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Page 3

by Dana Archer

  “Yes, but I’m confident you’ll be able to satisfy me.”

  So was he. First, he had to tend to her cuts. He released her, then reached for the bandages.

  “I don’t need anything on them.” She twisted her arm, exposing the thin red line. “It’s not even bleeding anymore.”

  “I know.” He gently lifted her arm and swabbed an alcohol wipe over her skin. She was right. It wasn’t necessary. It didn’t stop his desire to tend to her, though. He didn’t quite understand why but wouldn’t fight it. What harm did it do to treat her as if she were precious to him? “But you got hurt because of me. It’ll make me feel better if I’ve at least inspected your cuts.”

  She swallowed hard. “Okay.”

  Her breathless word made him smile. He finished cleaning the scratch, then dropped to his knees. He focused on her outer thigh to avoid getting distracted by her body. It proved harder than he anticipated. Breathing in the evidence of her desire left him light-headed and eager.

  He laid a hand on her hip to steady himself, then went to work wiping the dried blood from her skin. Much like the one on her arm, the scratch had healed, a bonus of shifter genetics. Although not immortal, they lived hundreds of years compared to the few decades humans did. He swept the square piece of cotton over the pink line once more, then tossed it aside.

  He tipped his head back. “Any more?”

  Her dilated eyes locked on to his. She shook her head. “No. That’s it.”


  He turned his attention to the female in his arms. No hair covered her body. He leaned closer and inhaled, needing to drug himself on her scent. Deep breaths satisfied the craving but made his mouth water. He pressed his lips to her stomach and flicked his tongue out. Her taste hit him. So good. She could be his new addiction. He explored her body. Kissed her in all the places that would make her wild. She became his entire focus.

  In one quick move, he released her and stood. He captured her mouth with his, swallowing her gasp. For a brief moment, he wondered if it bothered her that he’d explored her body first. Her throaty groan a second later pushed the question aside. She tilted her head and licked the inside of his mouth, an erotic and carnal exploration he was sure he’d never shared with another woman.

  He ran his hands over her back, tugging her impossibly closer. Her softness pushed against his chest and her legs tangled with his. She arched into him, and he lifted her, supporting her completely. The small sign of her submission registered in his brain. She trusted him to hold her and not let her fall. Such a little thing; a human wouldn’t give it a second thought. A shifter, though? It spoke volumes.

  It wasn’t quite enough.

  He lowered them so they knelt on the soft rug. It took more willpower than he wanted to admit, but he tore his mouth from hers and reached for the soft strip of fabric he’d found in the hall closet. He held it up. “Your turn.”

  She cocked a brow. “You want me to tie you up?”

  “No.” He moved behind her and took her wrists, crossing them at the base of her spine. “You will be.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “And if I say no?”

  He brushed his thumb over the inside of her wrist. “Then we skip this, and I’ll lay you down and make love to you.”

  She licked her lips. “Make it tight. I want to struggle to get my hands on you.”

  He used the soft fabric to bind her arms, pulling the knot tight, exactly as she’d commanded. His pulse kicked up at the possibilities open to him. He let them skip through his head but focused on the one that left him eager.

  He stepped in front of her, and she bent toward him. He stopped her with a hand on her chest. “Wait.”

  She raised her white-blonde brow again, a gesture he was starting to love. “Why?”

  “I want you to spread your legs wider.”

  She did. “Like this?”

  He loosely wrapped his hand around her throat. “More.”

  She caught his gaze. Something flashed in her pale eyes. If he didn’t know better, he’d call it possession. She closed them and widened her stance until only his hold on her throat held her steady. “Better?”

  He rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. “Yes, perfect.”

  So was she.

  He relished the sight of her before him, mouth slightly open and eyes closed, but the need to experience her passion took over.

  He brushed his thumb over her lips. “Are you ready to worship me now?”

  She peered at him from under hooded eyes. “I don’t think eternity would be long enough for that.”

