I Need A Gangsta: Book Two (Gucci Gang Saga 2)

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I Need A Gangsta: Book Two (Gucci Gang Saga 2) Page 12

by B. Love

  “What are you getting to eat? I was going to stop there after I checked out too.”

  “Probably the Nashville hot chicken sandwich and some fries. You?”

  Lowering her head to conceal her smile, Leigh shrugged. “Just a burger and some fries.”

  “Your ass wanted the sloppy burger, didn’t you?”


  “They use hundred-year-old grease, Leigh.”

  “Ransom! Please! That’s not true. It’s just a marketing scam!”

  Ransom released a heavy breath with a shake of his head. “I don’t know what you asking me for. You gon’ get the shit anyway.”

  With a giggle, she backed her cart back to go in the opposite direction. “Long as you know.”

  Leaving him by the organic fruit, Leigh continued her small haul. She didn’t need much because Ransom kept her refrigerator and pantry stocked, but there were things she ran out of quickly or that he forgot that she wanted to pick up since she was on this side of town. By the time she was done, Ransom was already seated in the café waiting for his food. Even though they hadn’t come together, she couldn’t resist sitting at his table.

  “I already ordered yours and told them not to start making it until you came.”

  Her head tilted as she smiled at his thoughtfulness. “Look at you being all sweet. Thank you.”

  “I’m always sweet.”

  Chuckling quietly, Leigh pulled her phone out and set it on the table. “Whatever.”

  Ransom stood and went to the front counter to let them know they could start preparing her food. He received a call, which caused him to not be able to come back immediately. The time away allowed Leigh to reflect on how good it felt to be in his presence. To hear his voice at the same time she saw his face.

  When he first found out that she was pregnant, he was stopping by and doing whatever he could to make sure she and the baby were straight. But it seemed as if he was finally settling back into his normal life… including the part that involved Taylor. He said they weren’t in a committed relationship, but she was definitely taking up a hell of a lot of his time.

  It was crazy – at first Leigh was going crazy because of Ransom’s obsessing over her and the baby. Now, she craved it. But, that was usually how it went with them. They were hardly ever on the same page for too long, and it took a bit of work, but she was finally able to accept that that was her doing. Even though Leigh was ready to settle down and give Ransom everything he’d ever asked her for, she believed too much damage had been done.

  They were in a good space now that allowed them to be able to interact with each other without there being conflict on either of their parts, and she would have to be okay with that.

  Ransom settled back into his seat, and there was no denying just how handsome he was. His hair was freshly cut, and the black t-shirt he had on looked good against his skin. Every summer Leigh looked forward to watching his skin tan because it made him look even better. This summer would be no different.

  “Can I be honest with you?” she blurted, holding her side. Ransom nodded and sat up in his seat. “Sometimes I think me getting pregnant was God’s way of playing a trick on me.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, you know I have fibroids,” she reminded, to which he nodded. “And last summer I had that ruptured ovarian cyst.” He nodded again. “The doctor told me that it would be hard for me to get pregnant and hard for me to carry a baby without any complications.”

  “That’s true, but you had two of the biggest ones removed. And those pills you’ve been taking were helping right?”

  That was true. They had caused some of her fibroids to shrink, and that was the only reason she’d been able to have as flat of a stomach as she did before she got pregnant. Which was also why she dressed as revealing as she did in the past. For years she’d been unable to wear what she wanted because her fibroids caused her stomach to protrude as if she was pregnant. So the moment she was able to wear tight shirts and crop tops without being self-conscious she did as much as she could and never looked back.

  “Yea… but…” Leigh paused and shrugged. “It still didn’t seem like I could get pregnant. That wasn’t the first time we had unprotected sex. And even though I’ve gotten plan B’s in the past I didn’t always. I just don’t understand why it had to happen now. After I fucked up and you cut me off.”

  Ransom smiled as he crossed his arms on top of the table. “That’s what bothers you most huh? That your blessing came after all that bullshit?”

  Leigh nodded and sniffled. She had already been an emotional being, but being pregnant had her even more emotional. If she wasn’t crying over any little thing she was snapping. Well, Leigh said it was because of the baby… but if she were to be honest with herself, she was still fucked up over her situation with Ransom and everything going on with Money. As in control as she tried to appear, the load she was carrying was heavy, and at any given moment Leigh was liable to break.

  “Yea, I mean, this baby didn’t even feel like a blessing to me. It felt like a curse.” Her head hung. Shame filled her just by confessing that. She thought she would feel like the average woman and immediately experience some type of love, attachment, and connection to her child. But ever since she found out she was pregnant she’d been sad because of the life that was growing inside of her.

  She paused, unsure of if Ransom was still her unconditionally safe place. Unsure of if this was something she could trust him with. If this would make him respect and love her less. Look at her differently. Make him think she was less of a woman.

  His name was called, signaling that their food was ready. Ransom stood and retrieved it, getting a smile out of Leigh when he put his food and chair next to hers.

  “Keep going,” he granted, opening the honey mustard he’d dip his fries in.

  “I know I’ve always told you that I didn’t want children period, but in my mind, I always considered maybe having them after I retired and got married. Then when I found out about my fibroids that was kind of like the thing that kept me from really wanting it because I felt like it would never happen.”

