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The Vordalyn 2

Page 14

by Michael T Payne

  “Talila has become one with the elemental trapped within the Fire Ruby.” Venalina said concerned, “Much more quickly than I anticipated.”

  “Is that a bad thing? Weren’t you concerned she wasn’t learning?” Janouc asked. Venalina contemplated the question quietly for several moments not looking at Janouc.

  “Human’s cannot become one with an elemental, it would kill them. Only a Vordalyn has that power…” Venalina stopped talking and narrowed her eyes. “Send them home in an hour, I am going to my library. I do not want to be disturbed.” Venalina turned and left. Janouc bowed.

  “Yes, my queen.” He said.

  Venalina spent most of the night in her library thinking about Talila and her sisters, considering how different they were and how each absorbed the magic she intended for them quickly after sharing Dracon with them. Venalina fed on them, both her mighty king and the women, one at a time. That act made them all absorb the power as Alyndra did, Venalina did not understand why. Finally, after many hours alone she whipped her hand above her head and teleported to her bed chamber. She stood at the foot of the bed watching Dracon, fast asleep, but someone else was in bed with him. Venalina stepped close and Saida popped up in the bed alarmed. She looked at Venalina for a moment then looked away, frightened. She slid out of bed, gathering her clothes from the floor. “Don’t go.” Venalina said in a whisper. Saida stopped and turned back from the door to face Venalina. She used her clothes to cover herself in a bunch in front of her. “Stay with him til the morning, wake with him.” Saida walked back to the bed timidly then dropped her clothes on the floor and climbed back into bed with Dracon. Venalina walked over to Saida’s side of the bed, “Was he awake when you joined him?” She whispered, Saida nodded yes. It made Venalina smile which made Saida smile back at her with a toothy grin. Venalina turned and walked out of the bed chamber leaving Saida and Dracon alone. Saida curled up to Dracon and squeezed him as tight as she could, happy. Venalina walked every inch of the palace until morning. In the palace park she came upon Talila as daylight began to light up the world. Talila was in the fountain sitting in the water that bubbled around her. Venalina walked to the edge of the fountain, watching Talila laugh and splash in the water.

  “Talila, what are you doing?” Venalina asked.

  “Have you ever had servants make you a hot bath, Venalina?” Talila giggled.

  “I have not.” Venalina replied then reached down and stuck her hand in the very warm waters. She smiled, “I don’t want anyone to see you here, Talila. If you want to bathe, do it inside the palace, not out here for the guards to gawk at.”

  “He is a catalyst, isn’t he?” Talila asked standing up in the pool. Her gown stuck to her wet body. Venalina reached her hand out to Talila and helped her step out of the fountain. The waters stopped bubbling as she stepped to the green grass that turned brown under her feet. Venalina cocked her head at Talila’s question, more her choice of words. She wondered if Janouc had taught her its meaning. “You fed on us while we made love to him in his sleep. That’s why we can absorb magic now. Its him. He is the catalyst between us, yes?” Talila asked then held her hands out slightly and closed her eyes. Venalina could feel heat rising around Talila, causing her to step back. Talila dried within seconds then opened her eyes. “Is it true?” She asked.

  “Yes.” Venalina put her hand to Talila’s cheek and smiled, she thought about how Janouc implied Talila was stupid, how her sisters treated her the same. They couldn’t have been more wrong. Venalina could see behind Talila’s struggle to articulate herself, her apparent inability to find the right words, or appear to even understand the world around her. Her mind was working perfectly behind that façade of a childlike innocence, “Why do you do that, Talila?”

  “Do what, my lady?” Talila asked then looked at herself with her arms out slightly, like Venalina was talking about something she was physically doing.

  “The act.” Venalina said, then could see Talila was about to answer with another divertive question. “Don’t.” Venalina said, her smile turned to a serious scowl, then softened as Talila reconsidered her words. “I give you, it’s very clever, clever enough to fool everyone, even your own sisters, but you are not fooling me.” Talila smiled and looked down at her feet.

