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Burning Desire (Snake River Prison Camp Book 3)

Page 5

by Jules Tyler

  “Since I’m trying to mind my manners and make a better impression,” Elijah explained before stepping around Duke and into the living area.

  “Oh, look! He does have manners!” Alicia exclaimed as she came out of the bedroom.

  “Sometimes, but don’t get too used to it.” Elijah winked.

  “Guess we are going to have to make Candace marry him then. This is the most well behaved I have ever seen him,” Duke teased, but Elijah just ignored him.

  Walking out of the bedroom, Candace’s eyes connected with Elijah’s. Letting his eyes roam all over every single curve, he made sure to make note of her eyes and the way that the green shirt she was wearing highlighted the gold color of her wolf’s eyes in her own. His mouth was dry from how thirsty her appearance made him. Her hair was hanging in loose, wild curls. Whatever face stuff she had put on had only made her that much more desirable. This is what he needed in a woman. She was it.

  Alicia cleared her throat, breaking the silence in the room, “Elijah, don’t you want to tell Candi how nice she looks?”

  Elijah fought the instinct to crack stripper jokes about her name. His Candi wasn’t a stripper. She was perfect.

  “You’re stunning.” He beamed, reveling in the way he watched the blush spread from the tip of her nose out towards the edges of her cheeks.

  “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” She smiled, crossing the room to stand next to him and Duke.

  Elijah looked down at his faded blue jeans and plain black button down shirt. The only thing that stood out that looked nice was his cowboy boots.

  “Whatever you say, gorgeous. Are you ready to go?” Elijah offered his arm to her. “Sure thing.” She looked down at her feet again, Elijah decided this was either a nerves thing or her being shy thing.

  Elijah took notice of the protective stance Alicia had taken and excused himself to cross the room to where she was standing.

  Wrapping her up in a hug, Elijah whispered, “She’s different, I promise. If I hurt her, you have my permission to feed me to McKinzy or take it out of my pelt.”

  Alicia squeezed him hard, “You take care of my girl, Elijah. I’m trusting you not to get her hurt.”

  Elijah crossed back to Candace and took her by the hand, allowing the electric chemistry between them to flow freely, “Let’s get cookin’ good lookin’.”

  Once they were outside, Candace asked, “So where are we going?”

  “Somewhere special. Are you familiar with motorcycles?” Elijah asked as they headed towards the back of his house.

  “Not really. Why?”

  Elijah stopped and pulled the cover off of his black and chrome Triumph. Running a hand over it, he paused and looked up at her, “Because we’re going for a ride.”

  Candace couldn’t help but let her face break out in an eager smile, “I’ve never ridden before. Do you have a helmet?”

  “I have one that I’ve kept put away for moments just like this.” Elijah ran inside of his cabin and came back out with a brand new Maxx helmet box and handed it to Candace.

  “It’s never been opened?” She looked up at him with surprise.

  “Never found the right biker babe to wear it.” He smiled shyly, “Now open it.” Opening up the package, Candace pulled the helmet from the protective black casing to reveal a bright blue and silver sparkling helmet, “It’s my favorite color!”

  “Destiny.” He winked. “Now let’s get going before the best part of the night is over before it begins.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Candace squeezed her arms around Elijah tighter as she felt him pull back on the accelerator. She felt like those girls from Grease 2 where they were all obsessed with boys with motorcycles. She never realized how much of an adrenaline rush it could be to feel someone else’s heart beating with yours to the hum of an engine; this was exhilarating! Leaning forward to rest the side of her helmet against Elijah’s back she watched the world around her speed by in a blur of greens, browns, and blues.

  Sitting back a little, she looked up at the sky. The sun was just starting to set, painting the sky with pinks, yellows, oranges, and reds in the most beautiful fashion. She had never seen a sunset like this. Everything around her here made her feel so alive. Deciding to be more confident and daring in this moment, she released her hold on Elijah and let the wind carry her arms outward.

  So this is what flying would feel like.

