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Page 6

by Dana Archer

  “Because you’re my mate. That’s where you belong.”

  The icy indifference she’d worn for him the morning after they’d mated returned. “Are you evoking mating law?”

  Which guaranteed him complete control over her, from deciding who she could associate with to whether or not they would have children. The antiquated law stemmed from a time when taking a mate was viewed as a necessity and a liability. The Kagan pack no longer followed the old dictates, but the Tanner pack did.

  He shoved his hand into his pocket and toyed with the ring he’d driven five hours to get. Specially made by a coven of witches, the diamond band would mold to whichever form the wearer took, so it would never have to be removed. He had platinum wedding bands sitting in his dresser at home too. At the moment, it appeared as if he’d jumped the gun buying them.

  “No.” He let the ring settle against the key to their house. “I’m not going to force you to live with me. I just assumed you would.”

  “And I assumed you regretted me.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s been a week, and this is the first I’ve heard from you.”

  “I figured I only had one chance to convince you to forgive me after the way I reacted. I didn’t want to blow it.”

  She studied him for a long moment, then cleared her throat. “Why did you treat me so coldly?”

  “I acted on my instincts and mated you without even knowing your name. I was afraid I’d only mated you because…” He exhaled slowly. “Because without Nic here, I felt the need to secure my position within the pack so I can take over.”

  “And by mating me, you feel as if you’ve betrayed your pack mate.”

  “Yes. Being alpha is his destiny, not mine. Though, for the foreseeable future, I’ll have to pretend it’s my destiny.”

  Her gaze mapped his face as if she was trying to understand his statement by reading his expression. “Pretend?”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. Nobody was supposed to know he was faking his interest in leading, but Jenna was his mate. He refused to lie to her. “I’m only doing it to keep the peace between our dominants so they don’t start fighting among themselves without Nic here. As soon as he returns, I’m stepping aside.”

  She worried her lip between her teeth. He wanted to nibble on her tender flesh for her. She let her lip slip free before he gave in to the urge. “How long do you think he’ll be gone?”

  “Not sure. Years, probably.” Riley hadn’t given any indication of leaving until she finished vet school. Once she had her degree, she might. Or not. Sean certainly wouldn’t influence her. He cared about Riley’s happiness too. Unfortunately, he couldn’t give her what she wanted—a future with Nic.

  “Years would be good. My cousin Ben matures soon. He can move away then. It’ll be perfect.” Jenna’s eyes brightened.

  “It will?”

  “Yes.” Jenna rushed forward and gave him a hug. “Thank you.”

  Her softness pressed against his body stirred his hunger, but curiosity over her reaction kept it at bay. “I’m glad you’re okay with the idea of living a lie, but why thank me for it?”

  “Because Michael threatened me. Told me that I needed to convince you to take over your pack. He wants your pack as an ally, not a rival. With me as alpha female, he’d have that. Now I don’t have to lie.”

  Sean tensed. “He threatened you? How? Tell me. Then I’ll rip his throat out.”

  Jenna fisted his shirt and tipped her head back. “And if you do that, you’ll end up as alpha of my screwed-up pack. You don’t want that. Isn’t that what you said?”

  He leaned closer and brushed his cheek against hers. Her scent filled his lungs. The anger choking him lessoned. Peace settled over him. “No, I don’t. Thank you for reminding me before I did something I’d regret. I’d make a horrible alpha no matter how I came about the role.”

  She rested her fingertips against his jaw. “If fate demanded it, you would make a wonderful alpha.”

  “You don’t know me. How can you say that?”

  She laid her other hand over her heart. “I carry a piece of your soul, Sean. I know.”

  A lump formed in his throat. He swallowed past it and blinked several times to ease the burn in his eyes. “You figured out my name?”

  “Noah stopped by to congratulate me.”

  “I should’ve called. I was just busy getting our new house ready. I wanted everything perfect for you.”

  “You bought a house?”

  “Well, I can’t expect you to live with my parents, especially if we make a baby next month.”

