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Premortal Page 12

by Damien Passmore

  Now, having travelled that left hand path for quite some time, he had arrived at a most vital juncture. This crossroad represented the decision point that was immediately before his personal point of no return. He was being presented with the opportunity to make a sharp right turn. Should he take this turn, and assuming that he was successful, then this new road could eventually have taken him back to his original path.

  That is not to say that the journey would be easy. Because of the perils of the road that he had already travelled, the turn to the right was going to be extremely difficult. It would be mostly uphill and there were bound to be potholes and land mines. Nevertheless, it was not impossible and with the combination of his own strength and the assistance of people who genuinely cared about him, such as Cindy, he could travel the hard road back to progress. Indeed, there may even be some progress and growth along that hard road back. Support from a loved one such as Cindy was going to be essential to Masias once he had taken the right turn, but only he could make the corrective decision to bear right.

  While Cindy, in her innocent state, did not understand all of this, she did comprehend that she would need significant buy in from Masias if he was to change. Accordingly, she revealed to him the final crossroad upon which his entire destiny would hang.

  It is a very significant thing that one person can present to another a crossroad that is either the making or the breaking of that soul. As Masias was travelling on a darkened path, it was crucial that someone who cared for him point out this final crossroad. Cindy did not create the crossroad, she simply pointed out that it was there. Without her assistance he would simply have strolled straight past it, to his destruction. Cindy, therefore, had revealed this crucial decision point and had given Masias one last chance to take a sharp turn to the right. He paused thoughtfully, and for a moment she was hopeful.

  ‘I need for you to accept who I am, Cindy,’ was his reply and it crushed any hope that she might have had.

  ‘Masias, I did accept who you were but you have become someone different. Once you were kind now you are hurtful. You no longer want to learn or grow, and it is not only that, if you were simply slothful I could cope with that but there seems to be something more to it. It is not that you are ceasing to progress, it is more that you are regressing, and at an ever-increasing rate. You must understand that as a couple we would need to rely upon one another on earth. I don’t feel that I can rely upon you here for support, much less on earth, which will be far more testing.’

  She continued to fight for his soul. She didn’t want to save their relationship, it was too late for that, she simply wanted to save him.

  ‘You know that I care for you, and that I would never ask you to stop doing anything that was not destructive. Tell me how you feel inside these days Masias, compared to how you felt when we lived here?’

  ‘I feel fine,’ he lied.

  ‘Then I don’t see how I can help you. For you to change it is going to require all of your strength, and if you don’t see a problem you are not going to give this matter any of your strength. I’m afraid that I cannot help you unless you relocate here because I am not willing to go back.’

  ‘Sure, hang out here with all of the other maggots as they cling to the great flies that are our parents!’ yelled Masias, suddenly losing all patience. His venom returned with such strength that it persuaded Cindy once and for all that he could not be helped.

  Her final sentence to him was communicated entirely by her eyes. The look said to him, ‘I cannot believe what you’ve become,’ and she turned her back on him forever.

  He was not going to accept this however, and chased her.

  ‘Cindy, I cannot believe that you are being so stupid. Don’t you understand that I’m going to become great? I have found a way to become great and I want to share it with you. Everything that I do is for you.’

  There was no truth to this statement. He always dreamed of his own personal greatness, there was never room for Cindy. Cindy did not reply and simply kept walking.

  ‘You’ll be sorry!’ he screamed. ‘You will go down as the stupidest female in the entire history of this Kingdom, the one who was offered honour and glory but would not take it.’

  His rantings made no impression on her and still she walked, but this is not to say that she wasn’t afraid.

  ‘You stop now Cindy, I insist that you come back with me. I will not take no for an answer!’ he yelled menacingly.

  He ran around in front of her and blocked her path. His face was mad and contorted and more than ever she feared where this was going.

  At that moment two spirits, who had heard the commotion, came to her aid.

  ‘Excuse me, friend. Why are you yelling at this sister?' one of them asked of the psycho.

  ‘Butt out if you know what's good for you!’ he screeched.

  ‘We will do no such thing. Leave her alone now!' came the firm reply as the two of them stepped towards Masias, making it clear that the situation would intensify if he did not comply.

  Masias could now see that they were serious and, despite his level of agitation, his cowardly nature returned and he backed down. He left, but not before threatening Cindy and her two rescuers, telling them that he would not forget this moment and that they would each live to regret it.

  Cindy’s rescuers were Michael and Samuel and, after rendering some comfort to her, they left her in the hands of Rachel and Sarah so that they could administer that higher level of comfort that only females can provide.

  34 the moment

  Cindy had not previously met Rachel or Sarah, but a friendship with both was quickly fostered. Despite the newness of their relationship, Cindy shared with the pair all of the pain that she had kept mostly to herself until now. The only two others that she had been so candid with were Mother, and the friend she had stayed with following her relocation. Sharing her troubles once more was a relief, and when combined with consoling words and wise counsel, it was as balm to her soul. Rachel and Sarah had planned to meet with a group of friends later that day, but both abandoned these plans in their respective minds, eager to do more to comfort Cindy.

