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Niya's Alien: Futuristic Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 3)

Page 3

by Pixie Moon

  Kanda and I are placed between the males and led away. Keeping us in a tightknit train is smart.

  The crowd is thick. When a being gets too close to me, my male growls. The sound does something to my heart. I have a feeling that this thing between us is either going to be really good or really bad.

  ~ Rylem Trillobe ~

  The small human is causing chaos within me.

  She seems to be sick. That alone makes her a bad buy. The human that Klimen just bought doesn’t seem sick at all. That means that whatever my human has must not be contagious. My heart swells as I remember her scanning the crowd and then trying to get me to buy the other female. She is a good friend.

  From the look on her pretty face and the tremble in her legs, I’d say she is starving. Rizpa nin! Didn’t those stinking lopgenians feed her? All I want to do is get her aboard our spacecraft and check her out.

  My cock twitches at that thought. I force the lust she causes to recede for now. She’s not ready to be mated.

  A yell to my right has me scanning the crowd. It’s nothing more than two sorpegians fighting. The small blue beings are harmless. Narrowing my eyes, I keep an eye on the crowd. I can’t let anyone get her. I keep her right behind me with my left hand reaching back to hold her elbow. If she stumbles I’ll know about it.

  Klimen keeps our females nicely pinned between us. This crowd is too rowdy for my liking. A couple of lukespinians start going at it. Their snarls have to be spooking our females. I want to kill the fiery orange-eyed beings for scaring them. I press on instead.

  A scream from Klimen’s female has me spinning around. Klimen pulls out his knife and slices through the arm of the slimy nerbocian that was dumb enough to try to take the female. Klimen shouts at the six-armed fool and then kicks the nerbocian. Once the green creature is steady he raises two of his good arms and shakes his fists at Klimen. The nerbocian insult means nothing to us. I watch as the green being slinks off into the crowd holding his damaged arm.

  “Let’s move a little faster,” Klimen says as he glances around.

  “I agree. I don’t like this crowd.” I look around for any other threats.

  “You don’t like any crowd, but this time, I totally agree with you,” Klimen says as we start moving through the crowd at a faster pace.

  We don’t get far before I feel my human’s body jerk. A growl rumbles up from my chest. The power of it surprises me. I whip around and see my human being pulled to the side.

  “What the grauling black star is happening?” I yell.

  “I don’t know. She can’t be putting a show on, can she?” Klimen asks.

  “No.” I pull out my knife and slash the air next to her.

  A shrill scream pierces the air and a form becomes visible. “Black star.” A horn faced maltropian was using his invisible shield to try and take my female. Rage rolls through me. It fires my blood and has me snarling.

  When he violently jerks her arm, she cries out. A deadly rage takes over my body. I strike before he can react. My blade sinks into his chest twice and then I cut his throat. I’m not happy until I see him slump to the ground with a pool of his black blood surrounding him.

  I take her arm again and start heading to our craft. It’s not far. I can’t wait to get inside and close out this terrible crowd. All of this violence has to be freaking our females out.

  I call in our position and right before we get there the door opens. Thank the stars Malldrot stayed on the bridge and near the controls. As we go up the ramp my female stumbles. I steady her and urge her on.

  I don’t breathe easily until the door closes behind us. A few steps in, my human stumbles again. This time she catches herself and raises her chin.

  Klimen’s female starts talking in a tone that shows how nervous she is. That she’s talking about my female has me paying attention.

  “Rizpa nin! I can’t stand them being so scared. Mine says yours is sick. I’ll call and get some communicator chips ready,” Klimen says and then starts pressing buttons on his forearm comm unit.

  As we walk Klimen’s female continues to talk. She is scared to death. My heart hurts for them. Soon they’ll find that they have no reason to fear us. We hurry them down our corridor and quickly take the commination chips our friend hands us. I thank him and move her toward my quarters.

  I can hear Klimen’s female fighting being separated from her friend. My female is starting to stumble regularly. I scoop her up and carry her the rest of the way to my quarters.

  Once inside, I start working on removing her chains. The unlocking pin I was given has her free in a matter of moments. She groans as her arms fall to her sides.

  I settle her on the couch and then get ready to insert her communicator chip. My heart swells at the sight of her. She looks exhausted but proud. Her delicate and brave demeanor draws me like no female batting her eyelashes and shaking her ass ever has. Not that those are bad things. I’m just pulled in by her in a different way.

  She is special.



  ~ Niya ~


  I feel like I’m going to die.

