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Falling For Sue Ellen

Page 2

by M. K. Moore

  Then he starts moving and I see stars. I have never been this close to another person and I want more of it. He’s deep inside of me and looking down into my eyes. He palms my tits, pulling on my nipples. Why do I like that little bit of pain so much? It's like my overly sensitive nipples are directly connected to my clit. Who knew? Wrapping my thighs around his waist, I dig my heels into his firm ass.

  "Jesus, Sue Ellen. Your cunt is gripping my cock so fucking hard. Milking me. You want me to fill your womb up?"

  "Oh God. Oh, hmmm. Yes. Fill. Me. Up. Give me babies. So many babies," I shout.

  "Fuck. You just sealed your fate, little girl," he says through clenched teeth. Reaching between our smashing bodies, he finds my clit and flicks it hard before stroking it. I come again, every single nerve in my body going off like lightning. I feel his dick get impossibly thicker before erupting, coating my walls with his life-giving essence. He's still hard when he rolls us over, so that I'm on top. I ride him, pretending I know what the hell I'm doing. Front to back, side to side, I rock as he thrusts up into me. I feel like I am in a never-ending orgasm.

  "I, I, oh fuck. Sh-hi-ttt," I pant, still bouncing on him. I feel like a queen or something. This is my throne, type of thing. "I love you," I finally blurt out as I come again.

  Did I just tell him that I loved him? Oh God. You're supposed to hide your crazy, not blurt it out like an asshole.

  I bury my face in his chest, not wanting to let him go. His hands tangle in my wild blonde hair and he tugs me back. I bite my bottom lip as we stare at each other. He seriously looks like the bearded God of working out and worshiping the sun.

  "How'd you get a name like Sue Ellen?" he asks. My shoulders sag a little. Did I really expect him to proclaim his love for me when we haven't even known each other for two hours? I hold back tears as I realize I did expect it.

  "My mom really loved the movie Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead with Christina Applegate. She watched it every day while she was pregnant with my twin and me. She needed another double name so that I'd match my siblings."

  "Double names?"

  "Yep. Ford Colvert, Sadie Mae, Millie Kay, Pixie Jo."

  "Interesting. Do you have a middle name?"

  "Cady," I tell him. "You?"

  "Harvey," he says. "So, Sue Ellen Cady Cole has a nice ring to it. Don't you agree?" I smile.

  "It does. It flows well," I say.

  "In case you're not catching my drift, I love you too and I want to marry you."

  "You don't think it's crazy?" I ask, freaking out on the inside. He fucking loves me after two hours! This is the shit movies are made of and it’s happening to me. I can’t believe it’s with someone like him though.

  "Does time matter when it comes to love?" he asks before kissing me again. He tastes like my pussy and fuck if that doesn't make me wetter.

  "No, I guess it doesn't."

  Chapter Four


  All morning long, I take her over and over. She's the best fucking thing to ever happen to me and I know it. Late in the afternoon, she's finally asleep and I know she needs it. I hold her against my chest, playing with her soft hair until my cell phone rings from my sweatpants pocket. I had gotten such a good deal on the room, that I didn't realize I was booking Thanksgiving until it was too late. Good thing too, my parents decided to go to my older brother, Eddie's, place this year. My sister-in-law just had their first baby and my mom couldn't wait to get her hands on EJ.

  "Cherry? What's wrong?" I whisper answering my youngest sister's call. She's eighteen and supposed to be at work.

  "My car broke down less than a mile from your hotel. I got off work early and you said I could come."

  "Cherry, I told you that piece of shit wasn't safe. I'll get my truck and come find you," I tell her.

  "Okay. Please hurry. It's really starting to snow."

  Perfect, I think hanging up the phone.

  "Is everything okay?" Sue Ellen asks sleepily.

  "Yeah. Go back to sleep. My little sister's car broke down on the main road."

