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Niya's Alien: Futuristic Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 3)

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by Pixie Moon


  Dagrinian Love 3


  Copyright Information

  Niya’s Alien

  Dagrinian Love 3

  Copyright © 2015 by Pixie Moon

  First Publication: October 2015

  Cover design by Pixie Moon

  All art and logo copyright © 2015

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. Such action is illegal and in violation of the U.S. Copyright Law.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  To my husband and children for all their crazy support. Love you guys!

  A shout-out goes to Kara, Jesse and Alexander Bettin for their helpful input!

  And to all the people who love a juicy alien story—I’m with ya!

  Table of Contents:

  Copyright Info

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Blurb: Niya’s Alien (Dagrinian Love 3)

  Year 5005: A Hot Futuristic Scifi Romance! Stand Alone HEA!

  ~Niya Fox~ Being kidnapped by aliens has my nerves jumping painfully. I force myself to keep it together because Kanda Oistin, my cage-mate, needs me. She’s my only friend here in outer space…until I see the tall muscular violet skinned male, that is. Rylem Trillobe calls to me on a primitive level. He dominates my thoughts and keeps my blood heated with desire.

  Our wills clash when he thinks I’m supposed to do everything he says without question. I was a warrior in my Earth tribe. I’m used to being an equal…not a captive. I’ll have to prove I’m honorable, but that’s nothing new to me. I will show Rylem that I’m more than his captive lover…I’m his warrior lover.

  NIYA’S ALIEN: A Scifi Romance

  Dagrinian Love 3

  Pixie Moon



  ~ Niya Fox ~


  Earth: Year 5005

  I soak up the sun’s first rays of the day. All is well…until it isn’t.

  A chill moves along my spine. Someone is watching me.

  With narrowed eyes, I look around. Nothing is out of place and I don’t hear anything strange. Lack of food must be messing with me.

  Today is the last day of my cleansing journey. It has gone well and I feel at peace. My spirit, mind, and body are one. Harmony is back.

  I take a long drink of water. The sweet liquid is much appreciated, especially since I haven’t been able to eat anything during my journey. I take a deep breath and welcome the sun to the sky. Everything is going to be fine.

  Soon I will get up and head back to my tribe. I look forward to seeing the others. In a few days I’ll be able to train with Dove, Jesse, Hunter, K. D., and Lealea. A.J. is sure to be engrossed in his art. I love them all.

  They don’t care about my family’s past. I shudder at the thought of how the others in my tribe treat me because of the actions of my parents. “No,” I whisper. I’m here for harmony and inner peace.

  I embrace the visual picture I mentally draw up of all of my friends and of my grandmother. They all give me a good reason to appreciate life. The love I receive from them brings my spirit, mind, and body back in line.

  A sudden tingling in my legs and arms makes me wonder if the water I drank is contaminated. I shake my hands and straighten my legs out from their crossed position. I look at the jug of water. Did something get in it or did one of the members that hate me do something to it?

  A flush of heat surges through my body. I try to move, but my muscles won’t work. Have I been poisoned? I silently call out to Bear Dancer for help. I wish I’d brought my kachina doll but I didn’t know I would need the spirit that helps the sick. Panic rises within me.

  At the sound of footsteps, I look up and see Dove, Lealea, and K. D. running toward me. I try to reach out, but my limbs are starting to burn. At the look of horror on my friends’ faces, I look down and scream. My body is starting to disappear. I look up and see anguish on their faces. They keep running to my aid. I try to beg them to hurry, but my voice is no longer working. Right before they can reach me, I feel an increased tingling in my entire body and then a floating feeling comes over me and darkness replaces the light.

  I jump when I feel cool metal beneath my bare feet. I squint to see where I am. How is this possible? I shouldn’t be in this dark room. A noise behind me has me stiffening. All of my senses go on high alert.

  A tall being appears from the shadows. My jaw drops and I stand frozen. Before I can act my arms are grabbed from behind and pinned to my back. Shock ripples through me. I was so engrossed in the one in front of me that I didn’t hear the other one come up behind me.

  My heart tries to pound its way from my chest. I shake my head when the beast in front of me wraps a chain around my neck and locks it in place. I’m tugged off the platform, through the dark room, and then into a bright corridor.