  “Trinity has ‘em don’t she?”

  Nodding, Leigh covered her mouth as she chewed her fries. “Yea. She tried with Anthony for ten years straight consistently before she got pregnant, so I don’t know. I just felt like it wouldn’t happen for me, and if it did, it would be years from now.”

  “So why did it feel like a curse instead of a blessing?”

  “Because you don’t want to be with me anymore.” Leigh put the fries that were between her fingers down. “I already have issues with believing I could be a good mother, and on top of that, we aren’t together. We weren’t even on speaking terms until a couple of weeks ago. Watching the destruction of my family unit after my father left really fucked with me. If I were to do this, I would have wanted it to be right – with a man I love that loves me and was committed to me. This feels too much like my parents. I refuse to continue that cycle. It ends with me.”

  Ransom nodded but remained silent for a few seconds. Leigh didn’t press him, partly because she felt a sense of relief just by getting that out. He waited until they both were done with their food to finally speak again.

  “You want my opinion?” Leigh nodded as her mouth twisted to the side. “I think me leaving you was a blessing, and I think this baby is a blessing. Me leaving you showed you what you had in me.” Her mouth opened, desperate to convince him that she’d already been aware of his worth, but Ransom didn’t let her speak. “I know you love me, and you knew I was a good man, but you didn’t really understand my value until you no longer had access to me.”

  His arm wrapped around her and pulled her further into his side. Their faces were merely two inches apart, and as he spoke, she smelled the hot sauce on his tongue and inhaled every one of his exhales.

  “The baby is a blessing because it gave me the will to release my guards and my hurt and consider coming back to y
ou. Truth of the matter was, no matter how much I loved you, I never wanted to put myself in the position to be hurt by you again. But now, shit is bigger than my hurt feelings and bruised pride. And that’s not to say if we ever get back together again it will be because of the baby; I’m saying me being open to us trying to get back together again is because of the baby.” Ransom cupped her chin and placed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. “If it happens, though, it will be because that’s what we want.”

  Leigh released a shaky breath as she nodded. Seeing things from his perspective released yet another weight from her shoulders. He was right – she had truly learned the value of him, love, and marriage by losing him. And if it weren’t for the baby, they probably wouldn’t even be talking right now.

  “I’d kiss you, but I don’t want to cause problems within your new relationship.”

  Ransom chuckled as he picked up his Sprite and took a gulp. “There is no relationship. I cut her off.”

  Leigh’s smile began to form before she could cup her cheeks to hide it. “Why? Was that who called you?”

  He nodded. “Yea. She got mad at me when I told her I was having lunch with you. Even though she tries to be cool with me needing time to get over you, she’s also made it clear that she doesn’t think that will happen as long as we’re still fucking off. She asked me not to be around you unless it concerned the baby and I told her ass that shit wasn’t going to happen. She’s replaceable, you aren’t.”

  Ransom said that last part casually, as if it wasn’t enough to make her pine over him as if he’d hung the moon.

  “Why am I not replaceable to you? I mean… I know we have, well had, a solid friendship and could do pretty much anything together and the pussy is good, but I don’t really feel like I’ve done anything else to make you love me the way that you do.”

  Ransom scratched his nose and ran his tongue over his teeth. “First of all, you gotta understand my love ain’t based off shit you do.” He sat back in his seat, spreading his legs as if there was nowhere else he’d rather be. “There are things that I required and you provided that allowed me to choose to love you, but that choice was my own. You ain’t have a damn thang to do with that.”

  A smirk lifted the left side of her mouth as she shook her head and wrapped his arm around her, pulling him closer. “Okay, Ransom Castillo. What did I have or be that made you fall in love with me?”

  “You were spiritually submissive and open to my leading. Even though I feel like at times we fail because my priorities aren’t always right because of work, but that’s another issue. You were respectful and loving. You were feminine yet independently alpha enough to not need me to take care of you… but you allow me the honor of taking care of you and catering to you. You were accepting and understanding of my past and lifestyle. You were captivating and alluring enough to always keep me wanting more.”

  Smiling, Leigh pulled her hair behind her ears. “So because of those things… you chose to love me despite all my flaws?”

  “To be honest with you, Leigh, those things really aren’t flaws. Everything about you is good.” He paused and clenched his jaw, giving her time to allow his words to settle within her heart. “You made choices of your own, and you had every right to honor them. I couldn’t force you to want the things I want and value the things I value, that’s why I stayed around for as long as I did. That shit didn’t change the way I felt about you, but I just… had to put me and my desires first.”

  “I can understand and respect that now.”

  Their eyes remained looked for a few seconds before she smiled and looked away. Neither in a rush to empty their trays and leave, they continued to sit and talk. The only person Ransom had told about the baby so far was Taylor, and they decided to not tell anyone else until Leigh was sure of what she wanted to do.

  When Ransom asked if she would still work while she was pregnant, she confessed of her desire to want to leave town until she had the baby, especially if she was going to give up her rights. In the beginning she worried about what her family would think of her, but now, her only concern was what was best for her baby and herself. And if she felt like she couldn’t give the baby what he or she needed, she would allow Ransom to choose a woman who could be a better mother.

