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Under The Woods: a heart-stopping police thriller (The Forensic Files Book 4)

Page 16

by K. A. Richardson

  His cheeks flushed pink – they’d also done some serious kissing. Nothing more than that – not that he hadn’t wanted to. He had – but he also wanted to be a better man. And his new personal rule was taking it slowly. No demands, no casual sex. Just the pleasure of being together and seeing where it would lead.

  When she’d handed him a pillow and spare duvet, he could see she’d been hesitating, hovering between wanting to ask him to join her in bed and wanting to take it slow herself. He smiled to himself, remembering her pink cheeks, the way she’d paused and almost turned round as she’d gone to leave. He’d have been lost if she had turned around.

  Jackson stretched – his feet poking over the sofa arm as he grunted softly. The sofa was much comfier than he’d thought it would be. He’d slept like a log. He padded silently through to the kitchen, hoping she had coffee. Like pretty much everyone else he knew, he was sure he had coffee instead of blood running through his veins.

  He pushed the kitchen door open just as TJ pulled from the kitchen side. She let out a squeal as the hot liquid sloshed over the sides of the cup and onto her hand.

  ‘Shit! Ow.’ She grimaced but maintained grip on the mug handle.

  ‘Sorry, TJ. I thought you were still in bed. Here, I’ll get the cups. You should run your hand under the cold water for a minute or two. You don’t want a scald mark.’

  TJ let him take the mugs off her but instead of rinsing her hand, she followed him to the living room.

  ‘Brr, it’s freezing this morning. The heating’s on, but it takes a canny while to heat the house with it being so big. I can light the fire, if you’re cold?’

  ‘I’m okay, but if you want it on, then go ahead.’

  She knelt before the fireplace and, within minutes, had a fire blazing.

  ‘I feel bad for Neil – I know he’s a cantankerous old man, but he dotes on his youngest son. I wonder where he is. It’s not like Alan to wander off. His oldest, Daryl, would – he’s in with the wrong people, to be honest, but Alan has always been the stay-at-home sort. Hope he’s okay.’

  ‘I’m sure he will be. What have you got on today?’

  ‘I’m meeting Barry and Paul down the stables at about 7.30 am. We’ll muck the horses out and then bring the ones in from the field. Domino, my mare, had her foal the other day. She shouldn’t really be turned out yet. It’s too cold for the little one. Then, I’ll need to ring the insurers. Don’t know if they’ll cover it like – I don’t know how the heater ended up turning on. They’ll say it was negligence. Which I guess it is. I should’ve triple-checked it. It wasn’t the best heater, anyway – the dial on the front is too prominent, and it’s always been easy to flick it on by knocking it. I’ll be getting a safer one when I come to replace it.’

  ‘Do you need a heater? Aren’t the horses warm enough? They have fur.’

  ‘They do – and most of the time, their fur is fine. But the closer to a thoroughbred they get, the more they feel the cold. We only have two thoroughbreds, but the heater is useful for things like foaling or for the odd times the horses get poorly. And for the staff also on the colder days. What about you? You working today?’

  ‘I’m actually off today. I’ve not got any plans. Want some help down at the stables?’

  ‘Gosh, no – you don’t want to spend your day off mucking out horses. I do have to pop and grab some feed, though – we could go for lunch, if you want to come with me?’

  Jackson smiled and nodded. ‘Sounds good. Mind if I pop home to grab some clean clothes? I hadn’t accounted for staying over. I’ll only be an hour or so?’

  TJ blushed lightly, and Jackson realised she was glad he’d stayed over.

  ‘Absolutely. Are you off tomorrow, too?’

  ‘No, back at work, unfortunately. Late shift for the next three days. It’s going to be busy too – it’s black eye Friday tomorrow.’

  He knew from the look on her face that she had no idea what he was on about.

  ‘The last Friday before Christmas is always black eye Friday – everyone goes out and gets pissed and comes home with a black eye. The police in general are really busy that night, but even the CSIs are, with all the serious assaults coming in.’

