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A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)

Page 4

by Quinn, Shelli

  She wanted him with a desire so strong the likes of which she’d never felt before. His touch had her burning from the inside, out. Even her blood seemed like lava gliding through her veins warming her skin causing it to feel extra sensitive.

  Gio took her silence to mean that she wasn’t ready to make love so he slowly withdrew his finger from within her warm, moist body. He straightened her gown lowering the hem and pulling the strap back into place. When he attempted to rise from the couch, she tightened her hold on his hair holding him in place as she continued to gaze into his eyes.

  “Look, gattino this game you’re playing is starting to get old. So you let me know when ready to get serious.” He said slipping out of her grasp as he stood up.

  “I’m not playing games with you Gio. I'm just not ready to make love to you yet.” Indy said softly.

  “Yeah well whatever this is that you’re doing I’m done. When you’re ready for me to make love to you, I believe you know your way to my bed, whenever you decide to come to me, I’ll be waiting with open arms. Good night Indy.” Gio left her sitting there in the dark as he went back to bed.

  Indy could kick herself for letting him leave. Why didn’t she accept his invitation to make love? She wanted him as much if not more than he wanted her? However, once again, she listened to her head and not her heart, and now she would be sleeping alone again.

  “Damn you are such a fool, Indy.” She whispered to the empty room. “Now your stupid ass has to go and slide between those cold sheets alone when you could’ve had a sexy man’s warm body next to you.”

  “Yep, that sounds pretty damn stupid to me.” She hadn’t heard Gigi come into the living room as she berated herself in the dark. “Girl you better be glad that it’s too dark in here for me to see you, or I’d slap your dumb ass myself.”

  “Shouldn’t you be in bed with your husband, instead of creeping around in the dark?” Indy asked.

  “I was in the kitchen getting Dante a bottle when I heard voices, so I come out here to see if everything was alright.”

  “What did you see?” Indy growled.

  “Calm down wildcat, all I saw was Gio’s silhouette heading out of here.” Gigi replied as she flicked on the lamp by the couch. “What in the hell is wrong with your dumb ass? You sent that fine man away so you can go to bed alone. Girl I’d shake you senseless if I didn’t know for a fact you’re already there.”

  “I know one thing if you keep insulting me by calling me every name but my own, we’ll be rushing you back to the hospital little girl.” Indy bellowed.

  “That doesn’t work on me. I’m not Asia or London. I figured out a long time ago that you’re all bark and no bite when it comes to your family so you can save your breath with the threats.” Gigi said grinning at her big sister.

  “Well if you keep spouting off at the mouth like that things might change you little trouble maker.”

  “Don’t be mad because you know I’m right.” Gigi said folding her arms under her breasts.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be getting Dante a bottle? Wait! I thought you were breast feeding?” Indy asked with concern.

  “I am but my son seems to have an appetite like his uncle Luc so the doctor said it was okay to give him formula as well.” Gigi said just as Pierce came into the living room carrying a crying Dante.

  “Caro, is everything okay? I was starting to get worried.” Pierce said to his wife. “Hi Indy are you alright?”

  “Yes, Pierce I’m fine I just couldn’t sleep, but I’m better now so Gigi you can go back to bed I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Indy said as she also headed for bed, even though she doubted she’d get much sleep tonight.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning came much too quickly for Indy, especially since she’d gotten less than two hours of sleep. Everyone else was already up and going about their day the only person still in the apartment when she made it to the kitchen was Gigi.

  “Damn girl you look like hell. See you should have just slept with Gio if you were going to get out of bed looking tore up anyway, at least you’d be smiling.” Gigi said.

  “Would you please shut the hell up? It is too early for this crap.” Indy yelled as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

  “Don’t yell at me. It's not my fault you had a bad night.” Gigi replied.

  “No, but it is your fault. I'm having a bad morning. Now would please be quiet?” Indy said softly.

  “Fine I’ll be quiet for now, but you know this isn’t over, I have plenty more to say, but I’ll save for later.”

  “Good and just so you aren’t tempted to open your big mouth. I’m going to take a shower.” Indy said as she took her cup of coffee and left the kitchen.

  Indy felt much better once she’d showered and dressed. She was ready for a day in the lab. She wasn’t sure if she would see Gio today after the way they had left things last night, she was pretty certain that she wouldn’t.

  When she got downstairs she headed straight for her lab, she had planned to lock herself in there for the rest of the day. She was so close to finding the right blend for the wine she had been working on with Gio. It would have been easier if he was helping her today, but she’d worked alone before he came into her life, she would just have to get use to it again.

  Indy opened the door to her lab and grabbed her lab coat from the hook by the door. When she looked up from putting it on, she realized that Gio was already hard at work. The sense of joy she felt was overwhelming, she tried to tell herself that it was relief at not having to work alone. However, she knew that would most definitely be a lie.

