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The Butcher's Theater

Page 73

by Jonathan Kellerman

  Then it shape-shifted, oh God, and she cried out and it fell apart in front of her eyes because all that had held it together was the tension of the blanket-wrap.

  Tiny skeleton, now a scatter of loose bones.

  The skull had landed right in front of her. Smiling. Black eyeholes insanely piercing.

  Two minuscule tooth-thingies on the bottom jaw looked ready to bite.

  Holly sat there, unable to move or breathe or think.

  A bird peeped.

  Silence bore down on her.

  A leg bone rolled to one side as if by its own power and she let out a wordless retch of fear and revulsion.

  That did nothing to discourage the skull. It kept staring. Like it knew something.

  Holly mustered all of her strength and screamed.

  Kept screaming.



  The woman was blond, pretty, white-faced, pregnant.

  Her name was Holly Ruche and she sat hunched atop a tree stump, one of a dozen or so massive, chain-sawed segments taking up a good portion of the run-down backyard. Breathing hard and clutching her belly, she clenched her eyes shut. One of Milo’s cards rested between her right thumb and forefinger, crumpled beyond recognition. For the second time since I’d arrived, she waved off help from the paramedics.

  They hung around anyway, paying scant attention to the uniforms and the coroner’s crew. Everyone standing around looking superfluous; it would take an anthropologist to make sense of this.

  Milo had phoned the EMTs first. “Priorities. It’s not like there’s any emergency to the rest of it.”

  “The rest of it” was an assortment of brown bones that had once been a baby’s skeleton, scattered on an old blanket. Not a random toss, the general shape was of a tiny, disarticulated human body.

  Open sutures in the skull and a couple of dental eruptions in the mandible made my guess four to six months, but my Ph.D.’s in the wrong science for that kind of prophesy. The smallest bones—fingers, toes—weren’t much thicker than toothpicks.

  Looking at the poor little thing made my eyes hurt. I turned my attention to the newspaper clippings beneath the blanket.

  Beneath the blanket was a wad of newspaper clippings from 1951 lining a blue metal box around two feet long. The paper was the L.A. Daily News, defunct since 1954. A sticker on the side of the box read PROPERTY SWEDISH BENEVOLENT HOSPITAL AND INFIRMARY, 232 CENTRAL AVENUE, LOS ANGELES, CA., an institution just confirmed by Milo to have shut down in ’52.

  The homely, squat Tudor house fronting the yard looked to be older than that, probably from the twenties, when so much of L.A. had taken shape.

  Holly Ruche began crying.

  A paramedic approached again. “Ma’am?”

  “I’m fine.…” Swollen-eyed, hair cut in an off-kilter bob mussed by nervous hands, she focused on Milo, as if for the first time, shifted to me, shook her head, stood.

  Folding her arms across her occupied abdomen, she said, “When can I have my house back, Detective?”

  “Soon as we finish processing, Ms. Ruche.”

  She regarded me again.

  Milo said, “This is Dr. Delaware, our consulting psychologist.”

  “Psychologist? Is someone worried about my mental health?”

  “No, ma’am. We sometimes call Dr. Delaware in when—”

  “Thanks, but I’m fine.” Shuddering, she glanced back to where she’d found the bones. “So horrible.”

  Milo said, “How deeply was the box buried?”

  “I don’t know—not deep, I was able to pull it up, wasn’t I? You don’t really think this is a real crime, do you? I mean, a new one. It’s historical, not for the police, right? The house was constructed in 1927 but it could’ve even been there way before, the land used to be bean fields and grapevines; if you dug up the neighborhood—any neighborhood—who knows what you’d find.”

  She placed a hand on her chest. Seemed to be fighting for oxygen.

  Milo said, “Maybe you should sit down, ma’am.”

  “Don’t worry, I promise I’m okay.”

  “How about we let the paramedics take a look at you.”

  “I’ve already been looked at,” she said. “By a real doctor, yesterday, my ob-gyn, everything’s perfect.”

  “How far along are you?”

  “Five months.” Her smile was frigid. “What could possibly not be okay? I own a gorgeous house. Even though you’re processing it.” She humphed. “It’s their fault, all I wanted to do was have them get rid of the tree, if they hadn’t done it sloppy, this would never have happened.”

  “The previous owners?”

  “The Hannahs, Mark and Brenda, it was their mother’s, she died, they couldn’t wait to cash out … Hey, here’s something for you, Detective … I’m sorry, what’d you say your name was?”

  “Lieutenant Sturgis.”

  “Here’s something, Lieutenant Sturgis: The old woman was ninety-three when she died, she lived here for a long time, the house still smells of her. So she could easily have … done that.”

  “We’ll look into it, Ms. Ruche.”

  “What exactly does processing mean?”

  “Depends on what else we find.”

  She reached into a jeans pocket and drew out a phone that she jabbed angrily. “C’mon, answer already—oh, I got you. Finally. Listen, I need you to come over … to the house. You won’t believe what happened … what? No, I can’t—okay, soon as the meeting’s finished … no, don’t call, just come over.”

  She hung up.

  Milo said, “Your husband?”

  “He’s an accountant.” As if that explained it. “So what’s processing?”

  “Our first step will be bringing some dogs in to sniff around, depending upon what they come up with, maybe a below-ground sonar to see if anything else is buried down there.”

  “Else?” said Holly Ruche. “Why would there be anything else?”

  “No reason, but we need to be thorough.”

  “You’re saying my home is a graveyard? That’s disgusting. All you’ve got is some old bones, there’s no reason to think there’s more.”

  “I’m sure you’re right—”

  “Of course I’m right, I own this place. The house and the land.”

  A hand fluttered to her abdomen. She massaged. “My baby’s developing perfectly.”

  “That’s great, Ms. Ruche.”

  She stared at Milo, gave out a tiny squeak. Her eyes rolled back, her mouth went slack, she pitched backward.

  Milo and I both caught her. Her skin was dank, clammy. As she went limp, the paramedics rushed over, looking oddly satisfied.

  I told you so nods. One of them said, “It’s always the stubborn ones. We’ll take it from here, Lieutenant.”

  Milo said, “You sure as hell will,” and went to call the anthropologist.




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