  ‘Really? You’d think people would have more sense that close to Christmas.’

  ‘Yeah you would but they don’t. It’s the same every year. More assaults, more domestics. It’s harder now than it ever has been with the lack of staff. The cuts really hit hard – we quite often have too many jobs to deal with – and it’s as bad for the cops. Though they did a recruitment drive not so long back and have taken a few more on. It’s nowhere near the levels we had a few years ago before it all started. I saw, on the bulletin we have at work, that the force took an additional twelve thousand calls over the months July to September. That many extra in a three-month period. It’s crazy.’

  ‘Definitely not an easy environment to work in. I know Jacob was saying it’s been mega busy in digital too. Guess so many more of the criminals are turning to cybercrime.’

  ‘Yeah, definitely. Internet based crimes are on the up constantly. I’m not surprised Jacob’s run off his feet.’

  ‘He loves it, though.’ TJ grinned. ‘Right, how about some brekkie? I’ve got bacon and eggs in the fridge. Might have cornflakes in the cupboard, if you’re a cereal guy. No toast, though – the bread’s gone green, and I need to pop to the supermarket today after getting the horse feed.’

  ‘Sounds good,’ said Jackson and stood, held his hand out for TJ, and bowed jokingly before adding ‘my lady’ onto his sentence with a grin.

  * * *

  17th December, 0640 hours – abandoned school near Durham

  Sally had slept in short bursts, nightmares invading her brain every time she dropped off. Dreams of Danial turning into his father, and of her running through the woods to get away from her captor, who kept catching her and cutting her throat with a jagged blade.

  She was exhausted. Stress and fear made her feel as though she’d had twenty cups of coffee in quick succession. She was jittery and shaky. Can I do this? Will today be the day I manage to escape? Or will my nightmares become reality? I don’t even know if these aches are from cold or from where I’ve hurt myself. I just want this to end. I’m so tired. I want all of this to stop… If I died, I could rest. It would all stop if I just… Sally stopped her train of thought, knowing she was barely hanging on, but equally aware she couldn’t stop. Not if she wanted to see Danial again.

  A bottle of water lay on its side next to her – most of it gone. She’d intended to save some for this morning but had been so thirsty. The painkillers he’d left for her last night were stronger than just paracetamol, and she’d been glad of them. The pain in her foot and face had ebbed to a more manageable level.

  Now, though, the pain was back – if she moved her mouth even slightly, it stabbed down her cheek to her neck. It was swollen so badly; her left eye was almost shut. If she’d had a mirror, she’d have seen the jagged cut down her cheek and the angry purple bruising covering the side of her face.

  The sole of her foot was swollen and angry red round the cut – clear signs of an infection. It’s not as if I can call a doctor, though, is it? Sally giggled hysterically at the thought. If only!

  She knew if she was going to make it through the day, she’d have to numb the pain somehow, or at the very least be in a position mentally to try and block it out. Right now, all she wanted to do was lie back down and huddle in the corner with the blanket – she was fairly sure he’d be there any minute, though, shouting at her to do whatever he wanted.

  Where does he get off, anyway? Telling me what to do.

  Like your husband did. It’s you – you have that look about you. Your son will hate you the same as every other man clearly does.

  The taunts from her mind were painful. It would be so much easier not to think at all.

  You will do what he says. Because doing it will get you out of here and one step closer towards gett
ing Danial home. Even if your foot drops off, you will keep going forward. That beautiful boy deserves his mama!

  Sally nodded in agreement. Damn straight Danial deserved her. He loved her, and he needed her. She would fight to get out of this place – to her dying breath, if need be.

  She inhaled a deep breath, pulled herself round onto her knees, and used the table to pull herself to her feet, resting more weight on the uninjured one.

  ‘I’m awake. Just tell me what to do so I can get the hell out of here.’

  Sally pulled her shoulders back and stood as tall as she could whilst supporting her weight against the table, her chin jutting out in determination.

  And nothing happened.


