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Loving the Pink Kiss

Page 16

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  Robbie was shocked at this revelation and told Kiera that there could never be anything beyond what they already had.

  I felt proud that my girl was sticking up for me and with the adrenaline rushing through my veins I wanted Robbie to really stick it to her.

  Charlie and Jessica sat in silence during the whole episode probably feeling a little awkward. Kate tried to keep things calm between us all. Kiera started sniffling and her eyes were filled with tears, crocodile tears if anything, she even promised Robbie that she would behave herself if she could stay. Funny how I never heard the words sorry leave her sour lips.

  “I think that’s up to Sarah to decide.” Robbie quickly pointed out.

  Nothing like being put on the spot is there. “Well I don’t know, I don’t feel comfortable having you around. You’ve treated me as if I was a piece of shit and I really don’t think that you should be a part of our lives anymore.”

  “Sarah I...I... I have no respect for you.” She yelled coarsely. “You fucked with Jen while you were still with Robbie. She told me that today.”

  That evil cow was not gonna leave without a bitch fight, I had to state my case fast and put Kiera in her place once and for all.

  “You are the most vindictive bastard I have had the displeasure to meet. You cannot force Robbie to fall in love with you when she clearly has no intension in getting into your knickers. And by the way you have a face like a fucking ferret, your eyes are too close together and I have Robbie and you don’t.” Oh how I’ve missed being a sarcastic bitch.

  Her face reddened with anger and she had no come back for those sentimental remarks she had so delightfully just received. Her exit was pretty grand as she walked out of the door with her head held high she turned around and said. “Well at least I stay true to my partners; slut.”

  Her leaving was the best thing ever, Charlie high fived me and Jessica had to run for a pee as she had been desperate to go but didn’t want to miss out on any of the fun.

  “I’m sorry Robbie; I just lowered myself down to her level didn’t I. And I’m sorry about what went on with Jen. It meant nothing and technically we had broken up.” I had never felt as disgusted with myself as I did right at this very moment for allowing myself to have fallen for Jens evil ways.

  “Sarah, Sarah, its ok I thought we had moved on from that.” She assured me yet again.

  “I know, but I just feel so fucking guilty over it.” I snuggled in to Robbie’s shoulder and she stroked my hair attentively.

  “This isn’t going to change a thing between us. I love you Sarah, please trust my judgement.” She had become my new hero and protector of my vanity.

  Kate made an arrh noise and Charlie recommended that we make a toast. “Let’s make a toast to new beginnings; plenty of great sex and some crazy love connections.” We all cheered and drank to that.


  Arriving back at the apartment we found the front door had been left wide open and the entire place had been trashed. The worst room hit was our bedroom. The bed linens were slashed and the curtains ripped from the pole. All of my clothes had been flung around and spray painted. We didn’t need to guess too hard to which culprit could have done this.

  “Should I call the police?” Robbie asked as she began to search to see if anything was missing.

  “No, no, we both know what’s happened here as long as I never have to see her again. I will smack her so hard if she ever comes near me.” I began to pick up the remnants to see if anything could be saved but she had taken great care to make sure that they couldn’t.

  Knowing that crazy bitch had ruined most of my stuff we binned it all and decided that the apartment needed to be fixed up anyway. So over the next few days I refilled my closet with some amazing bargains and we bought new soft furnishings that complimented who we were as a couple. They also belonged to us and not just me this time.

  Kiera had totally disappeared from our lives god only knows where she had vanished to and to be honest who even cared. Jessica was settling in nicely at Kate’s and Charlie just doted on her. The change in her attitude towards this relationship was amazing, she was actually being monogamous. My bond with Robbie was growing stronger and it felt like the rest of the world didn’t exist when I was with her.

  Just after having a major sex session we lay naked on the sofa complimenting each other on our salacious performances when there was the sound of a key turning in the door. “Only me darling, Sarah; are you home?”

  “Shit! Shit, it’s my mother, quick run.” We both shot up from our frolicking antics grabbing pillows to cover up our exposed parts and made it to the bedroom just in the nick of time.

  “Hi mum, I’ll be out in a minute, we’re just getting dressed.” I yanked some clothes off the hangers and frantically tried to put something on before she had time to guess what we had just been up to.

  “Are you in the bedroom Sarah?” I could hear her making her way towards our door as she called out.

  “Yes mum, just give us a minute.” My efforts to get dressed under such pressure were proving to be quite difficult as Robbie kept fooling around delaying my attempts.

  “So that’s your mother.” She giggled as she took a sneak peek through the door.

  “Yes it is and what a fucking way for her to meet you.” I whispered trying to zip up my jeans.

  “Sarah I’ll put the kettle on shall I.” Mum called from the kitchen.

  “Ok mum, you know where everything is. C’mon Robbie hurry, I’m not going out there by myself.” I tied my hair back tightly to make it appear neater and shoved the empty hangers back into the closet slamming the doors shut behind me to hide the clutter.

  “Oh honey relax, she must know her little girl gets up to a bit of the old slap and tickle from time to time. Oh my god I wonder if she can smell the sex?” She playfully tugged at my clothing pulling me around but I wasn’t responding to it.

