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Page 5

by Damien Passmore

  Initially he settled upon Caleb, who would be a huge scalp, and accordingly he devised a careful plan to capture him. The reason that he selected Caleb was that he was the most decorated male spirit that had not been called as a ‘Son of the Morning’. Lucifer was very reluctant to target any of the Sons of the Morning due to the special tutelage that each of them received periodically. As it was, he would be taking a big enough risk selecting Caleb, because of the possibility that he might be called to a meeting with either of their parents. Lucifer had done his research and had established that Caleb had only just met with Father, and would not be due another meeting for at least a year. Nevertheless, there was always the possibility that an abnormal meeting may be called for some reason.

  Having decided upon a subject, it took Lucifer some time to identify a weakness in Caleb. Wherever he looked he only found solid qualities and a firm resolve to endure the mortal journey well, regardless of any hardship. It was clear also that Caleb didn't have any great lust for power. Some questioned why he hadn't been called as a Son of the Morning, but this had never seemed to bother him. This was something that Lucifer simply could not understand. For a time he took to following Caleb, trying to discover a weakness to exploit, but nothing was evident. He became frustrated and resented Caleb for being so strong.

  On one such day, in a crowded arena, he watched Caleb and Tara together with a black look upon his face. They didn’t notice him watching them, partly because of the crowd, but mostly because they were too absorbed in each other. Lucifer resented their love also. He harboured no such feelings for Jezebel and simply couldn’t understand their bond.

  ‘Their love is almost an obsession,’ he muttered to himself, and as he did so his mind caught hold of a thought. Obsession was a new word for Lucifer, one that he had learned in his study of the earths. During these studies he had almost always found an obsession to be something unhealthy. Suddenly he grew excited as this thought began to mature.

  He wondered whether there was any way that Caleb’s devotion to Tara could be used against him. Shortly thereafter he left the crowded arena in a substantially better mood than when he had entered it.

  Later that day, Lucifer called a special meeting of his counsellors, so as to press upon them the need to target some of the leading lights of the Kingdom. When Caleb’s name was mentioned Ham scoffed, as he knew Caleb reasonably well, having once been asked to serve in the same capacity as him.

  ‘You have absolutely no chance with that do-gooder. I can hardly think of a spirit who is more in favour of Father and Mother’s plan than is Caleb. Even if you could break him down Tara would immediately get him back on track. I suggest we start much more modestly than that or we might just have our movement squashed entirely.’

  ‘I know it is a risk, but I think that I’ve found a weakness in him that we can use,’ said Lucifer.

  ‘Caleb with a weakness? I’m all ears!’ replied Ham spitefully, his disdain for anyone or anything wholesome clearly evident.

  ‘I believe that his love for Tara exceeds even his love for our parents and that we can use this against him,’ Lucifer revealed with a sneer.

  ‘How?’ enquired Ham.

  ‘If we can somehow make him think that the only way that Tara will make it through mortality is under our adjusted plan, then he may be willing to back us,’ explained Lucifer.

  ‘It might just work, Lucifer, but what about Tara? She will definitely change Caleb’s mind,’ countered Ham.

  ‘There is no guarantee, but if we are persuasive enough about the dangers of mortality then he may be willing to keep the matter secret, for fear of being dissuaded by her,’ responded Lucifer.

  After a little thought, and some further discussion, Ham was excited, Troy equally so. It might just work, and if it did then they would gain significant leverage among spirits who would not ordinarily have considered an alternate plan.

  ‘It’s a big risk Lucifer,’ said Jezebel, unconvinced.

  ‘This whole thing is a risk. If we are ever going to get a majority we are going to have to take risks. Support of twenty or thirty per cent is not going to achieve anything,’ retorted Lucifer, who had very little patience for being questioned by she whom he should have loved.

  ‘Let’s do it,’ said Ham. Troy agreed, and reluctantly, Jezebel did also.

  ‘Which one of us should extend the invitation to one of our meetings?’ asked Troy.

  ‘I’ll do it,’ said Lucifer.