  No booming voice shouting at her. No doors slamming open or closed.

  Just silence.

  ‘I said I’m ready. Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.’ She raised her voice – he wouldn’t notice the shake in her words as she tried to convince herself that she wasn’t scared.

  Still silence.

  Am I here alone?

  ‘Hello? Can you hear me? I said I’m ready. Tell me what to do, damn it!’

  At the very least, her tone should have provoked a response. But still she heard nothing.

  If he’s not here, maybe it’s time to see if I can get out.

  The room was dark, but there was still a dull glow from the furnace that cast shadows into the corners and gave the room some definition. Using the wall to guide her, she half walked, half hopped along the wall, feeling as high and low as she could.

  On the third wall, tucked into a darkened corner, she felt a shard of metal. Gripping it in her hand, she stayed facing the wall and pulled it close to her chest. She knew he had cameras in there and the last thing she wanted was for him to see she had the metal.

  A weapon! At last I’ve found something I can defend myself with!

  Carefully, she tucked it inside the middle of her bra – it ran down her chest between her boobs – it was cold on her skin, and she knew the edges would rub her breasts, potentially cutting her.

  Now she knew she had to show a reason as to why she’d been feeling along the wall. There was a natural dip in the corner where she stood, and swallowing her embarrassment, she squatted down, pulled her knickers to one side and let the piss flow. She’d been holding onto it for a while – not intentionally, but it couldn’t get much more embarrassing than knowing her kidnapper had been watching her through the cameras. When she was done, she readjusted her knickers and used the wall to get back to the blanket on the ground in front of the furnace.

  Sally needed to conserve her strength if she was going to attack him with the metal shard when he next came in the room. New hope burned deep in her heart.

  If she timed slashing at him right, and then ran as though the hounds of hell were on her tail, maybe she’d be able to make it out.


  17th December, 0820 hours – Rainbow Riding Stables

  TJ was standing, staring at the blackened beams of the stable structure with her arms crossed over her chest. The damage was substantial. If the insurance wouldn’t cover it, she didn’t know how she’d be able to pay for its repair. The stable structure itself would be thousands, not accounting for the walls, stalls and electrics.

  She’d already programmed the number into her phone, so it was ready to dial after the insurance company opened at nine. Jackson had left at around 7am, saying he’d only be a couple of hours. TJ ignored the sliver of heat and awareness that she got from thinking about him. She’d meant what she told him about taking it slow, but her mind didn’t want to listen.

  Giving herself a shake, she wandered to the next stable block where Barry and Paul were stood by the chipping machine.

  ‘Why did we need this again?’ Her question hung in the air between the two men who were scowling at each other.

  ‘I’ll be damned if I know. Winter’s the wrong time to be chipping wood.’ Barry glared at Paul as though it was all his fault.

  ‘I already told you I didn’t order the chipper – I agree with you.’

  ‘Agree – yeah, right. It’s your name on the hire order.’

  ‘But I didn’t order it.’ Paul’s voice was low and steady.

  ‘Whoever ordered it doesn’t matter. You can both pull some wood off the side of the burnt stable. Some of it might be salvageable and chipping the rest will make it easier to transport. It’ll save me having to get someone in to rip it down before the rebuild happens.’

  ‘Rebuild? Are you not just going to build in the same place? Some of it can definitely be saved.’ Paul’s voice directed at her was a little unnerving when coupled with his harsh stare.

  ‘Perfect timing to clear the bramble bushes and thorn bushes from around the stable. You can get started on clearing, Paul, if you don’t mind. Barry, you can start dismantling some of the timber from the burnt side of the stables. If we’re rebuilding anyway, I wouldn’t mind extending backwards a few metres. We’ll be able to get more stalls in, and I can open for livery, like I’d planned to.’

  Both men nodded at TJ, shot a grumpy look at each other, then wandered off in opposite directions.

  * * *

  17th December, 0825 hours – Rainbow Riding Stables

  ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’

  He swore quietly then raised his fist and punched the wall in the tack room hard. Clenching his knuckles and releasing them again eased the burst of pain.

