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Page 21

by Damien Passmore

  Michael agreed and the following day they departed for a pre-arranged appointment with Father, who had accommodated their request for an urgent meeting. Rachel and Sarah assumed that the purpose of the meeting was for Michael to receive comfort, and this was partially correct.

  Father greeted them warmly, as a loving father would greet two sons of whom he was immensely proud.

  ‘Father, we have come to you because we are very concerned. As you know there is darkness gathering in the further reaches of the Kingdom and daily it grows. Now Michael has been attacked, when he did nothing to deserve it, and it has taken him days to recover. Our concern is that others may have to endure these attacks. Not all are as strong as Michael and they might never recover,’ said Samuel.

  Father loved hearing the concern of each of his sons for their siblings. Nevertheless, he set about reminding them of some important principles.

  ‘Samuel, whenever you are doing the right thing you will never be called upon to endure more than you are able to bear. To the extent that the challenge is too much, it will either be removed, or more commonly, you will be comforted and strengthened through the trial, as is necessary to make it bearable,’ soothed Father.

  ‘Will that always be the case?’ asked Samuel.

  ‘In virtually every case, my son, other than if something miraculous is to occur, to the strengthening of all.’

  Father, who had been seated, stood and continued: ‘Michael, what have you learnt from the attack?’

  ‘Learnt?’ asked Michael quizzically.

  ‘Did your attackers leave you of their own free will?’ asked his father.

  Michael paused, trying to recollect the final moments of his experience.

  ‘No Father, I think that I might have caused their exit,’ he said slowly.

  ‘What caused their retreat, Michael?’

  Michael paused once again trying to understand.

  ‘I believe it was my trust in you and Mother that was too much for them. I focused on you both and reasoned within myself that because you were in control, things would ultimately work out.’

  ‘Does this surprise you, Michael?’

  ‘No it doesn’t. With your help I can do all things.’

  Father moved closer to his two sons and said with emotion. ‘With our assistance no enemy can prevail over you. We may allow the evil to prevail temporarily, for the sake of your growth, or so as to allow them to fill the cup of their iniquity. Ultimately though, all evil will be cast out into its own place.’

  At that moment Mother entered the room, and the look of love that came over their father’s face, as she did so, was not lost on Michael or Samuel and it warmed their souls.

  Father recommenced, once he had recovered from the love that he felt for his wife.

  'Remember always, my sons, that fear is the opposite of faith, the two cannot co-exist as one will always prevail, driving the other out of the heart and mind.'

  ‘Father, are you sure that those responsible for this evil shouldn’t just be ejected from this place?' asked Samuel, still incensed by what had happened to his brother.

  ‘Samuel, this is a critical and necessary time in the genesis of each Kingdom. A time that will determine who will progress to mortality and who will not. This evil has spread quickly and almost all spirits have now had the opportunity to accept it or reject it. Even those that live in our region, where this evil generally does not exist, have had to make this choice in their decision as to where they should dwell and whom they should associate with.’

  ‘For every spirit to have the opportunity to choose for themselves, according to the principle of agency, is all that is required before the plan can be presented. Then all must choose between our plan and the alternative. Those who choose our plan will be able to operate within the safe bounds of that plan, to their progression. Those who choose the alternative, and then rebel against us, will cease to be protected by the cleansing power of our plan and will become unclean. Having cut themselves off from the opportunity to be cleansed, they will have to leave this place forever, for this Kingdom is a place of purity and cannot be tainted permanently by its inhabitants.’

  'Surely the worst of them could not be made clean even now?’ said Michael gently, having difficulty seeing a way in which his attackers could be purified.

  Mother, although she had not been present for the entire conversation, was aware of everything that had been discussed. She answered the question that had been posed by one of her beloved sons.

  ‘It is true, Michael, that it is unlikely that they will choose to, but the reality is that, until they make their final choice, the cleansing power of our plan would be sufficient to make them clean. Were they to turn entirely from their current course they could be cleansed. However, once they have divorced themselves forever from that plan, they will remain filthy eternally and we cannot receive them back here at any stage.’

  ‘Does this make you sad, Mother?’ asked Samuel quietly.

  As Mother answered a single tear ran down her left cheek, as water welled in her right eye.

  ‘Yes it does Samuel, but we have known that this day would come, and our joy will be full on account of those who will make the most of the opportunities that we have given them.’

  ‘What will become of those who must leave and not return?’ asked Michael.

  ‘You will ultimately have some comprehension of this Michael, but not now,’ responded Father.

  ‘Now, my sons, I suggest that you take this newfound knowledge, concerning the way in which to combat the attacks, and see if it cannot assist you in your work of protecting the Kingdom,’ concluded Father, refocusing Michael and Samuel on the issue at hand.

  Each left their parents' abode feeling much better. They returned to call a council of the ‘Sons of the Morning’ to discuss the recent developments, and also to recount the teachings that they had received at the hands of their parents. During the course of the interview, Michael had discerned what the next step must be and he resolved to call on support from his brothers as a matter of urgency.

