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Page 34

by Damien Passmore

  82 a cautious ally

  A little over a fortnight after Lucifer’s first visit, Dujas sat in his lair admiring a couple of the new additions to his collection. This was his second trip to his alternate abode that week. The allure of being the hero of that neighbourhood had become consuming for Dujas, as had the treasures he stored there.

  As he admired those treasures he was a little distracted, however. During the past two weeks he had attended a tier two meeting and had also had another personal meeting with Lucifer. He suspected that Lucifer, and all those who supported him, wouldn’t prevail and he wanted to disassociate himself from them, however he worried that if he did so he would suffer, in the unlikely event that they did seize power. Whichever way things went, Dujas wanted to be on the winning team.

  For Michael and Rachel their faith was such that they knew implicitly which the winning team would be. On the other hand, the choices that Dujas had made had broken down his faith such that he no longer had complete confidence in Jehovah or his parents. It was this that created the quandary in his mind, and tempted him to remain associated with Lucifer’s cause. This indeed was a difficult quandary, and it reduced the level of pleasure he was able to take in the new items that he had managed to accumulate that week.

  He stood, leaving the new items on the table before him, and wandered around his abode aimlessly as he tried to decide what to do. Dujas was not unintelligent, he knew that sooner or later Lucifer would be looking for some sort of assurance that he would support his cause, and he wondered what he should do when this request was forthcoming. After a little more pacing, he resolved that he would express support for Lucifer’s plan, but that he would defer his true decision until the likely outcome of the vote became clearer. This decision made, he felt a measure of relief and settled back down to inspect his loot.

  Just a few moments later however, his pleasure was again interrupted by his front door bell. It was only the third time that someone had ever disturbed him in this abode and, like the first two times, the sound sent a chill down his spine. A multitude of thoughts raced through his mind. If it wasn’t Lucifer who else could it be, and would he be discovered? What if it was one of his parents?

  Had he been mortal, his blood pressure would have skyrocketed and he would have begun sweating profusely. He was frozen for a moment until disturbed by a second ring. This motivated him and he walked tentatively towards the door opening it just a crack. To his great relief it was Lucifer and he welcomed him in.

  Lucifer mistook this relief for Dujas being excited to see him. Thinking that this must bode well for the purpose of his errand, he wasted no time in attending to the business that had drawn him back to this region.

  ‘My dear friend Dujas, I’m so pleased to have caught you. Time before the final vote is now very short, so I have come to ask you a very important question. One upon which your entire destiny may hang.’

  ‘Sounds dramatic; what is the question?’

  ‘Brother, I’ve come to ask whether you are with us?’ Lucifer asked forcefully.

  Dujas paused for a moment, as though he needed to consider the matter further, before responding.

  ‘Yes brother, I am with you.'

  Lucifer was delighted, never suspecting the duplicity of Dujas.

  After some further niceties the two parted, with Lucifer feeling extremely pleased with himself, and Dujas feeling just a little guilty. Dujas was not without a conscience. He knew what he should be doing in so many respects; he just found it hard to do it.

  83 last ditch effort

  At the very moment that Dujas and Lucifer were conversing, Michael was in his abode mulling over whether there was any way that he could stop Lucifer and Jezebel from proposing a plan to compete with that of their parents.

  As he did so, he wondered whether Lucifer had any shred of decency remaining whatsoever. Certainly his brother once had some noble qualities, and just maybe some of this nobility remained, notwithstanding his recent actions. In the absence of any better ideas, Michael resolved that he would appeal directly to Lucifer to withdraw his designs and fall in behind the original plan.

  While the chances of this strategy working were low, the benefits, if he could persuade his brother, were insurmountable. Indeed, he may save billions from a potentially fatal error.

  Michael understood that the mission would be very dangerous. Lucifer would not agree to a meeting, therefore, Michael would need to surprise him at his home, in the darkest region of the Kingdom. If the meeting did not go well, then Lucifer was just as likely to order an immediate attack.

