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The Vordalyn 2

Page 16

by Michael T Payne

  “Do you dream of your home, Qinkas?” Dracon asked. She ripped a chunk of bread off the loaf and handed it to him.

  “No, that would be a nightmare.” She said looking down, her gleeful expression instantly gone. “I see myself by your side, setting the world afire.” She glanced up at him with a devious smile. Dracon laughed.

  “Afire huh? Just the two of us?” He asked.

  “Why not? It’s my dream?” Talila laughed along with him. Dracon shook his head watching her across the table. She made him smile, something about her, so full of life and fearless. She talked to him like he was just a normal man, not a king.

  “Why setting the world on fire?” Dracon asked her.

  “I don’t know. Why do you feel you are evil in yours?” She asked in return. Dracon’s smile left, reminded of the nightmare’s he’d been having. Talila could hear the pan sear behind her and stood up returning to the pan before it burned. “Dracon?” Talila asked.

  “Yes?” Dracon was curious what she would say next, she was unpredictable and didn’t seem to fear saying anything that came to mind.

  “Is it in your heart to stay in Ganlin… forever?” Talila asked then turned to face him again.

  “How do you mean?” He asked.

  “I never felt more alive than when we were in the wilds of Sumia,” She said, “The uncertainty, the adventure. Being behind protected walls seems….”

  “Uneventful?” He finished for her.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I love your palace, and what Venalina is teaching us is exquisite, but I hope at some time, when we are ready, of course,” She sat down at the table with him and reached across it, grabbing his hands, “Adventure? well into our old age? A dream come true?” Dracon sat looking at her with a smirk considering her words, “I would love to see all of Ganlin first!” She said her eyes lighting up, “Maybe explore the capital city more, what was it called?”

  “Venalina would say it is here, Dragons Claw, but it is called Urixis.” Dracon said taking her hands in his and looking at her fingers as he caressed her finger tips gently. She smiled, watching him.

  “Yes, she does not like your sister either!” She giggled.

  “Did she say why?” Dracon leaned forward looking at Talila intently.

  “No, she never said it exactly, but I can tell.” Talila said still smiling.

  “Yes, I get that feeling as well. At least I know it’s not just me.” Dracon took a deep breath then let it out. His eyes were heavy, he was suddenly very tired and very relaxed. Talila made him feel normal, he was comfortable around her, and she was very relaxed around him too. She was not the least bit intimidated by him. Talila went back to cooking.

  “Your eyes a very red, after you eat you should really rest.” Talila said filling a plate full of what she just cooked for him.

  “That’s easy to say.” He said, “You know very well I won’t get any sleep. I don’t know what Venalina is up to but whatever it is, it doesn’t require me to get any real sleep, just that trance she puts me in, to remember nothing.”

  “Yes,” Talila chuckled, “Saida said you don’t remember us.” Talila walked around the table and put the plate down in front of Dracon. He took a deep inhale, smelling the food then nodded at her. She raised her eyebrows quickly then nodded for him to eat. “This is the richest palace I have ever even heard of.” She commented as she watched him grab a fork and start eating.

  “How do you mean?” He asked after swallowing.

  “Platinum forks and knives? Even the rich of Qinkas only have silverware, no one has platinum ware?” She picked up a handful of utensils, “Unheard of.”

  “It’s not so precious here as it is in Qinkas, Talila.” Dracon chuckled.

  “Well then, you’ll be able to buy all of Sumia, because it is the rarest, above even gold outside of Ganlin.” Talila said sitting across from him at the small table. Dracon nodded then finished eating.

  “You are quite a cook, Talila.” He said.

  “A wife must see to her husband’s needs, even if he doesn’t know what they are.” Her eyes lit up, “Do you want more?” She asked taking his plate as she stood.

  “No, that was plenty, thank you.” Dracon sat back in his seat and yawned.

  “Now you need to sleep then.” Talila walked over and grabbed his arm. “Come with me.” She said pulling on his arm. Dracon gave in to her and let her lead him around the palace. She took him to a bedroom he didn’t even know existed.

  “Whose room is this?” Dracon asked.

  “It’s an empty guest room.” She said pulling him in. Dracon was reluctant to enter, but let her pull him in. Talila went to the bed and threw back the blankets then stuck her hand out to Dracon, “Come.” She said then waved him over with her fingers. Dracon stayed by the door. “What?” Talila asked.

  “I’m not sure what you want from me, Talila, what Venalina wants from me, this is all…” He didn’t know how to explain how odd it was to him without hurting her feelings. Talila walked over and took both his hands.