  Even though Ransom didn’t think that was necessary, he commended her for putting the baby’s needs and wellbeing first. It was his desire that they learn how to be good parent’s together, but he understood how important it was to her to break the cycle within her bloodline.

  They sat and talked for hours. For so long they got hungry all over again. But instead of ordering something from the café, they went home to put their groceries up and decided to meet for dinner. As much as Leigh tried not to get too excited, the thought of having dinner with Ransom knowing that they were growing closer had her skipping and singing around her home as she got ready.


  As Ransom looked down at Leigh, he fought the urge to ask her if he could stay. The day had been perfect. No, they hadn’t done anything expensive or fancy. In fact, all they’d done was eat lunch and dinner together and walk around the mall. But today was the first time in a really long time that they actually… talked. About deep shit. Without clashing or arguing in the process.

  For Ransom, he definitely felt closer to Leigh… and by the way she clung to the hem of his shirt he assumed she felt closer to him too.

  “You need anything before I go?”

  Twirling a few strands of hair around her finger, Leigh tilted her head as she thought over his offer.

  “I need something… but I don’t know how willing you are to give it.”

  Chuckling, Ransom wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “And what is that?”

  Leigh smiled, then bit down on her bottom lip. “You. Not…” She smiled and shook her head. “Not sexually. Of course I would love to have you inside of me, but it doesn’t have to be just about that.”

  This was new.

  There used to be times where she made him feel as if all he had to offer her was his dick.

  “Are you asking me to spend the night?” She nodded. “Then I will.”

  Leigh released a quiet squeal as her shoulders hiked before she hugged him. “Days like this make a nigga wanna give you the world. You know that?”

  “I don’t need the world; all I need is you.”

  He didn’t want to blush, but he couldn’t help himself. Not with her filling him with all that sweet shit. Cupping her cheeks, Ransom tilted her head and covered her lips with his. The moment their tongues connected, Ransom was convinced that they wouldn’t be able to leave the night without becoming one. Hell, they wouldn’t be able to leave her living room without becoming one.

  Ransom pulled away from her, only to pull her loose fitting shirt over her head. His lips trailed down her neck before he fell to his knees and continued to unclothe her. Licking his lips, Ransom moaned quietly at the sight of her pussy. It felt like he hadn’t been inside of her for an eternity. As anxious as he was, Ransom was determined to take his time with her.

  Placing her leg over his shoulder, Ransom gripped her ass cheek as he inhaled her scent. Leigh shivered, clawing at his shoulder.

  “Babe, please,” she begged quietly, causing his dick to throb as her nectar puddled at her opening.

  Ransom slipped his tongue between her folds, keeping her steady as he began to feast. The more she creamed and moaned and squirmed the slower he licked, nibbled, and sucked. He knew her body so well that he was able to make her cum within seconds or draw it out for hours. But tonight, tonight he wanted her body to ripple with orgasm after orgasm… so that no matter who had access to her heart… her pussy would always remain his.

  After her first climax, Ransom wrapped her other leg around him and stood, feasting on her pussy as she dangled in the air. He didn’t press her body into the wall until she started to convulse and chuckle, signaling the buildup within her soul.

  He to
rtured her with his tongue until his dick grew so hard it hurt, then he lowered her body and wrapped her legs around his waist. Sitting on the couch, Ransom allowed Leigh to gain control. He expected her to sit on his dick and take him for a wild ride. Instead, she rode him soft, deep, and slow. His hands squeezed her breasts, her hips, and smacked her ass as she moaned, leaked, and arched her back. Her neck. Head tilted, Leigh’s eyes were closed as her lips trembled with each shaky breath.

  If she wasn’t already pregnant, she definitely would have gotten pregnant tonight. Ransom was unable to even prepare to cum as his seeds shot through her. Riding him with the same slow pace, Leigh milked him as he jerked underneath her, stopping only when his sporadic movements did.

  Laying her flat on the couch, Ransom made his way between her legs and back inside of her. Leigh pressed her hand into his chest, pussy more sensitive as it had ever been.

  “I love you so much,” she whispered, lifting her hand and wrapping it around his neck to pull him down to her lips.

  “I love you too,” he confessed before kissing her deeply.

  When Ransom lifted himself slightly, the sight of tears falling from her eyes was enough to be his undoing. No more words needed to be said. He knew what those tears meant, and all he could do was pray that more chains fell from around her heart.

  As Maria looked up as the sun set, her head shook. She’d never been that girl. The one who preferred spending time with a man over anything else. But here she was, sitting in Jax’s car, not wanting to take care of business or do anything else for that matter. The day before had been crazy as hell for both of them, and today wasn’t any better. Jax did, however, stop by his place of business with Nash to see Maria before she went in to meet up with him.

  Maria lifted his hand to her mouth and kissed it. He gave her things she didn’t know she needed until he offered them. Care. Concern. Patience. Gentleness. Love – a small yet mighty dose of it. She wouldn’t dare say they were in love, but Maria was falling, and she didn’t want to stop it at all.


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