Regress (The Alliance Chronicles Book 1)

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Regress (The Alliance Chronicles Book 1) Page 8

by SF Benson

  Truly Shepard: Help. Cris left me some P & C info. Need computer.

  Zared Aoki: Meet at rail station in 20.

  Truly Shepard: 2 risky. TMRW?

  Zared Aoki: Is this important 2U?

  Truly Shepard: Meet u soon.

  I passed the point of no return. Curiosity might kill more than the cat.

  “If suspected of crimes, citizenry can be assured of a quick and speedy process to facilitate punishment. In order to protect citizens, witnesses and accusers will not be paraded to facilitate criminal punishment. Leadership will always have proof. If suspected of crimes, punishment will always be exacted.”

  —Bill of Trust, the American Republic, 2020

  Sneaking out after curfew was dangerous and stupid with the drones on patrol. A curfew wouldn’t keep me in the dark, though. Cris gave me the means to get those answers. I must do whatever required to preserve my life. For all I knew, I held the key to eradicating an unneeded vaccine.

  I draped a red scarf around my neck and slipped into my black leather jacket. Well, it wasn’t my leather jacket, but it’s not like Eden would miss it. I looked in the mirror and fluffed my hair. My stomach did flip-flops again. What made me more nervous? Sneaking out or seeing Zared again?

  Four days seemed like an eternity. Maybe I was wrong about him. After all, it had been five years since we last saw each other. He might not have been that interested in me back then. Maybe I was the only one emotionally involved.

  With Mom and Dad still in the living room, slipping out the front door wouldn’t happen. Impatience, however, kept me from waiting until they went to bed.

  When we first moved here, I discovered a large hole in the drywall behind the dresser. I made it bigger allowing me access through the vacant apartment next door. I shoved small pieces of drywall between the latch and doorplate to keep the door from locking behind me.

  My phone vibrated. “Hello?”

  “Hey, are you coming down?”

  “Down?” I thought we were meeting at the station. “Meet me at the elevator.”

  I grabbed my bag, pushed the dresser out of the way, and shimmied through the hole. I ran through the apartment and pulled the door closed behind me.

  When the elevator doors opened, Zared greeted me with a sexy smile. “Did you forget about me again?”

  I returned his smile. “I’m sorry.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I guess I’m not so memorable.”

  What an untrue statement. If I were able to forget this guy, I wouldn’t be sneaking around. “I fell asleep. We were meeting at the rail station, right?” The doors closed.

  “Y’know you left me hanging.” He invaded my personal space. “Standing around draws attention.”

  I bit my lip and took a step back. I needed information not another make out session. “Do you have what I need?”

  “I will.” Zared ogled me. “Let's go back to the factory.”

  “No. Too risky. There's an old parking garage downstairs no one uses.” I pressed the button. His arm brushed against me. Suddenly it was too hot in the elevator. Being around him made me insane. I started chewing on my thumbnail. What if I did something embarrassing? Stop! Clear my head and stop thinking about him. I backed myself into a corner and prayed he wouldn’t move closer.

  Once upon a time, residents of the ‘A’ Towers parked underneath the building. The elevator dropped people off inside the garage. After the New Order took over, cars became a luxury for many New Detroiters. The garage now served as a rusty car museum peppered with discarded furniture and trash. He followed me past graffiti covered pillars and fetid pools of water. I led him to a rear wall away from the street.

  “No drones this time.” The words slipped out of my mouth.

  He spun me around so fast I got dizzy. “What do you mean this time?”

  Crap! Why didn’t I keep my mouth shut? Major error on my part. He said I should be careful. Alerting the drones was anything but being careful. “I was up on the roof earlier with my dad's tablet and the SIM card. I guess—”

  “Wait! You found a SIM card?”

  “Yeah. And I guess I triggered an alarm or something.”

  “What happened?”

  “A drone came straight for me.”

  Zared shook his head. “Don’t do that again! You don't risk your neck for me!”

  “I didn't do it for you!” I shrugged him off. How arrogant! “I was getting answers.”

