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Page 29

by Damien Passmore

  As soon as they exited Caleb wept, feeling intense sorrow for the way in which he had let down Tara, his parents and himself. As he was doing so he was disturbed again, and having cleaned himself up, he received a visitor of a different kind. The visitor was a tier two student named Oliver.

  Lucifer had selected Oliver to deliver an invitation to Caleb. Again he had utilised the services of a tier two student, so that his countenance would not stand out as much in that part of the Kingdom. Despite his immaturity, in matters pertaining to the rebel cause, Oliver showed great potential and Lucifer was confident that he would deliver the message well. Of course, great reward was promised the messenger for undertaking the assignment, and discharging it ably. When Caleb realised that the visitor had been sent by Lucifer he almost dismissed him immediately, but something made him pause, and he invited him in.

  ‘Thank you, brother Caleb, for receiving me,’ commenced a confident Oliver, who was less relieved than he should have been to have gained access to Caleb's abode. Had he progressed far enough in the ranks of evil as to understand the true nature of his master, and the consequences had he proved unsuccessful, then he would have felt far greater relief.

  ‘To what do I owe the honour of a special envoy from Lucifer?’ asked Caleb, with a hint of sarcasm that was not detected by the visitor.

  ‘Lucifer requests that you meet with him later today to discuss something of great importance,’ responded the visitor.

  ‘What is it, of great importance, that Lucifer would like to discuss with me?’ asked Caleb, disguising the sharp tone that he would have otherwise used.

  ‘I’m afraid he didn’t give me all of the details, but he explained to me that the matters that the two of you would be discussing are absolutely crucial to the safe passage of his plan at the grand council,’ replied Oliver, saying more than he should have.

  Those finer details were part of Lucifer’s explanation to Oliver as to the gravity of his personal assignment. They were not tit bits to be disseminated to Caleb as part of the formal invitation. He had caught Caleb’s attention though. Were it not for this additional piece of intelligence, Caleb would have dismissed Oliver, and refused to attend the proposed rendezvous with Lucifer. With this intelligence in hand however, Caleb accepted the invitation, hoping that it may present an opportunity for him to sabotage Lucifer’s plan in some way.

  Later that day, he left his abode and headed off to meet with Lucifer. It was a dangerous tactic because there was always the chance that Lucifer may persuade him to support his plan once again. It was also dangerous because, despite his failings, Caleb had retained his integrity and would not lie. Therefore he would have to be very tactful in his replies, so as to simultaneously be truthful, but also maintain the hidden agenda of wanting to work against, not with, Lucifer.

  As we have seen, he did so masterfully. Each question was answered truthfully, but in a manner that allowed Lucifer to interpret each reply as he would. As Lucifer assumed that Caleb was for him, and not against him, he wrongly assumed that he had his support, and that Caleb would indeed be speaking for his plan. Caleb came away from the meeting satisfied that he had been successful, and that Lucifer did not suspect what he intended to do.

  72 relief

  On arrival back in the better part of the Kingdom, Caleb moved directly to the abode of his love. She noticed a change for the better in him immediately and was much relieved. During the course of the next week, they enjoyed a closeness that had not been present since Caleb accepted the first invitation from Anas.

  There was just one matter weighing on Caleb’s mind during that time. He wanted to share everything with Tara, but he feared that she might seek to dissuade him from speaking at the rebel gathering. Speaking in opposition to Lucifer, however, was something he felt that he must do, in order to try and right some of the wrong that he had done. Inwardly, he knew that the mission was fraught with danger, and that if he did not speak to Tara now, then she might never hear the words that he would have her hear.

  Caleb’s greatest concern was being detected by Lucifer before he even had the chance to speak at the proposed gathering. If this was the case, and he was destroyed before he was able to correct his testimony, then Tara might think that he was attending the rebel gathering to speak in favour of Lucifer’s plan and not against it. The morning before he was due to speak, he decided that he couldn’t take that chance. With this decision made he moved urgently to be with her. Upon arrival Caleb did not mince words.