  56 the sons of the morning

  Many years earlier, almost a thousand gathered to welcome the newest spirit to be accepted into their ranks The spirit in question had been called as a Son of the Morning, the highest calling for a male spirit within the Kingdom. Father bestowed the honour upon him personally.

  ‘My son, I hereby call you as a Son of the Morning. The responsibility of this calling is to always use your agency to serve your fellow spirits, to protect, love and serve your brothers and sisters within the Kingdom, regardless of personal cost. Your role requires you to honour your Mother and I, and to support the plan that we have devised for the progression of our children.’

  The spirit was excited by the honour, although he was a little disappointed that it had taken so long and also that he was not the first called to this position. His father continued:

  'Over the coming years we will allow you to spend time with your eldest brother. He will provide you with special instruction that will assist you in magnifying this essential calling. Having this personal tuition is a privilege and I council you not to waste it. It is an opportunity that will be provided you so that you may develop and become of greater service to your siblings.’

  Having received this privilege, Lucifer rose and thanked his father, and all who had gathered to welcome him into their ranks. He promised to fulfil the role to the best of his ability, and to follow the direction that he had just received from Father. He was mostly pure at that time, but as he looked out upon the gathering, a little flame of unhealthy competition flickered within his breast. He didn’t quite share, to the full extent, the love and brotherhood that each of the other attendees felt. Deep within his soul he couldn’t quite extinguish the feeling that he would prefer to be the only Son of the Morning.

  When Father had spoken of the privilege it was to spend personal time with his elder brother, a strange feeling came over him. At that time he c
ould not have described the feeling, but we might identify it as a very mild dose of envy. The role of a Son of the Morning was a personal one and regular meetings of the quorum were not held. Rather, each Son had the personal responsibility of applying himself diligently to develop talents that allowed him to be of the greatest service to his fellow beings.

  In their personal meetings with Father, they would render an account of how they were progressing in this endeavour. Accordingly, a meeting of the Sons of the Morning was quite rare and only tended to occur as a specific need arose. Nevertheless, most of the Sons were good friends and were well acquainted with one another, as almost all of them lived close to Father and Mother’s abode.

  By the time the Kingdom had matured to the period that we are now considering there were ten thousand Sons. Their last meeting had been many years ago and all but one had attended. The absentee was Lucifer and it was assumed that a matter of urgent service must have prevented his attendance. Michael had called the current meeting and he did not mince words, moving straight into the business at hand.

  ‘My brothers, thank you for coming together so very speedily. I’m aware that Lucifer is not among us again. Does anyone know his whereabouts?’

  None of them did. Not one of the other Sons kept such company as to know anything of Lucifer’s activities. It did strike Michael as unusual that no one knew anything of him, but there was no time to contemplate that now.

  ‘I’m afraid that there has been a serious development,’ commenced Michael, who then paused, feeling the gravity of the situation.

  He continued: ‘Most of you will know that two of our number, Kieran and Johan, were attacked by a pair of rogue spirits. This was alarming and we attempted to pass word of this to you all. Many of you would also be aware that I was attacked more recently, and I’m thankful to all who rendered service in the search for me.’

  As Michael spoke the crowd murmured quietly as all were aware of the circumstances of Michael's disappearance, and the state in which he had been found. Each of them, save one, had participated in the search. The one who didn’t assist was Dujas, he having more pressing personal business to attend to. Of all the Sons of the Morning Lucifer had been most friendly with Dujas, although they had lost contact and hadn’t seen each other for many years.

  Michael continued once the murmurs had subsided. ‘Of course, my greatest concern is that others might suffer a similar fate. I have bounced back quite well but at one point I thought I might face complete oblivion.' Michael again paused a moment before continuing, reliving the experience. The pain on his face was apparent to each of the attendees. He gathered himself and pressed on. ‘As a consequence of this experience, Samuel and I have visited with Father and he has shared with us two crucial pieces of intelligence.

  ‘Firstly, he has assured us that no spirit who is trying to do the right thing, will be called upon to endure more than they are able to bear. We have long been taught this principle but it is an easy one to forget, particularly when things are not going well.

  ‘The second revelation that he provided to us was invaluable. Father helped me recognise that the spirits that attacked me did not cease the attack of their own free will. Rather, they left because they were repelled. I now understand that my belief in our parents, and everything that they have taught us, was the weapon that the attacking spirits could not endure.

  ‘Samuel and I were taught that it was faith on these things that can cast out all evil, even other spirits who would impose their agency upon us in a most vile manner.

  ‘I guess this shouldn’t be any great surprise when you consider it. The very thing that drives us forward in developing talents, in working towards perfecting virtues, in serving our fellow spirits, has at its very core the faith that we have in our parents and their plan for our progression. Their love gives us strength, it promotes endurance, it encourages growth, it casts out fear and it banishes evil. It is the serum for success and the antidote for evil.