  At one juncture however, Cindy asked of them, ‘What was it you had planned to do today before I arrived?’

  ‘Oh, we were just going to meet up with some friends,’ answered Rachel honestly.

  ‘Well you must then. You can’t miss that engagement on my account,’ said Cindy, determined not to impose too much on her two new friends.

  ‘Of course we can. It isn’t at all important,’ said Sarah breezily, as though she hadn’t been looking forward to the engagement. She had been, but now she was determined to care for Cindy.

  ‘I feel terrible for making you miss out,’ responded Cindy.

  ‘Well why don’t you come with us?’ ventured Rachel. There was no way that she would leave Cindy, but perhaps she could come also.

  ‘I’m not sure. Maybe I could.’

  ‘Yes Cindy, that would be great and it might take your mind off things a little,’ said Sarah excitedly.

  Although the prospect of socialising so soon felt a little strange, Cindy had recently spent much time in solitude such that she felt almost ready for a social encounter. Certainly, it would be better than causing Rachel and Sarah to miss their engagement. Agreement was met and within an hour they left for the company of the friends that Rachel and Sarah had planned to meet.

  The company on this occasion was to consist of Rachel and Michael, Sarah and Samuel, Johan and Kerry and Kieran and Chelsalea. Three of the four pairs were couples, but Kieran and Chelsalea were just dear friends, neither having met their soul mate. Sarah, Rachel and Cindy arrived last and Cindy was introduced to each person. There was a moment of surprise when she recognised Johan from their encounter at the other side of the Kingdom. Last of all she was introduced to Kieran and again his familiarity caught her by surprise, but not half as much as what followed. As she looked into his eyes she gazed deeply into her own future.
r />   In that few seconds she saw her first meeting with Kieran on earth, and felt the way in which her heart would leap on that occasion. Next she saw herself clothed in white, standing by his side, and she understood the promises that she would make to him on their wedding day. In the next image she saw herself sitting in bed holding a child wrapped in a yellow blanket and she felt, just for a moment, the incredible love that she would feel towards that tiny babe. Standing beside her she saw Kieran, looking adoringly at that same small package and at her. In the penultimate vision, Cindy saw herself and Kieran, both old and withered, standing side by side, bent over with age. At that moment, she sensed that her love for him was stronger then, than it had been when they were young and agile.

  For less than a second she felt a moment of exquisite anguish that she would experience in mortality. Mercifully, no vision accompanied this moment, but it was so intense that tears instantly welled in her eyes and she felt as though her heart would break. Last, but not least, she saw herself standing by Kieran in the Kingdom, radiant and brilliantly white. Neither of them could have appeared any happier, and at that moment such joy leapt into her heart so as to completely erase the pain that she had felt just an instant earlier. Cindy knew that this final vision was following their successful return to the Kingdom, after their mortal journey. The vision ended and she stood silent, wishing that it hadn’t.

  Kieran had found the same experience in her eyes and was also unable to speak. The moments that followed were awkward, as they were surrounded by other parties who were not privy to the vision that had rendered each of them temporarily paralysed. Ultimately though, they found occasion to break away from the group to share some private words. Kieran spoke first as he was surprised by what he had just experienced for, as far as he knew, Cindy was still in a relationship. Until that time, relationship breakdowns were virtually unheard of in the Kingdom.

  ‘Cindy, has your former relationship ended?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes it has,’ was her short but refreshing reply.

  Kieran collected himself momentarily and attempted not to appear too pleased before asking the question, ‘Then, might I be so bold as to ask whether you would be willing for us to spend some time together to get better acquainted?’

  Each spirit reacted differently to their experience and Kieran just managed to maintain the level of formality that he felt was appropriate.

  Cindy followed his lead. ‘Yes, I would very much like that,’ was her simple reply.

  This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship that not even the trials and tests of earth life, and those trials that would precede it, could sever.

  35 questions

  The next day, despite her happiness at having finally found her soul mate, Cindy felt a little conflicted. She worried that she had so recently left Masias, and she also couldn’t help but wonder why she and Kieran did not experience that vision the first time that they met. These concerns troubled her deeply as she worried that she and Kieran were doing something wrong. It was these worries that motivated her to meet with her mother once again. She was staying with Sarah and, having explained that she was going to see Mother, she left Sarah’s place and walked the short distance to her parent’s home.

  Though she was a little preoccupied, she couldn’t help but be uplifted by the surroundings she passed as she walked. Everything in that vicinity of the Kingdom was brilliantly lit. The leaves of the trees sparkled like emeralds. The siblings that she could see were not only dressed in white they were almost luminescent, being of a powerful countenance that was reflective of their positive personal qualities. As she passed close enough to some of those brothers and sisters such that she could hear what they were saying, she found that the coarse language and contention that she had become used to at the other end of the Kingdom was not present in these parts. This was a wonderfully refreshing change. Such was the pleasantness of the scene that by the time she had reached her destination she was feeling much better. Still though, she was eager to ensure that her actions were appropriate.