  For the first time in his life, he was speechless. He swallowed hard.

  He gave himself over to the moment. She did as she promised him. She worshipped him. Accepted him. Loved him with her every touch. He wanted to return her devotion—tonight, tomorrow, for an eternity.

  Keep her. He wanted to keep her. Make her his.

  He dropped to his knees and undid the strap binding her wrists. His hands shook. He ignored the sight, not wanting to think about why they trembled.

  The moment she was free, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. She ate at his mouth. He let her lead him, enjoying the desperation in her frantic strokes as if she were starved for him, but other desires demanded payment.

  His body ached in a way in never had before. She’d ease him, though. Bring him peace. He wanted that—to find heaven in her arms. She was the only one who could give it to him too. The certainty of his thoughts gripped him. No other female would fit him the way she did. If he let her go, another male might steal her from him and mate her. Sean would lose everything.

  He tore his mouth from hers.

  “I want to own you.” He whispered the confession. Crazy or not, the claim felt right.

  “Own me how?”

  “Keep you. Mate you. Love you from now until the spirit wolf calls us home.” He breathed his vow against her ear. “Tell me you want that.”

  “Yes, I want that.” Her voice cracked. “I want to call you my mate. I want that more than anything.”

  “Oh, baby.” He slipped his tongue between her lips and kissed her.

  Heaven. She was his heaven.

  The knowledge came and went. Primal demands took over. He needed to prove to her she’d made the right choice, that he could satisfy her and be her everything. He broke their kiss and let his instincts guide him, loving her until the primitive drive that compelled his vow demanded to be met.

  Sean leaned over her and clamped his mouth over her shoulder, biting her. Her soul opened to him. Bright and pure, she was beautiful.

  He moved through her and left a piece of his soul behind. It tied him to her. She’d feel him—his needs, his moods, his pain—and be able to comfort him. He wanted to do the same. It would be easy enough. He’d just have to claim a piece of her soul. They would be soul-bonded; joined in life and death. He’d never be separated from her. It was the ultimate act of love, but… He hadn’t asked her if she wanted that. He’d asked her to be his mate, not his eternal partner. They were two entirely different things.

  No. It wasn’t right to take the choice out of her hands. They had a lifetime ahead of them to decide.

  He let the piece of her soul he held slip through his fingers. It pained him, but it was the right thing to do. Slow swipes of his tongue eased any pain his bite had caused and sealed his scent into her body, so anyone who got close to her would know she belonged to him.

  “My mate.” He rested his cheek over his bite mark, a beautiful scar she’d carry for the rest of her life. “Thank you.”

  He wasn’t sure what he was thanking her for—mating him, accepting him, taking a chance on him. He was just glad she had.

  Chapter 6

  Sean woke to the rhythmic thump of a heartbeat under his ear. He opened his eyes. Strands of pale blonde hair caressing the scarred impression of his teeth filled his vision. Memories returned in a rush. He’d taken a mate—a gorgeous, strong female from the Tan
ner pack named…

  Curses whipped through his head. He didn’t know the name of his mate. How ridiculous was that? He’d mated a stranger.

  She stirred. A smile graced her lips. “Mmmm…good morning, mate.”

  Did she even know his name? Did she care? His heart rate quickened. What had he done? Made the biggest mistake of his life. That was what.

  He scrambled back and crouched several feet away. She propped on her elbow. The warmth in her expression faded. An icy indifference replaced it. No doubt his reaction caused her mood change. Why wouldn’t it? She’d woken happy and in the arms of her mate, and he’d freaked out.

  “I didn’t mean to react that way. It’s just that I…” He shoved to his feet and ran a hand through his hair. Deep breaths filled his lungs with his mate’s scent, and he calmed. The rapid beat of his heart slowed. Reality returned.

  Okay. He took a mate. This was not the end of the world. He was sure she was a very nice female. He hoped. He exhaled roughly. “It’s just that the rashness of what we did last night left me a little uneasy this morning. I don’t even know your name.”