  “You are my husband. I have already made love to you… many times.” She smiled making him even more uncomfortable, “You need to sleep, just sleep.” Talila backed up toward the bed, pulling Dracon to come with her. He relented, still hesitant. She pushed him to sit on the bed then pulled his shirt off. Talila pushed him back on the bed then stood at its edge. She dropped her dress to the floor then climbed in with him. Dracon was uncomfortable with Talila climbing into bed with him naked. She cuddled up to him and whispered in his ear in a soothing voice, “Sleep, my king, my husband.” Dracon relaxed with her warm body against his and did just that.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Deep in the western reaches of the outer region, miles from Ganlin. The mighty bugbear Um’Vec assembled an army of thousands of creatures that called the wastelands home. They marched as if marching for war, heading to Ganlin to serve the mighty Dark lord risen there, as ordered by Tamina. As the distant lands became visible to them, they, in unison, tore into a run straight for the forested edges of Ganlin and into the southern region of Stones Hallow. When the creatures reached the forests, they were no longer as an army but as a wave upon the land, destroying small trees and bushes in their wake. Many paused to devour the animals of the forests, delicacies they had never had the pleasure to experience before. The sweet meat of the tender deer, the quail, the boar, wild cattle and oxen. All fell to the hordes hunger as it moved through the forests of Stones Hallow. Vegetation and flesh alike were consumed. The horde fed upon the land like locust. The more of the creatures that reached the forest from the outer region the slower the travel. Um’Vec decided to allow the horde to feast until they were satiated. Only then, would he drive them to the north once again to fall to their knees before the Dark lord Dracon that awaited their arrival with his Queen Venalina. Um’Vec was anxious to have purpose and feed upon the flesh of man and beast alike, both sweeter than the meat of their own kind. Miles from the horde, in its direct path lay many villages and the once outpost that had become a bustling town, Dead Hallow.

  It was early evening and the tavern was full. The news of amnesty and an open invitation to all Ganlin to the royal wedding had the town a buzz with whether or not to attend the wedding of the soon to be King Dracon and his Queen Venalina. Serious considerations were being made by the outlaws of Dead Hallow, even Dark Hawk considered the promise of amnesty. But what would become of his town? His Tavern? He made a good life for himself there and was hard pressed to take a knee with the uncertainty of if he would lose it all, or not. What would King Dracon require in return? Would he have to rejoin the army he once abandoned so many years ago? Or would amnesty come without penalty to his status? So many questions to ponder, for him, and all the outlaws of Dead Hallow. Each of the bandit factions could see the benefit of a wide spreading amnesty, as well as the less than appealing return to service, which included being told what to do. It had the tavern in a low grumble as men discussed among themselves the pros
and cons of any decision. Dark Hawk worked the bar with Mani, serving drinks and conducting a very minimal amount of fencing, of which he saw a tangible dip in profits since Sevum escaped his wrath and was no longer doing business in Dead Hallow. It made Dark Hawk secretly consider if he should withdraw the price, he put on Sevum’s head.

  “Whatcha think boss, how many of them are gonna go take a knee?” Mani asked Dark Hawk as he served a drink at the bar. Dark hawk chuckled and shook his head looking out at the crowded bar.

  “Maybe we should all go?” He ruminated to which Mani laughed out loud.

  “There ain’t nothin outside Dead Hallow for us!” He said still laughing, “Even if there was how much fun could it be? We got everything we need right here. I know you ain’t going.” Mani said pouring another drink but handed it to Dark Hawk.

  “What makes you so sure?” He asked Mani.

  “Come on, boss, we ain’t like them. They jump when someone says jump, we call our own shots, kings and queens may rule the land, but we run Dead Hallow.” Mani said then slapped Dark Hawks shoulder. Dark Hawk shot him a look making Mani’s face change from a smile to fear. “Just uh…” He struggled to say. Dark Hawk downed the drink Mani gave him then walked to the other end of the bar to serve a couple of customers.

  A man ran into the tavern screaming, “Run for your lives the demon hordes have returned!” He made it half way through the bar before one of Dark Hawks men grabbed a hold of him. Patrons chuckled and pointed at the man, thinking he was drunk or putting on a show of some sort. But no one believed him. That was, not until a few moments later, when several goblins came rushing into the tavern. They were hardly waist high but the four of them attacked the first patron they came upon who screamed in horror as he was overwhelmed by the sudden attack. Men pulled their swords and daggers quickly, some without weapons grabbed chairs to fend off the creatures. The four goblins fled out a nearby window, leaving the man wounded and struggling to breathe behind them. Everyone was stunned silent.