  "Oh fuck. Let me get dressed. My car is closer, and we don't have to wait on valet." She's out of bed and dressed in seconds. I pull my clothes back on and pull her into my arms in order to kiss her. Taste her again. Fuck, I could do that all damn day. "We should go. It's really coming down out there," she says grabbing her purse and keys. "Skiing will be amazing tomorrow," she says as I climb into the passenger seat of her supped-up Jeep Cherokee.

  "I agree," I say. She slows down as we reach the main road. It hasn't been plowed yet.

  "What kind of car does your sister drive?"

  "A white Hyundai. The damn thing is older than she is," I say as she slows the car to a complete stop. Cherry's car is upside down in a ditch and she's nowhere to be found. We get out of the car and search frantically. "Cherry," I shout but there's no answer. She has to be okay. I just talked to her. Grabbing my phone, I call her back. She answers on the first ring.

  “Cherry. Where are you. What happened to your car? Are you alright?” I ask her frantic.

  "El, calm down. That happened after. I wasn't in the car. There's a truck down the embankment. The driver is unconscious, but I have him."

  "What do you mean you have him?" I ask her.

  "I drug him out of the car. We need an ambulance."

  "Alright. Can you get back up here?" I ask.

  "I'm gonna wait with him in case he wakes up. I can't leave him. I can't explain it," she says near tears.

  "Alright," I tell her. Once Cherry has made her mind up about something, there's no changing it. While I am on the phone with her, I hear Sue Ellen talking on her own phone, when she hangs up, she turns to me.

  “The ambulance could take a few hours, but only if they can make it up the mountain,” she says. Shit, I didn’t think about that, so a new plan begins to form.

  “We have to help them now. The snow is really coming down,” I say as we are not only pelted with snow but chunks of ice.

  “Yeah, I don’t think we should wait,” she replies.

  Going over to the edge of the road, I see where the truck has gone through the guardrail and over. There is a lake or a river far down below, but the truck has landed on a cliff. I see Cherry huddled over the driver, who is propped up against a tree. He doesn’t appear to be moving.

  “Cherry,” I yell down. She looks up.

  “Get away from there, El. It’s not safe,” she tells me.

  “I know. I don’t know how long the ambulance is going to take. How did you get down there?”

  “There is a walking trail down the side, over there,” she says pointing me in the right direction.

  “I’ll be right down.”

  I take off at a sprint, Sue Ellen following behind me. I really wish I had my coat, but now isn’t the time to lament over that. Reaching them, I pull Cherry into a hug. She’s covered in blood.

  “Are you hurt?” I ask indicating the blood on her sweater.

  “It’s not mine. Hurry El, we have to help him. He’s lost a lot of blood and I can’t tell where it’s all coming from,” she says completely panicked.

  “Alright, Cherry. Calm down. We can get him to the hospital faster if we do it ourselves,” I lift the man in a fireman's carry and begin the climb back up the trail.

  “I’ll cancel the ambulance,” Sue Ellen says.

  “Who are you?” Cherry asks rather rudely.

  “I am Sue Ellen,” she says sweet as pie.

  “And?” Cherry continues with her attitude.

  “She’s my girl. Lose the fucking sass,” I grunt. I am not a small guy, but this motherfucker on my shoulder is huge, linebacker huge. How the fuck did Cherry drag this guy out of his truck?

  “Your girl? When the fuck did you get a girl?”

  “This morning,” Sue Ellen and I answer in unison.

  “Wow. Okay then,” she says as we reach the road again, finally losing her attitude.

  I put the man in the c
ar, and we all climb in and head off in the direction of the hospital.

  Once in the car, Cherry goes through the man’s pockets and locates his wallet.

  “His name is Wendell Montclair.”

  “Wendell Montclair?” I question. “Why does that name sound so familiar?”

  “Wendell “Boss Hoss” Montclair,” Sue Ellen says.

  “From the football team in Denver?” Cherry asks.

  So, I wasn’t too far off with linebacker. Boss Hoss is an Offensive Lineman.

  “My guy plays football?” Cherry asks.

  “Your guy? Since when?”

  “This morning,” she says, that sass back again.

