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The Vordalyn 2

Page 2

by Michael T Payne

  “My friends, we will no longer be competing or at odds with one another,” Darius announced as the men settled some, having filled their mugs, “We will be one! There will be plenty for all!”

  “Is that so?” Quinn asked skeptically, he was an older man greying in hair and beard. He was dirty and unkempt. He and his men lived in the woods of Dead Hallow, living off the land. “How do you propose this? Did you invite us all here to fold us into your ranks for the price of some drink?”

  “Aye,” Hudsel called out, “Dark Hawk has fine drink, no doubt, but it isn’t gold.”

  “Gold, yes, gold, from our own trade routes throughout Ganlin and this, our very own region.” Darius said smiling, “We will run Dead Hallow as one! All of us, recognized by Queen Menina herself!”

  “That is a bold prophecy, Darius. How do you propose to accomplish that?” Quinn asked, “And what if we don’t want to be part of this adventure?”

  “It’s already done, Dead Hallow is mine as its new mayor!” Darius pulled a parchment from his jacket and held it high, “A decree, signed by her highness, the queen of Ganlin herself! Dead Hallow is-”

  “Mine!” Yelled Dark Hawk from the bottom step across the bar room from Darius. His voice silenced the entire bar. Not a soul spoke as Dark Hawk stared across the room at Darius.

  “Dark Hawk,” Darius spoke with a nervous chuckle, “I have good news,” he looked around the bar, then at his own men, “For all of us.” He said.

  “I heard.” Dark Hawk stepped off the bottom step and slowly moved through the crowd that parted for him well before he reached any of them. Dark Hawk stopped in the center of his tavern in a large circle created by the withdrawing crowd, “You’re to be the King of Dead Hallow it seems.” The women that were working the tavern immediately began to leave, knowing that whatever was going to happen next, they did not want to be around for.

  “Well…” Darius started to say then shook his head with a smirk at the title.

  “Bandit King no longer suits you?” Dark Hawk asked, “You wish to take my town, make it part of your mighty kingdom?” Dark Hawk walked in a circle as he spoke, addressing the whole crowd, not just Darius.

  “This will benefit us all, Dark Hawk.” Darius said also addressing the crowd looking for support.

  “Under your guidance, of course.” Dark Hawk followed up immediately, “Mayor of my town, I mean your town? Is that right?”

  “This is a good thing, Dark Hawk, we won’t have to worry about those-” Darius started to say but Dark Hawk cut him off.

  “Whatever gave you the impression I was worried?” He yelled with a crazed smile on his face, then he growled, “Everybody suddenly thinks they can take what’s mine.”

  “Dark Hawk…” Darius started and shook his head.

  “First, your little snake Sevum steals bags of coin from me for the last week. Now, you think you can come in here and demand my town!” he finished in a yell, facing Darius.

  “Hey, wait a minute, I didn’t know anything about Sevum.” Darius said as Dark Hawks men filled the bar, armed. Darius quickly scanned the room and knew Dark Hawks forces outnumbered not only his men but the combined forces of the other factions as well.

  “Did you really think you could bargain with the queen for what is mine?” He asked holding his hands up motioning around the bar, “That she would reach all the way from atop her perfumed palace, deep, into my pocket,” Dark Hawk reached into his own pocket as he spoke, acting out his words, “And turn over what she finds in it?” He pulled his hand out of his pocket and pointed his open hand at Darius, “To you?”

  “I stand with Dark Hawk.” Quinn, the leader of the Skulls suddenly spoke up. Dark Hawk turned his heads slightly toward Quinn’s voice, but did not fully look back at him, still eyeing Darius and his crew. The Skulls all made a slow exit while their leader, Quinn, walked over to Dark Hawk and said, “Whatever you do here today, you have my support, not that you need it of course. We’ve always been profitable, our business between us. I’d like it to continue that way.” Quinn looked over at Darius with a smirk, “We came here to get away from royal rule, Darius. You’re a fool.” He said then followed his men out of the tavern. Darius looked over at Hudsel, who watched on, glancing between Darius and Dark Hawk. Hudsel straightened up and cleared his throat as patrons of the bar who were not part of any bandit faction made their way out.

