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Forbidden Three

Page 8

by Kira Blakely

  I come back down through feather-light bliss and open my eyes.

  Joey walks over to me, stripping off his shirt as he goes. He throws it down on the coffee table, over the fruit, almost as if it’s a challenge. He tears down his pants next.

  Fear tingles in my belly, alongside the pleasure. I glance back. Holden’s focused on me, but he reaches back and rips off his T-shirt, too, revealing rippling abs, and a v-line that leads to the connection between us.

  He shifts his gaze from mine to my pussy, and his dick sliding in and out of it. I wish I could see.

  A hand grips the underside of my chin and shifts my head back to the front. It’s Joey. He stands in front of the sofa and studies me from above, his dick inches from my face. A droplet of pre-cum slides from his opening and down his tip.

  “Open your mouth,” he growls. “Dani, open it for me.”

  Two men who want everything from me. Holden, who I’ve dreamed of for a month, now more, and Joey, who makes me come, who makes me scream, who talks to me when I’m crying and makes me forget.

  I want to give everything to both of them. It’s wrong, but I want to do it.

  “Dani, now.” Joey taps my cheek with his dick, a soft thwack of his flesh against mine.

  I do as I’m told, opening wide and looking up at him.

  “That’s it,” Joey says, than guides his dripping cock to my lips. “Stick your tongue out and taste it.”

  Holden increases the pace and demands my attention. I moan at the pressure inside me but stick my tongue out anyway. My eyes roll back in my head. His pre-cum is delicious, salty and clean, a hint of his musk.

  “Take me in your mouth. Suck hard,” he says.

  I wrap my lips around his dick and suckle on him, run my tongue along his ridge, then farther back, tasting and feeling. Veins, thickness, and more pre-cum sluice across my tongue. He growls and takes hold of my head, presses his dick farther inside.

  I open my mouth wider, my jaw aching and spit dribbling from my lips. I’m drooling for him, and the wet heat in my pussy is perfectly accented by him filling my mouth.

  “Wider,” Joey commands. “Take it all.”

  Again, I obey. I’m helpless against these commands because I want it all.

  I want him to squirt down my throat, even as Holden fills my pussy with his cum. I want to taste him as warmth pulses between my legs. I want to come with his dick in my mouth and Holden’s in my cunt.

  I want to be full of them both.

  So full that I’m torn apart.

  I already can’t choose between them. This will only make it more difficult, but I don’t care.

  The living room hazes around me. My knees are planted on the sofa, my ass pressed against Holden, even as Joey pounds into my mouth. I gag and choke, eyes watering, tracing the lines of his abs, the tattoos that encase his arms, the rippling of his biceps as he controls my head and thrusts into me, again and again.

  “Good,” he growls. “Good girl.”

  Holden spanks my ass, and my flesh wobbles. “Mine,” he grunts.

  Joey pounds harder at that.

  Holden does, too.

  They’re taking it all for themselves, and I love every second of it.

  Holden reaches around and plays with my clit, circling it sloppily. He plants his other hand on top of my ass, reaches his thumb down and inserts it in my asshole. There’s a sharp pain and then extreme pleasure.

  I’m so fucking full.

  In every hole. Every part of me penetrated by these two men. One whom I’ve fallen for, the other whom I’m fast falling for as well.

  I don’t have a second for confusion.

  “Wider,” Joey growls. “Relax your throat. I’m going deep.”

  I try for him, and it works. He slides in and out, as far as he can go, burying his entire dick in me.

  “Fuck, yes, Dani,” he groans. “Fuck, yes.”

  “Come for me,” Holden commands. “Come.”

  I’m powerless, and it sends me toward my fifth peak. My fifth climax!

  I scream around Joey’s dick as I crest, and the vibration sets him off, too. He tugs on my hair and rams himself into me again and again, my tongue sliding down the underside of his thick shaft.

  He pulses inside me, squirting down the back of my throat so many times that I can’t swallow it all. Some of it dribbles past my lips and spills to the sofa. “Fuck, yes.”