  Candace could feel the need to sing welling up inside of her chest. Tilting her head back she inhaled slowly before letting the song escape from her lips.


  Elijah cast a proud smile over his shoulder before returning his focus to the road ahead of them. They drove like this a while longer until Candace saw a sign pointing north that read, North Mountain 3 Miles. North Mountain, huh? Elijah had said they were going somewhere special, but she didn’t realize that it would be somewhere quiet and secluded. Normally if someone had done this on a first date, she would’ve panicked and thought they were a serial killer, but every fiber in her being told her that Elijah wasn’t the type.

  When they came to a stop, Elijah helped her off of the bike and started rummaging through his saddle bags. He pulled out a blanket, a couple of water bottles, a plastic cup, a bottle of wine, and two Tupperware containers. Candace pulled off her helmet and set it on the motorcycle. It was becoming apparent that this was their stopping point.

  Handing her the blanket, Elijah smiled, “Follow me. I want to show you something.” Candace said a silent thank you to herself for wearing Alicia’s boots instead of her tennis shoes. She was naturally clumsy, uneven ground was not going to be her friend and she didn’t have Okami here with her like she had planned to help her keep steady. She had made sure to let Alicia know they were taking the motorcycle and to not let Okami follow on this go round. They walked up the trail about five more minutes before they reached the edge of the mountain and stopped next to two large pine trees that were sitting side by side.

  “Here is good. Would you mind tossing out the blanket so we can sit?” Elijah asked, staring off at the sun that was now setting over the lake.

  Candace unfolded the blanket and flipped it up in the air so she could get it to settle on the ground evenly. Reaching out, she took the drinks from him and placed them on the blanket before sitting down next to them.

  “This view is gorgeous. It’s so green. The water looks like diamonds right now with the way that sunset is bouncing off of it,” Candace rambled nervously.

  Calm down. He’s going to think you’re crazy if you keep babbling on.

  “I think it’s cute when you ramble,” Elijah said, as if almost reading her mind again as he sat down next to her and handed her the container of food.

  I stand corrected.

  Candace snorted and Elijah raised an eyebrow at her, “What was that about?”

  She felt her cheeks fill with heat of embarrassment, “You proved my wolf wrong and she admitted it. She’s kind of a bitch.”

  I am not.

  “I highly doubt that. That would mean you’re a bitch and from what I’ve seen so far, you’re the exact opposite.”

  “Flattery will only get you so far.” Candace giggled, rolling her eyes at him.

  “No, no, it’s true. What kind of person comes all the way across the country just to make sure her best friend is okay? I’ll tell you, someone who is loyal, someone who cares, someone who genuinely wants to make sure her people are okay at all times of the day or night, even if it inconveniences her or puts her in harm’s way. Now does that sound like a bitch to you?” Elijah said, emphasizing every word.

  Candace stared at him in disbelief; he was right. She was all of those things and every word he said rang with truth. Alicia had been the only person in her life for so long that she forgot what it was like to feel valued by someone other than her best friend and her dog. Her heart was racing as she shook her head in response.

  “Good. Now that that’s settle
d, let’s eat. I made you my specialty.” Elijah nodded affirmatively.

  Popping open the lid, she looked down to see her favorite food in the container: steak and mashed potatoes with extra butter on the side.

  “Elijah this looks delicious,” she whispered, trying hard to hide the surprise in her voice. He shrugged, “My Mama made sure I would know how to take care of a mate someday. I can cook, clean, wash, make people laugh... Just call me a jack of all trades.”

  “Your Mama sounds like a smart woman,” Candace replied, trying to suppress the silent moan that threatened to escape when she took a bite of the steak.

  “Glad to hear you’re enjoying it.” Elijah winked.

  They ate in silence, watching the stars begin to polka dot the night sky a few at a time. Candace had to admit it to herself; this was by far the best first date she had ever been on. After Zeke, Alicia had tried to coax Candace into going on dates with some of her friends from work or talking to guys at the bars, but it just wasn’t her thing. She was simple. She liked things like this. She didn’t need the big fancy dinners or roses; she just needed moments that she could sit and relive forever.

