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Forbidden Three

Page 13

by Kira Blakely

  The nerves are replaced by sheer excitement. I let out a little muted screech of excitement. “You’re serious!”

  “We’re serious,” Holden says, in that businesslike tone I’ve heard him use on the phone.

  The ramifications of this streak through my mind. A steady stream of thoughts that render me speechless. Until… wait. My stomach sinks. “What does that mean for us, though? I’m in love with you both. I—does that mean I won’t get to see one of you?”

  “You’ll see more of Joey than you will of me,” Holden says. “But we’ll still see each other, too. We’ll have weekends like these together, you and me alone. And you’ll be flying Joey around the globe, so I imagine that you’ll spend some evenings with him, too.” He grits his teeth.

  I process that.

  “And on special occasions, we’ll all get together to make sure you have the time of your life.” Joey nods to me. “Your pleasure is what matters, Dani. Your happiness.”

  “And yours, too,” I counter. “And Holden’s. I don’t want to do anything that’ll jeopardize—”

  Holden lifts his hand and quiets me. “Everything’s going to work out in its own unique way. I’ll admit it grates me a little that you’ll have more time with Joey, but I do have my obligations in New York, and my daughter to look out for. I’ll have to start searching for a new nanny. At least, while you’re studying for your license, you’ll be in New York. We’ll put you up in your own little apartment.”

  So, this is our final decision. I’m not disappointed. I’m the luckiest woman alive, it seems. After all, this could’ve turned out completely different. I could’ve lost them both, my job, too, and returned to my hometown with my tail between my legs and nothing but memories that’d probably have become bitter as time passed.

  “Thank you,” I say, welling up a little. “Thank you for everything. This is seriously more than I could have wished for.”

  Joey gets up and walks to my side. He takes the coffee cup from me, sets it on the tray, then holds my hand and I rise. He tucks me against his chest, kisses my forehead. “Come on, you need to sleep. You’ve got to head back to the city tomorrow and start a new life.”

  Holden stands, too, and strides around the table in the living room, slipping my hands into his.

  The two strong men, my Gemini twins, walk me across the living room and through to the bedroom. They strip off my robe, kiss me once on either cheek, then lower me into the bed and pull the sheets back.

  Their figures hover over me, and I know this is it. This is the night I’ll never forget.

  The start of my life.

  The start of our forever.



  Five years later…

  I stand in the cockpit of the Longs’ private plane and dust off my uniform—a blouse and a pair of tight, tailored pants. That’s the simple uniform I picked out two years ago when I completed my commercial pilot’s license.

  I lay my hand on the seat and stare out at the runway. The dark tar shines in front of me. It’s going to be one helluva hot day, but it’ll be cooler in France.

  It’s times like these that the wonder strikes me.

  If not for my crush on my boss years ago, I wouldn’t be in this situation.

  A knock raps at the plane’s side door and I frown—I’m not due to fly for another two and a half hours. I make a habit of checking the interior of my plane prior to every flight. I like to spend time in here alone. Just let it sink in.

  “Danielle?” Holden’s voice shuttles through the cabin toward me.

  I smile and turn from the cockpit. I walk through to meet him.

  My boss waits in the center of the cabin, his arms at his sides and a warm smile lifting his lips at the corners. He gives me a hug and a pat on the back, and we part.

  “We need to talk,” he says.

  “We do? Is it about the contract?” Oh, god, does he want me to leave the company? It’s been a while since Holden and I have spent time alone together.

  “No, of course not. You’re an amazing asset to Galactic Empire.”

  “Oh, good.” I giggle nervously.

  “It’s about us. You and me.”

  I blink up at him, take in his blond, styled hair and those aquamarine eyes. No mole next to the mouth like Joey, and a few more lines on the forehead than his brother.

  “All right,” I say, softly. “What’s up?”

  “I don’t want to upset you, Danielle, but I think our time together is over. Our romantic time, at least.” He takes in a breath, as if he’s struggling with this. “It couldn’t continue forever. It couldn’t be more than a fantasy. I think we both knew that.”