  Holden’s breathing quickens behind me. I’m clenching around his cock, my ass tightening around his thumb, too, even as his brother fills my mouth with cum.

  “Mine,” Holden howls. He pumps into me and comes hard, loading me with his juices as he promised before we started this. He lashes my walls, burns me from the inside out, and once again, I’m gone, drifting on a sea of pleasure.

  I rock through all of it. Pulse and heave and squeal like a stuck fucking pig because it’s the best I’ve ever felt in my entire life and I don’t want it to end.

  But it does.

  Joey slides from my mouth, and I suck in a breath, lips still dripping his cum.

  Holden pulls out of me, and fluid splatters to the sofa cushions. I collapse onto the sofa, face down, breathing hard, and shut my eyes.

  Can’t talk, can’t move, can’t speak.

  I’m vaguely aware of movement. Rustling of clothes. Footsteps. A zipper. A door slams shut and then silence.

  Did they leave me here?

  They fucked me and left me, is that it?

  Took what they wanted and—

  A hand brushes my hair back from my cheek and behind my ear. Breath dances across my lobe. “I’m here,” he says.

  I open my eyes and look up at him.

  It’s Joey, with the mole on his cheek and warmth in his gaze.

  “I’m here,” he says. “Thank you, Dani.”

  I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut.

  All the confusion that I pushed aside before this started comes screaming back into my mind.

  What have I done?

  What have we done?

  I haven’t lost Joey, apparently. He’s still with me. But Holden? The man I came to find, to love, to fuck? Where is he?

  I bury my head in the sofa cushions and let hot tears well and escape.

  “What have I done?” I whisper. “What the fuck have I done?”

  Chapter 16


  My dumbfuck brother has already left, and that’s fine by me.

  I have Dani all to myself.

  She’s too spent to fuck, and so am I. I’ll probably be chafed fucking raw tomorrow, but I don’t give a shit. Every second of her has been worth it. Even eating her while she clung to my brother. Even fucking her mouth while he did the same to her pussy.

  I ignore the tide of jealousy at him touching her and stay crouched beside the sofa.

  She cries into the cushions and shakes her head. “What have I done?”

  “Nothing we didn’t want to do,” I say. “You wanted it, too, Dani. It’s okay.”

  She lifts herself on her elbows and looks up at me, beautiful, watery-eyed. “It’s not okay. I’ve made you fight and I’ve—I don’t know what to do.”

  “Roll over, baby. Roll over for me,” I say, tenderly as I can.

  Dani rolls onto her back on the sofa, her full tits jiggling from the motion. Christ, could she be any more beautiful? I’ve just fucked any trace of innocence out of her, but she’s still so pure to me.

  She cares. No one’s cared before.

  Growing up, it was me and my brother. No mommy and daddy around to help us out. No woman to care.

  And now her.

  You can’t think about this shit now. Get your girl.

  I slide my arm under the backs of her knees, the other around her shoulders, then lift her from the sofa, easily. She’s feather-light, and she wraps her arms around my neck and looks up at me.

  “You should hate me,” she says, sagely. “I’ve pitted you against each other.”

  “No, you
haven’t. I was the one who brought you here. I was the one who tricked you and lied.” I walk her into the bathroom, then open the shower door and take her to the bench on its side. I set her down on it, sit her upright then cup her cheeks in my hands, smooth them over with my thumbs.

  “I’m not a victim in this,” she replies, stiffly. “I make my own choices.”

  “And soon, you will have to make one,” I say, just as sternly. “But not now. Not this second.” After our session, I tugged on my chinos, but I unzip them again and toss them out the open shower door.

  She closes her eyes and rests her head on the tiles. “I don’t know what to think. I don’t know how to feel.”

  “Like I said, not now, Dani. You don’t have to make any decisions now.”

  She doesn’t reply.

  I shut the glass shower door then switch on the water. Hot beads run down from above and crash against my skin and hers.