  The color drained from her face. “I don’t want kids. I should’ve told you.”

  Her words rushed out, and her breathing quickened. He cupped her face in his hands. “Okay. We won’t have any then. My brothers can carry on our family line.”

  “You’re okay with it?” A considering look passed over her face. “Mating law demands a female birth at least one son.”

  He shrugged. “Well, it’s a stupid rule. I’m not going to force you to have my kid if you don’t want one.”


  “Yes, really, but I’m curious. Why don’t you want any kids?”

  “I’d make a horrible mother. I’m too focused on my studies, and…” She lowered her gaze to his mouth. “I’m afraid my children will end up crazy like Michael. We do carry the same genes.”

  He tipped up her chin. “Michael isn’t crazy, nor was he always a bad alpha. I don’t know why he stopped caring about his pack or why he became power hungry, but I can guarantee you’re nothing like him and neither will any child that carries your genes be like him.”

  “You can’t promise that. One night, Michael snapped. What if I—”

  He pressed a finger to her lips. “Yes, I can. I trust my instincts, and I trust Noah. He said I couldn’t have picked a better mate. I agree.”

  Tears collected on her lashes. “You’re a good male, aren’t you?”

  “Would you have chosen a bad one to spend your life with?”

  She grinned and shook her head. “No.”

  Sean dug out the ring and the key to their house, then dropped to his knee. She stared at the diamond, and her eyes widened.

  “I’m not asking you to marry me.” Even though he wanted to drag her to the courthouse and make it official. She wasn’t ready. Her reaction to him proved it. “I’m asking you to accept this promise ring and key. I want you to live with me and get to know me, then when you realize how amazing I am, you’ll agree to be my wife, not just my mate.”

  She fingered the three-carat ring and raised a brow. “This is a pretty expensive promise ring.”

  “You’re worth it.” He took it and poised it at the tip of her ring finger. “Say yes. Take a chance on love, Jenna.”

  “Yes”—she grinned—“but I’d rather take a chance on us.”

  He slid the ring into place and pulled her into his arms. “Then we win, because I won’t ever give up on us.”

  The series continues with Nic.


  Read Chapter 1 of Nic

  Hands clenching and releasing at his sides, Nic strode across the packed bar. Shifters and humans alike moved out of his way. He couldn’t blame them. No doubt he looked as angry as he felt. Returning to West Virginia hadn’t been on his agenda, at least not until a certain female died of old age or moved.

  Pain lashed him at the thought of Riley dying. No, he couldn’t think about that inevitable fate. He’d spiral into a state of depression or rage. Neither reaction was acceptable for the next alpha of the Kagan pack to embrace. He had to think about her moving away. Only. Even that bothered him, but it was the best outcome. Too bad it hadn’t happened. She remained in Hollow’s Grove like some sort of forbidden fruit and a reminder of a life he could never have.

  He clenched his jaw and zeroed in on his old table in the back of the bar. The two male wolf shifters sitting there with Nic’s sister grabbed their beers
and scattered, leaving Hannah to deal with his wrath.

  He yanked a chair out and straddled it. “Who did it?”

  Hannah lifted a slender brow. Four years separated them, but she could’ve been his twin. They both had their mother’s black hair and blue eyes. They both shifted into black wolves too, a rarity among their kind. Neither of them cared about the awe many felt in their presence. Him and Hannah? They cared about the strength the revered wolf gave them. Power was everything in their world.

  “Did what? Put Dad in the hospital, or almost hit your ex-girlfriend’s car?”

  He gritted his teeth. “Riley is not my ex-girlfriend.”

  Labeling her that way endangered her. Hannah would know that. The next-in-line alpha wasn’t allowed to get romantically involved with humans. They were for sex only.

  “What do you call your first lover and the female you warned every available male in a fifty-mile radius away from, then?”

  Had Riley been a shifter, he’d call her his mate. As it was, she was a temptation, one he had to stay away from. Human-shifter matings were sterile, and he had to produce an heir. The future of his pack depended on it. So did its safety. Without a strong alpha family, their pack was vulnerable for a takeover. “She’s an honorary member of the pack. It’s my duty to ensure she’s protected.”

