Book Read Free


Page 9

by Damien Passmore

  24 an alternate meeting

  The next day, Michael called a very different form of meeting to order. Importantly, this meeting was sanctioned by their parents. Rachel, Sarah and Samuel were in attendance, as were others who had been invited, having been specially selected.

  Two noticeable absentees were Caleb and Tara. Michael had not invited Caleb because he was concerned that he may, in some way, be involved with Anas. Tara could not be invited without revealing to her the reason for excluding Caleb.

  The other attendees were Ahab, pure to the core, intelligent yet humble. Michelina, who was virtuous, kind and devoted to her parents. Kieran was highly intelligent and entirely without guile. Angela was possessed of many different talents on account of a wonderful work ethic, being diligent in all good things. Johan’s soul was full of concern for his fellow spirits and Kerry, his love, felt precisely as he did. Zachoneous was bright and popular and a diligent student of all virtues. Amba was cheerful and loving, considering always the needs of others above her own. These were some of those in attendance and the others were of equal calibre.

  ‘Thank you, my dear friends, for gathering with us today,’ began Michael.

  'Unfortunately, I have not called you here on account of any trivial matter, although I wish it was the case. There has been a serious development within the Kingdom. I have not seen it first hand, but Samuel has, so I will pass the time over to him so as not to risk doing you an injustice by rendering a second hand account.’ Michael sat and Samuel rose.

  ‘I’m afraid that Michael speaks the truth; this evil is very alarming. Yesterday, as Sarah and I explored some of the southern regions, we came upon a crowded area and noticed a gathering of spirits at the far end. There is nothing so very unusual about this, but what stood out to Sarah and me was the countenance of each of the attendees. Each countenance had darkened in the same way that we have recently noticed among some individual spirits. This was a singular sight as we had only ever seen one or two spirits at the one time that had been affected in such a manner.’

  There were a few murmurs that subsided quickly as each agreed that they had only ever seen one or two spirits at a time, whose countenance had fallen.

  Samuel continued when all were again quiet.

  ‘Sarah was of a mind for us to leave the area immediately, and a part of me wanted to also, but I felt that it was important that we gain an understanding of what was causing this. Upon approaching this gathering I was shocked by what I heard. The spirit that was addressing the crowd was suggesting that there were flaws in our parents’ plan that need to be remedied.’

  This had an immediate effect on Samuel’s audience, who knew that the plan was faultless, and certainly would not have been so conceited as to suggest that they were qualified to identify the faults, even if they suspected that there were some.

  It must be remembered that, at this point, the wisdom and knowledge of their parents was as a skyscraper to an ant, when compared to even the most intelligent of their spirit children, save one. For these children to presume to identify an error in the thinking of their parents was as a kindergarten student attempting to correct the mathematics PHD on a point of simple addition.

  The intelligent spirits, who also possessed a measure of humility, understood and acknowledged this and such as these were gathered before Samuel that day. The intelligent spirits with a tendency to evil knew this and chose to ignore it, while the third class of spirits were simply the idle and foolish and were not smart enough to comprehend the extent of their own ignorance.

  Samuel continued: ‘That same spirit then suggested that our parents’ plan must have faults in it as it does not guarantee a safe return to the Kingdom for every spirit.’

  ‘Samuel, that is ridiculous. Surely they understand that each of us will receive a reward in accordance with the work we perform in mortality,’ called out Johan.

  ‘I know, Johan, but I’m afraid that it is not I that you need to convince,’ responded Samuel calmly.

  ‘Do they not understand that by questioning the virtue of their plan they question the wisdom and virtue of our mother and father?’ asked Michelina with great feeling.

  ‘Michelina, I’m afraid that is the most alarming thing, the spirit concerned did question the wisdom of our parents. He suggested that they must be lacking in judgment or they would prevent all suffering on earth, and would also ensure the return of all of us to the Kingdom.’

  Following this revelation there was a stunned silence.

  Michael was the first to speak, having heard Samuel’s account before. ‘As you can see, my brothers and sisters, this is most alarming and we have asked you to gather today to call upon your support.’

  ‘Shouldn’t we take this matter to Mother and Father?’ asked Amba.

  ‘Yesterday we visited with Father so as to receive guidance,’ explained Michael.

  ‘We met with him with a great weight on our shoulders, expecting that he would lighten it, as he always has. On this occasion he did not,’ Michael sighed.

  ‘Why not, Michael?’ Amba pressed.

  ‘Because this time it is up to us to carry the weight and to take appropriate action,’ Michael replied.

  Samuel spoke once again. ‘Father explained to us that each spirit would ultimately be given the opportunity to choose between their plan and the alternate plan that was being presented yesterday.’

  ‘Samuel, do you know the name of the spirit who was peddling this nonsense?’ enquired Johan.

  ‘Yes, it is Anas, however Father told us that Anas is not the originator of all of this. Unfortunately, it would appear that there is more than just one behind this rebel movement.’