  ‘No, I don’t agree, Lucifer,’ said Jezebel.

  Lucifer glared at her menacingly. Accordingly, she knew that her reasoning had best be sound.

  ‘Lucifer, the biggest risk involved with inviting Caleb to one of our meetings is that he may simply report us to Father or Mother. Therefore, I suggest that none of us extend the initial invitation so that we cannot be identified by Caleb.’

  Lucifer’s contorted face relaxed somewhat at hearing her logic, which simultaneously allowed her to relax.

  Somewhat encouraged she continued: ‘In addition, I suggest that whosoever extends the invitation offers to collect Caleb, rather than provide him with the location of the meeting. This will ensure that he does not know the location of our meetings should he reject the invitation.’

  Jezebel’s logic was sound and all agreed. They then resolved that each of them should specially tailor their speeches for that particular meeting, in order to reinforce the doubts that had been created in Caleb’s mind by the chosen messenger. Lucifer reassumed control, and made the assignments.

  ‘Troy, you speak first in relation to the challenges of mortality. Jezebel, you speak second and express your concerns in regards to being a female on earth. Ham, you then speak about the fact that it would only take very minor adjustments in order to deliver a much greater chance of success. I’ll close by proposing some minor adjustments.

  ‘I suggest that we invite Caleb to the meeting to be held in one week, and that we meet the day before to work on our speeches so that they fit well together, creating the perfect snare.’ Lucifer said.

  The four then debated, for some time, just who was best to deliver the invitation to Caleb. It had to be someone who was devoted to the cause and who understood the importance of the task, and ideally the person would also know Caleb. Ham suggested Anas, who was ultimately decided upon, and Lucifer agreed to take on the task of enlisting his services.

  15 special assignment

  Although growing in evil, Lucifer did not lack intelligence and he understood that aligning the goals of his followers with his own was the method most likely to produce a favourable result. Accordingly, when he met with Anas, he sought to ensure that this goal congruence was in place through subtle means that would be utilised extensively before the end came. He visited with Anas within his abode, something which flattered Anas now that the rebel movement was gaining some traction.

  ‘Anas,' said Lucifer, ‘I wanted to visit with you and let you know that I’m extremely pleased to have you as part of our team.’

  ‘Thank you, Lucifer. I think that the adjustments that you have proposed to the mortal plan are brilliant and I cannot see why they would not be accepted.’

  Lucifer smiled graciously. ‘I hope that you are correct, but I fear that there are plenty who will not agree to an amendment,’ he said with a sigh before continuing. ‘So as to ensure the success of my, I mean our, plan we may need to resort to some methods that may be a little unorthodox,’ Lucifer stated with a mysterious air.

  ‘Unorthodox, Lucifer? How do you mean?’

  ‘Oh it will vary, but I have in mind one such approach at this time,’ answered Lucifer, offering the bait.

  ‘Tell me all about it. I’m intrigued,’ pleaded Anas.

  ‘Anas, I need to make some important decisions about just who to trust with this information. If our methods are discovered, then our chances of success will be severely reduced. If my plan is adopted then it is most likely that I will be asked to fill a position of considerable
authority, and I expect that I will be asked to choose leaders to assist me. The individuals that I select will be those who have been most loyal to me throughout this campaign,’ stated Lucifer.

  Lucifer looked quickly from side to side, ensuring that they were still alone, before whispering, ‘It will be those spirits who are willing to get their hands a little dirty along the way that I will reward at that time.'

  Anas would best be described as salivating over the contents of this brief discourse, and Lucifer had to use all of his strength to hold back a smirk, having so successfully snared his man.

  ‘I will do absolutely anything to bring about such a noble plan, and even if caught I will not attribute any of my deeds to you,’ Anas swore.

  This pleased Lucifer and he agreed to outline the assignment that he would have Anas perform. Anas eagerly agreed to undertake the task, and he took instruction from Lucifer in regard to utilising Tara as leverage to secure Caleb’s attendance. Lucifer did not alert Anas to the fact that each of the counsellors would customise their speeches specifically to ensnare Caleb, feeling that it was prudent to retain Anas on a ‘need to know basis’ only.