  “So that’s why you left her?”

  He leaned across the table and allowed a snarl to slip free, just loud enough for Hannah to hear. “You know why I left. Let it go.”

  He didn’t want to talk about it. Four years had passed, and he still hadn’t accepted the truth—he couldn’t keep the woman he loved.

  Hannah matched his pose so inches separated them. Her eyes took on a faint glow, the first sign of her deteriorating control. “I can’t. Riley’s my friend, and you don’t know everything. She needs someone in her life to protect her. She needs you.”

  Instincts flared. Whoever thought to hurt Riley would die. “Protect her from what?”

  Hannah shrugged.

  “You can’t drop something like that and not tell me the rest.” He narrowed his eyes. “Protect her from what?”

  “Maybe nothing. Maybe everything.” Hannah took a sip of her beer before focusing on him over the rim. “Riley wasn’t just in an accident. The other driver purposely swerved into her lane and forced her off the road.”

  That wasn’t what he’d been told. The details he’d gotten had made it sound like a fender-bender. He sat back and studied his younger sister but couldn’t decipher anything from her blank expression. “Why wasn’t I told?”

  “Riley didn’t want you to know.”

  The sense of betrayal hit him square in the chest. He turned and scanned the room, seeking out Riley’s blue eyes but not finding them. She was close, though. Her sweet scent hung in the air. She couldn’t hide from him. He’d find her, and she’d tell him everything. He wouldn’t settle for anything less.

  He faced Hannah. “Tell me about Dad, then.”

  “What’s to tell? He’s old, and the dominants sense it. They’ve been picking fights with him every month for the past year.”

  “Any challenges?” For an alpha, it meant death—either theirs or their opponent’s.

  Hannah carefully set her beer down. She ran her finger along the side of the brown glass. “Not yet.”

  The knowledge didn’t comfort him. He leaned forward. “Who landed him in the hospital?”

  “Derek from the Tanner pack.”

  “Not good.”

  With their territories sharing a border, he’d met the other male many times. Strong and ruthless, Derek wouldn’t think twice about forcing his rule over the Kagan pack.

  “Exactly. And he’s made it clear he’ll try again next month. Rumor has it Michael wants his family to control all of West Virginia, and Derek was ordered to claim our pack any way he can.” She covered his hand, a rare sign of affection. “You need to take Dad’s place. He won’t survive another fight.”

  Nic yanked his hand free. “I know. It’s why I came back.”

  “I’m sorry, Nic. If I was a few months older, I could take a mate and save you from this fate.”

  “You’re going to tell me you suddenly stopped lusting over Alex?” Not that Riley’s brother shared her attraction. Alex preferred male lovers.

  She shifted her gaze to the bar. Nic turned to look at Riley’s brother too. Alex pulled a draft of beer. He placed the mug on a tray and glanced over his shoulder as if he felt them watching him. Probably did. For a human, he was intensely aware of his surroundings. Of course, growing up with shifters had honed his skills.

  Alex’s gaze skimmed over him before locking onto Hannah. She glanced away.

  “Lust is part of what we are, but I never dated him.” She narrowed her eyes. A challenge showed in them. “Or almost mated him.”

  For years, Nic had denied how far his relationship with Riley had gone. Few knew he’d even slept with her. It was better that way. At the moment, he couldn’t force the lie out, not after learning she could’ve died. “We were young.”

  Hannah sighed. Her shoulders slumped. “What are you going to do?”

  “What do you think?” A deep breath calmed the rage brewing within him. He met Hannah’s sympathetic gaze. “I’m going to take a shifter mate and assume control of the pack.”

  She picked at the label on her beer. Silence stretched. He waited, knowing she’d eventually say what was on her mind. Finally, she pushed the bottle away. “Three months, Nic. That’s all we have to wait until I mature. As soon as I mature, I’ll take a mate.” Hannah leaned across the table and lowered her voice. “You can transfer the pack’s spirit to him. I know your wolf won’t want to give up the power, but convince it that’s the only way you’ll be able to keep Riley.”