  She stood and held out a hand. “My name is Jenna Tanner. Michael Tanner, the alpha of my pack, is my uncle. I hate his guts and pray that one of these full moons, a dominant will be brave enough to challenge him. He needs to die.”

  Was that why she agreed to mate him? Was she shopping for a male who could offer her the alpha female spot? He snorted. “Well, if you think I can be the one to take him out, you mated the wrong guy. I don’t even want to lead my pack, let alone your screwed-up one.”

  Jenna cringed and dropped her hand. “That’s not why I agreed to mate you.”

  “Then why did you?”

  She swept her gaze over him and shook her head. “I have no clue.”

  “Look. This is not going the way I expected. Why don’t I get us some breakfast? Then we can talk.”


  “Great.” He walked toward the hall closet where they kept spare clothes for unexpected shifts. He grabbed a pair of sweats, a T-shirt, and flip-flops. “Make yourself at home. Get a shower or whatever. I’ll be back in…” He glanced at the clock. The diner wouldn’t open for another hour. The proper thing to do was spend this time getting to know his mate. He slid his gaze back to her. Eyes narrowed and lips pressed in a straight line, she appeared thoroughly ticked off. He couldn’t blame her. He’d acted like an ass. Yeah, they both needed a few minutes. “An hour or so. Maybe closer to two. Diner’s not the fastest.”

  Without waiting for a response, he opened the lockbox stashed in the corner of the closet, took a couple of twenties, then slipped out the front door. He needed this time to get his thoughts in order before he ruined his relationship with his only mate.

  The turtleneck Jenna had found in one of the offices of the Kagan Industries’ building clung to her curves, drawing attention to her braless state, and the mesh shorts she’d discovered in another room slid down her hips. At the moment, she didn’t care about the ill-fitting or mismatched outfit.

  Embarrassment gripped her, leaving Jenna—the top dominant female of the Tanner pack—shaking and fighting tears.

  The male she’d mated didn’t want her.

  She choked on a sob and quickly pressed a hand to her mouth, muffling the sound, then hurried down the street before some well-meaning human approached her. Even with the leave-me-alone expression she wore, humans stared at her. Probably wondering what was wrong with her. Some appeared concerned, others judging. She ignored them. Their opinions didn’t matter. They’d never understand what she was going through.

  Humans didn’t have to follow the same rules shifters did. They didn’t have to deal with the instincts of the animal sharing their body. They didn’t have to constantly worry about defending their position in the pack. And they didn’t have to always appear calm, even when new and unfamiliar emotions left them confused.

  Shifters, unfortunately, did have to worry about those things. They had to be strong, mentally and physically, in all situations. If they weren’t, they’d dishonor their pack, their ancestors, and their gods. No shifter wanted that. At least no respectable shifter wanted that. Yet here she was, sniffling and huddling in shame, hoping nobody she knew saw her.

  She stopped walking and straightened her spine. If this was how she was going to react to a little heartache, she might as well concede her position of dominance and move to the bottom of the pack.

  No way.

  A couple of deep breaths settled the trembling in her limbs and cleared the lump from her throat. She had to face the facts, not react solely on her emotions as she’d done last night. Listening to her instincts had been an epic failure. Hours after entering into a lifetime bond, her mate had shamed her, scrambling away from her as if she had fleas or some contagious disease. It didn’t take a genius to guess why he’d reacted that way.

  He regretted mating her.

  The lump in her throat returned. So did the pricking in her eyes. She pressed her lips together and took deep, slow breaths until the tears choking her faded.

  Her mate’s reaction to her was a devastating blow to her self-esteem, but it wasn’t the end of the world.

  It only felt like it.

  Jenna scrubbed her hands over her face. She did not need a male in her life. She especially did not need a mate who hadn’t cared enough to ask her name before mating her. Or where she lived. Or even her cell number. Then again, basic manners hadn’t been important then. Lust had ruled him.