  She found her mother waiting for her with a beautiful smile upon her face, which assured her instantly that her actions were just. Nevertheless, she was keen for an explanation about a few things that had been troubling her.

  ‘Hello, Cindy,’ Mother said, ‘I’m really pleased that you’ve come to see me. I wouldn’t want you to worry unnecessarily that you aren’t doing the right thing.’

  ‘Thank you, Mother. I never want to do anything that you do not approve of.’

  ‘That is a wonderful desire, my daughter, and one that will bring you great peace. Tell me though, Cindy, are there any questions that I can answer for you?’

  ‘Yes Mother, I’ve been wondering whether my relationship with Kieran has occurred too soon after my leaving Masias.’

  ‘Being concerned for the feelings of another is a noble quality, my dear. Nevertheless, it has been a long time since Masias has treated you well, or paid any consideration to your feelings, and this is certainly relevant. He has not been careful of your feelings at all, and while I would never suggest that we should treat others in the same poor way that they may have treated us, I can certainly understand that your decision concerning him is final, and that delaying moving forward with Kieran would, in some ways, be a pointless approach. Cindy, you have made it very clear to Masias that your relationship has ended and I see no evil in allowing your relationship with Kieran to blossom naturally.’

  ‘Mother, I’m so happy to hear you say that. It would have felt terrible to have had to act unnaturally towards Kieran in any way. Our vision was just so powerful and I have no doubt that he is my soul mate and that we are meant to be together forever.’

  ‘You are meant to be together Cindy, and he is your soul mate, but there is something that I would have you understand.’

  ‘Yes, Mother?’

  ‘The future that your Father and I have permitted you to see is not a guaranteed future, it is a possible future, if both you and Kieran are faithful to one another, and to us.’

  ‘Why wouldn’t we be faithful to one another Mother?’ asked Cindy, unable to comprehend even that possibility.

  ‘Cindy, the mortal test will be very difficult. Unfortunately, there will be some who betray their soul mate.’

  ‘How will they betray them?’ asked Cindy, sounding a little distressed.

  ‘Some will choose to be with another and others will simply choose not to be together. I promise you though, my daughter, that if you and Kieran will always put your own wants and desires second to those of your partner, then your relationship will remain strong and every blessing that you saw in that vision will be realised.’

  ‘Thank you Mother, there is nothing that I want more.’

  The two then embraced before Cindy turned to leave. Just as she was about to walk through the doorway, however, her mother called to her.

  ‘Cindy, are you sure you don’t have any other questions?’

  Cindy stopped and turned, remembering that there was one other thing that she had been wondering about.

  ‘Yes there was one other thing. I was wondering why Kieran and I didn’t see that vision the very first time we met at the other end of the Kingdom.’

  ‘You are wise to wonder about that as it is an important question that should have been running through your mind. Your Father and I grant those visions to assist our sons and daughters in finding the partner most compatible for them. At no point, however, will we hurt one of our other spirit children in the process. Where one has chosen to be bound to another, we will not grant the vision. As you were still bound to Masias on the first occasion that you and Kieran met you could not receive the vision. Having severed that relationship appropriately, and in circumstances under which you were left little choice, you were able to receive it.’

  ‘I understand Mother. It makes sense that you would not want to hurt one of your children.’

  ‘Thank you Cindy. I’m afraid that not everyone has the s
ame confidence in us.’

  ‘What do you mean, Mother?’

  ‘Some of your brothers and sisters are losing faith in our intentions and in our ability to know what is best for them.’

  ‘Yes, I have seen it,’ said Cindy, becoming tearful as she remembered the spirits she had left at the other end of the Kingdom.

  ‘You are in much better company here Cindy, but your Father and I still love all of our children. Please do whatever you can to help build the faith of your brothers and sisters. This is such a crucial time for them.’

  ‘I will Mother, I promise,’ said Cindy, as they embraced a second time and she turned to leave once more.

  36 hatred

  After leaving Cindy, Masias had returned to his home in a fit of rage. How dare she do this to him, he hadn’t treated her so badly. What right did she have to say that he couldn’t have her? She was his. She was privileged to have him. Most females would do anything to have someone who was destined for such honour and greatness. He would show her. Once he became all powerful she would regret ever leaving him. Yes, she would come to be known as the stupidest female in the entire Kingdom, the one that let the great Masias slip through her fingers. Such were the delusions of his crazed mind.

  For many days he remained in his abode reflecting over and over these thoughts and shunning contact with others. From time to time Troy would come and see him and try to bolster his mood. He would update Masias on the progress of their cause and tell him how strongly the support base was growing. He would assure Masias that Cindy would see her folly once their plan had been accepted and Masias had become one of the leading lights in the new order. This would indeed cheer him for a time, but once Troy left the darkness would return. At length he decided that he would visit Cindy again to see if she had come to her senses.


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