  I roll my eyes. She is about to become impossible.

  Chapter Five

  Sue Ellen

  “Thank you for doing this,” Cherry says as we sit in the waiting room. When we got here, she lied like a pro and said Wendell was her husband. I had to give her credit for that one. I’d have done the same damn thing.

  “No problem, Cherry.”

  “I think there’s something wrong with me,” she admits.

  “How so?”

  “I think I am going insane. I don’t even know the man, but I am drawn to him. I’ve never heard his voice, but I long to. It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Sometimes we can’t explain things like that. It just happens.”

  “I mean he could totally hate me when he wakes up.”

  “I somehow doubt that,” I say looking at the raven-haired beauty.

  “You don’t know. I bet he’s surrounded by beautiful women every day,” she laments. I don’t have an answer for that, but the nurse saves me from having to reply.

  “Mrs. Montclair, he’s asking for you,” the older woman says.

  “For me?” Cherry asks, putting her hand over her chest.

  “Well, he’s asking for the beautiful woman with black hair, so I assumed you, his wife, and he’s just forgetting things right now,” the nurse explains.

  “Alright. I’ll be right back, Sue Ellen,” she says standing and walking over to the nurse. I smile to myself.

  “Sure. No problem. I’ll be here,” I tell her. Elliott had gone out to the parking lot to call his parents and deal with tow trucks and such while I stayed behind to sit with Cherry, but he’s walking toward me with purpose. Fuck, he’s so hot and he’s mine. I bite my lip to keep from moaning. I remember every single touch, kiss, lick, and suck we shared earlier. My pussy is clenching in remembrance. Is it possible to spontaneously come from a memory? Man, luck was on my side this morning, especially since I was being the worst kind of bitch. I was tired and cranky, but still he saw me. The real me.

  He pulls me up into his arms and kisses me right here is Monroe General’s Emergency waiting room.

  “Where’s Cherry?”

  “He asked for her,” I tell him.



  Eventually, they discharge Wendell, who coincidentally was on his way to Fall Mountain. I help get Wendell checked in, who has refused to leave to Cherry’s side, so much to her brother’s chagrin, they are sharing a room. That’s going to be an interesting couple, I can already tell.

  It’s eight at night now, and I am starving, and I’ve still barely slept. I need food, Elliott, and sleep in that order.

  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Pixie Jo has a cold only menu today, so I head into the kitchen and make us a couple of sandwiches and potato chips. Elliott grabs some sodas from the fridge, and we head back to my place. All this time he’s been without a coat, so before I eat, I light a fire in the fireplace. Thank God for gas. It’s hot and ready to go in seconds. We eat and watch a Christmas movie that was just starting when I turned the TV on.

  After we finish, I stand and toss the paper plates in the trash. Stretching, I realize every single muscle in my body hurts, but in a good way, especially my thighs. I feel like I’ve run a marathon.

  “Take a shower with me?” I ask.

  “Fuck yeah,” he replies, a huge grin on his face.

  In the shower, I wash up quickly before he has a chance to get in with me. For some reason, I am not ready for him to see my washing routine, which I know is crazy, considering his face as been all up in there. As the hot water cascades down my back, I think I could stand under this water all damn day. Then his hard cock and the rest of him climbs into the shower with me, and I am pretty sure that I don’t know my own name anymore.

  “Sue Ellen, you really are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he says. Oh, thank God. He reminded me of my name.

  “Thank you, Elliott,” I say swallowing thickly. His cock has just brushed up against belly and it sends tingles to my pussy. Anticipation tingles. “You are ridiculously handsome.”

  “I told my parents about you today,” he says grabbing my body wash from behind me.

  “Oh, yeah? What did they say?” Why does the thought fill me with slight dread?

  “They are anxious to meet you. They will be home next week. My mom wants to know when we are giving her grandbabies,” I burst out laughing at that.

  “It’s entirely possible that I am already carrying a grandbaby,” I tell him taking the sponge from him and wash his body. He groans when I get to his cock. “Oh, you like that do you?”