  “Of course not, my lady, you are too wise.” Talila said still looking down, “Saida was with him all night, ever since we came back from the temple.” Talila said, “Will she become more powerful than the rest of us?” She asked. The curiosity on her face was so childlike and innocent it made Venalina chuckle. It was amusing to her, having realized it was just an act. Talila smiled at her.

  “No, my little Fire Chamaeleon.” Venalina said, unable to contain her laugh, “It is done with three of us, not just two.”

  “Then when can I spend the night with him? I mean really, without making him sleep first? Like a real wife?” Talila asked, her eyes lit up and she bit her lip.

  “You have to develop your own relationship with him, my sweet. Until then, we do it together to make you strong. I suggest you not act simple with our king, he should know you as you truly are, not an act.” Venalina started to walk away from Talila then stopped and looked back at her. She stuck her hand out for Talila to take, when she did, they continued to walk together. “No more displays outside.” Venalina said.

  “But what if this is what I choose?” Talila asked giggling, “I want the power to make men do what I want!”

  “You choose to seduce a guard? Why not the king?” Venalina asked.

  “It’s practice for my king.” Talila ran ahead of Venalina then turned around and continued, walking backwards. Venalina laughed at her. “Saida told us he turned her away the first time. I don’t want him to turn me away, ever!”

  “I can’t imagine anyone would dare turn you away.” Venalina said, “Why do you wish to have power over men? In this way?”

  “You know where we are from? How we are treated?” Talila asked expectantly.

  “I do Talila, its why I brought you here with me.” Venalina smiled.

  “And I love you forever for it!” Talila exclaimed, “Men are lecherous, all men, not just in Qinkas, it is in each man to be overwhelmed with desire for women. It’s almost a disease that makes them lustfully blind to their own actions. I spent my whole life watching men wring their hands in anticipation of me and my sisters becoming old enough to serve our father, deals were made for our virtue. Men would paw us, just short of taking us outright, teased with the promise of one of us given to them by our father. I learned to recognize that look in a man’s eye, I want to turn it on them, torture them! I learned that a man only wants a simple-minded woman, not a smart woman. I would have been sold to someone eventually, so I knew that I needed to be simple, ignorant, and pretty. All the things men find so alluring. At least then I could have been picked by someone so covetous of me, they wouldn’t dare share me! You see, smart women protest, argue, intimidate a man. They are often shared with others readily, it is a way of breaking their spirit, making them more compliant, a better servant. This is the curse of an intelligent woman, also hard to sell, makes her more beaten than others.” As Talila spoke she growled more and more, until she finished speaking with a snarl that made Venalina laugh. Talila’s face quickly returned to an innocent, childlike smile.

  “And what of Dracon? Do you suppose he is such a horrible man? So disease ridden?” Venalina asked crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow at Talila.

  “Oh no, my lady!” Talila took Venalina’s arms and pried them from her chest until she held both her hands. Talila began to pull Venalina in a circle until the two women spun like children. “He is kind and… and considerate, he doesn’t take advantage of us at all. Other men would have had every one of us by now, given the same opportunity. Not my Dracon, he is loyal to his Venalina and would never do anything to hurt you. He cares about our feelings too. He shows us the respect of equals, not property. I love him!” Talila stopped and raised both
her hands and Venalina’s, up and down repeatedly, then let go and spun all by herself, dancing like she was dancing with someone. Venalina laughed watching her, Talila stopped dancing and said, “And I love you, mistress.” Venalina went to Talila and put her hand to her cheek then kissed her. They began walking again, rounding the corner of the building, where they were passed by a group of soldiers. Alkwin was leading the group in a march. They were all Prince Charnio’s men. Venalina and Talila stopped to give way to the men and watched as they marched passed. Alkwin and Talila locked eyes for the briefest of moments as they passed each other, then he quickly looked away. His hands were bandaged, he was visibly trying not to look back at her. Talila giggled. Venalina looked at her then back at Alkwin.

  “Do you know him?” She asked.

  “He is the palace feet inspector.” Talila said laughing.

  “Those are Prince Charnio’s men, Talila.” Venalina said smiling back at her. Talila began to skip off, ahead of Venalina.