  As we have seen Anas was successful in his assignment.

  16 lucky lady

  A week later, in the dimmer area of the Kingdom, a crowd gathered as Ham confirmed to all present that he had finally found his perfect match. After searching for many years he had finally found a lady worthy of his affections, and who deserved the honour that would naturally flow to her as his future wife.

  ‘What’s her name Ham?’ asked Troy.

  ‘It’s Ariel,’ he replied.

  ‘Ariel, I like that, it says something about her potential when her arm is intertwined with yours,’ said Troy jovially.

  ‘What makes you think that she’s the one?’ insisted Lucifer who was less convinced. He was already questioning the wisdom of limiting ones potential by binding oneself to another.

  ‘I have seen it in her eyes. I have quite an effect on her and for that she is wise and deserves to be rewarded.’

  Truth be known, Ham had never had much of an effect on any female, due to the dim nature of his countenance which reflected the deficiencies in his character. In Ariel, Ham had mistaken a little politeness, coupled with the shock of what she had seen in vision, as Ariel being overwhelmed by his greatness.

  Despite Ham's explanation, Lucifer still wasn’t satisfied. ‘Are you sure that it is wise for you to select a partner from amongst those at the brighter end of the Kingdom?’ he asked.

  ‘Please don’t worry Lucifer. This maiden is very humble and will know her place. In no time I'll move her here,’ said Ham callously.

  ‘How will you inform her of your decision?’ asked another spirit.

  ‘I’ve been thinking about surprising her outside her abode,’ responded Ham. ‘Can you imagine her wonder and excitement?’ he continued.

  After espousing the nature of his intended approach, and expanding further upon the anticipated delight of the lucky damsel, Ham set off to deliver to her the happy news.

  17 sound counsel

  As she had promised her friends, Ariel went to visit with Mother. Mother knew precisely why Ariel was visiting and was glad that she had.

  ‘Ariel, I’m so happy that you’ve come to see me!’ Ariel’s heart leapt when first she heard her mother’s voice. ‘I know you’ve had a lot on your mind lately, my daughter.’

  ‘Mother, I’ve waited so long to find a companion and finally someone is interested in me, but it just doesn’t feel right.’

  ‘How does it feel Ariel?’

  ‘I’ve always been told by my friends that I would see a future with my soul mate and that it would be wonderful. The future I see with this spirit appears to be anything but wonderful, and the emotions I feel are all negative.’

  ‘Ariel, you are right to be sensitive to the way that you feel, and also to take heed of those things that you have been permitted to see,’ said her mother.

  As she spoke she looked deeply into her daughter’s eyes, putting on display the pure love that she had for her.

  Her daughter was calmed somewhat by her mother’s love, however she was still ill at ease concerning the decision that was before her.

  ‘Mother, is that really my future I see?’ she asked desperately.

  ‘No, Ariel; Rachel has given you sound counsel, you have your agency and you are free to choose whether you would like to pursue a relationship with that particular spirit or not.

  ‘I can assure you that if you continue to make good choices then what you have seen will not be your future. Sometimes such visions are received as a warning rather than a revelation as to your future.'

  Ariel was relieved to hear this but remained silent and thoughtful. It was still tempting to pursue the relationship further.

  ‘Ariel, you are a wonderful daughter and you have so much potential. I assure you that you will ultimately have a beautiful relationship with your chosen companion. If you don’t see a good future with Ham then it would be wise not to head down that path.’

  ‘Why would I have seen such things? I don’t understand it. Can anything on earth, or in the future, be that bad?’ asked Ariel with genuine concern.

  Up until now she had only focused on the potential of a relationship with Ham, but now that she had decided against pursuing that relationship her mind was clear and she was free to reflect upon the depth of pain and suffering that she had both seen and felt.

  ‘There are some things that I cannot tell you Ariel, but what I can tell you is that life on earth will be challenging and at times very difficult, but the destiny that you saw will not be yours if you stay true to your father and me,’ Mother assured her.