  When I get a good look at my captors, my pulse speeds up and sweat pops out on my forehead. They have to be close to seven feet tall. Their yellow skin is strange to me. But their three red eyes are what pushes me to escape. I kick the one behind me and yell a war chant when he releases my wrists. I go after the one holding my chain.

  Since surprise is on my side, I reach for his knife. His is much bigger than the knife strapped to my inner thigh. I yell again and jerk the chain to distract him. By now the one I kicked is back. A fist slams into my head. Pain flares and a burst of stars flash before my eyes.

  As I crumple to the ground, I go for my knife. I can’t let them keep me. My inner tribe needs me. I don’t care about my haters, but I do care about my close friends and grandmother.

  When I feel the cool metal in my hand, I strike out at the one closest to me. The bastard leaps back just in time. Shit! My weaken state has me moving slower than usual. I should have taken that into consideration.

  A big boot comes down on my forearm. Pain shoots through my arm making me release the knife. Damn it! In my post-cleansing journey state I can’t seem to act fast enough or make the right decisions. My captor snatches up my knife and then removes his boot from my arm.

  Knowing I’m defeated, for now, I put my hands on the back of my head. It feels tender from the blow I took and I cringe involuntarily. They talk in high pitched tones that grate on my nerves. When my chain is jerked, I get up as quickly as I can. I need to calm down and save my strength.

  They lead me to a dim room. I start to shake when I see three cages lined up along the wall. Rough hands drag me to a cage. One of the aliens opens the door and then the other shoves me inside. I spin around in time to see one of them locking my door. His scary red eyes look me over and then he snarls baring sharp teeth.

  I take a step back and he makes a laughing sound. I shudder as my captors exit the gloomy room and shut the door. When my legs threaten to give way, I drop to the floor
and rest my head in my hands.

  While inhaling the stale, pee tainted air, I let my senses take over. There is a light humming and gentle vibration that would be missed if I weren’t feeling for it. It must be from an engine. This is bad. Engines equal power. Power costs money. Powerful people get what they want. Where are my captors from? How far have they come to get a human? I have a sinking feeling I’ll never see Earth again.

  The hairs on my arms stand up when I realize that I’m being watched. Very slowly, I raise my head and look around. The cage to my right is empty. I scan the cage to my left and freeze.

  Light blue eyes are watching me. They are filled with sympathy. I scan his face. It’s maroon. In shock, I take in his full pink lips. He’s not human? I look him over and see that he’s wearing dark pants and a tight short sleeved tan shirt. His muscled arms are maroon. I blink thinking I must be hallucinating. Lack of food has weakened my mind and body. I blink again but he doesn’t change. This time I notice that he has a chain around his neck just like I do.

  “What are you?” I ask. I half expect him to disappear.

  He says something in a language that I can’t understand. Okay, that makes him real. “Do you speak English?” His blank look answers my question. “I wish we could talk.” The look in his pretty eyes tells me he wishes the same thing.

  I cross my legs and then take stock of how close to the bars of his cage I am. I close my eyes. I don’t get the sense that he wants to hurt me at all. Like me, he is a prisoner.

  I touch the strap around my thigh that used to hold my knife. I wish I hadn’t foolishly revealed it. My stomach growls loudly reminding me that I haven’t eaten in three days. I have to forgive myself for being foolish. Lack of vitamins are having a bad effect on me. Next time I need to bring vitamin water with me on a cleansing journey.

  I look at the bars trapping me and wonder if I’ll ever go on another journey of any sort. I take a breath and remember who I am. I’m a warrior. Warriors don’t give up easily. I’ll stay calm and wait for the opportunity to escape.

  The shaking of my hands lets me know I need to rest. I lean back and close my eyes. I need to conserve energy. I don’t even bother to straighten the edge of my buckskin dress. The dress is a more modern cut but it still reminds me of my ancestors. I need to be brave in order to show respect to those who came before me. The wise ones who taught us how to act in good and bad times.

  The silence of the room is only broken by the caged male next to me shifting and his chain rattling. Time drifts and I go along with it. What else can I do? When I’m feeling stronger, I sit up and inspect my cage. I try to ignore the heavy chain around my neck that is trailing to the floor and weighing me down. I can’t show any signs of weakness.