  “Royal Feet Inspector, then!” Talila laughed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The sewers under Qinkas were swollen knee high with the rains that came on suddenly in the night. Sevum followed the thief, who was called Cricket, through the sewage and filth. It was dark, and neither could see but Cricket new his way even blind. Sevum could tell that Cricket was trying to disorient him, leading him through side tunnels sometimes in a complete circle before continuing their true direction. Sevum counted every left turn they made, making sure he could find his way out, alone, if necessary. Ahead of them, Sevum could see a door, illuminated by the light shining through the cracks on the other side of it. Cricket paused just outside the door and looked back at Sevum. “Let me see it again.” He said to Sevum.

  “Here, why don’t you just hold on to it.” Sevum said handing him a spoon. Cricket took the spoon eagerly and hid it away in his shirt. Then he opened the door and stepped in. Sevum followed him as close as possible through the small door, both had to crouch to get through. As soon as Sevum stood a man from his right grabbed his hand and put a knife to his throat. Sevum instantly thought he was set-up and was about to be robbed of whatever he had on him, which wasn’t a lot. Sevum never carried much on him, just enough to get through the day. His wealth was always kept hidden in stashes all over Ganlin. When he came to Sumia posing as a scout in the army from Dwerma, he stashed loot in Dracon’s lair before leaving. He came to Sumia empty handed, save for the tools of his trade and his stolen uniform. Sevum always believed it was necessary to keep his pockets empty to make room for stolen loot. It prevented him from appearing too rich and becoming a target himself. A man grabbed Sevum’s left arm while another began going through his pockets. The room was empty save for Cricket and the four men that waited there for them. The fourth man stood watching as his comrade rustled through Sevum’s pockets. The two men holding his hands quickly forced them behind his back and tied them. The man rifling through his pockets started taking Sevum’s shoes off. All the men wore black leather and cloaks. Their mouths were covered by a black cloth, hiding half their faces. The man who took Sevum’s shoes stood and faced their leader, the observer. He dropped Sevum’s shoes on the floor before the man and shook his head no. The man nodded for the three men to step away from Sevum. “You come to announce yourself and you bring no tribute?” The man spoke in a whisper, “You wish to do business in my city and you offer nothing in return?”

  “I brought a token.” Sevum said also whispering then looked at Cricket.

  “He didn’t give me nothing, Click, just a bunch a promise’s is all.” Cricket said. The man, Click, nodded to his men and the one closest to Cricket grabbed him by his throat an put a dagger to Crickets face. “Here, here, here.” Cricket said giving up instantly then pulled out a brown bit of cloth. The man put his dagger away and grabbed the cloth then walked it over to Click. He opened the cloth to see a spoon, a platinum spoon. His eyes went wide.

  “A gift?” Click asked.

  “A promise.” Sevum said, “There is more of that to come, should we come to an agreement?”

  “A very extravagant gift for a man with empty pockets?” Click motioned to one of his men who released Sevum, another man kicked Sevum’s shoes over to him. “Now a job. Proof of skill.” Sevum took the loop of rope still on one of his wrists off, letting it drop to the floor.

  “Name it.” Sevum said then put his hands on his hips. Click looked at the others, he was clearly amused by Sevum.

  “In the palace of Qinkas, above the throne is an axe on display. Bring it to me.” Click whispered. Cricket laughed out loud.

  “Ha! Good one, Click!” He said, one of the other men pulled a dagger out again, “Ok, ok,” Cricket said with his hands up. The man grabbed Cricket by his jacket and jerked him toward the door then shoved him out. Sevum could hear Cricket land with a splash.

  “You have two days.” Click whispered. Sevum nodded then knelt to grab his shoes. Sevum heard someone blow and the candle that lit the room went out. He could hear the room empty, like rats scurrying off in the dark. It took Sevum better than an hour to leave the sewers under Qinkas. Cricket it seemed, did not wait for him, leaving him to find his own way out. It was near noon when Sevum finally exited the sewer opening just outside the city walls. He followed the wall around the city to the main road then joined the traffic heading inside. He wandered the city trying to find his way back to the palace. He could see it towering above the city at its center, but finding a direct route was tricky. Every time he thought he found a main road to the city center, it would end abruptly, or turn another direction entirely. He stopped at a stall to purchase a meat pie being sold there before taking stock of his surroundings then seek out another route back to the palace.