  She gasps and opens her eyes again.

  “Come here.” I lift her from the bench. I stand her up then grab the sponge and soap from the steel rack on the wall. I lather them up. “Spread your legs, baby.”

  She widens her stance and watches me, her head tilted to one side. I can’t read her thoughts. I’d love to know what’s going on in her head.

  “Talk to me,” I say. “About anything. About your hopes and dreams. About your family. Anything. Just talk.”

  “Talk,” she says.

  “Yeah. About anything but us.” Us. Fuck, if only that “us” meant me and her, rather than the fucked-up threesome we make right now. Bastard. Fucking bastard. But what if pleasing her means having my brother do the same?

  Will I really turn down the opportunity to spend more time with this woman? Surely, every time wouldn’t be with Holden in the picture.

  We’d have moments alone.

  “My family,” she says, and the words spark something in her expression.

  We move back in the water as one, and it plasters our hair to our skulls. Water runs down her lips, and she licks it off.

  “Tell me about them.” I crouch in front of her, running the sponge up the inside of her leg, up her thigh, to that hot triangle of pleasure between her legs. She jerks but doesn’t move away.

  Gently, I wash her pussy, part her lips and clean her. She shudders with each brush of the sponge, and I move down the inside of her other leg.

  “I have four sisters,” she says. “All of them are married and settled down, two of them own their own businesses.”

  “All older?”

  “Yeah,” she replies. Her voice eases, and the pain and confusion lifts. “I’m the youngest. I think, and it’s pretty shitty of me to say, but I think I was my mother’s favorite because I was the last. I think I reminded her a lot of herself when she was little.”

  “She’s gone?” I ask.

  “She died. Terminal illness.” She swallows. “It was a long time ago, but I still think about her every day.”

  “I’m sorry, Dani.” And the words mean something. Not in all the years I’ve said them, to women I’ve fucked and dumped, to people I’ve upset during party time, have I meant them. Now, I finally do.

  “It’s OK. What about you?”

  “Family?” I laugh, bitterly, then wash her hips, rise and focus on soaping her belly. I pull her from the water again and focus on her breasts. My dick hardens but I ignore it. “My family. I had a different type of family.”

  “No mom and dad, I know.”

  I don’t need to ask how she knows.

  “No mom and dad,” I agree. “But a different type of family.” I turn her around and wash her back, sweep her hair aside and run the sponge down her spine. Foam creeps between her ass cheeks, and I watch it disappear.

  “What do you mean?” she asks and looks back over her shoulder at me. Even in profile, she’s fucking perfect.

  I’m in deep shit here. Deep, deep shit. A fucking T-rex just took a dump on my head.

  “I was part of a crime family,” I say, easily.

  She stiffens beneath my hands. “What?”

  “Yeah, we both were. I was more into it than Holden, though. I was the bad boy,” I say, with a laugh. Bad boy is a relative term, of course. There’s bad and there’s evil and millions of hues of the same in between. “I did a lot of things I’m not proud of now, looking back on it.”

  “What types of things?” She turns and we walk backward again, into the steaming rush of water from overhead. It patters down between us, reddens the skin of her breasts and flattens the smattering of hair on my chest.

  “Bad things,” I reply. “I hurt people.”

  “Did you kill anyone?” The question comes out strong. I can tell this would be a deal breaker for her, but I won’t lie to her regardless. I’m not big on lies.

  This entire weekend has sat under my skin. Irritated me.

  “No,” I reply. “Never. And neither has my brother. He pulled me out of it before it was too late. Holden had friends in places higher than the muck. He was always good at that type of thing. Talking to people, making them see sense. I was the hothead. Always flying off the handle. Not much has changed.”

  “Hot and cold,” she mutters.

  I sit on the cusp of asking her which she prefers, but don’t. Not tonight.

  “So, that’s me. I had my family, and I left them behind.”

  “And now?” Dani takes the sponge from me. She runs it down my abs and washes carefully but doesn’t look down. Her touch only makes my dick harder, but I ignore that.