  I glance over at the male. The flex of his tight butt as he does something in the silver sink makes heat spark through my core. I smile to myself. If I’m going to die at least I have a fine male to look at while I do it.

  My gaze leaves him, with difficulty, and sweeps the room. I see four doors in total. One is the one we came in. One is cracked open just enough for me to see a metal desk. Must be an office. Is one of the other two an extra escape route? He can’t be trusted.

  When he approaches me with a wet cloth, I wonder what he plans on doing. Should I use the last of my strength to make an escape attempt? A sharp pain shoots through my belly. I grimace and decide to stay put. If he gets out of control I’ll make an effort to take him down then. Big guys fall hard but they do fall. The key is not to let him fall on top of me. With weariness weighing my limbs down, I hope he doesn’t flip out. I need a few minutes to recharge.

  Compassion fills his eyes. I don’t think it’s fake. He is saying something, but I can’t understand what it is. What I do understand is the soothing tone he’s using. Can aliens be kind and caring? My eyes narrow. Or is he trying to keep my calm so he can do bad things to me?

  He continues to talk as he holds up the cloth in one hand and a tiny metal device with a syringe type of thingy in the other. My heart pounds. Dread bolts through me. Does he plan on using me as a guinea pig? That would explain him buying me when I’m not at top health.

  My eyes widen as I shake my head. I look at the device and then try to lunge from the couch. If he’s a pushover, I’ll be able to make it to the exit. His voice stays calm as he catches me and holds me down. His speed is surprising. Damn it, a big guy like him should be slower.

  This guy is no pushover. I squirm as he cleans my neck. My heart races around in my ribcage. Lack of food and water is not going to kill me. I’m going to have heart failure. Right fucking now.

  When he shoves the device under my skin pain flares through my neck and shoulder. I stiffen but I don’t yell. I’ll never give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry out. I take a shuddering breath and force myself to be brave. I will die with honor.

  “Do you understand me now?”

  It takes a moment for me to realize that I do understand him. I know he’s not speaking English, but I can understand him. “Yes.” He wasn’t experimenting on me. He was putting a communications device in me.

  “Good.” Relief washes over his face.

  I don’t care to have the strange thing inside me, but I need it. “Where is Kanda?”

  “She is with my brother, Klimen. I’m Rylem Trillobe. You belong to me. From now on I’ll be taking care of you and you’ll be taking care of some of my needs.” His gaze moves over me as he releases my hands. “What do you need to get better?”

  His words are battling for dominance in my head. I belong to him and I’m to take care of so
me of his needs are the words screaming the loudest. What kind of needs does an alien have? Sweat breaks out all over my body. Guess I had a little water left in me after all.

  Stories from my childhood saturate my mind. Most of them are gruesome. I look down and then toward the door. I can’t stay here and get tortured by this huge male. Dying in battle is honorable. There is no way I’m going to let him slowly kill me.

  The sound of snapping snatches my attention back to him. “I’m not going to hurt you. What I need to know is what you need to get better. Can you tell me that?”

  When our gazes clash the worry in his eyes looks and feels real. “I could use some water and food.”

  “Now we are getting somewhere. Next time I want you to focus on my words and answer me sooner.”

  I watch him go to the tiny kitchen. I don’t know how to take him. He seems nice but there is also a hard edge about him that demands attention and respect. I’ve seen how deadly he can be. Since I’m not on Earth anymore I need to think about what I’m going to do.

  When he comes back with a glass of what looks like water and something that resembles fruit, I gratefully take it from him. I don’t want to poke the bear that’s feeding me.


  “Your welcome.” His sapphire eyes watch me closely. “You don’t have to eat all of it. I’ll send for something else so we can see what you like.”

  I nod and then take a sip of the liquid. Just like Earth’s water it doesn’t have much flavor. But it sure feels good going down my parched throat. I take another larger drink and then another.

  I watch him press a few buttons on the comm band around his forearm. Their technology is ahead of Earth’s. I wouldn’t mind having one of those comm units.

  I take another drink and my stomach rumbles. I take a bite of the bright blue fruit. Sweet hits my tongue and juice runs down my chin. I suck up as much as I can. And take my next bite with a bit more care. Juice is not to be wasted.

  My tongue loves it but I’m not sure if my stomach does or not. I doubt I’ll be able to eat all of it at one time. Not with my stomach shrunk and the fruit being the size of a grapefruit.

  When I start feeling too full to continue, I hold my metal plate up. “Where can I put this so I can eat it later?” He did say I didn’t have to eat all of it. My question will test his memory and his honor.