  That would’ve been a great plan if his wolf actually wanted Riley. It didn’t. That was why he’d left her.

  He squeezed Hannah’s hand. “This is my fate, little sister. I’ll deal with it.”

  “If you change—”

  “I won’t.” Because his wolf’s agreement was necessary for a mating, and his wolf had made its refusal of Riley known.

  Hannah shook her head. “Still stubborn as ever, huh?”

  “Yep.” He stood. “Have you seen Riley?”

  “You’re a glutton for punishment.”

  “I want to know what’s happened to her. She’s a member of the pack.”

  “You don’t need to see her. I can tell—”

  “I want her to tell me. Riley promised she’d let me know if she ever needed me. She obviously didn’t. I want to know why.” And he needed to see her. Look into her eyes. Breathe in her scent. Just be near her.

  Hannah opened her mouth but shut it without saying a word. She pointed to the hallway. “It’s pool night. She likes to hustle the humans.”

  He’d taught Riley how to play. He’d taught her a lot of things, including how to break through his control.

  “Spread word to our neighboring packs that I’m shopping for a mate.” His gut churned at the very thought of binding himself to another female. He ignored the reaction and stood. “And make it clear it’ll be for sex only. I’m not marrying the girl or living with her.” Or talking to her, for that matter.

  Hannah snorted. “That’ll entice a lot of women.”

  “And you think it’ll stop them?”

  “No, but—”

  “Then that’s your answer. I’ll check in with you tomorrow.” He pivoted on his heel and headed toward the hallway.

  Riley’s scent grew stronger with each step he took. His body responded to it, a reaction he couldn’t stop. He’d spent too many nights in her arms not to crave her. She was his addiction, one he still hungered for even after four years of trying to replace her.

  Her laughter carried over the din of the bar. It swept through him, fueling his desire. He pushed aside the longing, knowing it would get him nowhere, and opened the door.

  Riley’s lush bottom in
the air greeted him. It would’ve been a welcome sight if she hadn’t been draped over a human male’s body. She adjusted his grip on the cue and whispered something in his ear.

  The guy laughed and took the shot. The balls clanked. Two found their way home. The human dropped the stick and kissed Riley’s cheek.

  Nic lost it.

  He yanked the pathetic male away from her and pointed to the door. “Out.”

  “But I was—”

  Nic planted his palms on the kid’s chest and shoved. He stumbled into the hallway, cursing. Nic slammed the door, cutting off the whining, and glanced over his shoulder. Riley stood by the pool table, one hand planted on a cocked hip. He let his gaze roam over her and greedily committed every nuance of the older Riley to memory.

  Still curvy in all the right places and slim everywhere else, she had a body men drooled over. Her thigh-high heeled boots, clingy top, and short flaring skirt added to the image. The only change she’d made was her hairstyle. Her golden locks caressed her jaw in some choppy cut he was sure had a name. No matter, it looked good on her and would’ve showed off her delicate neck, but the turtleneck she wore hid her creamy skin. It also covered up the partial mate bite he’d left on her shoulder the last night they were together, the night of his first shift.

  The night he’d almost damned his pack.

  He shoved the memory away and focused on the facts. Riley might not have called him when she needed him, but she’d honored his wishes. He’d always assumed as much since he’d never gotten any flak from his dad. Still, it was nice to see.

  He went to her and tipped up her chin. She could lie with the best of them. Her scent never changed nor did her body language give her away. Only her eyes told the truth. “What happened?”

  She raised a blonde brow. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking. It’s nice to see you too.”

  “I’m not here on a social call.” Even though he wished he could have been.

  Riley snorted. “Of course you aren’t. Why would I think you cared? I’m only the pack’s obligation, right?”

  The jab stung. He let it go. The things he’d said to her before he left sickened him. “Tell me about the accident.”


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