  ‘Thank you Mother, I respect and appreciate your counsel and I would never do anything contrary to your guidance.’

  ‘Then you will be safe and you bring me great joy my daughter.’

  They embraced and Ariel left with a heart far lighter than it was when she had entered. From Mother’s she went directly to her abode, but waiting outside for her was Ham. She met his eyes and his stare made her shiver. Suddenly she perceived the evil within his soul and it frightened her. She couldn’t be certain whether she was seeing evil that was already present, or whether she was merely peering through a window into his future, but either way he haunted her and she did not want to be in his presence a moment longer than she had to.

  ‘Ariel, how are you?’ asked Ham with confidence.

  ‘I’m well thank you Ham, I hope that you are also,’ she replied with a measure of coolness that Ham merely attributed to nerves.

  ‘Ariel, I was wondering whether you would like to attend choir practice with me tomorrow, and then we could do something together after.’

  Ham had absolutely no interest in music, and virtually no singing talent, but he had discovered that it was a favourite class of Ariel’s.

  ‘No thank you Ham,’ was the simple reply.

  As an honest and naïve spirit, Ariel was not capable of even a simple deception to spare Ham’s feelings. A straight forward rejection would have to suffice. Ham got the idea and quickly left, much to Ariel’s relief.

  He didn’t leave as a disappointed soul however: he departed possessed of a burning rage. He didn’t humbly receive the rejection as a disappointment, but rather took it as an insult. He hated Ariel from that moment, and everything that she stood for. His hatred burned the hotter as a consequence of the humiliation that he would have to endure as a result of his previous over confidence. From that time forth the purity, innocence and chastity of women became an abomination to him. This only reinforced his delight in the atrocity that he found most enjoyable when he was studying the evil doings of man.

  18 by design

  Later that same day Ham hurried to the meeting, concerned that he would be late. His detour to see Ariel, and his subsequent brooding, had caused him to lose track of time. Thankfully, he had completed his speech beforehand and was w
ell prepared.

  Upon arrival he was pleased to find that Anas had been successful in his assignment, as he was sitting in the front row with Caleb to his right. He quickly took his seat at the front as the meeting was set to begin.

  Lucifer wanted to cast him a fierce look for being late but dared not to in case it was spotted by Caleb or one of the other attendees. After taking a moment to recover from his anger, Lucifer thanked everyone for their attendance, and extended a special welcome to any who might be attending for the first time. He introduced each of his counsellors and himself last as president. He then explained that they would be particularly blessed to hear from each of the counsellors, and that he would close with some brief remarks. He then introduced Troy who spoke first.

  ‘My brothers and sisters, my assignment today is a difficult one and it is one that I have prepared for very carefully. I’ve been asked to outline some of the challenges of mortality. Indeed, those challenges that are the most concerning to us. Life on earth is going to be extremely difficult. So difficult, in fact, that I suspect that many of us will not make it back to the Kingdom.’

  To this there were concerned groans from the crowd of spirits in attendance.

  ‘We, your counsellors, have been studying life on other earths and we can tell you that there will be many hardships. We have undertaken this study entirely for your benefit, so that we can suggest amendments to Father’s plan to reduce the level of pain and suffering.’

  The omission of his mother as joint architect of the plan was intentional, as Troy thought that it might be easier to persuade the audience to rebel against that plan if his mother was not mentioned.

  ‘Now I know that pain and suffering, in an earthly sense, are new concepts to you but let me try to explain. People on earth have a body of flesh and blood that, once fully grown, looks very much like our spirit bodies. However this flesh is not like spirit, it is firm and entirely tangible, and consequently can be felt in a different way from the way in which we feel one another. Although flesh is reasonably hard there are other things on earth that are either harder or sharper, and whenever flesh is struck, or strikes, something of this nature the flesh becomes damaged. This causes pain which, from what we have seen, is a sensation to be avoided at all costs. This is just one example as there are many ways in which pain can be inflicted upon a human body.’


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