  When she was finished, she pushed her empty container over to the edge of the blanket and lay back on the blanket to stare at the stars.

  Elijah lay down next to her and she caught him staring so he smiled, “What are you thinking about right now?”

  Candace rolled her eyes, “Oh, I don’t know. The usual stuff, I guess.” “What does that look like?” He asked.

  She shrugged, “How beautiful it is up here. How I can actually see the stars, whereas where I was living, I still had to deal with the light pollution ruining my view. I’m also thinking about how this is the best first date I’ve ever been on.”

  Elijah sat up quickly in excitement, “Wait, are you serious?”

  “Yes, I’m serious. I like simple dates like this. I’ve never been the kind of girl who had to have five star restaurants for every meal. Small groups and chemistry is what I enjoy.”

  “Note to self, my girl likes the finer things in life,” Elijah said, pretending to write on his hand with his finger.

  “So tell me about you. What makes Elijah tick?” Candace asked, rolling over on her side and propping her head up with her hand.

  “Sex and motorcycles,” Elijah teased.

  “Nice try, big guy. Give me honesty.” Candace poked him in the chest.

  Before she could pull her hand away from him, Elijah grabbed it and kissed the back of it before entwining his fingers with hers, “My pack is the most important thing to me. The people that Wolf grabs onto and refuses to let go, they’re what makes me tick.”

  “That’s a better answer. Tell me about your parents.” “Pass,” Elijah said. “It’s your turn to answer a question.”

  Candace took notice of the fact that this was the second time Elijah had dodged talking about his parents with her, “I’ll answer your questions, all of them, on one condition.”

  Elijah frowned, “Okay?”

  “You have to tell me about your parents the next time I ask.”

  Elijah grew quiet and rubbed his temples with his fingers, “Okay, fine.” “Pinky promise?” She asked, holding up her extended pinky.

  Elijah laughed and wrapped his pinky around hers, “Pinky promise.”

  Feeling empowered and daring, Candace decided to reward him, “I’ll let you seal the promise with a kiss if you want to.”

  “Deal,” Elijah said.

  In one fluid motion, he caressed her face and guided her lips closer to his. He looked into her eyes, and she could see his eyes shifting colors to a vibrant blue, signaling to her that Wolf was likely just as close to the surface as her wolf was. Touching her lips to his, she felt the electricity between them intensify. Moving her lips with his, she breathed in his scent. She could smell the cologne he had put on, but his natural scent smelled like sandalwood and cotton.

  Pulling away from the kiss, she didn’t know if she felt high or drunk, but whatever it was, she didn’t want the feeling to go away. There was this heat in her chest that was begging to get out. Almost acting as a magnet, trying to pull her closer to Elijah.

  Elijah sat, grinning like an idiot he said, “Best. Kiss. Ever.”

  No kidding. That was pretty awesome.

  Candace looked up at him and smiled, “You think so?”

  “No wonder Alicia calls you Candi, because you taste just as sweet,” Elijah teased. “I don’t mind if you call me Candi. I’ve never been a formal person, so being called

  Candace makes me feel like I’m in trouble or something. My mother was the only one to call me Candace.”

  “Why? Candace kind of makes you sound like a bitch.”

  Candace shrugged, “My mother was always the formal type. She grew up with big money and I guess that old habits die hard.”

  “Do you still talk to her?” Elijah asked as he leaned back on his elbows.

  Candace chewed her lip. It had been awhile since she had spoken about her parents, but she knew she couldn’t expect Elijah to talk to her about his family if she didn’t talk to him about her own.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Why not? Doesn’t your wolf claw you up inside for not sticking close to your birth pack?” Elijah looked at her with concern and confusion.

  Candace took a breath and exhaled slowly before moving the strap on her shoulder down to reveal her mark. The mark that turned her life upside down and made her into the shifter she was now.