  I watch his eyes closely. Something in my chest flutters to life when his eyes show only concern. He takes my plate. “I’ll put it on the counter and you can have it when you want. I also have some more food coming.”

  That must have been what he was doing when he was pressing those buttons. I itch to check out his technology. My status here probably doesn’t allow for that. Plus, I still feel bad. I’d much rather learn about his people and their tech when I’m able to retain the information.

  My fingers tremble. He could be acting nice to get a thrill from my horrified reaction to him suddenly turning mean. I wish Dove, Jesse, Hunter, K.D., A.J., and Lealea were here. Together we’d have a better chance of conquering these aliens.

  He moves to the counter and sets my plate on it. Then he turns and looks me over. My heart stutters when his gaze pauses on my breasts before moving up to my eyes. A charge of electricity surges through me. The longer we stare into each other’s eyes the stronger the charge becomes. I don’t know how he heats me up so easily. His masculine scent is enhancing the desire tightening my core. I need to stay alert to danger, not be panting over this male—no matter how alluring he is.

  He crosses to a narrow door that I hadn’t noticed before. That’s a good way to get killed. When opened, it reveals clothes. Ah, a closet. My pulse races as I wonder what all he keeps in his closet.

  I see him pull out a charcoal colored shirt and wonder what he’s up to. My heartrate stays elevated as I watch him. I wish I was feeling better. My stomach lurches when he points to one of the doors.

  “That’s the cleansing room. Do you feel well enough to take a sonic shower by yourself?”

  By myself? I tap my fingers on my thigh and then stop when I realize what I’m doing. I can’t show any more signs of weakness. I know I look terrible and smell worse. Being clean would be nice.

  “Yes. What’s a sonic shower?” I hope it’s as fast as it sounds.

  He steps closer to me and his scent encircles me like a calming blanket. A confident aura surrounds him. I can’t help but admire that.

  He holds out his hand palm side up. All six of his fingers beckon me. “Come, I’ll show you.”

  I hesitate for a second and then put my hand in his. My heartbeat speeds up again when his violet fingers curl around my hand and warmth treks up my arm and through my body.

  When my stomach rumbles unhappily, I wish I’d met him under different circumstances.

  My legs tremble after just a few steps. I stand tall when we stop so he can run his hand over a panel. I will myself to be confident and powerful. The door whooshes as it slides into a pocket in the wall.

  The bathroom is larger than I thought it would be. This craft must be bigger than it looks. But then I didn’t get more than a glimpse of the outside. He gestures around the room.

  “I’m sure you know what those two are.” He points at the sink and commode. His gaze shifts to the last compartment. “This is a sonic shower. You’ll take off all of your clothes, step in, and then press this button. Lather your hair with the cleaner and then press this button. Close your eyes because you will be misted and then air dried. It won’t take long.”

  A shiver races down my spine when he turns and looks at me expectantly. “What? You want me to do it in front of you?” Damn it. I don’t feel good enough to put on a brave face through this. Please, go away big violet alien.

  Compassion fills his eyes. “If you were stronger, I’d let you.” His sapphire eyes narrow. “Take off your clothes.” He holds up the shirt in his hand. “You’ll put this on when you’re clean.”

  I raise my chin. “I can shower by myself.”

  A smile ghosts over his masculine lips. “I’ll leave you to it. But the door stays open.”

  I press my lips together as I wait for him to leave. He looks me over and then exits the room.

  While taking my clothes off, I look around at the gunmetal commode and sink. They look close to what I’m used to. That’s a relief.

  There’s a mirror over the sink. I look in it and then pull back. I look horrible. The long braids on both sides of my head have strands pulled from them and my face is sunken and dirty.

  This guy must be desperate to have bought me. My shoulders sag as I step closer to the shower. I peek out of the open door and see him focusing on the comm band around his forearm. So far he is behaving honorably. I appreciate that.

  I trudge the few steps to the shower and step inside. My legs tremble and pain shoots through my stomach. I rub it and will my food to stay down. When I lift my arm to press the first button, I notice that my hand is shaking.

  Damn it. My braids are still partially done. I sit down and start unbraiding my hair. The metal floor is cool against my skin. I’m sick enough to like and dislike it at the same time.

  By the time my hair is ready, my body is trembling too much to stand. I take a few breaths and then try to get up. My knees give out and my hand slaps the floor when I catch myself. Heat flares through my body and I feel a fresh layer of sweat pop out on my skin.

  A strong arm wraps around my waist and lifts me up. I stiffen but I’m too weak to fight him off.


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