  He might be into it, but my mind is elsewhere. “What about now?”

  “You still have family.”

  “Kind of,” I reply. “But nothing solid. Nothing real. My brother’s family, but—”

  “No ex-girlfriends? Ex-wives?” she asks.

  “No,” I snort. “I’m not into that type of thing. I wasn’t.” That correction is necessary, because the more time I spend with Dani, the more I realize that it can change. All the partying, the fucking random chicks for the hell of it, can change.

  It has changed.

  We finish up in the shower in silence, and Dani seems happier now. She gets out by herself, but I wrap the towel around her then one around myself. I walk her through to the bedroom, and she sits down on the end of the bed, yawning.

  “You should get some rest,” I say.

  “You’re not going to stay with me?” she asks.

  Fuck, isn’t that a killer? “No, I can’t. I have to go look for him. I can’t leave it like this.”

  “Family,” she says and nods, with another yawn.

  “Family.” I kiss her on the forehead, just a quick brush, because anything more and I’ll stay instead of leaving, and that won’t help lift the metric ton of shit wedged into place on top of me. “None of this is your fault. Don’t forget that. It’s mine.”

  Dani doesn’t reply, but she probably doesn’t believe me either.

  “Later,” I say, and that’s a god damn problem.

  She nods and settles back against the cushions, still moist form her shower.

  I leave before the sight of her like that glues me to the floor.

  Chapter 17



  The noise breaks through my dreams, through the soft warmth that envelops me. I open my eyes in the dark and frown. The sun set a long time ago, but my bedroom windows are thrown wide, the pale curtains billowing in the Caribbean breeze.


  What the hell? What is that?

  I force myself upright and look around in the dark, eyes wide as they can go. I absorb dull shapes. The outline of the armoire, the dresser, the mirror, and the closed bedroom door. There’s not much light from outside. Clouds scud across the inky black sky and block the moon from my view.

  “Hello?” I whisper, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

  Fuck, why did Joey have to leave? Gosh, well, obviously, I know why he had to
leave, but this is…


  “Who’s there!?” I yell, throwing back my covers. I’m naked underneath. I swing my legs out and place my feet on a towel—the one I threw off after my shower with Joey.

  My bedroom door’s knob turns, and the door swings inward. A tall figure moves into view, and I hold my breath, fear thrilling through me.

  I grab for the blanket and pull it toward my chest, then reach for the light switch.

  A click and the room floods with buttery yellow light.

  And there he is.

  It’s Holden, wearing a pair of PJ pants and nothing else. His arms are covered by tattoo sleeves, and his chest matches it. He’s got way more tattoos than Joey, but on his chest are the twins, back to back. Warriors.

  They have matching tattoos.

  My gaze skates from his naked, chiseled torso to his face, and I absorb the sight of this man whom I’ve dreamed about, fantasized about, wanted for what feels like ages.

  “Hi,” I say, and it comes out choked. “I didn’t think you’d come back.”

  “Why?” Holden asks, standing dead still. He could be a statue but for the rise and fall of his chest and the movement of his lips, the occasional blink.

  He’d make a perfect sculpture. He’d definitely put that small-dicked David to shame.

  “I—after this afternoon.” Do I really need to explain this? I fucked him. I fucked his brother, and then they fucked me. It’s not exactly a complicated equation. Kinda.

  Well, it is, but understanding there’s a problem isn’t exactly a stretch.

  “We need to talk,” he says. “About everything. Not only the sex.”

  “All right,” I reply and scooch back on the bed. I hold the sheet up against my naked breasts, only because I don’t want him to think that the sex is all I’m into with him.

  Holden stands still a moment longer, then sets off from his spot and walks to the bed. He sits down close to me, holds out his hand.

  I take it.

  This is not what I expected.

  He wants to touch me rather than shun me.

  “So, let’s talk,” I say. “I’ve been waiting for this for a month, more than that, now.”

  “You have?”


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