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Empire of Avarice

Page 84

by Tony Roberts

  Astiras led his cavalry wide out on the right, then wheeled them in close to the stinking walls of Zofela. There was a narrow gap between the infantry melee and the walls and Elmar was trying to squeeze his men out through this. Astiras pointed his sword at the leading elements of the Bragalese cavalry and led his heavily armoured unit at them, shouting as loudly as he could.

  The unarmoured Bragalese cavalrymen blanched in fear. The banner of the avian could only denote one man. Landwaster. They had nowhere to go, trapped in the narrow space, and were crushed backwards by the force of the strike. Astiras slashed down hard at the first padded armoured man who came past his line of vision, and had the satisfaction of feeling his blade cut through cotton and flesh and bone. His equine thundered on, pushing into two more enemy beasts and he slashed down again and again.

  Men screamed. Blades cut into flesh. Bodies fell to the blood-soaked mud, making it even more viscid. Feet lost purchase. Opponents grappled mercilessly. It was a fight without quarter. Astiras couldn’t turn, so tight was space. He cared not. He hacked at those in front of him. Another man took a full blow across the chest. He vanished off his mount with a shrill cry. A Bragalese levy spearman suddenly appeared below him and he thrust down hard. The blade sank into the man’s neck. Blood spurted up in a fountain. The man sank to his knees and fell under the emperor’s equine. The body was trampled deeper into the liquid mud.

  Urine from the equines joined the water and blood, and the hoofs and feet churned the surface into a liquid mess, coating the combatants. Astiras swung his sword right, meeting a down blow from one of the Bragalese cavalrymen. The shock jarred his arm, but he gripped his equine tightly between his thighs, held onto the reins with his left hand, and swung his sword up under the guard of the enemy soldier. The blade cut through soft leather, then the man’s shoulder. With a scream the opponent clutched his wound and fell backwards, vanishing from view.

  Teduskis appeared, flecked with blood. He beat off two enemy attacks and Astiras felt protected on his flank. He spied Elmar, directing men to face the remorseless progress of the imperial bodyguard.

  Elmar saw Landwaster. Here was his chance to win the battle. His men were being cut to pieces in front of his eyes, yet if he were able to slay the emperor, then surely all heart would go out of the accursed Kastanians. With a yell, he spurred his mount forward, passing close to two of the enemy bodyguards. He slashed down at the back of one and saw to his satisfaction the imperial cavalryman get hurt, the blade cutting through the chainmail. Not seeing if the man was dead or not, Elmar rode on straight at Astiras Koros.

  Astiras saw the attack and roared in delight. Here was the whorespawn himself! Springing forward, he met Elmar’s attack above his head. His mount was bigger and heavier than Elmar’s and rammed into it. Elmar was thrown off balance. With a downward curve, Astiras’ sword cut through the Bragalese commander’s neck, severing his head. Blood sprayed up and out, filming Astiras’ head and shoulders. The emperor shook his head and saw Elmar’s headless torso slowly toppling from his startled mount, and roared again with triumph.

  The Bragalese panicked. With their leader fallen, they now turned back to run into Zofela through the Frasian Gate. Astiras saw his opportunity. “Kill them! Kill them all!”

  His men went into a frenzy, hacking, stabbing, crushing. Bragalese soldiers fell in piles, hindering the Kastanian efforts to get to the gate, but finally those blocking the way had fallen and suddenly Astiras and his bodyguard were through it, smashing aside the few soldiers left trying to shut them. The emperor swung about and chopped hard at a man trying to slam the gate shut, and the soldier sank to the ground, his back turning into a red smear.

  Now the imperial army poured into the gate. Astiras pulled his mount round to look into the city. He knew it well. He’d been governor here when the rebellion had broken out and if he had not been elsewhere fighting with the army, then he was sure Zofela would not have fallen to the rebels. The main road ran straight and true from the Frasian Gate right through the settlement to the south where the Mazag Gate could distantly be seen. To the right rose the wooden keep atop a mound of grassed over earth, and below it, directly ahead, stood the central square where parades were held.

  It was here the remnants of Elmar’s force were running towards, and Astiras waved his men forward to finish off the job. He was certain now the battle was won, and indicated to Teduskis to see to the final moments. His men ran on deeper into Zofela, scattering left and right, heading for the doorways of the houses.

  Now would begin the tears and suffering. But it was necessary, if such a rebellion was never to happen again. Zofela had to be purged of all who opposed him and his family. Zofela would become the centre of Koros power once more, and from here he would make Kastania strong and vibrant once more. But nobody other than his supporters or those beholden to him would be permitted to live in the city. So the rebels had to die.

  He slid off his mount and tethered it to a post. A wooden ladder stood before him, leading up to the walkway that ran round the wall. He climbed up and stood looking out onto his city. Screams were coming from the houses now, and he could see his men kicking in doors and entering the properties. These would be repaired in time and given to his supporters. His men knew not to burn anything down; but everything else was no barrier to their lust, desires and wishes. They had endured with him these long seasons away from their homes and loved ones, and now was the time for their reward.