  ‘Tara my love, I have something to confess to you.’

  ‘What is it Caleb?’ asked Tara, becoming concerned by the grave tone in his voice.

  ‘I’m afraid that I’ve allowed myself to become entangled in something that I shouldn’t have. It is for this reason that I’ve not been myself lately.’

  To hear this was music to Tara’s ears. Although she was concerned about the revelation that she was about to hear, nothing could be worse than not knowing.

  ‘Please tell me everything. There is nothing you can tell me that will make me love you any less,’ Tara assured him.

  Caleb paused a moment, hesitant to confess. He knew he must but, despite what Tara said, he was extremely concerned that she may think less of him. He did a lap of the room and then sat, before rising again. Though he wasn’t trying to show his agitation to Tara, he was successful in doing so nonetheless. He had Tara on the edge of her seat, but finally he spoke.

  ‘As you are aware, my love, there is a rebel plan spreading throughout the Kingdom. I'm afraid I have allowed myself to become associated with it,’ said Caleb, taking a seat a second time and bowing his head in shame, his voice gradually softening, as if under the weight of that shame.

  ‘Why Caleb?’ asked Tara gently, in a tone that was not in the least bit accusing.

  ‘I now realise that I was tricked into thinking that there was an easier path through mortality, and into believing that there was some way that I could spare you some or all of the pains of life on earth.’

  ‘Caleb, all of this trouble has been for me?’

  ‘Of course it has my dear, everything I ever think or do is for you.’

  Prior to this moment Tara thought that she could not possibly love Caleb any more, but his devotion to her, and even his vulnerability at that moment, caused the cup of her love to expand and fill, such that her love now broke the meniscus of the larger cup, spilling over its edges.

  ‘How were you tricked Caleb?’ she asked, hoping to understand.

  ‘A few devious spirits led me to believe that there were flaws in our parents' plan and that, with a few simple adjustments, our passage back here could be made much easier. I now recognise that they used my concern for you to frighten me, for their own selfish purposes. Increasingly, I’ve become aware that the changes that they are proposing are anything but slight and that their motivations are anything but concern for their fellow spirits,’ explained Caleb.

  He then rendered an account of the rebel meetings that he had participated in, the personal interviews that he had attended with Lucifer, and the fact that he had all but decided to support Lucifer’s plan prior to a visit from Michael and Ethan just a week before.

  Tara knew of Ethan, and that he had relocated to their end of the Kingdom, as it had become quite a talking point. She also recognised the timeframe of Caleb’s meeting with Ethan as being the time at which their relationship had improved.

  He finished his account with his head in his hands and his eyes upon the floor, too ashamed to look up. After she had comforted him, and caused him to make eye contact with her so that he could be reassured by the love that still burned brightly in her eyes, regardless of what he had done, she asked a pertinent question.

  ‘Caleb, have you spoken to Father or Mother?’

  ‘No I haven’t and I must, but first there is something pressing that I must attend to.’

  ‘What is it that you have to do Caleb?’ Tara asked, wondering what could possibly be more impor
tant, but not asking the question for fear of offending the love that she had so recently reclaimed.

  ‘I‘ve been asked by Lucifer to speak at a great gathering of rebel spirits later today, at the other end of the Kingdom, and I have accepted that invitation. Unbeknown to Lucifer, my intention is to speak against, not for, his plan,’ he explained to Tara, watching the concern take shape on her face as he did so.

  ‘Caleb, that sounds far too dangerous! Did you not hear what they did to Michael?’ she cried.

  ‘I know Tara, but this is a risk that I must take.’

  ‘Why?’ she demanded, not understanding in the least. She had just recovered him and the thought of losing him, perhaps in a more permanent way, tore at her heart. Though her heart was not yet mortal, it was still capable of breaking, and it began to crack merely at the thought of losing him.