  My gaze eases over my surroundings. The dirt on the solid floor could be thicker but I’m glad that it isn’t. In the back corner is a bucket that’s attached to the floor. The smell in the air lets me know what is in the bucket. Things could be worse, much worse, I remind myself. The cage is not a bad size but not large enough to comfortably pace in. People the size of my captors would be screwed.

  Needing to test the cage, I get up and go to all four sides. I shake the heavy wire on all sides. This is a quality made cage. I check the door to make sure it’s of the same quality. Damn it. These alien bastards are thorough.

  Knowing there’s nothing I can do at the moment, I go to my spot and sit back down. The clinking of my chain is a reminder of my new status. I don’t like it at all. I look over at the handsome alien in the next cage. He gives me a sad smile. I guess he’s done the same check to his cage. I wonder how long he’s been here. Since he’s not skin and bones, I don’t think he’s been here for more than a few days.

  I lie down and breathe in a calming pattern. It’s tough with the nasty air in here. I endure because this is just another thing I have to get through. Life is not always pleasant.

  I bolt up when I hear a female yelling. The door opens and an auburn haired female is pulled into the room by the chain around her neck. I touch the chain around my own neck. The cool metal is not welcome but it must be endured for the time being.

  She is trembling but she’s not giving up. Ah, a brave one.

  “No,” The female shouts as she tries to back out of the room. Her two captors easily get her to the cage and push her inside. Hatred for them wells in my chest. I’d love to kill them all.

  The young woman cries out as she hits the floor. I watch her spin around and stare wide eyed at our retreating captors.

  Keeping my voice low so I don’t scare her, I say, “You struggled bravely. Your ancestors are proud.”

  She jumps at the sound of my voice and scans the cage I’m in. Her gaze locks in on me. “What’s your name? How long have you been here?”

  I hide a grin when her gaze moves to the male. As she gapes at him, I answer, “I’m Niya Fox. I don’t know exactly how long I’ve been here but I think it’s only been a few hours. What’s your name?”

  Her gaze whips back to me as she answers, “I’m Kanda Oistin.”

  I watch her look the male over. He is a strange yet handsome sight. I wonder what he thinks about us.

  Kanda looks back at me. “Do you know what he is?”

  I look him over and hope he’s not insulted that we are obviously talking about him. Pulling my gaze back to Kanda, I answer, “No, I tried to talk to him but he doesn’t speak English. So far he hasn’t tried to threaten me at all. I wish we could communicate. I would love to know where he is from.” I bet he could tell us things we’d never be able to dream up. Not even in our wildest dreams. The universe is much livelier than I realized.

  “Me, too. This is so strange. I never guessed I’d be taken. I really didn’t think the stories could be true. I never planned for such a horrible event.”

  Tear well in Kanda’s eyes. She looks us over and then blinks the telling liquid away. I’m proud of her for choosing to be brave.

  “What do you think they are going to do to us?” Kanda asks.

  “Only time will tell us that. Do not let fear of the unknown eat you up.” Fear is a monster that carries disease.

  Kanda’s brows draw down as she sinks into her own thoughts. Her chain clinks as she goes to the door and inspects every inch of it. I look over at the male. He shakes his head.

  I go back to watching her. This is something she has to do. I doubt she’ll have a weaker cage, but a part of me hopes she finds a frail spot. Needing some harmony in my soul, I cross my legs and close my eyes. I start a calm breathing pattern and release the ugliness from within. I seek peace but all I can focus on is the sound of Kanda’s clanking chain.

  A peek her way reveals that she is checking every link. I like her determination. If I were stronger I would do the same thing. I close my eyes for another few breaths and then open them.

  Kanda’s voice breaks the quiet of the room. “What were you doing when they took you?”

  “I was on a cleansing journey.”

  “Will you tell me about your cleansing journey?” she asks.

  I like the way Kanda is filling time in a good way. “In my tribe, we go on what we call cleansing journeys at least twice a year. It usually takes two to three days of fasting from food. At this time we meditate to get our mind, body, and soul aligned. We do it to keep ourselves grounded. If more people would do it then we’d have less violence and fewer insecure or overwhelmed people.”

  “I like the sound of that. We go on walkabouts to clear our minds and hearts. Since I take care of my brother my walkabouts are extremely short.”

  The frown that appears on Kanda’s face has me asking, “How old is your brother?” I think of my friends and wonder what they are doing right now. I know they are worrying about me. I wish they didn’t have to.

  “Rogan is eighteen.”


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