Book Read Free


Page 7

by Damien Passmore

  Sometimes this boost came by way of his visualising the great day when he would take the pre-eminent role in the revised plan. At other times he was cheered by external happenings such as this one. For the most part, however, Lucifer did not receive the necessary boost to enable him to maintain a positive temperament. He was therefore becoming less and less pleasant to be around.

  Jezebel had noticed how moody he had become, and she felt her own moodiness increasing. Nevertheless, the highs were exciting and she fed upon them hungrily, as her appetite for power had become insatiable. To celebrate this great success, Lucifer humoured Jezebel and spent some time with her as a reward. He soon tired of this however, and told her to leave.

  20 true love

  In stark contrast to Lucifer and Jezebel’s relationship was that of Samuel and Sarah. Each participant in that relationship was more concerned for the wellbeing of the other than they were about their own personal needs.

  On this particular day, they met early and greeted each other with an affection that suggested that they had been apart far longer than had actually been the case. Rather than attend classes, they decided that they would visit some areas of the Kingdom that they had never before seen. This naturally took them farther from their homes than they would ordinarily travel, as they were familiar with all districts within a very healthy radius of their individual dwellings. Unlike some spirits they were not seeking to escape the light, rather they were seeking adventure and something new.

  Initially they flew, as they sought a new location, beholding together the breathtaking beauty of the Kingdom from the air. They passed over many spirits as they flew, as it was clearly visible from their elevated height, that much of the interaction between spirits took place outdoors, there being no rain, nor darkness within the Kingdom.

  The natural unspoiled surrounds and the majesty of nature, illuminated by the brilliant light of the sphere itself, and complemented by the beautiful appearance of each animal and human spirit, caused their own spirits to soar, in a like manner to the current state of their person.

  After a long flight that took them to a region that they had never before visited, they landed and walked together. Ultimately, they sat beside a silvery waterfall, watching the silky water fall almost gently into a deep pool below. Near to the pool was a deer that appeared unperturbed by a lion standing just a few feet away. Had this been a mortal scene, the deer would have been drawing its final breath before falling prey to the fully grown male lion. However, the two were at peace and entirely unaware of the enmity that would mark their existence in the next stage of their progression. Many flowers and shrubs surrounded the waterfall, and though the flowers were odourless, being intangible, their beauty was breathtaking.

  Eventually they arose, this time walking as they pushed further south in between spectacular trees that appeared to be reaching out to touch one another, providing a canopy over their heads. These scenes were typical of many of the beautiful and natural areas located throughout the Kingdom. What was a little unusual however, was that there was a distinct difference between the light that was emanating from the north, which could be directly contrasted to the south, there being a complete absence of light coming from the southerly direction. As their present location was more south than north, this meant that the area that they found themselves in was a little darker than they were used to.

  While Samuel and Sarah had not visited this particular area previously, they had certainly explored the lands southward, and this was the first time either of them could remember there being any absence of light. This darker setting turned Sarah’s mind to a related topic.

  ‘Have you noticed a difference in some spirits lately?’ she asked.

  ‘In what way?’ replied Samuel, knowing what Sarah was talking about but wanting to be sure that she had been seeing the same thing.

  ‘From time to time I notice a spirit whose countenance has fallen, or even darkened slightly,’ she answered.

  ‘Yes I have noticed it too,’ conceded Samuel.

  ‘What could be causing it, Samuel?’

  ‘I don’t know precisely and I agree that it is a little concerning.’

  ‘Samuel, there is only one reason that I know of that causes a spirit to lose their brightness and that is if they are doing the wrong thing.’

  ‘You are right my dear, I know of no other reason.’

  There was one more thing on Samuel’s mind, that concerned him even more, but he dared not mention it. It was the fact that he had seen Caleb’s countenance looking a little dull just a few days earlier. Caleb had recovered quickly and Sarah had not seen him on the day in question. Samuel was not willing to call into question his friend’s good character without proof, so he changed the topic of conversation. Soon the good things of the Kingdom, and of their impending life on earth, were considered. This warmed their souls and filled them with renewed optimism and hope.