  What the hell am I going to do now? What if he finds the bodies? What if she does? Extend the stable backwards – where the hell had that idea come from?

  He cursed again, more loudly this time.

  He needed to sort this out – he couldn’t let the bodies be discovered. He’d have to come back tonight and move them – chipping was now the last thing he’d be doing. It’s not like he could have the machine going in the early hours. How he’d even thought it was a good idea was beyond him. He’d never have managed it with his co-worker sniffing around, anyway. He sat down hard on a bale of hay – too hard – pain rippled across his chest, another reminder that he’d find it difficult moving heavy bodies.

  If I put some tape round my ribs, it’ll help a little. I’ll dose up before I come back tonight. My Angel will just have to wait until tomorrow.

  He swore again softly. He hated it when his plans went awry.

  He grabbed his gloves off the hook near the saddle racks, pulled them on and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Wouldn’t do for the others to notice just how close to blowing a gasket he was.

  By the time he left the tack room and walked over to the stable block, his face was expressionless.

  * * *

  17th December, 0910 hours – Jackson’s home, Darlington

  Jackson had made his way from the stables back home to get his change of clothes. It was taking longer than he’d planned though – road traffic collision on the A1 had meant a build-up of traffic. He threw some clothes into his backpack and went to leave his flat.

  His front door key was in his mouth as his hands were full with his backpack and the bag containing his laptop. The door swung open, and he came face-to-face with an angry Nicki.

  ‘I told you I wouldn’t put up with you cheating on me. That bitch has cost me my job – I will make her pay. Is she in there with you?’ Nicki barged past him into the flat and started searching for TJ.

  Jackson put his bags back on the floor and followed her. ‘Get the hell out of my flat, Nicki. You’ve been warned to stay away. Who the hell do you think you are, barging in here?’

  Nicki stopped in front of him, her eyes blazing. ‘That bitch lost me my job. It’s not my fault – I went to look her address up, so I could tell her to leave you the fuck alone. The ward manager caught me. I was fired on the spot. Tell me where the hell she lives so I can slap her across her smug face.’

  ‘I don’t think so. You need to leave. Right now.’ Jackson knew his tone was angry – it was his intenti
on and a genuine reflection of his feelings. No way was she finding out where TJ lived. She has enough on her plate without having to deal with this crazy bitch.

  Nicki’s temper escalated, and she flew at him, dragging her nails down his face while screeching at the top of her lungs. Jackson grabbed her arms, pinning them to her sides.

  ‘Stop it, now. Nicki I’m warning you. Chill the fuck out.’

  Nicki screamed – long and loud. A door clicked open down the corridor and he saw his neighbour poke her head out.

  ‘Mrs Dawson, ring the police, please.’ Jackson’s voice was calm as he nodded at her and spoke. She closed the door quietly, and he knew she’d ring with no questions asked. She’d always been nice to him, and he’d fixed a few things in her flat over the years – she knew him well enough to know it wasn’t him to blame for Nicki’s outburst.

  Nicki tried to struggle against his grasp, suddenly aware she could be in trouble. ‘I didn’t mean it, pooky, please let me go. We can work this out. I’m sorry.’

  ‘Nope. One too many times, Nicki. You’ve been told and better told. You’ve been warned to stay away by the police. You need help. Serious help. You’re fucking nuts.’

  Nicki responded by screeching again as loud as she could in his ear. He didn’t loosen his grip, though – he held onto her until two cops arrived and removed her.

  Knowing they would need a statement, he sent a quick text to TJ to make her aware he was running late. It never rains but pours.

  * * *

  17th December, 1145 hours – Rainbow Riding Stables

  Matthew Whitworth made his way down the track from the house towards the stables. He wasn’t supposed to be there today – his aunt had grounded him after he’d told her to fuck off. He knew he shouldn’t have – he’d lost his temper. Something that seemed to be happening more and more lately.


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