  Did we? Probably, yeah. It’s unreasonable for me to assume I’ll have my cake and eat it forever. And things have kind of petered off with Holden.

  “I’ll always love you in my own way. Just not the same way I did at the start of all of this.”

  I laugh, not bitterly, but at the fact that he’s clearly rehearsed this speech. That’s such a Holden thing to do. As in control as always, but softer, now. A little older, too.

  “You’re upset,” he says, and those lines on his forehead become more pronounced. “I don’t want there to be any hard feelings here, Danielle. I think you’re beautiful, amazing, a star in so many ways. I’ve met someone else, though, and I want to commit to her fully, knowing that this portion of my life is closed.”

  There will never be any hard feelings between any of us. We’ve shared too much for that. And while I loved every second of being with Holden, it’s true that the passion we shared on Mystique Island, at the start of this adventure, has been sated.

  It’s not a roaring fire anymore, it’s warm coals. And it’s friendship, mainly. We haven’t been together physically in over a year, now.

  But with Joey…

  “You’re right.” I squeeze Holden’s hand. “Of course, you’re right, and I’m happy for you. I’m happy you’ve met a woman who satisfies you and who loves Jessie like the mommy she deserves. I’m so proud of you, Holden. And I’m so grateful.”

  His eyes glisten. “Danielle, you’ll always be a friend to me,” he says, drawing me into a hug. I inhale his scent—the spicy sweetness—one last time, and my heart flutters a little goodbye. “You don’t have to thank me for anything. Because of what we shared, I’m totally open. I’ve unlocked a different side of myself, and I can give that to Lauren. Thank you, Danielle.”

  The hug lasts a second longer, then Holden pulls away from me and shoots me an easy grin. “Now, I’d better get going. I believe you have another visitor. See you at Christmas.” He gives me a mock salute then heads for the door, walking the length of the cabin, with its rich carpet—the one Joey chose—and the leather seats interspersed throughout, with their polished wooden tables between.

  He reaches the door and nods to someone outside, then ducks out without a backward glance.

  Light floods the entrance, but another figure blocks it again, almost immediately. The same height as Holden, but not exactly the same size. Bigger. Joey’s spent a lot of time working out between business meetings.

  We often go to the hotel gym together. He lifts weights while I cycle or do Pilates.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “Hi,” I reply, checking my watch. “I wasn’t expecting you for another two hours.”

  Joey strides across the cabin and halts in front of me, looking down the front of my blouse. “Have I ever told you how cute you look in this uniform?”

  “Every flight,” I reply, winking at him.

  “Good, just as long as you know how crazy you drive me.”

  “Still?” It’s been five years, and Holden’s definitely moved on. What if Joey does, too? Unlike his brother, I’m still infatuated with this man. Every second I’ve spent with him has been better than the last.

  I know this man, now. I love this man more than ever.

  “How is that a question, baby? You know I’m crazy for
you. And it makes me even crazier now that you’re mine, alone, as you should’ve been from the start,” he says.

  So, he knows then.

  I stroke the sides of his face, and he draws me into his chest, kisses my temple, then my cheekbone, my jaw, my neck. He opens his mouth and sucks, hard.

  “Hey,” I say. “We’ve got to fly soon.”

  “How about we fly early?” he asks against my neck. Joey slides his palms down my back then grabs my ass cheeks, lifting me into the air as if I weigh nothing. I let out a little shriek of joy.

  “The door’s not closed,” I whisper.


  He carries me through to the cockpit, then sits down in my chair, and grinds me against his erection. “Fuck,” he says. “It’s such a turn on, knowing it’s official. You’re fucking mine. You’re mine for good. Forever.” Joey slips his fingers to the button on the front of my pants and undoes it. “Take it off. I’m going to own you.”

  I stumble upright and do as I’m told, strip off my pants, my core tightening up already. God, I can’t wait for the future with him. Whatever happens, it’ll be perfect.