  After a wonderful day together, they began to wander northward in vaguely the same direction from which they had come. Still they walked, not willing for the day to end just yet. After a time, they exited the forest, passing through quite a crowded area, and as they did so Sarah noticed something very peculiar.

  ‘Samuel, look at that far western corner.’

  Looking in that direction, Samuel noticed immediately what Sarah was concerned by. In that corner was a gathering of a hundred or so spirits, each of whom had a fallen or dulled countenance.

  ‘Why do you think they all look like that Samuel?’

  ‘I don’t know but I’m going to find out,’ said Samuel, moving directly towards the group.

  ‘Wait Samuel!’ said Sarah urgently.

  Stopping and turning toward her, Samuel waited.

  ‘Don’t you think we should leave them alone? I’m frightened,’ said Sarah.

  ‘Sarah you wait here, I think it is really important that I find out what is going on.’

  ‘I won’t let you go alone Samuel, but are you sure that we should?’

  ‘Yes my love, please don’t be frightened; we are doing the right thing.’

  They both walked over to the group, standing at the rear, close enough to hear what was being said by a spirit who was standing upon a small, knee-high stage, broad and deep enough to accommodate himself and perhaps one or two others. Standing upon that small podium was Anas, though he was not known to either Samuel or Sarah at that time.

  Anas, a short spirit who stood just five foot four inches tall, preferred to elevate himself whenever possible, and particularly when he was addressing a crowd.

  As to his other features Anas had brown hair, small brown eyes, thick eye brows and flared nostrils, all of which were settled upon a round face. Already a certain aggression was taking shape in his facial features, and particularly in his eyes, and his countenance was a reflection of the choices that he had been making in recent times.

  Samuel and Sarah had arrived just in time to hear the climax of the orator’s address.

  ‘So you see, my brothers and sisters, it is clear to us that there are obvious faults in the plan. Why should there be any that fail? Why shouldn’t we be given a guarantee before we leave for earth that we can return here? It is our right. I certainly do not question the love Mother and Father have for us, I only question their vision. We have always been told that they can see the future, but they cannot, or they would not expose us to such risk.’

  Samuel was shocked into action by these words. He hurried to the front of the crowd and stepped right onto the podium to confront Anas.

  ‘What is this you are saying? Surely you are not speaking in opposition to our parents and their mortal plan for us?’ he demanded.

  ‘Dear brother, I don’t suggest that they are intentionally leading us astray, I simply question their foresight,’ was the response.

  As he discerned the hardness of his brother’s heart Samuel became angry, an emotion that he had rarely felt before. He turned from Anas and addressed the crowd directly.<
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  ‘I’m afraid, my brothers and sisters, that you are being deceived about some very fundamental principles. Firstly, there is no flaw in the plan, each of us will be given the opportunity to make our own choices in mortality, and we will receive a reward according to the life that we live. There is nothing fairer. Secondly, there are elements of the plan that have yet to be revealed, so how can you possibly make an accurate assessment of it? From what I know of the plan, at this stage in my development, it appears perfect to me, but my confidence in the plan is not a function of my personal analysis of it, it is a function of my confidence in the architects of that plan. It is for this reason that I find the suggestions of this brother most troubling. Here he stands with intellect that is as a dust particle up against a great planet, when it is compared to that of our mother and father, and with this intellect he seeks to question them.’

  Anas, absolutely furious at being countered in this manner, interjected. ‘Good brother, what makes you so sure of the virtue of their plan? I suppose that you are entirely comfortable that many before whom we stand may not ever return to this wonderful place. I take it then that you would rather see them cast out into the cosmos.’

  ‘May I have your name so that I may know to whom I must respond?’ asked Samuel.