  There was no way, however, that Michael was about to put his own interests above those of billions of his brothers and sisters, and he resolved to put his plan into action later that day.

  In an attempt to calm his nerves, he spent time with Rachel for a couple of hours, before returning home to prepare. During their time together, Rachel had wondered if something was wrong because Michael didn't seem himself, but she didn't go as far as to ask the question.

  Within his abode, Michael's manner of final preparation was upon his knees in solemn prayer to his parents. Within the body of that prayer he voiced his two greatest concerns. The first of these was that he might never return to spend time with Rachel and all of those that he loved so dearly. Michael was not ignorant of the fact that he may indeed pay the ultimate price. His other main concern regarded the brightness of his person. Michael knew that in Lucifer’s area of the Kingdom he was sure to stand out. His countenance was so bright that there was virtually no hope of him making it to Lucifer’s abode without attracting significant attention. Michael saw no solution to this and prayed to his parents for help.

  When he opened his eyes at the conclusion of the prayer, he discovered his room filled with an unusual amount of light and, upon turning himself around, he found Jehovah standing immediately behind him.

  'Jehovah! How are you brother?' cried Michael, rushing to embrace him.

  'I'm very well thank you, Michael. How are you?' replied Jehovah, returning the affection of his faithful brother.

  'I'm well, but I'm very worried about many of our brothers and sisters.'

  'I know Michael, so am I.'

  'Jehovah, I'm thinking about going to see Lucifer. What do you think?'

  'I think that is very noble of you, and I've brought this to assist you on your mission.'

  Seemingly out of nowhere, Jehovah then produced a strange looking garment. It was brown and looked very much like a long overcoat that one would find on earth, but with a deep hood also.

  'What is it?' asked Michael.

  'Let me show you,' responded Jehovah, before putting the garment over the top of his radiant white robes and drawing it around him.

  The effect was stunning as the cloak completely hid Jehovah's countenance from neck to toe, and when Jehovah pulled the hood over his head and looked at the ground no part of his bright countenance could be seen at all.

  'That is brilliant, Jehovah! It is exactly what I need!'

  'It is my pleasure, Michael. I want you to know that you have Father and Mother's blessing for this mission, as it is a vital one. It is crucial that Lucifer be given every chance to change his mind.'

  'Thank you Jehovah, you have no idea how reassuring that is.'

  'Michael, you have done so much in my absence and I'm proud of you.'

  'Thank you brother; I've really missed you. Is the earth now complete?'

  'Yes it is finished. I'm now really looking forward to spending time here in the Kingdom.'

  'That is wonderful and it is certainly cause for celebration, but not just yet. I had better go for the vote is almost at hand, but I look forward to spending time together following my return.'

  'Go in peace, Michael,' said Jehovah handing Michael the garment.

  Michael placed the garment upon his person, but before he left, Jehovah placed his hand over Michael’s eyes, revealing to him the precise location of Lucifer’s abode. This again was a
great help as it avoided the need for Michael to seek directions, which could potentially be very dangerous.

  Michael thanked his brother again and Jehovah watched him take off and fly into the distance, reflecting upon just how much his brother had grown in his absence, under the weight of responsibility that he had had to carry as the next most senior son of God.

  84 dangerous liaisons

  Ultimately, Michael arrived at Lucifer's abode. Lucifer was not home so Michael entered and waited, considering that to be far safer than searching for him, though he may need to take that course if his brother didn't return within a reasonable timeframe.

  Just under an hour later Lucifer arrived home and, thankfully, he was alone.

  Michael had hidden near the doorway such that Lucifer walked directly past him to the other side of the room. Whilst Lucifer's back was still to him, Michael spoke.

  'Lucifer,' he said softly but firmly.

  'What? Who is that?' asked Lucifer, swinging around and jumping back simultaneously.

  'It is I, Michael,' responded his superior.