  Samuel continued until all present understood the gravity of the situation and the reason why their parents would not prevent the actions of those promoting the rebel plan.

  ‘What can we do then, Samuel?’ Kieran asked earnestly.

  ‘We can and must testify in favour of our parents’ plan and against the counterfeit. It is the only way, and the time may come that we may need to do more than this. I fear that the end for those who support the rebel plan will be terrible, and thus we must do absolutely everything we can to dissuade others from supporting it. There is no way that we can allow Mother and Father to suffer the pain associated with losing many of their precious sons and daughters to this evil,’ replied Samuel with great feeling.

  For all of those attending the goal was to minimise the loss of souls. They didn’t for a second consider that the rebel movement would threaten to gain the majority vote in the future.

  Before closing the meeting, each attendee entered into a covenant that they would do all that they possibly could to uphold the original plan, and to discredit the rebel plan. The difference being that they would not use means that were inconsistent with the laws of the Kingdom to achieve their purpose. It was resolved that by pairs they should periodically visit the outer perimeters of the Kingdom to observe proceedings, and to stand as an opposing voice in any such similar gatherings to the one that Samuel and Sarah had witnessed. The meeting then closed, with each attendee leaving with a new weight upon their shoulders.

  25 soldiers of darkness

  Due to the nobility of his cause, Lucifer felt that it was very important that he had a secret weapon to assist in ensuring his success. As he sat in his benighted abode considering how he might overcome resistance from those who were destined to prove a disturber to his movement, he wondered if there was any way that he could possibly bring them around to his way of thinking.

  'If I could just get them to see what we have seen!' said Lucifer out loud, even though he was completely alone. This seemingly wasted sentence paid an immediate dividend, however, as it turned his mind to consider whether there was any way he could force spirits to watch his visual materials.

  'Maybe, just maybe,' he said out loud once again, as his thought process matured into an exciting strategy. Eagerly, he deduced that there might just be a way that
he, or one of his servants, could force their way into the minds of the pure, infusing them with images from earth.

  Such images may have one of two effects. Firstly, and most deliciously, those subjected to such images may find them enticing, as he and his supporters had done. Alternately, even if the victims didn't find the images enticing, their exposure to such things should at the very least reduce their innocence.

  Surely, thought he, this could only be positive for our cause. Indeed, it might just make the difference and allow us to gain enough support to snatch victory.

  Thus was the idea of a spiritual attack developed.

  This had been a few weeks prior to the impromptu meeting with Anas and Silick. Prior to that meeting, Lucifer had already identified Anas as one who would be willing to assist him, and he had already dropped a few hints that it may be possible to 'fix' those who may disturb the progress of their plan. It was for this reason that Anas had been so keen to locate Lucifer, having suffered interference from Samuel.

  Lucifer had already resolved to appoint Anas a general, but hadn't given any thought to Silick as another who may assist. In this regard, his hand had been forced by Silick being exposed to more information than he should have been. Having included Silick as a second military commander, however, Lucifer was by no means disappointed and thought that both of them were an excellent choice.

  So Anas and Silick became the first soldiers in an army that Lucifer hoped would become very great, one that would rival the armies of men on earth that he had so enjoyed watching. Both Anas and Silick were delighted at the opportunity to serve and were willing to do anything that their noble leader required, as we have seen.

  As preparation for their duties, Lucifer resolved that it was important that their minds be filled with the very worst of earthly images, so that these same images could be conveyed to their victims. Accordingly, over the next week, the two generals were privileged to see almost everything on the earths that Lucifer had enjoyed, more even than Troy, Ham and Jezebel.

  Once the minds of this small but worthy regiment were chocked full of everything that was filthy and despicable, they were approaching battle readiness. While much of the material shocked them, they enjoyed it immensely. They particularly enjoyed observing the role of corrupt military commanders on earth, those who directed such destruction of human life and property. At the end of their course of study, Lucifer sought to motivate them for future combat.

  ‘General Anas and General Silick, you are the first members in an army that will become very great. As you well know, our cause is likely to come under attack by those who are jealous of its brilliance. They know that our plan is perfect, but they oppose it because they were not intelligent enough to develop it themselves,’ Lucifer commenced, hands behind back, in the military style.

  ‘It is essential that any means necessary be used to overcome this evil. For this reason, your minds have been prepared so that you can attack those who would oppose our cause. By attack I mean that you should enter your victim and unleash your fury in two strategic ways. Firstly, you should direct all of the feelings of hate that you possess directly into the enemy’s mind. Remember, as you do so, that this enemy is seeking to defraud you of honour and glory to which you are rightfully entitled.’

  The face of both generals contorted with venom as Lucifer poured fuel upon a fire that was already burning brightly within them. Their master continued:

  ‘This initial assault will shock your victim, as hate is an emotion that most spirits have not felt towards another. Nor have they felt another’s hatred towards them. This alone should have a powerful impact upon them, weakening their minds for the most crucial part of the attack. This crucial second phase is to inject into your enemy’s mind as much earthly evil as you can. For maximum effect you should recall the vilest images that you have seen and then project them into the mind of your victim. In my opinion this second phase will have a far more powerful effect than your hatred.’