  “Good morning, gattino. Did you sleep well?” He said with a slight smile as he continued to work.

  “Good morning, Gio. No I didn’t sleep well at all I thought about you for most of the night.” Indy said as she moved closer to where he was working.

  “I’d like to say that I’m sorry to hear that, but I can’t. It was your choice to go to bed alone last night, so if you couldn’t sleep that’s all on you.” He said glancing in her direction before returning his attention to his work.

  “That is a decision that I truly regret making. I wouldn’t make that mistake again if you ask me to choose this time I’d make the right choice.” Indy said.

  “I’m glad you know what it is you want, but I told you last night that you will have to be the one to come to my bed. Because I won’t invite you again when you’re ready I’ll be there.” Gio said as he gazed at her.

  Indy knew that if she didn’t show him right now at that moment how much she wanted him. She would lose her courage. She walked the last few steps it took to reach him. She stared into his sexy eyes. Placing her hands at the nape of his neck she pulled his head down as she tilted her head to meet his. She captured his lips with hers and poured all the passion she felt for him into that kiss.

  Gio slid his arms around her waist pulling her closer into his embrace. She swiped her tongue over the seam of his lips, and he parted his lips instantly for her to deepen the kiss.

  Indy rubbed the front of her body against his, within seconds he was aroused. She could feel his erection poking at her lower stomach. Lowering her hands she slid them down his chest to his rock-hard shaft. He grabbed her hand stopping her from doing what she was intending to do. He freed his mouth from hers and gazed into her honey brown eyes.

  “Our first time together will not be in this lab it will be in my bed so if you really want me. I’ll be expecting a visit from you tonight, and if you don’t come to me then I guess you aren’t ready after all.” Gio said as he lifted her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss there.

  “I don’t know if I can do that? It won’t be easy for me to come to you on my own. I’ve never been any good at submitting myself to anyone.” Indy said nervously.

  “I’ll make you a promise if you find the courage to bring your sexy body to my bed you will not regret it. Every inch of you will be happy that you did.” Gio said with a wide smile.

  “It better be because I’ll be mad as hell if it’s not.” Indy said in a teasing voice.

  Gio laughed before kissing her on the forehead.

  “Well I guess we should get busy and do some work, since we obviously won’t be busy getting busy.” Indy said with a loud sigh as she looked up at him with disappointment.

  He laughed as he placed a hand on each side of her face cradling it. “Be patient gattino I promise the wait will be more than worth it.” He said kissing her on the lips.

  “Yeah, well like I said it better be because I’m not coming to your bed for some half-assed performance. So for your sake I hope you’re as good as you think you are. Tiger.” She said with a wink as she moved away from him and over to her work area.

  They worked on perfecting the flavors for the blend that they were developing for the rest of the afternoon. It was almost dinner time when they finally emerged from the lab to head upstairs to the apartment. London and Gabe were just setting the dinner table, and Asia was bringing in a large pot of stew. Luc followed close behind with a basket of freshly baked dinner rolls in one hand and a bowl of salad in the other.

  Once the food was on the table everyone sat down to enjoy the meal Gigi and Pierce joined them also after putting Dante down for the night. They shared pleasant conversation talking about everything they’d done for the day.

  “Well we got almost everything moved into the new offices, London you did a wonderful job with the décor.” Pierce said.

  “Thanks, I had a lot of fun decorating your new offices. Do you like the colors? I tried to use rich vibrant shades, but I also wanted it to be elegant and classy.” London said.

  “The colors are fine the navy blue, cream and gold are perfect.” Gabe said with a smile.

  “Who was it that came up with the logo on the front doors?” Pierce asked sipping on his wine.

  “I thought since your company has new offices that maybe you should have a new logo. I’m sorry if I over stepped.” London said staring down at her plate.

  “I like the new logo the way you linked the F & I from Fabrizio Industries together in gold against a navy blue background was ingenious.” Luc said between mouths of food.

  “He’s right it’s exactly what we needed. Are you planning to go back to New York soon?” Pierce asked.

  London looked up and her eyes went straight to Gabe when he avoided her gaze. She looked away. “I’m not sure yet I’m supposed to return to work by the end of this week.”

  That caused Gabe’s head to snap into her direction but this time she didn’t look at him. She lifted her wine glass to her lips and drained the glass.

  “The reason I asked is because you are much too talented to be working for a company that doesn’t appreciate your talents. If you’re interested I’d like you to come to work for Fabrizio Industries.” Pierce said.

  “Come to work for Fabrizio Industries doing what? I’m pretty sure you don’t have a decorating division or a fashion boutique, so what would I be doing for your company?” London asked as she kept her eyes on the empty wine glass.

  “Yes Pierce, tell us what is it that she’d be doing?” Gabe asked skeptically.

