the house are behind bars, and will be for a very long time. They’re fucking lucky I didn’t get my hands on any of them or they’d be six fucking feet under right now. Rest assured.

  Emmy was found in the basement, tied to a piece-of-shit metal bed, and she’d been beaten several times. We’ve been prepared for what we’ll seen when we’re let into the room, and while I sit here in the waiting room with my parents, I’m trying to find some way to be ready to see her. From what Warren said, she looks bad, barely recognizable. The only silver lining is her rape kit came back negative. She’s been through fucking hell, and I just need to see for myself she’s alive. That she’s breathing. That she’s really here and mine.

  My leg bounces up and down with anxiety as I wait for Elliot and Callie to leave her room. They’ve been in there for almost an hour. Looking at my watch, I see it’s now almost ten in the morning. When we got the news that she’d been found, we had to wait until they had her at the hospital before we could come here. Lily is home with Cade and Sydney, not even aware that Emmy is okay. Telling her that she gets to see Emmy is going to be emotional, but I’m so happy that we get to instead of planning her funeral.

  Emmy has several bruised ribs, a concussion, and several lacerations. They said her upper body is littered in bruises, and her wrists and ankles are torn up and swollen. My blood is boiling just thinking about someone putting their hands on her. I’ve never in my life felt rage like I do right now. Those fuckers should be glad they’re fucking locked up.

  Hearing a door open, I look up to see Emmy’s parents leaving her room, both of them crying and holding on to each other. Biting on my bottom lip, I stand to meet them and Callie instantly comes to hug me. We break apart after a moment and she looks at me with a smile.

  “She’s asking for you.”

  “She’s awake?”

  “Barely. They’re giving her more medicine soon, but she wants you first. Go see her.”

  My chest is tight as I swallow past the lump in my throat. With heavy feet, I walk the few feet to her room and after counting to three, I carefully push her door open and step inside, closing it behind me with a click. The room is dark, and as I walk to her bed, my hands tremble and my legs are barely holding me up.

  Fuck. Yeah, nothing could have prepared me for this.

  Emmy’s entire face is black and blue. Her lips are split open, and I can see a chunk of her hair missing near the back of her ear. Her wrists are a deep purple, and several of her fingers are bruised. I don’t miss the dried blood in her hair, and my eyes well up.

  “Jesus,” I whisper hoarsely. Sitting on the chair next to the bed, I close my eyes tightly, trying to force down the tears.

  She needs me strong, damn it.

  Opening my eyes, I tip my head back and look at the ceiling.

  “I’m so fucking sorry, Emmy. God, baby. I’m so sorry.”


  Her raspy and quiet voice breaks through to me and I snap my head over to her. One of her eyes is swollen shut, but the other is open and trained right on me.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Yeah, it’s me, I’m here.”

  Gently, I reach out to brush some hair from her forehead, hand shaking. She tries to wet her lips, but I can see the struggle. Noticing a cup of water with a straw, I grab it and bring the straw to her mouth. She takes a sip, and after a second I place it back down.

  “Levi,” she begins.

  “Shh, Em. We don’t need to talk, okay. I’m just so glad you’re here with me. I’ve missed you so much. Now we just need to focus on getting you better.”

  Tears fill her good eye, and it breaks my heart when they slide down her swollen cheek. As carefully as I can manage, I lean over and kiss them away, relishing the fact that she’s alive.

  “Where is she?” she whispers in my ear.

  Pulling back, I raise an eyebrow at her.

  “Where is who?”

  “Our little girl. Where is Lily? Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, baby. You saved her. She’s with our parents.”

  My head drops to my chest and I don’t bother to hold it in anymore. Tears are rapidly falling down my cheeks, and I cry harder when her hand moves to cup my cheek. My heart has never hurt this badly before and with her finally safe next to me, I let go. I lean forward and rest my head on the bed next to her hip, tears soaking into the blankets. Three days of thinking she was dead, that I’d lost her forever. My chest burns with the sobs I release as she runs her hand up and down my back.
r />   “It’s okay, Levi,” she whispers.

  Shaking my head, I refuse to accept that. This isn’t okay. None of this is okay.

  “I almost lost you,” I sob. “I saw him hit you, Emmy. I saw him take you. I found Lily crying for you in a closet, and I saw your blood on my floor. I’ve been so scared, baby.”


  “I love you so much. I can’t be in this world without you. Please don’t ever leave me, Emmy. I won’t survive it. Please, baby.”

  “I love you, Levi.”

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” My body shakes with every cry, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t stop. It feels like she’s going to be ripped away from me and this is the only chance I get with her.

  “It’s not your fault, Levi. I fought for you and Lily.”

  “I love you. I love you so much, Emmy. I’m so sorry.”

  “I love you, Levi.”

  One of her hands moves to my head, fingers gently running through my hair. Turning my head, I rest my cheek on the bed and grip her hand, bringing her bruised fingers to my lips.

  “My Emmy.” Through my tears, I see her own cheeks wet with tears and I close my eyes. We came so close to losing everything.

  Her life.

  Our future.

  Lily’s future.

  Our love.

  But by the grace of God, she’s still alive, and she’s still mine. And I’ll see to it that no matter how much it takes, no matter what it takes, we will get it all back. Everything they tried to take from us will never falter, and I’ll show her that I was worth fighting for.

  I wake to someone touching my shoulder, gently stirring me from sleep. Blinking my eyes open, I sit up to find Elliott standing next to me. Scrubbing a hand down my face, I turn to Em, who’s still asleep.

  “Son, why don’t you go get something to eat? It’s been four hours, and they think it’ll be a while before she wakes up again.”


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