  'Michael? It cannot be,' said Lucifer, noting that no glow at all emanated from the spirit who had just announced himself as Michael, but who lacked any kind of bright countenance to back that claim up.

  Wanting to short-circuit any debate, Michael removed the hood so Lucifer could see that it was he, both by his features and by his countenance.

  'What do you want? asked Lucifer coolly, having established the identity of the intruder, and having found him to be one of a few individuals that he would have liked least to see at that moment.

  'I've come to appeal to your decency,' said Michael, hoping that this statement would stir any nobility that might remain in his brother.

  'Oh, you have have you?' countered Lucifer in a cocky tone.

  'Yes brother, I've come to ask that you not put forward your plan at the grand council.'

  'Why on earth would I do that?' snorted Lucifer, finding even the thought abhorrent.

  'Because our parents' plan is the only one that will work and you run the risk of leading billions astray.'

  'Well I don't see it that way at all, Michael. I think that my plan is the superior of the two,' said Lucifer, becoming a little agitated as his position was not a strong one.

  As the two conversed, Ham just happened to exit his own abode and glanced in the direction of Lucifer's place. To his surprise, he noticed an unusual glow emanating from inside that structure.

  Unfortunately, while removing his hood had quickly settled the argument over his identity, unbeknown to Michael, it also exposed him to some risk.

  Troubled by that glow, Ham walked to Lucifer's abode to ensure that nothing was amiss. As he arrived at the door, which was ajar, he heard the sound of voices. Peering inside, Ham saw a person that was clearly not from their region. While the body of that individual was covered with a dark brown cloak, all of the light in that room was beaming from the uncovered head of the person. Ham was not seen of Michael as his back was to the door.

  Pushing the door open a little, Ham was able to focus upon Lucifer, and Lucifer was also able to see Ham. Waiting until Michael looked away from him in the course of speaking, Lucifer made a circular motion with his two hands which Ham correctly interpreted as meaning that Lucifer wanted the place surrounded.

  Ham left quickly, and being certain that his friend had got the message, Lucifer then began to drag out a conversion that he was previously trying to terminate.

  'Tell me Michael, why are you so worried about my presenting an opposing plan? Surely it can only strengthen our wonderful brothers and sisters, their having more options?' asked the devil coyly.

  As Michael responded to this question, and was further engaged by Lucifer, Ham flew speedily to the army barracks. There he found General Anas and General Silick and having briefed them, an immense army of over a million spirits soon surrounded Lucifer's home completely.

  Ham then poked his head back through that same door, and with a simple nod, let Lucifer know that all was ready.

  Lucifer, who had been dragging on the conversion as much as possible as a stalling tactic, suddenly turned on Michael, interrupting him mid sentence.

  'Michael, you shouldn't have come here.'

  'Why Lucifer?' asked Michael, surprised by Lucifer's sudden change in tone and demeanor.

  Until that moment, Lucifer had actually been quite accommodating and Michael had become hopeful that he might actually agree to not proceeding with his plan.

  'Let me show you,' said Lucifer aggressively, walking out his front door and beckoning for Michael to follow.

  'Michael walked outside and discovered that he was surrounded on all sides, and above, by an immense army of ruthless looking spirits.

  'Lucifer, I don't understand, just a moment ago you appeared to be softening.'

  'Truly Michael, you are an idiot! I was just stalling you while this army gathered,' said Lucifer venomously.

  This came as a shock to Michael. While he knew the details of some of Lucifer's antics, he had no real idea just how depraved and degenerate he had become.

  'Well Michael, what are you going to do now?' asked Lucifer smugly, very much looking forward to what was about to follow.

  'I'm going to ask that you let me go in peace. I came in peace and I would like to leave the same way,' said Michael.

  'Well perhaps you should have ensured that you were welcome then!' yelled Lucifer.

  Michael was a little concerned, but amazingly he was not afraid. Notwithstanding his being completely surrounded, and the situation seeming hopeless, he was filled with a calm assurance, the origin of which he could not understand. Somewhere inside he just felt he was going to be alright, and so peaceful was the feeling that it was almost as though he was in the presence of his father and mother.