  “I would like to remain outside the scope of this conversation?” Hudsel stated as if asking permission.

  Dark Hawk nodded with a chuckle, “Go ahead.” He said and Hudsel made a quick exit with his men. Darius looked around at his men who had gathered closer to him very uneasily. They were surrounded and out-numbered. Mani wandered behind the bar just behind where Darius was standing.

  “This is going to happen Dark Hawk, you can get on board and be a part of it, or you can get ran over by the queens for-” before he could finish speaking Mani smashed a metal mug over his head, knocking him to the floor unconscious. The tavern erupted in a skirmish, which is to say it was quick and one sided. Only two men who were not affiliated with Dark Hawk survived. Sevum, who had escaped during the events below him, and Darius, who Dark Hawk wished to make an example of.

  Chapter Three

  What was once a simple warriors manor had become a palace in the years of Dracon’s absence. A capital city grew around it, the lands of Dwerma had become prosperous and mighty, rivaling the real capital of Ganlin, Urixis. Dracon was amazed by the changes in Ganlin during his adventures beyond the outer region. In the short time since his return he learned much that overwhelmed him. First, the division between his siblings explained to him by his brother Prince Renic and his sister Princess Menina, who ruled as queen of Ganlin in his absence. The accusations of Prince Charnio’s blood lust that caused the lands of Ganlin to teeter on the brink of civil war.

  Dracon and Venalina sat side by side in the great throne room of his palace as Velen relayed all he had learned since his return in preparation of Dracon’s arrival. It was distressing. Venalina listened to the tale with very little concern. Her mind was focused on one thing. Dracon’s sister, Queen Menina. As soon as she laid eyes on her, Venalina knew what she was. She was not human. Queen Menina was a true Kina, like the woman Venalina met in Sumia. She, who had fed on her beloved Dracon and then later freed her from the Gyona’s cage. The two even looked alike, both blonde and so full of surety and power. Much more confident than Venalina had once been. She was sure they both had accessed their vessels. Something Venalina had not done until she acquired the stone that held the sun in the sky over Sumia, deep within the dead city of Taranath. The once great city of the Vordalyn. After accessing the stone, Venalina had become powerful, a true Arch-Vordalyn. The mystery of her past was revealed to her by the soul trapped within the stone. The shadow of the once powerful queen of the Vordalyn, Dhysevera. She taught her like a mother. Venalina could still see her and hear her voice, even then as she listened absently to Velen give his report to Dracon.

  “After my wedding, I will meet with my sister and brothers before we leave Urixis. Then I will put an end to this ridiculousness between them. For now, I want you to recall my father’s armies here.” Dracon commanded.

  “Yes, my king. Even the armies of your brothers?” Velen asked.

  “Every single man that served my father’s armies and who are not retired, will be recalled and will take a knee to the king at my coronation. Then we will redeploy them as we see fit.” Dracon said.

  “Your sister ordered all your brother’s forces to take to a life of farmers and merchants, the only men your brothers have left, is a security force to monitor their regions, except Prince Charnio of course.” Velen informed him.

  Dracon chuckled, “How did they take that news I wonder?”

  “Well, my lord, Ganlin now has bandits if that’s any indication as to the soldier’s desire to remain in service of the sword.” Velen glanced at Venalina as he spoke.

  “Send word thr
oughout Ganlin I want all soldiers to return to service. I will give amnesty to those who return and attend my coronation.” Dracon said low pondering his words as he spoke them, unsure if it was the right thing to do.

  “As you wish my lord.” Velen smiled and bowed. Venalina shook from her thoughts and as Velen turned to leave she spoke to him.

  “Captain Velen.” She said stopping him.

  “What?” Velen asked. Venalina raised an eyebrow at him, not happy with how disrespectful he spoke to her. She was Dracon’s Queen and it annoyed her he did not address her as such. Dracon felt her anger at Velen and knew the reason.

  “She is my queen, Velen!” Dracon stood, “I will no longer abide your blatant disrespect to her. We are not in the wilds of Sumia any longer and she is not a monster. She will be my wife and my queen!”