  “How ya gonna do it?” Cricket asked stepping up beside Sevum at the stall then nodding to the owner for a pie of his own. He didn’t look at Sevum eagerly waiting for the pie to be handed over. He licked his lips in anticipation then grabbed it with his dirty finger’s and took two bites before the owner of the stall stuck out his hand for payment. Cricket swallowed slowly, looking at the man nervously, “He’s gonna pay for mine.” He said almost spitting food from his mouth. Sevum looked at Cricket with disgust then handed the owner of the stall a few coins. He turned and started away from Cricket, who followed him, just over his shoulder, devouring the meat pie noisily. “Ya know, getting into the palace is a tricky thing?” Sevum stopped and turned to Cricket.

  “How is it you haven’t had your hands chopped off yet? You are too loud to be any good at what you do.” Sevum growled then started away from Cricket again.

  “Taverns.” Cricket said following Sevum again, “Taverns are loud, very loud. I work ’em.” He said catching up to Sevum, who had stopped, trying to decide between two routes. “Palace is that way.” Cricket said pointing. Sevum glanced at him then started down the road he pointed at. Cricket followed. “You know,” Cricket said walking shoulder to shoulder with Sevum, “I might be able to help you, if you have another one of them spoons?”

  “I don’t need any noisy help.” Sevum said, still disgusted with Cricket.

  “But you do need friends.” Cricket said, “You don’t have any contacts here, and even if ya get what Click wants, it won’t guarantee nothin’.” They neared the palace close enough that Sevum could see the gates. He reoriented himself scanning the area for his stash, then walked to a nearby alley. Cricket followed.

  “Alright, Cricket, tell me about this Click?” Sevum asked.

  “I told you already, he runs Qinkas, everyone pays him for protection, sort of.” Cricket said.

  “What do you mean sort of?” Sevum asked as he looked around on the ground around them. He spotted an overturned wicker basket then kicked it over with his foot revealing a pile of clothes.

  “He don’t do a lot a protecting, just a lot a taking.” Cricket explained. Sevum began to put on the uniform he was wearing before Cricket led him to the sewers to meet Click, leader of the lo
cal thief’s guild.

  “I’m familiar with his kind.” Sevum said, “Guess it’s the same everywhere, we ain’t so different after all.” Cricket nodded.

  “Good luck, soldier boy,” Cricket chuckled, “You know where to find me.” He said then disappeared back into the city. Sevum entered the palace gates unmolested. The guards recognized his uniform, after all, they too served King Dracon. Sevum made his way to the barracks and spotted Satana on her way there as well. He lagged her following out of sight, she looked angry. Men greeted her at attention, as she passed them, she gave them each an angry nod. She was moving toward the barracks with purpose. Sevum considered if he should disappear for the day just to survey the situation and make sure it wasn’t because she discovered he didn’t belong in their midst’s. His curiosity was too great though, and he followed her to the barracks where she threw open the door before entering. Sevum moved around the side of the barracks and leaned casually against the wall, listening near a window to what was going on inside.

  The soldiers popped up from their beds to attention when Satana marched in. Everyone moved quickly to the bottom of the beds that lined the room on both sides. She walked down one line, the whole length of the barracks, then back up the other side, inspecting every man, looking for someone. “Where is Fowlin? Two of you, and him, did not make muster this morning, and the men you were to replace had to stand double shifts!” The men looked around uneasily at each other for someone to admit it was them who were with the still missing Fowlin. The men stood at the foot of their beds. Satana spotted an empty bed and rushed over to it and asked the man at the bed next to it, “Whose bed is this?” She growled. Sevum heard her from outside the window then quickly peeked in to see which bed she was pointing at. When he saw it was not his he rushed around to the door to sneak in and make it to his bed before she noticed. He was able to slip in unnoticed to the foot of his bed while Satana awaited an answer from the soldier before her.


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