  She sighed. There was no denying it. He’d acted on his instincts too, and once he came to his senses, he’d make the most of the situation, just as she was trying to do. If she had to guess, it wouldn’t take him long to reach the best outcome…for him. She was powerful. Any children she had would be too.

  A growl threatened to escape. She tightened her control over her primal side. With humans close by, she couldn’t afford the slip. Her restraint didn’t kill the disgust choking her, however. She’d seen firsthand how a breeding relationship could hurt a woman. Shame her. Make her feel as if she were nothing more than an incubator.

  Her best friend, Mya, was stuck in one of those degrading relationships, and she had no way out of it. Her mate had knocked her up, then ordered Mya off their pack lands once he learned the sex of the babies she’d conceived. He had no use for girls and didn’t want to have to support them. So Mya had left. She’d had no choice but to obey her mate.

  Actually, Mya’s was probably an extreme case. Still, it reminded Jenna of what was at stake. Her pride. Her future. And her sanity.

  She would rather live out her life alone than be a breeding partner.

  Jenna waited until the street was empty before hurrying across it. If she was lucky, her wallet, keys, and phone would still be under the bush she’d stashed them last night. She wanted to be out of this town before her mate came looking for her.

  If he even bothered.

  The front door was locked when Sean returned. Trepidation tightened his muscles, but he entered the code and opened the door. Silence greeted him.


  No answer.

  He set the two coffees and bag of donuts on the hall table and rushed into the office. Empty. The why was obvious—she left. Still, he went through the large building, opening every door and calling out to her.

  His steps dragged by the time he returned to the office. He leaned against the doorframe and stared at the spot where he and Jenna had made love. The memory washed over him, and the same rightness he’d felt in her arms the night before returned. His wolf hadn’t fought him while he’d mated her. It hadn’t encouraged him either. It had remained silent, much as it had been all morning. No help there.

  “Trust my instincts, huh?” Noah had told him that. He’d also said that you make a choice then live with it.

  “Well, I made mine—Jenna Tanner.” And he wouldn’t give up on her or them.

  He grabbed his cell phone from where he’
d left it on the desk the night before and dialed Noah’s number.

  “Hello?” Noah’s gruff voice filled the line.

  “What can you tell me about Jenna Tanner?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  The protective edge to Noah’s voice brought a smile to Sean’s lips.

  “Because I mated her last night, and I didn’t handle the morning after too well. She took off, and I know nothing about her other than her name.”

  Noah laughed. “Wow. I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Start with congratulations, then tell me where I can find my mate.”

  “Congratulations.” The sincerity in Noah’s voice rang true. “Jenna is a wonderful female. You couldn’t have picked a better mate.”

  “Thanks.” He grinned. “I agree. She’s perfect, but I really messed up. I’m worried she thinks I regret mating her.”

  “Do you?”

  “No, but I rushed into it. I should’ve waited until I got to know her better.”

  “Can’t argue that, but you have plenty of time to do so now.”

  “True, and I’m going to make sure I do it right this time.” Sean rubbed at the back of his neck. “And I don’t think she’s going to want to live with my parents or little brothers while we get to know each other.”

  “Doubt it.”

  He needed a house. Maybe a ring. He wanted to be married and have their union blessed under the light of the moon before they took their relationship to the next step. No way did he want to get her pregnant without the official documents that told the world she was his.

  He snagged his keys. “Look, I’ve got stuff to do for Jenna. I want her happy. So, tell me where I can find her.”

  “She lives in a blue trailer about a mile from my house. You can’t miss it. It’s the only one with a vegetable garden in the front yard.”

  Then he’d make sure their house had one. “Great. Talk to you later.”

  Sean ended the call and rushed to the door. He had a lot of planning ahead of him. No way did he want to mess up their second meeting. A woman like Jenna would only give him one chance to right his wrong.


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