  Joey makes quick work of tugging his dick out of his pants. He doesn’t pull them all the way down, though.

  “We’re going to make a mess,” I say.

  “Fuck it, I don’t care. I want your cum on my dick. Get over here, girl.”

  I straddle him, and he lifts his dick, sweeps it between my lips and shares our fluids, spreads them over his head.

  I quiver for him, biting my lip. “Joey,” I whisper. “Don’t tease me.”

  “Quiet,” he grunts, landing a hand on my shoulder. Slowly, he presses me downward onto his cock, sheathing himself inside my heat, inch by thick inch.

  I writhe and clench around him, hard. “It’s too good,” I say.

  “Baby,” he whispers, moving me up and down, his hands on my hips. “Baby, you’ve got to stop clenching or I’m going to come. It’s too tight.”

  I only tighten up more at the sound of that.

  Joey’s my fucking god in the bedroom. He grazes his dick against my g-spot and brings me to an earth-shattering internal orgasm within seconds. I cry out and keep moving, shaking, squirting all over his lap.

  “Fuck,” he grunts. “Fuck me. I’m coming. I’m fucking coming.”

  He unloads inside me as he’s done so many times before, squirts that hot cum deep, as I rock through the last of my orgasm, my gaze tied to his. We’re connected. We’re in love.

  Joey finishes with his eyes wide open, his lips parted, and his hair flopped to one side. He’s so expressive. So fucking amazing.

  So hot.

  My hot. All I need.

  This is the man I belong with, the man I fell for years ago, entirely by accident. Our love story might not be conventional, but it’s real. It’s true. And nothing will ever take that away from us.

  Joey curls me against his chest, his dick still inside me, our combined juices leaking between us, probably staining my pilot’s chair and definitely his Gucci suit pants.

  “You’ll marry me,” he says, kissing the top of my head. “Right?”

  I bathe in the scent of him, that lemony cologne I loved from the start. “You don’t even have to ask.”

  Thank you for reading!

  Want more of Mystique Island? I’ve included Forbidden Daddy as a special gift for you to kick off 2018. Read it right after this page!

  Blakely After Dark


  A gold letter, wrapper in diamonds, addressed to me.

  “You are cordially invited to Mystique Island.”

  My roommate says it’ll be the perfect way to forget my stupid ex.

  And finally lose my virginity:

  A masquerade ball. You don’t have to have sex… but everyone else will be.

  This is where I unmask my forbidden daddy.

  He spanks me when I’m bad. He fills me when I’m good.

  And his eyes…

  His warm blue eyes are kind of familiar.

  They remind me of the sexiest daddy I’ve ever known:

  My ex’s dad.

  But he can’t be.

  And even if he is, I don’t want to stop.

  I can’t stop, Daddy…

  Welcome to Blakely After Dark. This is a naughty quick read for mature audiences only. Happily ever after’s are guaranteed!

  Forbidden Daddy

  This is book 1 of the Forbidden Series. Each book is a stand alone and does not have to be read in order.

  Chapter 1


  Sometimes I wonder what it feels like. I’ve heard that the sensation of a thick cock sliding between your lips and breaking your hymen is supposed to hurt, but I never imagine it that way. Even though I’m so tight, I think it might feel good. Really fucking good.

  A slickness like honey beads inside my pussy and I shift uncomfortably on the sofa, pinching my thighs together.

  Becky, my roommate, had a new man in her bed last night. I could hear him grunting and her whimpering all night long. I couldn’t sleep. My little hole twinged for a taste of whatever was making Becky shriek like that.

  I rifle through the mail, piece by piece, trying but failing not to listen to the voice in the back of my mind.

  If you’d just put out, he wouldn’t have cheated on you. And then you would know how it feels to be with a man. But you just couldn’t do it…

  Becky says losing my virginity isn’t supposed to be a big deal. She’s had, like, two guys a month since we started the semester, and each encounter has been louder than the last.