  'Michael, do you remember the way in which you embarrassed first division?' asked Lucifer calmly, in complete contrast to his last statement.

  'I remember my men and I defending ourselves,' replied Michael steadily.

  'Well that is not what first division remember!' bellowed Lucifer, again bursting a blood vessel.

  'First division, I'm going to do you a little favour,' said Lucifer eerily, calming instantly once again.

  'I'm going to let you attack and torture Michael first, before the rest of us join in.'

  First division were just about to thank their leader vigorously, but they never got the chance to. From the front line surrounding the house came an unexpected statement:

  'That isn't going to happen, Lucifer.' a single spirit asserted confidently.

  The voice wasn't an ordinary voice, and it penetrated every spirit to the core. Nevertheless, Lucifer responded angrily:

  'Who said that?' he yelled, scanning his men.

  One stepped forward boldly and upon close inspection, Lucifer found the spirit to be clothed in the same kind of garment that Michael was wearing, but with the hood drawn over.

  'Ah, you brought somebody with you, Michael. Very clever, but that won't be nearly enough to spare you this fate and will only provide more practice for my men,' said Lucifer confidently.

  'Alright friend, you have just guaranteed yourself the same fate as Michael, but before you suffer, at least unveil your face so that we know who our other victim will be.'

  In response to this request, Jehovah removed his cloak completely and immediately the entire location was filled with a brilliant light that caused all of Lucifer's men to fall backwards in fear before retreating entirely.

  Jehovah had been absent from the Kingdom for over two years, and he was the last person Lucifer and his army had expected to see, although perhaps they should have considered the possibility of his reappearing, seeing that the final vote was just days away.

  There was no thought of regrouping for an attack until Jehovah and Michael were well on their way home. Lucifer was absolutely furious with the cowardice of his army, but found it very difficult to point the fin
ger, as no-one had retreated as quickly as he had.

  85 a great responsibility

  Many thousands of years earlier, Jehovah met with Father to discuss the affairs of the Kingdom. Spirits were still being formed at that time, but already Jehovah felt an immense sense of responsibility towards his brothers and his sisters. He was their senior and superior in every way, but there was not a hint of pride within his soul. He was filled with nothing but love and concern for his siblings.

  ‘Jehovah, how are your brothers and sisters doing?’ asked Father, feeling his son's love.

  ‘For the most part they are doing really well. Most are working hard and are growing. A few are less diligent and are starting to fall behind.’

  ‘How does this make you feel, Jehovah?’

  ‘I worry for them and I wish that there was more I could do to help them.’

  ‘You are doing your best and they are being given every opportunity to grow. You need not concern yourself about doing more at this stage.’

  ‘Father, how is it that you can be so calm?’ asked Jehovah, rising restlessly from his seat to look out of his parents’ abode at some of the brothers and sisters that he loved so much.

  ‘I have seen it many times before, Jehovah. During that time, I’ve learned that it is impossible to operate against the eternal principle of agency. Even if we were to try, we could not capture the heart of the spirit. A human spirit is a sacred thing, possessed of its own superior intelligence. It cannot be programmed.

  ‘Remember always my son that your Mother and I form spirits, we do not create them. We take pre-existent intelligence and form it into a spirit capable of further growth and progression. The spirit thus formed, as an embryo of humanity, must always be granted the freedom that its level of intelligence demands. If not he or she will rebel anyway.

  ‘Animals do not possess the same level of intelligence. When their spirits are formed they must be programmed with instinct. To grant animals agency, in the same sense that it is granted to humans, would be cruel as they would be unable to cope. We grant to animals their freedom to move and to act, but we use instinct to set boundaries to their required level of decision making, according to their intellect. For animals of lower intellect, the level of instinct must be high. For the more intelligent members of the animal kingdom, we are able to reduce instinct and allow for a small measure of cognitive thinking.


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