  ‘This knowledge is most valuable because it provides us with a weapon with which to fight. If I can endure thousands of wicked spirits with my faith then, one on one, we are more than their match.’

  After this comment there was an excited murmur as the Sons spoke among themselves. Michael waited patiently for this to subside before continuing.

  ‘My brothers, if we could love these errant spirits back into the arms of our parents, then we would, but from my experience there is no reasoning with the worst of them. There are plenty within the Kingdom who have erred that perhaps can still be reasoned with, but those that I encountered were too hardened. To them Father is a hiss and Mother is a byword. They clench their names in their teeth as though they are something to be detested. They are thankless, fierce, hateful, vengeful, proud, and I suspect that there is not a shred of good remaining in them. They are convinced that they have been wronged when nothing more could possibly have been done for them. I’m afraid that, in respect of such spirits, we have little choice but to fight.

  ‘As we have watched the darkness grow within the Kingdom, it has been frustrating to see it spread, with little to inhibit it. I believe that somehow those who promote this cause are persuading our brothers and sisters that the rebel plan will ultimately prevail. Nothing could be further from the truth. Father affirmed this in our meeting. At present this evil exists only by permission. Were it not for the principle of agency this evil would already have been cast out of this Kingdom, but it is suffered to exist so that all might make their choice. Once this choice has been made, all those who have chosen evil will cease to be fit for this Kingdom and they will be cast out.

  ‘Agency is a stronger eternal principle than anything else, even the sanctity of this Kingdom has been allowed to suffer to allow this principle to play out. Because agency is a preeminent principal, our role is a crucial one, as we must ensure that the rebels do not gain a majority. As we work to achieve this we can have perfect faith. Our parents, who know all things, have not created this Kingdom, and placed us here, to fail.

  ‘Here and now many have been blinded so that they do not understand this. Somehow they have been persuaded that it is inevitable that the rebel plan will prevail. They see the darkness growing and it seems to reinforce this. It creates doubt and fear, which is the opposite emotion to the faith that spirits require to be successful here, and on the earth.

  ‘My brothers, it is time for us to reclaim ground. It is time for us to demonstrate that evil is no match for good. Faith will be restored as we take this initiative and some of those who are swaying to the side of evil will return to the safety of their parents, and the only plan that can help them.'

  Again a murmur escaped the gathering, one of even greater excitement. Michael was again patient, despite his own level of animation.

  ‘Our first engagement should be with those who attacked me. This isn’t about revenge; I bear no grudge. It is simply about demonstrating that darkness and evil is no match for goodness, truth and light.

  ‘I missed my mathematics class last week and I’m told that the same unruly band of troublemakers attended again and announced that the head of their group would be the new teacher of the class. I have assured my students that I will be back this week and many fear for my safety. The class is tomorrow and I seek the support of a group of you to meet our foes head on.’

  To this there was a shout of approval. Each in the room save one was desirous to participate in the battle, but it was decided that it was important for them to meet their combatants in a fair fight.

  Michael had numbered his opponents at approximately three thousand. Thus lots were drawn and a lucky three thousand, those who would have the opportunity of meeting their opponents in battle, were identified.

  Before closing the meeting Michael shared with each of the Sons of the Morning the details of his experience. To the best of his ability he described both the hate, and also the filth, that was pushed into his mind. Kieran and Johan also rose and gave their account t
o assist the Sons to understand, as best they could without experiencing it, just exactly what they may encounter.

  When they had finished the meeting closed with a word of prayer, following which the Sons emerged with vigour and a renewed sense of purpose.

  57 the colonel

  In his private chamber, the colonel rejoiced. What success he had enjoyed. When he and his men had attended the mathematics class a week prior, the teacher was nowhere to be seen. Accordingly, he had appointed himself the new teacher. The fact that he knew absolutely nothing about mathematics did not seem relevant to him. Immediately he dropped the topic of mathematics and launched directly into advanced tuition in the art of hating Mother and Father, and everything that they stood for.

  Unbeknown to the colonel, this was not having the desired effect. The extreme nature of his message was far too powerful for a class that had been gradually increasing in virtue, on account of their regular exposure to one of the purest spirits in the Kingdom. The colonel was blissfully unaware of this though, and thought that his teachings were being well received. It appears that putting a trombone in the woodwind section may not have been the smartest of strategies. His extreme teaching was precisely the reason that an embassy, consisting of a small party of the original students, was sent to Michael to enquire as to his wellbeing and also to ask whether he would be returning to the class in the future. If he wasn’t, then none of the students would attend that class again.

  On this particular day, the colonel was again due to ‘teach’, but to refer to it as such was to use that term very liberally. After a few more self-elevating thoughts, that consisted more of fiction than of fact, but which constituted his own personal reality, he prepared himself to leave. He united with his troops and they flew speedily to the classroom, detouring only to cause trouble along the way. Upon arrival, they strutted into the classroom with a swagger that any cowboy would have been proud of.


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