  Pierce ignored Gabe as he continued his conversation with London. “Well honestly it was something that my mother had mentioned. She thought it would be to our company’s benefit to open a more creative division like say interior design and a fashion boutique and since you are excellent at both whom better to run it?”

  “Pierce are you serious about letting London run a creative division in Fabrizio Industries?” Gigi asked with excitement.

  “Actually I am it was mom’s idea but I thought it was really good one. We’d have to iron out the details, other than that all I need is for London to say yes.” Pierce replied.

  “Can I think about it for a day or two?” London asked as she ran a finger around the rim of her wine glass.

  “Girl what in the hell is there to think about, Pierce just offered you the opportunity of a lifetime? And you need to think about it, and they thought I was the stupid one?” Asia said as she rolled her eyes.

  “Is something wrong London? Is there a reason you don’t want to stay here? Do you have someone special waiting for you back in New York?” Gigi asked.

  Everyone glanced at Gabe when he dropped his fork against his plate loudly. “Sorry it must have slipped from my hand.” He said glancing at London, who was doing everything she could to avoid his gaze just as he’d done to her earlier.

  “Gigi leave London alone it is none of our business, whether she has a man back in New York or not. However, it would be good to have you home again.” Indy said.

  “Yeah, yeah it will be great to have her home. Right now I just want to hear more about this man she has back in New York.” Asia said.

  “Who said that she has a man? London hasn’t mentioned anything about having a man in New York.” Gabe said through clenched teeth.

  “True but she also hasn’t said that she doesn’t have one. Now has she?” Luc said with a smirk.

  “Luc’s right she hasn’t denied it.” Asia said as she looked at Gabe.

  “I would appreciate it if you all would stop talking about me like I’m not here. Damn this family is becoming a real pain in the ass.” London said as she rose from the table.

  “Where in the hell are you going?” Asia asked.

  “To get some fresh air I’m starting to suffocate in here.” London replied as she stormed out the door.

  “Wow! That was pretty damn dramatic. Usually it’s Asia, who’s storming out the door for one reason or another.” Indy said.

  Gabe pushed his chair back and stood. “I’ll just go and make sure that she’s alright, excuse me.” He said as he too headed for the door.

  “Okay, and then there were six, so who wants dessert?” Asia asked.

  “Well you know I do.” Luc replied.

  Before anyone else could answer the sound of Dante crying rang out loud and clear through the baby monitor.

  “That would be our son calling, let’s go sunshine.” Gigi said as she rose from the table.

  “Would you like for me to bring the two of you some dessert?” Asia asked.

  “That’s okay I have my dessert right here.” Pierce said as he put his arm around Gigi’s waist on the way out of the dining room.

  “Ugh, ya’ll are so nasty. Go on and take ya’ll little freaky butts to bed.” Asia replied. “So do the two of you want any dessert?” She asked Gio and Indy.

  Indy faked a yawn. “Uh, actually I’m pretty tired I think I’m going to turn in.” India said as she stood. “Good night, everybody see ya’ll in the morning.” She added as she headed towards her room. She glanced back over her shoulder and smiled at Gio. “You might want to get to bed also we have some long hours ahead of us.” Indy said with a sultry stare.

  “Yeah, that’s right we certainly do, well good night guys see you tomorrow.” Gio said as he too headed for bed to wait for Indy to pay him a visit. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking because there was no way anyone other than him would be seeing her in the morning, maybe sometime tomorrow but definitely not in the morning.

  Gio didn’t plan on them getting to much sleep tonight. They would be way too busy for that. He’d been waiting for this night since meeting her. Once Gio got to his room, he showered and towel dried the moisture from his body before climbing into bed. He didn’t bother to put on his boxers or anything else, for that matter.

  Asia and Luc exchanged glances. “Well I guess that leaves just the two of us to take care of that delicious looking dessert that you worked so hard to make, but that’s fine by me.” Luc said.

  “Slow your roll there, playboy. Before you even think about digging into that dessert we need to take care of these dishes. So let’s get busy.” Asia said as she grabbed an armful of dishes and headed to the kitchen.

  “I’d love to get busy, but you keep shooting me down.” Luc said teasingly as he followed her.

/>   “Yeah I do, so shouldn’t that tell you something.” Asia said as she placed the dishes in the sink.

  “Tell me what? That I’m not trying hard enough?” Luc asked.

  “You can give it everything you got and the answer will still be, No way playboy. Now go get the rest of the dishes.” Asia said as she turned towards the sink to rinse the items that she’d just placed there.

  “Fine I’ll get them but one of these days I’ll change your no to a yes. And when I do I promise you’ll be coming back for more.” Luc said as he left the kitchen.

  Asia clutched the sink with both her hands in order to keep her balance. Suddenly, an imagine of her, and Luc wrapped in a tangle of sweaty sheets flashed in her mind. She shook her head slightly to clear the imagine from her brain.


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