  He lowered his voice. “I said you'll get your answers. Y’know, you just have to—”

  “Trust you?” I looked past him at the rusted relics of the Motor City—abandoned cars that were like tributes to Ford, Chrysler, and Chevrolet. I didn’t need his protection. I could take care of myself.


  I glared back at Zared. “Okay, you want me to trust you? Tell me why I haven’t heard from you in four days.”

  “I had business...”

  “That’s what I thought.” I brushed past him. If he couldn’t be honest with me, we should stop whatever we were doing. I’d figure out some way around the inoculation on my own.

  He viciously yanked my arm. “Damn it, girl! I wasn’t able to contact you.”

  “Why not?”

  “I just couldn’t.”

  He must have figured I was a complete idiot. Why couldn’t guys just be honest with girls? Just tell us how they feel. The whole ‘guys aren’t supposed to show emotion’ thing was just stupid. I needed to know how he felt about me. “So, why did you kiss me?” I whispered.


  Wrong answer! He should have said, “I kissed you because I like you.” I glanced at his hand on my arm.

  Zared dropped his hand.

  “Fine.” My face tightened. The truth hurt like a friggin’ paper cut. I should just walk away, forget I ever said I’d help him. But I kept my promises. “Can we look at the files now?”

  He pushed the hair away from my face. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” I lifted my chin. “Doing your job?”

  Zared backed away. “You don’t get it,” he muttered.

  “I get it.” My heart ached. Why did I even bother contacting him? I should have taken my chances at the learning center. “We’re just two people trying to accomplish a goal.”

  “No. You don’t get it.” He leaned against the wall, shutting his eyes.

  Did I hurt his feelings? Good! Let him live in my shoes for a minute.

  “Z?” I whispered.

  “What?” He hung his head and studied a spot on the floor.

  “I’m sorry.” Wait a minute! Did I really apologize? Why? He should…I wanted…I guess I was sorry. Oh hell, I didn’t want an argument.

  “No, you’re right. We’re—”

  Zared closed the distance between us and cupped my face. He kissed me with such intensity, such passion, I was breathless. I couldn’t think. He backed me into the wall and pressed himself against me. I threw my arms around his neck and forgot about being mad at him. He rained kisses along my cheek and down my neck. My heart raced. I shivered when he reached my collarbone. My knees went weak and I clutched at his shirt to keep standing. He took it the wrong way, lifting my T-shirt touching my skin. I tingled. When I moaned, he pulled away and gazed into my eyes.

  “Seriously?” I panted.


  “Now what?” I stayed against the wall afraid to move. It scared me how much I liked kissing him. What if he wanted more than a make out session? I had a demon on my shoulder urging me on. So what if he wanted more? Give in. The angel tapped in and reminded me of the stupid promise I made. Put a pitchfork in it please!

  “You’re not a job for me.” He caressed my cheek with his finger. “Yes, I have a goal, but it means nothing if you’re not safe. Tru, I’m begging you to trust me.”

  “I guess.” My senses must be on vacation. “So what about the files?”

  Zared laughed. “You do have a one track mind. I, uh, know some
one who owes me a favor. I’ll contact him in the morning.”

  “Why didn't you tell me that when I called? I could have met you tomorrow.”

  He shifted back and forth on his feet. “I guess I, uh, um...It’s been four days.”

  Oh man, I guessed wrong. Zared Aoki, the hottest guy around, was interested in me. “So, what do we do until morning?”

  “Think I could sleep in a bed tonight?”

  Great! The first drops of sweat rolled down my spine. How would I react if he wanted more than just a place to sleep? The butterflies took off in my stomach. I’m in trouble now.

  “I’ll behave myself.”

  His behavior didn’t worry me. “C’mon.”

  His exotic musky smell filled the elevator as the doors closed. He reached for my sweaty hand. My body longed for his touch, to erase all distance between us. But my mind reminded me to stay focused. I didn’t need to start something we couldn’t finish. I jerked away from him.

  “Relax.” He intertwined his fingers with mine. “It’ll be fine.”