  “I wasn’t born into a pack, Elijah. I was turned.”

  Elijah growled, “Who did this to you?”

  “My first and only real boyfriend I’ve ever had. His name was Zeke Evans.” Candace’s throat caught with emotion.

  Elijah stood up and walked over to the ledge and stared off at the moon shining on the lake and shouted at the top of his lungs before coming back to the blanket and sitting down next to her again.

  Looking over at Candace, eyes glowing with the brightest blue she’d ever seen, he demanded, “I need you to tell me everything, Candace. I need to know, or I’m not going to be able to keep Wolf locked inside.”

  Reaching out to stroke Elijah’s face with shaking hands, she tried to put on a brave face, “If I’m going to tell you everything, I need you to lock Wolf away for a little bit, okay? I won’t be able to focus if I think one of you or both of you is mad at me.”

  Elijah’s eyes slowly dimmed back to their normal color, “I’ll try my best.”

  “I met Zeke in high school. We had been friends and went to each other’s events and such. I was a dancer on the drill team, and he was a football player. Everyone always had said how great of a couple we would make. We just ignored them. When I was fifteen, I went to this party with the upperclassmen for the end of year bonfire at this girl Marie’s house. Zeke and I had been seeing each other for a while at this point, finally accepting that maybe we really would be better off together. You know how teenagers are, raging hormones and what not. So I decided that was going to be the night I was going to give him my virginity. I was reckless when I was a teenager, always thinking I was invincible.

  “I had had a couple of drinks and had been waiting for Zeke to show up with the rest of the football players. This kid, I still don’t know who he was, came running up to me to tell me Zeke was hurt and I needed to hurry. I ran after him thinking that Zeke was in trouble out by the cars. When I got close, the kid I had been following disappeared, and I was standing alone in the dark.”

  Candace chanced a glance over at Elijah, seeing that his eyes were beginning to faintly glow, “This group of guys came out from the shadows, some of them guys that Zeke had played football with. I guess that the varsity team at my school was only good because most of them had wolves in their middles. I don’t know when it dawned on me that night that I was being hunted, but something didn’t sit right in my middle. I had become the rabbit in a game of chase with a pack of hungry wolves, literally.
r />   “I can remember the captain shoving Zeke forward and telling me that I needed to have sex with him right then and there. Looking into it later in life, it sounds like they were trying to force a rut to get started, and I was going to be the one they would be using for it. Something about how it would make Zeke stronger if he would bond with someone? Stupid me, I gave them my back and tried to run. Zeke followed with the rest of them close behind.”

  Elijah snarled before she continued, “The rest of it is a blurr. I can remember Zeke’s teeth sinking into my shoulder. I can remember the sound of the the others howling in their wolf forms. I remember thinking my skin was so hot that I was going to either explode or die. Then there was nothing. I didn’t wake up until the next morning when Alicia had found me. I didn’t know who or what she was then. But our friendship was fast and our animals bonded instantly. She took me back to her home where she helped me clean up. I had woken up in a pool of blood. She and I both think I killed Zeke that night in a fit rage when my wolf awakened, because no one could find him for weeks after that night. Some of the other boys had gone missing too.

  It didn’t take long for my parents to figure out what I was because those first few months I began sleep shifting in my room, unable to control my wolf in my middle. My mother said I was an embarrassment and an abomination and threw me out. My dad backed her up, too afraid to try and fight for me. I moved in with Alicia and finished school, making sure to keep my head low and stay out of trouble. Something in me broke that night, and I stopped being wild and reckless. I stopped trusting people and stopped believing in myself. Alicia showed me how to embrace my wolf, but I’ve still been afraid to get too close to anyone because of her.”

  Candace finished talking and looked over at Elijah whose eyes were filled with white hot anger, “I hope you killed that fucker. I really do or I would have to avenge you. You shouldn’t have been turned without consent. No one should’ve been trying to use you to start a rut. None of this is okay. It breaks pack law in so many ways it’s sickening.”


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