  ‘Why do you think that this is likely to do such damage, Lucifer?’ asked General Silick carefully, trying not to anger his leader.

  Asking Lucifer a question was always a little risky, but Silick very much wanted to understand the theory behind this suggestion, as the thought of inflicting as much suffering as possible was an exciting one for him.

  Lucifer was calm in his reply.

  ‘In this regard, Silick, you need to consider the ignorance of those that you will attack. Our enemies are naïve as they have not been wise enough to prepare themselves for earth life by studying the history of other earths. Accordingly, they are still operating in a world of blind and ignorant purity. To inflict the most powerful earthly images upon such babes is sure to damage their souls irreparably.’

  Lucifer had a hungry look upon his face as he finished this explanation.

  As Lucifer had developed this plan it had occurred to him that those who had been so infected by sordid scenes from earth may even desire to see more. What a wonderful side effect this would be, if the attacks could be a means of finding new converts to his cause, from amongst their most staunch opponents.

  At the conclusion of Lucifer’s speech, both generals had been thoroughly motivated and were eager to attack any spirit they could find. They were most disappointed when informed that a target had not yet been identified. Silick then enquired of Lucifer whether they couldn’t just practice on some unsuspecting and innocent spirits as a means of fine tuning their skills.

  The aggression of their master's response to this question surprised them both. Lucifer reminded them that there may be repercussions for their actions, and that it would be absolute stupidity to risk being caught on a mere rehearsal. He then informed his generals that each attack had to be strategic, and that it must be authorised personally by him. He also reminded them of how richly he intended to reward any that were willing to endure punishment for their acts, without revealing their alignment to his cause. With the generals fully prepared, but suitably restrained, the three parted.

  26 trouble in paradise

  A few days, later Troy was talking with some friends when he saw two spirits approaching. Being of a bright countenance they immediately caught his attention.

  As he eyed them suspiciously he noted that the taller of the two was nigh on six foot tall with red hair and blue eyes. He had a round face with a likable, almost jovial look about him. Certainly though, Troy took no comfort in the disarming look of the fellow.

  Whilst his companion was an inch or two shorter, he had the more muscular frame of the two. His blond hair, blue eyes and sharp nose all contributed to a pleasing looking face, but one that didn't contain the same jocularity as his friend.

  Troy intercepted them and asked; ‘To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?'

  Johan, the shorter of the two, being implicitly honest, answered plainly and explained that he and his companion wanted to understand what was being taught in that portion of the Kingdom.

  ‘What will you do if you find the teachings not to your liking?’ Troy enquired.

  ‘We intend to speak against them,’ replied Johan calmly.

  ‘You can’t stop us from teaching whatever we like. To do so would breach our rights of agency,’ insisted Troy.

  ‘If you have been one of the teachers of this nonsense, then in my opinion you should be more concerned with your responsibilities than your rights, my friend,’ responded Johan.

  Kieran then picked up where his companion had left off, 'We won’t seek to prevent any teachings, we would simply like the right of reply. Our fear is that some are deviously seeking to mislead our brothers and sisters in this region. We would like those who are foolish enough to listen, to consider the alternate view. A view that is infinitely better for their growth and development,’ said Kieran coolly.

  Kieran's stern comments seemed completely in contrast to the look of him. Very often, in his dealings with others, his face broke out into a huge likable grin. At the other end of the Ki
ngdom, where most people were doing the right thing most of the time, that grin was regularly put on display. He had no time, however, for the nonsense that was occurring at this end of his parents' home.

  ‘What is your name?’ demanded Troy of him.

  ‘It is Kieran,’ was the reply.

  ‘Kieran, we have all had thousands of years to hear the opposing view, I don’t expect that you can add anything that we haven’t heard a hundred times before,’ replied Troy sharply.

  ‘You obviously haven’t heard the message nearly enough times as it hasn’t sunk into your perverted heart. If it had you wouldn’t be participating in a rebellion against those who have given you everything,’ countered Kieran with a sharpness of his own.

  For a moment Troy stood staring at the pair, hating them and hoping that a witty reply would come to him. It didn’t, and without saying another word he stomped off to locate his leader.

  He found Lucifer in his abode and already his leader was in a black mood, having spent the last few hours revelling in earthly wickedness. Consequently, Lucifer was now enduring a hangover of sorts, the type that comes to one who has just been feasting upon something that is destructive to their mind and soul. Upon hearing of the boldness of the intruders he exploded.

  ‘What right do they have coming here? Why can’t those fools remain at their end of the Kingdom?’

  ‘What can we do?’ responded Troy in a perplexed fashion.

  ‘We will attack them and teach them a lesson,’ hissed Lucifer.

  ‘Surely we risk jeopardising our plan if we act rashly,’ exclaimed Troy, alarmed by the proposition. 'Besides Lucifer, how exactly does one spirit attack another?’ he asked.


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