  Caleb stood, unravelling himself from her embrace.

  ‘Tara, you don’t understand the damage that I’ve done to some of our brothers and sisters, and to Father and Mother. I’ve no doubt that I have already been used by Lucifer to promote his cause and who knows how many spirits I’ve influenced. There is only one way that I can possibly think of to reverse this, and that is to correct my testimony. To stand before the very beings that I may have had a hand in corrupting, and let them know that I do not support Lucifer’s counterfeit plan.’

  Tara could see his logic, and she understood that it was noble of Caleb to want to take this risk, but that didn’t stop her from hating it. Desperately, she put forward a safer proposal.

  ‘Why don’t you simply hold a gathering here so that spirits can hear you speak in favour of our parents’ plan,’ she pleaded.

  ‘I’m afraid that many of those whom I may have influenced simply would not come; not to this region,’ he replied.

  ‘Then why not do it in the middle of the Kingdom, but with Michael’s army to protect you?’ she proposed.

  ‘Again, I’m not sure how many would attend, and I just don’t think that it will have the same shock value as attending a meeting that Lucifer has specially convened so that I can speak for his plan, only to have me speak against it.’

  ‘Is there nothing I can say?’ Tara pleaded, turning away from him so that he wouldn’t see her tears.

  ‘I believe that this is the only way that I can make amends, my love. I fear that if I don’t do this, many will fall as a result of my actions. I simply cannot let my own personal fears dissuade me from doing that which I am honour bound to do.’

  ‘When must you go?’ Tara asked softly.

  ‘In just a moment my dear, come near to me and wish me well. I will return to you as soon as I can,’ said Caleb gently.

  Tara started to cry and Caleb comforted her, whilst trying to keep hidden his own tears.

  After comforting one another, he soon departed and Tara was left to ponder what to do. It didn’t take her long to decide and she moved quickly to see her Mother.

  Mother knew that this was a pressing matter and temporarily adjourned an interview to offer Tara one crucial piece of advice.

  ‘Tara, I know why you are here. Go and tell Michael, he will know what to do,’ she said urgently.

  Michael was out with both Samuel and Ethan helping a friend. During the course of that visit, he had the impression that he should return to his abode. He knew not why, and ignored the feeling initially, but the impression came upon him more urgently, so he excused himself and moved quickly home, worried that he should have acted upon the feeling sooner.

  He arrived just in time to catch Tara coming away from his abode in a state of panic, which had taken hold of her the moment that she had found him absent. He calmed her as best he could and asked what was wrong. Tara gave to him an abbreviated account of what Caleb intended to do, and the dangers she feared he may be exposing himself to.

  Michael shared Tara’s fears but differed from her on one vital point. He absolutely agreed with Caleb that he should follow through with his plan. He, like Caleb, thought that it was a crucial strategy to reduce support for Lucifer’s plan. Tara did not begrudge Michael for feeling this way, but she made it clear that she was relying on him to deliver Caleb back to her safely.

  Michael thought quickly and devised a plan, which essentially consisted of gathering a large force to repel any attack intended for Caleb. He set about gathering that force immediately and speedily gathered nearly twenty thousand spirits, consisting of most of the Sons of the Morning, and the same again in additional volunteers.

  Once this army had been secured, they set out towards Lucifer’s end of the Kingdom. Michael was not prepared to risk taking his force right the way to the rebel gathering, lest they should interrupt Caleb before he had the chance to deliver his message. Rather, they would attempt to intercept their friend after he had delivered his message and was in retreat. As such, Michael’s greatest tactical concern was trying to pinpoint the route that Caleb would take in his escape. Like earth, the Kingdom was a sphere, and the line from Father and Mother’s home to Lucifer’s abode, ran almost precisely north to south. Nevertheless, there were two potential complications.