  “My king.” Velen took a knee and bowed his head. Venalina was not satisfied. He glanced up at her. “My queen, I apologize for any perceived disrespect. I will endeavor to improve.”

  “Velen, it is time for you to put your hate aside. You judge me poorly and yet I saved even you from death. I made it possible for your return home to your wife, your children. Yet, still you treat me so?” Venalina was not satisfied with his pathetic apology, and if not for Dracon, she would have evaporated him from existence. “If this persists, captain, it will not play out well.”

  “No.” Dracon growled “It will not.”

  “I understand, may I go?” Velen asked still on his knees.

  “Carry on.” Dracon said with a nod. He sat down again next to Venalina and put his hand on hers. She recoiled from him. “Not enough?” he asked.

  “Not nearly.” She growled, “Maybe I want his teeth, as you are so quick to do for yourself when you feel disrespected?”

  “Venalina,” Dracon said sitting back in his seat, “He is my friend, my mentor. I will not bash his face in just because he carries such concern for my wellbeing. That is all it is.”

  “Your wellbeing? I should have let arrows fill his body, but instead I saved him! Saved you all!” The more she spoke the angrier she became. “I want this binding ceremony before the entire of Ganlin, before the coronation. Here, not in your sister’s city.” She said changing the subject abruptly. It amused Dracon.

  “Urixis is the capital of Ganlin, not just my sister’s city.” He said with a chuckle.

  “It is your sisters city. This is the capital of Dracon’s kingdom, this is where I want to call home. This is where I want to be bound!” She said adamantly.

  “Binding ceremony?” Dracon chuckled, “It’s called a wedding. But if it will make you happy, then here is where it shall be.” Dracon acquiesced. “You are in a mood today, what is it?”

  “Nothing.” She said still wearing a scowl and grinding her teeth.

  “The coronation will still be held in Urixis, I will not change that.” He said.

  “No. It should be here as well.” She replied quickly.

  “No?” He asked turning toward her slightly, “It is where my father lies. Is it not enough that I move the wedding? You want this too, so my father cannot see?” Venalina hissed at him like a cat, baring her teeth. There was a giggle from somewhere in the throne room. Dracon snapped his head to see who it was and spotted Saida with a smile on her face that quickly left with Dracon’s attention suddenly on her. She left the area through a side servants’ door as fast as she could. Dracon returned his attention to Venalina, who had a snarl on her face still staring at him with angry eyes, then she vanished, leaving behind a wisp of black smoke where she once sat. Dracon could feel her discontent as sure as it was his own, her anger with Velen. He felt something else was bothering her too, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was. He felt it had something to do with his sister, Queen Menina, but he wasn’t sure and could not imagine why. He sat alone for some time considering what to do about Venalina and Velen at odds with each other, constantly. Venalina was so feral at times she did not understand politics and the ways of court. They had come so far together since he found her naked in a cave and now, she sat at his side, his would-be queen.

  “My lord,” A soldier entered the long great hall before the thrones, “Your brother, Prince Charnio is here.” There was a commotion of men marching behind the soldier in a column, who entered passing the soldier through the floor to ceiling double doors to the great room. Dracon stood then stepped down from the raised thrones to the hall floor. Prince Charnio and his men marched down the hall to Dracon. Prince Charnio’s men stopped twenty feet from Dracon leaving only Prince Charnio and Alkwin to continue to him alone.

  “Well, you truly have returned!” Charnio said stopping several feet before Dracon with his right hand out wide while his other was in a sling. He smiled at Dracon nodding, “And yet you have not come to see me, or call for me? You have the nerve to make me come to you and beg an audience?” Dracon smiled back at his younger brother. “And this, must be your beautiful queen?” Dracon looked behind him and there sat Venalina once again.

  “It’s good to see you again, Charnio.” Dracon said then embraced his brother briefly before Prince Charnio shoved him back.

  “What are you an old woman now?” He feigned a punch at him, then winced and grabbed his arm that was in the sling. Dracon stood back examining his arm.

  “You’re hurt.” Dracon chuckled, “You should take it easy. I don’t want you to have any excuses when we meet in one of your tournaments, if you can still make it that far?” He asked grabbing Prince Charnio’s shoulders.