  ‘Ah um, it is um Anas,’ his adversary replied with hesitation, as does one whose position is questionable.

  ‘Anas, I am very concerned for the wellbeing of these people or I would not be seeking to rescue them from the erroneous path that you would take them down.’

  Samuel turned back towards the broader audience and continued to address them directly. ‘Brothers and sisters, I would remind you that the beauty of this Kingdom is maintained by law. Accordingly, if you do not abide by the laws and principles of this Kingdom then you cannot remain here. An absolutely fundamental law of this Kingdom is that we must respect the creators thereof. Our parents are the creators of this Kingdom and without them it would not exist. If we rebel against them then we will no longer be fit to reside here. The contradiction in Anas’s argument is that he is leading you down a path that may see you ejected from the Kingdom before you are even given a chance at mortality.’

  There were almost one hundred spirits at the gathering, and at this juncture approximately twenty began to leave. Most of these had been persuaded of Samuel, and ultimately resumed their classes, not participating anymore in such gatherings.

  At seeing this reduction in numbers, Anas feared that he would lose further support if the debate continued.

  ‘Brothers and sisters, it appears that some of our number are required elsewhere. I suggest that we defer this meeting until another time. It would be prudent, anyway, to adjourn proceedings to a time and location where there are only those present who are friendly to, and not destructive of, our noble cause.’

  With this, the gathering dispersed and Samuel and Anas were left alone, with Sarah remaining at a distance. Samuel was first to break the icy silence that had prevailed as the crowd dispersed.

  ‘Anas, I’m very concerned for the wellbeing of your soul. Please come to the next lesson on the key aspects of our parents’ mortal plan, it will answer many of your questions.’

  ‘I’ve been to many of those sessions and they answered nothing,’ countered Anas viciously.

  ‘Did you not understand what I was saying before? I very much fear for you if you continue on this path. If you have concerns why not try to resolve them through proper channels? If you are still dissatisfied please request a special meeting with Father, Mother or even both of them. You know that they will make time for you.’

  Samuel spoke with a sincerity that was unmistakable. Although he was quite tall, and was certainly far taller than Anas, he did not seek to impose himself upon his smaller opponent at all. It should have been abundantly clear to Anas that he had his best interests at heart.

  ‘Brother, I have given you my name, what is yours?’ hissed Anas.

  ‘It is Samuel,’ he said, without feeling the same hesitation that Anas had just a few minutes earlier.

  ‘Well Samuel, you have done me a great disservice today by attending my meeting. I hope that you will not do so again. This is my neighbourhood and you have no business being here, or interrupting my teachings.’

  ‘Anas, you have your agency and you are free to do as you please, but I would that you would not try to take other spirits down with you. If you must descend into the pit please do so alone. Mother and Father would sorrow to lose you, but I would not that they should have to endure such great sorrow as to see any more of their children rebel against them.’

  Extremely agitated, Anas stepped down from the podium and began pacing in a manner similar to the habit that his leader was forming. Angrily he responded.

  ‘You seem to overlook the fact that I’m entirely confident that our amendments to the plan will be adopted.’

  At this point Samuel realised that Anas had already set his course and would not change it. He was determined to take this path, and to take as many as he possibly could with him. His final words were a warning.

  ‘Anas, no good thing will come to you if you continue down this path, and the more souls you bring down with you, the more lips there will be to curse your name for all eternity.’

  Anas was troubled by this thought, however it still didn’t lessen his resolve. He left Samuel, eager to recount what had just occurred to Lucifer, or to one of the counsellors, hoping that Samuel might somehow be punished for his interference.

  21 delaying revenge

  Upon leaving the gathering, Anas wanted to find Lucifer as soon as possible so as to recount the way in which Samuel had sabotaged their cause. His search took longer than expected, and he first came upon Silick, a close friend, and one that he had persuaded to join the movement. Silick had taken little persuading.