  “Ugh,” I mutter, and toss the stack of junk mail down on the beaten coffee table. I live in a dorm, which means everything is beaten or worn, or had booze spilled on it at some point. Yeah, I’m twenty-one, and if you think the college kids around here aren’t drinking heavily, you’re on something. Which says more about you than us, am I right?

  This is Columbia. It’s business and booze and sex. For everybody else.

  Becky tells me a girl “like me” should be swimming in dick by now. She calls me Miss Scarlett Johansson because of the combination of high, round breasts, blonde hair, and these lips. To me, they’re too puffy, like I just ate something I’m allergic to, but Becky calls them “dick-smoking lips.” There’s plenty of fish in the sea, she says, and for a girl like me, they’re already in a barrel.

  But it’s easier said than done. This whole virginity thing looms over me constantly.

  Why does it have to be such a big deal?

  “Ugh,” I say, grabbing two fistfuls of hair.

  “Whatsamatter?” Becky pops out of her bedroom door.

  “Didn’t sleep well last night,” I grumble.

  “At least it’s the end of the semester. You should be over the moon.”

  “Right. The end of the semester.” And not two days ago, the end of my only ‘serious’ relationship.

  “Are you still hung up on what happened with Jake? Come on, girl, wasn’t that like a week ago?”

  I raise two fingers. “Two days. And yeah, I’m still hung up on it. It was a real relationship.”

  “Puh-lease,” Becky replies, rolling her eyes and flouncing into the living room. She fluffs her dark locks and flutters her green eyes at me. Sometimes, Becky reminds me of Claudia Schiffer without the mole. It’s probably why she’s ‘swimming in dick’ as she puts it. “It’s over. Find a new subscription. Find a new cock.”

  “That would be much easier if I’d actually had a cock prior to my – uh – current drought?”

  Becky’s gaze chases up and down my body, and she gives her head a shake. “Oh, boy,” she says, then finally saunters over and takes a seat beside me. She puts an arm around my shoulder and bathes me in Chanel No. 5. “Listen, I know it’s rough losing someone you care about, and I’m friends with Jake, too. I won’t take sides in this, but you’ve got to let it go. Like, in every way.”


I’m serious. You’re so hung up on what happened with Jake that you’re ignoring why it happened. You couldn’t fully enjoy the relationship.”

  “I thought you weren’t taking sides,” I say, and pull out of the one-armed hug.

  “I’m not. I just think that this whole virginity thing is hanging over you and that you just need to, I dunno, get rid of it. It’s not as big of a deal as you think it is,” Becky says

  I chew on my bottom lip.

  “Isn’t there anyone you can think of who can help you out?” Becky asks.

  I cast my mind back but I can only shake my head. Before Jake, there was nobody. I didn’t date in high school, since I had to focus on my grades. My parents can’t afford Columbia, so I worked until I got a full scholarship.

  Jake was my only distraction.

  “No, there’s no one,” I say, and shrug. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll just wait for Mr. Right.” But I don’t want to, not really. I just want to get this over with. The trouble is, I have no one to do it with, and sleeping with one of the college kids around here is a Simon Cowell, “It’s a no from me,” moment.

  Last night wasn’t the first time I heard one of Becky’s escapades in detail. They don’t last that long, and sure, she makes noise, but she always complains about how inadequate they are at finding her clit.

  “Mr. Right? Girl, please. Try Mr. Right Now. There are quite a few seriously endowed Mr. Right Nows walking around on campus as we speak. Seriously, though, is there no one who makes you hot? Apart from Jake, I mean. Think back. Haven’t you had a crush on someone before?” Becky nudges me.

  “I –” My eyes glaze over for a second and my thoughts dart back in time.

  The first time I met him.

  A gentle brush of his body against mine, accidental as I backed into the hall out of Jake’s room, carrying an armload of books. My heart racing, and the deep rumble of his voice.

  “N-no one,” I lie.

  “There is! There’s someone you’re thinking of!” Becky gasps. “Who is it?”


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