  Firstly, Tara didn’t know the location of the meeting. She had not thought to request this of Caleb and he would not have provided it to her if she had, for fear that his plan may be interfered with in some way. Secondly, they could not be certain that Caleb would travel in a straight line during the course of his retreat. The first concern was by far the greatest. It was highly likely that Caleb would travel a direct route, from wherever the gathering was, to Mother and Father's abode. Of greater concern was the possibility that the gathering may be east or west of Lucifer's abode. It was due to these concerns that Ethan spoke, requesting the opportunity to assist in this mission.

  'Michael, I'm really worried that we might not locate Caleb in his retreat if the location of the gathering is not directly south of here.'

  'So am I, Ethan,' conceded Michael.

  'Do you think that I might be able to assist in providing the whereabouts of the gathering for you?' asked Ethan.

  'How could you do that my friend?' responded Michael, interested but apprehensive.

  'I could use the fact that my countenance is still quite dark to move undetected into those regions of the Kingdom in which the location of the event is freely available.'

  'Ethan, my brave friend, I’m afraid that would be far too dangerous. What if you were recognised?'

  'There is some risk. Surely though, Lucifer's forces will all be at the meeting, and all that I would have to do is find someone who knows where the location is, but who has decided not to attend.’

  'Ethan, your courage is admirable but there is just too much risk. In the case of Caleb’s mission, his life is worth risking as he could save millions of souls. In your case, I would simply be risking your life to save his, and potentially we could lose you both. No, I'm afraid not Ethan, but thank you for the offer.'

  Ethan did not press the point further and allowed Michael to continue making his plans.

  Rather than risking Ethan, Michael decided upon the next best course of action which was to spread his forces as broadly as he could in one straight line from east to west. The army then slowed and headed steadily south in the direction of the benighted area of the Kingdom, with about fifty metres between each spirit.

  As part of his strategy, Michael sent scouts out by twos both in front of, and wide of, his force, to try and spot Caleb, and those who would be pursuing him. These scouts were instructed to remain at an elevated height to try and avoid being seen.

  The brief given to the scouts that were covering an area out in front of the line was that they should observe Caleb only, and that they should not engage unless it was absolutely essential, thus maintaining the element of surprise. If Caleb was caught however, one of the two scouts was to go to his aide, while the other alerted the reinforcements of Caleb’s position.

  The role of those scouts covering the area wide of the defensive line
was to immediately join with Caleb in flight and guide him directly to the safety of Michael’s forces. The danger of Caleb passing them by altogether, in this instance, was considered too great to be concerned about any disadvantage arising from losing the element of surprise.

  Tara, Rachel, Sarah, Ariel, Cindy and many other female spirits were incredibly successful in their role. Each of them moved in the same direction as Michael’s battalion, spreading word that assistance was urgently required. Thousands of spirits flocked to join Michael’s army, causing the line of defence to spread wider and wider, thereby reducing the risk that Caleb would pass them by altogether.

  The scouts were advised in advance that this may occur, allowing those who were wide of the defensive line to keep pushing wider as the line expanded.

  73 a different man

  Michael did not allow Ethan to join his force, fearing that his pupil may not yet be strong enough, however he was able to assist Tara in calling on other spirits to join with Michael. Ethan did not begrudge Michael in the slightest and having someone care so deeply and genuinely for him was a very nice change.

  As he was assisting Tara however, a terrible vision came upon him. He saw Caleb passing directly by Michael's defensive line, and being run down by Lucifer's forces, only to suffer the same fate as Sturd. Ethan received a strong impression that the vision would become a reality if he didn't do something.

  Unbeknown to Michael and Ethan, the location of the gathering at which Caleb would speak was almost nine thousand kilometres northwest of Lucifer's abode. Lucifer had selected this location as it was sufficiently large, and also because it was a little more neutral, and likely to appeal to those who had not previously been associated with his cause. Accordingly, even though Michael's army was rapidly approaching one hundred thousand in number, that army would need to be many times greater, spreading far further west, to be any chance of intercepting Caleb in his flight.


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