  “Oh? You intend on testing yourself, do you? I thought you might retire now that you’re the King?” Prince Charnio laughed.

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you? No, I am not retiring little brother, I am young still. Besides, you’re the one who’s been retired while I was out killing the hordes of Terrax. I heard you’d gone soft.” Dracon poked Prince Charnio in his stomach. “This is my Venalina.” He said turning back to Venalina just as she stepped down from the thrones to join Dracon’s side. Prince Charnio smiled and stepped closer to her then bowed.

  “My lady,” he said, “You are truly an unrivaled beauty, that was not an exaggeration.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Charnio.” Venalina curtsied and smiled allowing him to take her hand and kiss it.

  “So,” Prince Charnio said standing to face Dracon, “What’s this business about calling for a meeting in a month, after your wedding, when I am days away at your border?” Dracon became uneasy shaking his head. He looked at the men behind Prince Charnio.

  “Charnio, I want to talk to all of you together. Not one at a time.” Dracon started.

  “You spoke to them already, why can’t I have my say as well? You need to hear what happened before Menina tries to kill you too.” Charnio said getting angry, “It was at such a meeting she bound us, your brothers! She put a spell on Renic and Darrin and even Torak, they are under it still! We need to prepare for war with the elves and Menina!” Dracon shook his head looking at Prince Charnio in disbelief.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Dracon turned away from him, “They are our family and you want to go to war with them? Our brothers, our sister?”

  “No! She is not!” Charnio exclaimed, “When she trapped us with those amulets, she told us the truth. She is not our sister, and Ayana was not our mother. I believe it to be true.” Dracon shook his head at him, not believing a word. “She tried to take it back when I escaped the amulet, but I know it is true! I can feel it.”

  “Calm down.” Dracon said, “I can’t believe how you’ve lost yourself, Charnio? Not our mother? Father would…” Dracon stopped then walked away from him with his fist to his mouth.

  “She told you she was not your blood?” Venalina asked, she knew when she first laid eyes on Queen Menina that she and Dracon were not of the same blood, she knew she was one of her kind. She dared not reveal that to Dracon, she was torn on whether to tell him, given the turmoil of his kingdom. Prince Charnio looked at Venalina sur
prised she spoke, involving herself in their conversation.

  “I’m not sure if this is appropriate to discuss in front of you, my lady?” Prince Charnio explained respectfully with a slight nod, “I don’t want to give you a bad first impression of our beautiful kingdom. Maybe later, in private?” He asked, directing his attention back to Dracon.

  “You’ve got a lot of nerve, Charnio.” Dracon growled.

  “Dracon, we should wait for another time to discuss this.” Venalina said putting her hand on his shoulder.

  “Yes.” Prince Charnio smiled and nodded his agreement with her.

  “Now is the time to celebrate your return. Our binding, the coronation? Then you can fix Ganlin.” Venalina said in her magically laced little girls voice, soothing Dracon’s anger, “Please, Prince Charnio, join us for dinner, send your men to refresh themselves while you dine with us, to welcome your brother home.” She said in a normal voice. Alkwin and Prince Charnio exchanged curious glances at Venalina’s voice change and Dracon’s sudden calm behavior.

  “Yes,” Dracon waved his hand absently at Prince Charnio’s men, “Send your men to the barracks, join us. Since you are already here.” Prince Charnio nodded to Alkwin and the men moved out leaving the throne room. Dracon walked back up to his throne and sat down. Venalina and Prince Charnio remained where they were and watched him curiously. Whispers from his Unholy Reaver began to enter his mind in his weakened mental state, brought on by Venalina’s soothing voice that bent his will. Allowing not only Venalina to manipulate him, but the sword to infect his mind with images and suggestions of its own. Images of death flashed behind his slack jawed visage.

  “Dracon, come, my love… Dinner?” Venalina reminded him with a smile.

  “Yes, yes of course.” Dracon shook from his daze and stood, then walked back down to the throne room floor once again joining Venalina and Prince Charnio. Dracon put his hand on Prince Charnio’s shoulder, “It is good to see you again my brother.” Prince Charnio smiled and nodded.


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