  “You know that I do, Sue Ellen.”

  “Do I know that?” I question. I totally do, but I want to hear him say it. He grins.

  “I love the way you handle my cock,” he breathes into my ear sending goosebumps up and down my arms.

  “Well, I love the way you handle my pussy.”

  “Match made in Heaven right here, Sue Ellen. I wasn’t joking about marrying you earlier. I have my grandmother’s ring back in Denver, but I want to marry as soon as you’ll agree to it.”

  “I’ll marry you, Elliott,” I say turning my lips for a kiss, which he obliges me with. I almost fall down as he kisses leave me weak, but he catches me.

  I might be setting myself up for disaster, but I don’t care. I love this man and what does it really matter if it’s three minutes or three years? Love is love.

  We seal our engagement with a fast, hard fuck in the shower before moving to the bed for more of the same.

  I never thought I’d say this, but I am thankful for the circumstances that had me working that many hours. If things hadn’t happened the way they did, I don’t think I’d ever have met Elliott and that would have been devastating.

  Chapter Six


  Three Weeks Later

  Falling for Sue Ellen was the easiest thing I have ever done. After we met each other’s parents, things moved pretty quickly. We settled on a date and got married at her resort. We said our vows in front of our friends and family in the middle of yet another snowstorm. It was beautiful and so was she the fall colored red gown she wore.

  Now, we are in Brazil on our honeymoon. We couldn’t decide where we wanted to go, so we literally threw a steel-tipped dart at a map on the wall of my office, landing on Brazil. Brazil in December is pretty much the exact opposite of Colorado. It’s 83 degrees and we are at Copacabana Beach in Rio De Janeiro. It's been a blast. We go home tomorrow; we are more than ready to begin our lives together.

  Since many of Foundation First's upcoming jobs are further out than Monroe, Sue Ellen and I decided to live full time at Fall Mountain. Since things have changed drastically in the last three weeks for Dex, Nolan, Logan and I, Foundation First will be getting another office in Monroe, but not until after the first of the year. I think that's going to mean big things for us. Ford, my new brother-in-law will be helping us out as well. He has a ton of experience and it will be good for him as well.

  “What should we do on our last night in Brazil?” My brand-new wife asks before we’ve even got out of bed.

  “I hadn’t given it a thought. Have you?” I respond, pulling her closer to me. I bury my face in her neck and inhale. She smells like sleep and a like a meadow.

  “What if we stayed in bed all day? Got room service and relaxed before we have to leave in the morning.”

  “What would we do in bed all day,” I ask her, already knowing the answer.

  “We could work on making a baby,” she says. “Though chances are, I am already knocked up.”

  “You’re probably right, but practice makes perfect as they say.” I laugh rolling over her. On top of her, I look down into her eyes. I grip my cock and slide into her. She wraps her legs around me and grips my hips with her thighs.

  “I love you,” she tells me as I pound into her, over and over.

  “I love you, too,” I groan.

  Everything about this woman is amazing and now that she is mine, I won’t hold anything back. I move within her until she claws my back and lets me know that she is coming.

  Eventually, I let her out of bed where I then draw her a bath in the big five-person tub and join her. Things heat up in there too. She climbs on my lap and wiggles her ass and pussy on my cock until I harden again. Lifting her up, I slide her down my length. When she’s fully seated, she throws her head back and moans loudly before rocking on me.

  “Oh my God. Oh God, this feels so good,” she repeats over and over and she bounces up and down on my cock.

  “Good girl. Give me that good girl come,” I demand, and she does. I thrust into her a few more times before releasing inside her.

  “I feel good about that time,” she says laughing.


  “Yep. I think you knocked me up really good,” she says standing and stepping out of the tub. I follow suit and we dry off.

  Spending the day in bed with her will never be a hardship.

  Another Four Weeks Later

  After another long day at the jobsite, I come home to find my wife cooking. She never cooks, Normally, we eat in the hotel, so something must be up.


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