  We finally emerged from the bedroom fully dressed and looking a little flustered. I kissed my mother on her cheek and then grabbed some cups out of the cupboard behind her.

  “Who’s your friend Sarah and does she want milk in her tea?” She stood there holding the carton ready for action.

  “Oh mum this is Robbie, Robbie this is my mother.” This was going to be interesting.

  “Hi Mrs Niles it’s so nice to meet you at last. I’ve heard so many delightful stories about you.” That was polite I thought.

  “You’re Robbie, the one Sarah married? You’re the one who left her with a broken heart and in a right state.” That wasn’t so polite.

  “Mum please I don’t want you to talk to Robbie like that. It’s not like that; I caused most of that mess and I deserved what I got.” No bloody way was I going to tell her what I did though.

  “Well if you ask me, you girls should be more aware of your feelings towards each other and stop playing these hurtful games. So Robbie do you think you’re here to stay this time?” Ouch! She really was on the defensive side today and I wasn’t too sure where she was going with this.

  “Mrs Niles I love your daughter very much, and yes I know we had a rocky start and we’ll probably come across more bumps in the future, but I think that our relationship is in a strong place now and I’m not about to give up on that.” She placed her hand over the top of mine giving me the reassurance that everything was still cool between us.

  “Well I’m glad to hear that Robbie dear. I needed to know that my daughter is in safe hands. The last time I checked she was with her friend Charlie, nice girl that one.” She passed the drinks around and opened up a packet of biscuits placing them in a formal pattern on the plate.

  “Oh Charlie’s with Jessica now!” I stupidly blurted out without thinking.

  My mother spilt her tea down her front in hearing the shocking news that my pregnant friend had landed herself a good woman to sleep with.

  “Oh we’re all still good mates mum, and Jessica has now moved in with Ka
te.” Let’s just confuse the old dear even further shall we.

  “Who on earth is Kate? And I thought you said she was with Charlie.” She took a tea towel out of the top drawer next to the sink and patted her blouse with it in an attempt to dry the stain.

  “She’s Robbie’s ex and now best friend and has very kindly rented half of her house out to Jessica, making it possible for her and the baby to have a real home.” I couldn’t help think that to the outsider this must all sound like total bullshit.

  “She’s having a baby, I don’t understand, I thought two women couldn’t.” Oh my poor confused mummy.

  “No mum its Jake’s. And Jessica is getting a restraining order against him because... oh never mind mum there’s just too much info to go through right now.” I could see the look of confusion on her face as I hadn’t filled her in on any of the latest gossip; something in which she had become accustomed to.

  “So is Jake still on the scene or has he moved on?” Her eyes were wide as she listened intently to the information being passed around. She was enjoying becoming a little gossip queen on the side.

  “Oh he’s with the lovely Jen now.” Robbie willingly piped up.

  “Yes mum, he wants to be in the baby’s life he’s made that perfectly clear but I think he has to get over himself first.” I nudged Robbie’s foot with mine to let her know that too much info was being passed on and we needed to change the subject.

  “Well every child needs a father in its life; just look how well my Sarah turned out.” Oh if only she knew half the shit that I’d got up to she’d think twice about that comment.

  “So mum what brings you here today anyway?” I’d forgotten that she had turned up unexpectedly.

  “Well your father has gone to look at a vintage car that he’s interested in buying, so I thought I’d wait here until he’s done.” She never was very patient when it came to my father and his hobbies.

  “Well then Mrs Niles would you like some more biscuits to go with your tea?” Robbie offered the rest of the plate to her and she took three with no intention on devouring them.

  “Please dear call me Judy; after all you are family now. So I suppose I might as well say what’s on my mind and get it out in the open: You’re never going to make me a grandmother then.” She was digging deep with the sharp remarks and I wasn’t sure if it was a case of protecting her one and only daughter’s reputation or if indeed she actually was resentful of the fact that I had opted out of the baby producing market.

  “Mother that’s enough; I’ve never said that I wanted children anyhow.” The small talk wasn’t working and I was quite disappointed with her comments. My goal was to get everyone to gel together harmoniously and it was proving to be a rather tricky task.

  “Sarah darling I have no idea what to think or expect from you these days, and if I don’t ask how am I ever going to know anything.” She was clearly getting flustered and I could see that she was just going to keep rambling on about my personal life until she heard the answers only she wanted to hear.

  “Ok mum, obviously we’re not going to bare you any grandchildren that’s a guarantee, and to be honest things are good just the way they are. We don’t need to add any more complications to our lives.” With having Jen and then Kiera trying to plant their claws into our relationship I think I had made a fairly grown up decision, but it was something that I had to discuss with Robbie at a later date as I had no idea how she felt on the subject and I had made assumptions about our future together without consulting her first.

  There was a knock on the door; it was my father, his face was beaming with a relatively wide smile due to the fact that he had fallen in love with the car that he had just visited and the offer he made on it had been accepted.

  “Hi angel how’s it going?” Not bloody well that’s for sure.