  “I just hope my parents are still asleep.” I leaned against the elevator wall. If my parents caught us, it might trigger World War III. Mom and Dad would never believe in a million years he just wanted a bed for the night. Hell, I didn’t believe it!

  “If they’re not, I won’t come in.”

  The elevator doors opened on the gloomy hallway. Zared reached into a cobweb covered wall sconce and unscrewed the bulb, plunging us in darkness. The frequent power outages made navigating the hall in the dark easy.

  My parents’ gentle snores were heard throughout the dark apartment. We hurried across the living room. I eased my bedroom door closed.

  “Y’know this place is kind of small for all of you,” he whispered.

  “Tell me about it. Cris and Eden sleep on the floor in the living room.”

  “Where are their things?”

  “My parent's room.” I removed my jacket and scarf and dropped my stuff onto a chair with trembling hands. Maybe he wanted sleep. But what if I wasn’t thinking about it? “Right or left?”


  “Which side?” I twirled my hair around my finger staring at him. Why on earth was I worried about which side of the bed he wanted? I was in a moonlit bedroom with the guy of my dreams.

  “Doesn't matter.” We both stood on the left side. “Here’s fine.” He peeled off his jacket and sat on the edge of the bed. He bent over to untie his shoes. I had a mind to run my fingers over his rippling arm muscles. Man, I was so screwed.

  “Why the questions about Cris and Eden?”

  He set his boots aside. “When do your parents leave in the morning?”

  “Dad leaves around seven for work. Mom's schedule varies. She may or may not go out.”

  “I want to search Eden’s stuff.”

  What things got Mom out of the apartment for an hour or so? “Laundry. Mom hasn't done this week’s yet. She's up around six. I'll tell her I need something washed. Once Mom leaves, I'll come back for you.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He stretched out on my bed.

  My breath caught. He was on my bed! I had an overwhelming urge to dive in and cuddle up beside him. My brain went into hyper drive. I started imagining him shirtless, his arms around me… Stop it! Breathe. Get a grip.

  “Tell me about the ceremony.”

  I kicked off my sneakers and lay down on my back. I liked to sleep with tons of covers piled on, but thanks to this hot guy, no blankets were necessary.

  “I wished I’d listened to you and let you come.” Actually, I wished someone would tell me what to do with my hands right now. Do I hold his hand? Keep my hands to myself?

  “So you’re promised to this jerk?” Anger oozed from his voice, his hand pounding the mattress.

  I placed my hand over his. “Yes and no.”


  I rolled to my side. “In Holden Pratt’s mind I am, but not on paper. When it came time to sign the document, I scrawled ‘Truth Sucks Seriously.’ Won’t hold up in a court of law. Well, unless there’s someone with that name.”

  He faced me with a cocky smile dangling on the corner of his lips. “Absolutely brilliant.”

  Zared pulled me into an embrace and stroked my cheek. My body stiffened, and I started to pull away. It was the moment from my dreams. But the dream me did things the real me shouldn’t even consider.

  “Should I leave?”

  “N-no.” My body spoke a language unfamiliar to me. His touch flooded me in warmth. All I wanted was to get closer.

  “Then relax. I won’t do anything you don’t want.” His soft lips brushed mine. “We’re good?”

  No, we weren’t good. I wanted him touching me, exploring my body. “I-I s’pose.”

  He pushed the hair away from my face. “Just so you know. Being this close and not acting on it is killing me. But I have too much respect for you and your parents. Besides, I do need some sleep. Good night, Truly Shepard.” He kissed my cheek and rolled over.

  Unbelievable! I brought a guy home and he takes a nap. I wanted more. More than a peck on the cheek or a quick embrace. My mind said act as if I made a real promise to Holden. My heart said it belonged to Zared. No one else. But he was right. We couldn’t chance being caught by my parents. I needed sleep. Desperately.

  Thou shall not covet the belongings of anyone; self-sufficiency is the answer.