  Physically the two were very different, with Anas giving up almost a foot to his long, lanky friend. Anas had brown hair, Silick red. Anas brown eyes, Silick green. Despite their physical differences though, the dull nature of their countenance was similar. The countenance of Silick was slightly brighter than that of Anas at this point, but another month would see them equal in that regard, as Silick slid deeper into the rebel movement. The aggression present in the eyes of Anas would also soon settle into the eyes of Silick.

  ‘Anas, how are you?’ asked Silick.

  ‘Not good, have you seen Lucifer?' replied Anas impatiently.

  ‘No I haven’t, what’s the matter?’

  ‘I’m afraid that our cause has just been interfered with and I would like to report this urgently to Lucifer, or to the council,' responded Anas angrily.

  ‘Sounds serious friend. If you take a moment to tell me what has transpired I will search with you and we will cover twice the territory,' countered Silick, determined not to be brushed aside by Anas.

  This was typical of such spirits. Their kind would only assist if there was something in it for them.

  Anas agreed, and after he had outlined the full details of Samuel’s most offensive behaviour, he found that he had a strong ally in Silick. During the course of the story, Anas was able to skilfully utilise his new talents of exaggeration and deceitfulness. As such his account did not necessarily have much connection to reality. After the tale was told, Silick agreed that locating Lucifer was a matter of the utmost urgency, and they both commenced a determined search.

  The spirit Kingdom was an immense place and locating another spirit could be very difficult. Thankfully though, the duo was ably assisted by their understanding of those things that interested their leader. They knew that he would not be found in any of the classes in which anything worthwhile was being taught. They also knew that they could exclude approximately three quarters of the Kingdom, as these regions contained too strong a radiance for their leader’s liking. Although Lucifer did occasionally enter these zones, it was only for brief periods, either on a recognisance mission, or to invite a spirit to one of thei
r meetings. Accordingly, they knew that if he was there, he would soon be back. They knew to exclude areas where sweet music was to be heard as such sounds merely annoyed him. To gaze upon the beauties of nature was a bore to Lucifer so areas where there was purely nature, with no spirits to corrupt, could be ignored.

  They flew as they searched and were able to cover territory quickly. Anas knew to search among those beings with a dark countenance, and that Lucifer would have the darkest countenance of all. Their search concluded in the darkest corner of a favoured common area, for those who preferred shadow to light. Anas approached Lucifer with excitement and commenced.

  ‘Lucifer, I’m very glad to have found you. Silick and I have searched diligently so that we might outline the deeds of one who would prove a disturber of your most excellent plan.’

  ‘Who and how?’ responded Lucifer coolly.

  ‘Earlier this day, in a nearby common area, I was outlining some of the excellent amendments that you and your noble counsellors have suggested. I was having immeasurable success and many thousands gathered to hear the message. Throughout my discourse the numbers continued to swell, until the entire common area was almost overflowing with spirits most eager to enlist in our cause. Unfortunately, as I approached the climax of my presentation, a mischievous spirit by the name of Samuel interrupted me and began to teach absurd lies, rejecting almost all of the truths that I was expounding. The outcome of these actions was tragic, as many who might have supported us left the area. Although my speech was superior in every way, he quite obviously scared some away from embracing our light.’

  By reciting the tale in this manner Anas was adopting a style that was gaining popularity, due to the influence of Lucifer.

  When one was new to the rebel cause, Lucifer’s deceptive motherhood statements about injustices and inequity were taken as truth. As one became more entrenched in the rebel movement however, and came to know the true nature of the proposed plan, it became apparent that there was absolutely no truth to these assertions. Nevertheless, it had become popular to continue speaking in this manner as a defence against a rebel conversation being overheard by anyone who was not sufficiently advanced in evil as to be supportive of the plan at all costs. Not only this though, such a manner of speaking was also employed quite simply because such spirits enjoyed being deceptive.


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