  “Hi daddy this is Robbie, the one I told you about at Christmas.” Always the gentleman he nodded his head and politely shook her hand and welcomed her to the family in his usually reserved manner. He was a reliable type of chap and I knew that I could count on his discretion not to make me feel as though I was a failure in his eyes for choosing the path that I was on, which just so happens to be the one that I want to be on.

  Conversation was kept to a light pleasant order for half an hour before my parents decided that it was time to make their way back home. I was quite relieved when they left and knowing the way that my mother works she was probably dominating the topic all the way home with baby talk without giving a thought to my father’s exciting news about his new baby.

  “Oh my god Robbie I’m so sorry, totally, totally embarrassing.” If there was a boot camp for training parents to behave themselves I would be the first to send mine there.

  “No it wasn’t, I didn’t mind them at all. I actually think your parents are pretty cool people.”

  Maybe Robbie hadn’t been introduced to too many of her ex girlfriends parents in the past so she didn’t have much to compare mine with.

  “Really; so you don’t think they’re a little on the strange side? I do.” I checked myself out in the mirror for clarification that I wasn’t about to turn into my mother in the near future; nope still looking pretty chic right now.

  “Well I see where you get your personality from if that’s what you mean.” She joked amused at my quest to lead a normal dignified life.

  “Oi you bloody cheeky mare.” I gave her a light pinch on her bum in a playful way which turned into a game of tickle each other in the ribs. Our moods were on a joyful high as we teased and entertained ourselves which just happened to take us to our next activity; pleasurable sex games; my favourite.

  Later that day we decided to go and visit Kate and Jessica to see how they were getting on with their new living arrangement. Upon arriving and expecting a calm serene union we were greeted with lots of screaming that seemed to be coming from the lounge. We both ran in to the house not knowing what to expect. Jessica was standing by the window and completely flipping out at Jake, with Jen at his side looking slutty and extremely evocative. Jessica was exhausted and distressed even though she was the one doing most of the shouting.

  I quickly marched over to my friend’s side and yelled out above the noise of everyone’s overactive voices. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Oh Sarah they just won’t leave me alone this twat seems to think that he can take the baby away from me when it’s born.” The pitch of her voice was high and she spoke too fast for me to catch everything she was saying, then she began to hyperventilate so I sat her down and fanned her with a magazine that Robbie grabbed from the table behind her.

  “What the hell Jake, where do you get off harassing a pregnant woman like this.” If only I was a guy I would have knocked him out by now.

  “Shut the fuck up Sarah this has nothing to do with you.” He snarled like a rabid dog.

  “Oh you think so, it has everything to do with me you ass, she’s my friend and what makes you think that you can take the baby away? You had better get yourself a damn good lawyer matey boy.” I was adamant on standing my ground with this jerk, all he had achieved by this ridiculous behaviour was the confirmation that Jessica would definitely need to distance herself from him.

  “It’s my baby too and I don’t feel she’s going to make a fit mother. Just look at her shacking up with another woman, it’s not natural. She’s not normal!” I couldn’t believe what a fucking hypocrite he was being. After all he was the one who had exploited and introduced her into this lifestyle.

  Jen had remained quiet through all of this which struck me as unusual but I knew that she was the main instigator of it all. Their act of poor manners had become tiresome and boring and it was time for them to take their performance to a different venue; like maybe on a cruise ship where they could both mysteriously fall overboard and be eaten by sharks. No such luck! My instincts led me to the door where I opened it wide, took a deep breath and gave a few thoughts of my own.

  “You’re a fuc
king wanker Jake, now you and your tart can leave. I can’t believe you’ve put Jessica through this. The stress can do a great deal of harm to the baby; now both of you get out.” How on earth could he define his life as normal with that crazy cow still hanging on his arm?

  As they left Jen hissed out at Jessica. “This isn’t over bitch!” Her eyes had become wide and full of hate and I dreaded to think what sort of plan she was going to concoct next.

  I slammed the door hard behind them and headed straight over to the drink cabinet and poured myself a brandy: Something I’d never drank before but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time and I hated the burning sensation it gave as I swigged it down in one high speed gulp but at least it stopped me from shaking with anger. Once the hot reaction had finished stripping the top layer of skin from the inside of my mouth I offered everyone else a drink as I poured myself a second glass, Robbie took me up on the offer as she was a little stunned and shaken up herself. Then Jessica broke down into tears and kept repeating in a broken scared voice. “What am I going to do? What am I going to do?” She tried to get up quickly but collapsed back into the chair and sobbed loudly. I knelt down beside her and promised that we would all do what we could to protect her and the baby.

  “First of all you have to see your solicitor and get a restraining order for both of them. You have witnesses to his behaviour and I bet my last fucking pay check that this is all down to Jen.”

  Her eyes were swollen and red from all the crying and I gently wiped the tears away from her cheeks and stroked her hair just like my mother would do to me when things had gotten the better of me. I noticed that the strain of this pregnancy had begun to take a spiteful twist to her looks. The usual stunning beauty that used to be my reflective image had changed into a tired saddened wreck. She deserved better than this.


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