  —10 Commandments of Personal Conduct, Thaxton Bible, 2021

  Boom. Boom. Boom. The pounding on my bedroom door reverberated in my head. Riza soldiers dressed in black rushed through the door. I screamed. I jumped off the bed and bolted for my secret door. Too late. Someone grabbed my ankle and dragged me across the floor. Red-hot pain inched its way up my leg. Tears ran down my face. My screams went unanswered.

  Footsteps echoed across the hardwood. A pair of black high-heels stopped near me. A cold, annoying laugh filled the air. The person crouched down. Eden. Cold steel encircled my wrists. Rough hands yanked me to my feet.

  Soldiers dragged me down the hall kicking and screaming. We stepped onto the elevators. The dark walls receded revealing a white room. I shielded my eyes with my arm against the bright light.

  A metal, cushionless dentist’s chair glowed in the center of the room. Standing beside a small steel cart was a person holding a large syringe. On the opposite of the chair was a person, in all black, holding a pistol.

  A violent tremor started at my feet and moved up my body. Soldiers lifted me, dropped me on the chair, and strapped me down. My heart pounded in my chest. Bleach fumes burned my eyes and lungs.

  An unseen monotone voice announced my crimes. ‘Enemy of the state. Unspecified terrorist threats. Being a Creative.’ My punishment? Choose. Vaccine or death. The voice counted down from ten.

  I screamed.

  “Eight, seven.”

  Words left my mind. Sweat dripped down my face.

  “Six, five.”

  “Make a choice,” Eden snapped, “or it will be made for you.”

  My mouth opened, but nothing came out.

  Four, three, two, one. Too late. Choice made. Wrong choice. Bang!

  “No!” I jolted upright drenched in sweat.

  Zared stirred beside me. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  I wrapped my arms around myself. “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”

  “Another nightmare?”

  My body wouldn’t stop shaking. It was the worst nightmare so far. Choices. That’s what it was all about. The government and my family wanted to take away my choices in life. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t let anyone do that to me.

  “Yeah,” I said, my voice above a whisper.

  He pulled me into his arms. “No one’s coming for you with me around.”

  “Can you chase away the nightmares?”

  “You wanna talk about it?”

  “No. Just hold me.”

  Yeah, my stupid superstition prevailed. Talking might help, but I wouldn’t do it. Although Z
ared’s presence didn’t chase away my nightmares, his embrace calmed the shaking. But once the earthquake stopped, my hormones and emotions hit El Niño mode. Going back to sleep wouldn’t happen. The gentle rise of his chest underneath my cheek said he had no problem drifting off.

  I moved out of his arms and shifted my position. The moonlight coming through my windows framed his body. I loved looking at his well-proportioned features, strong jaw, and luscious lips. One hand rested behind his head. The other lay on his flat stomach. His T-shirt had risen exposing six-pack abs.

  What was his real story? Yes, he told me his parents were gone and he lived on his own, but he wasn’t a street person. His clothes were immaculate. He was always well groomed. What wasn’t he telling me?

  Zared managed to work his way under my skin, and I longed to know everything about him. I needed to know more about a guy who made me ache to be touched. The guy lying beside me was so arrogant, but when he looked at me, I forgot about his arrogance. And when he kissed me…. well…I forgot everything else.

  I lost track of time staring at him. My eyelids were heavy, and my head hurt. But, my mind wouldn’t shut up. I reached for my cell phone. Six o’clock. October tenth. My Inoculation Day. Countdown activated.

  Once upon a time turning seventeen meant nothing. It marked a one-year reprieve from adulthood. Now seventeen was considered the emancipation year. No more mandated education. No more parental protection. Marry, move out, and live the life the New Order dictated. Not a time for celebration.

  Today required a pot of coffee. I closed my eyes for a second. They flew open when I felt his lips on mine.

  “Morning, Birthday Girl.” His smoky voice awakened my body better than a cup of caffeine. This guy was even sexy first thing in the morning.

  “You remembered my birthday?” I rested my head on my hand.

  “Photographic memory.”

  “How’d you sleep?” Zared had a serious case of bed head, and he wore it well. I yearned to run my fingers through his thick hair.

  “Not bad. You should have tried it.”

  I sat up. “How did—”


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