  Two of his men came up to make sure he was safe; Astiras nodded at them and removed his helmet. He sucked in deeply, savouring the fresh air. Tainted with the smell of rotting bodies, death, ordure and rotting vegetation, it nonetheless smelt wonderful. It was his, once again. Damn all those rebels, and especially Elmar. Whatever afterlife he’d gone to, he hoped he never found his head. He’d have it mounted on a spike over the Frasian Gate, just to remind people of the punishment for rebellion.

  A great cheer went up from the square. The last of the Bragalese banners had fallen, and his men were standing celebrating. The garrison had been wiped out. Now the province could now be safely returned to Kastanian rule. It would be hard, but in time the ravages of the war would be erased. He would send out messages to all provinces, telling them Zofela had fallen and the insurrection was crushed. He would announce a national day of celebration. All of Kastania would rejoice.

  But far away, across the Aester Sea, one man would not be rejoicing with the news Zofela had fallen; in the castle in Slenna Prince Jorqel held a message in his fist, crushing it in fury and distress. His beloved Sannia had been taken by Lombert Soul and he was threatening to kill her unless he surrendered Slenna to him and withdrew his army to Kastan City.

  His heart almost burst with agony.

  And deep within him were born the first stirrings of revenge.

  Character List

  Alfan Fokis .............. Leader of rebellion in Slenna

  Amne Koros ............ Only daughter of Astiras Koros, Princess of Kastania

  Anfos Duras ............ Rebel leader near Turslenka

  Argan Koros ............ Third child of Astiras and Isbel, Prince of Kastania

  Astiras Koros ........... New emperor of Kastania

  Burnas ..................... High Priest of Kastania

  Clora ....................... Red haired whore in Niake, taken in by Demtro Kalfas

  Demtro Kalfas ......... Merchant in Niake, acting as spy for the Koros

  Ebril Kanzet ............. Rebel’s choice of anti-emperor

  Elmar ....................... Bragalese rebel leader, self-styled King of Bragal

  Elas Pelgion ............. Suitor to Princess Amne Koros

  Evas Extonos ........... Governor of Niake

  Fostan Carras .......... Castellan of Slenna castle

  Frendicus ................ Chief tax assessor of Kastania

  Fulmas .................... Council worker in Niake

  Gallis ...................... Former priest now assigned t
o tutor Istan Koros

  Gavan .............. …... Jorqel’s right hand man

  Habnas ......... …….. Tybar agent in Niake

  Iovan Sen .............. Tutor to Argan Koros

  Isbel Koros ............ Empress, wife of Astiras, mother to Argan & Istan

  Istan Koros ............ Youngest child of Astiras and Isbel, Prince of Kastan

  Jorqel Koros ......... Heir to the throne, eldest son of Astiras

  Kerrin Afos ............ Son of Panat, friend of Argan Koros

  Kijimur .................. Tybar diplomat sent to Kastan City to secure trade deal

  Kiros Louk ............. Spy used by the Koros in Slenna

  Lalaas .................... Hunter-warrior assigned to protect Amne

  Lombert Soul ........ Rebel leader in Bathenia

  Mercos ................. Corrupt captain of the palace guard

  Metila ................... Bragalese slave of Thetos Olskan in Turslenka

  Nikos Duras .......... Rebel leader in Frasia and, later, around Kalkos

  Panat Afos ........... Military tutor to Prince Argan Koros

  Pepil ..................... Major domo of palace in Kastan City

  Polak .................... Mazag general, governor of newly conquered Valchia

  Renet ................... Spy used by Demtro Kalfas in Niake

  Rousa .................. Nursemaid to young Istan Koros

  Sannia Nicate ...... Betrothed to Jorqel Koros

  Sereth .................. Councillor in Kastan City, prone to intrigue

  Teduskis .............. Army general and right hand man of Astiras

  Theros Pognon .... Diplomat sent with Amne on mission to Mazag

  Thetos Olskan ..... Governor of Turslenka

  Vacan Fokis ......... Senior lawyer of Kastania

  Valsan Kelriun ..... Diplomat in Kastan City

  Velka Varaz ......... Young girl who befriended Argan Koros

  Vitlis Duras .......... Head of the Duras family

  Vosgaris Taboz .... New captain of the palace guard, head of security

  Zonis Kalfas ......... Older brother of Demtro, former army general

  Prince of Wrath

  Coming summer 2014, see website for updates

  Zofela may have fallen and the Bragalese revolt ended, but this is not the end of the struggle for the Koros to return Kastania to greatness. The Duras have raised the standard of revolt in Makenia and threaten the food supplies to the city of Turslenka. Astiras will have to gather a new army to deal with that problem.

  Isbel has problems, too. The growing antipathy between her two young children, Istan and Argan, shows no sign of abating, while Amne’s new-found confidence threatens to upset the empress’s plans for a settled image to present the populace. There is also the awful realisation that Argan’s injuries from his fall are far more serious than first thought and indeed his life may well be threatened.

  For Prince Jorqel the troubles are serious indeed. His beloved Sannia is in the hands of Lombert Soul who, along with the Duras family, have hatched a terrible plan to turn the population of Niake into drug-addled zombies. He has to judge the right moment to challenge Soul’s newly created army to battle and to rescue Sannia before the rebels carry out their threat to kill her.

  For information on other books by Tony Roberts please visit us at




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