  “To arms! To arms damn you!” Dark Hawk commanded getting his men to jump into action. Dark Hawk reached under the bar and pulled out his long sword. “Mani! Run back to my room and get my-” before he could finish his words the door to his back rooms burst opened and a creature twice the size of a man shoved his way through the much smaller opening. It smashed Mani with its two closed fists knocking him to the ground then pounded him to death with its bare fists. Dark Hawk froze in panic. A loud crashing could be heard outside the tavern as the hordes fell upon Dead Hallow. More creatures of all kinds rushed in to the tavern and battle was upon them all. Wave after wave of creatures entered the tavern attacking men as they passed through on their way out the other side. Men took refuge behind the bar or fled upstairs as the flow of monsters seemed more intent on passing through than standing and fighting the men in the tavern. Dark Hawk and the men behind the bar stood defensively watching the river flow through his bar destroying everything they charged by. The storm quieted, and the roar of creatures outside could be heard in the distance getting further away from Dead Hallow. Screams of the dying and wounded replaced the sounds of the passing horde outside the tavern walls. Dark Hawk and what remained of the men in the tavern made their way outside to take stock of what was left of their town. It was utterly destroyed in the few minutes of the hordes passing. Hardly a building remained standing after the horde of monsters passed. Bodies littered the street, some motionless, some twitching on the brink of death, others screaming in horror at the sudden hell that was visited upon them. Dark Hawk walked slowly over to where some of the women from Darlia’s parlor collected, seeking refuge in numbers, they huddled together crying. “Tani,” Dark Hawk called to the women hopeful, “Tani!” The women were on their knees weeping. Dark Hawk rushed over, closer to them.

  “I’m here!” Tani called out from the forests edge, peeking out from behind a tree. She started to run to Dark Hawk, before she could clear the forest a bugbear, Um’Vec, appeared from the forest behind her, grabbing her head which disappeared in his giant hand. Um’Vec walked out of the forest with a stone club in his left hand, Tani in his right. Her feet kicked, and her body struggled. Um’Vec was flanked by a group of bugbears, all growling and snarling at the remaining men that gathered behind Dark Hawk.

  “No!” Dark Hawk yelled raising his sword. The women of Darlia’s parlor screamed and huddled together more tightly than before, not knowing where safety could be had in the sudden world of chaos. Dark Hawk moved toward Um’Vec, who held Tani out before him for Dark Hawk to look at. He paused watching Um’Vec, Tani’s legs kicked, struggling for life.

  “Dray!” Um’Vec bellowed loud for all to hear, “Dray…Con!” Dark Hawk looked at the creature Um’Vec confused then looked at the horde around him. More creatures came from the forest, surrounding all who were left of Dead Hallow in a semicircle. The horde before them were of the largest creatures, orcs, gnolls, bugbears. They wore makeshift armor and were ready for battle. Their growls were deafening. “Dracon!” Um’Vec bellowed again and shook Tani roughly, the force of which stunned her motionless. Dark Hawk feared Um’Vec broke her neck until her foot began to move again. “Dracon!” Um’Vec said again holding Tani higher then dropped his stone club and grabbed both her legs by the feet in his massive hand, threatening to tear her apart.

  “No!” Dark Hawk yelled stepping closer, “Wait!” He begged dropping his sword.

  “Dracon!” Um’Vec said again. It was suddenly very clear to them what Um’Vec wanted. Dark Hawk raised his hand slowly and pointed in the direction of Dwerma. Um’Vec nodded to the horde that surrounded him and they began to move in the direction Dark Hawk pointed. Um’Vec walked off dragging Tani still by her head, her feet barely touching the ground trying to stand on her own. It was a gruesome sight, like a child’s doll in Um’Vec’s hand. The people of Dead Hallow could hear Tani’s muffled screams as Um’Vec walked away to the north.

  “Let her go!” Dark Hawk yelled following Um’Vec and his horde. Um’Vec paused and turned back to Dark Hawk then looked down at his hand as if he forgot he still had Tani. He lifted her up and considered her a moment, then tossed her at Dark Hawk. She flew end over end screaming. Dark Hawk rushed to catch her and collided with her flailing body, trying to break her landing. She was thrown with such force their collision almost killed them both. Dark Hawk and Tani eventually regained their senses from the collision. Tani grabbed Dark Hawk desperately, crying.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The caves that were once called home for the Gyona were dark and seemingly endless. Tasar walked just behind Kerym, who led the way, flanked by a soldier with a torch. Kerym studied the walls as the group walked, looking for any writing or depictions of the Vordalyn, or the Gyona. It was slow going. Durlan and his men trailed the expedition impatiently.

  “What is taking so long?” He grumbled, his words echoed through the cavernous tunnel

  “Patience, Durlan, you want to live through this to spend your money, don’t you?” Tasar asked over his shoulder. Leonid chuckled from just behind Tasar. Behind Leonid were four soldiers then Durlan and three of his men he brought to carry any loot, or do any manual labor in the archaeological search of the ancient Vordalyn home.

  “I’ll be dead of old age before we find anything at this rate, Tasar, then you’ll be free from your debt, is that your aim?” Durlan asked then grabbed his water skin he replaced with wine and took a long drink. Even at the slow pace they were travelling, Durlan was breathing heavy, for all his complaining, if the pace did increase, he would be the one holding up the group with his constant need for breaks.

  They arrived at a wall in the cavern that led to their left with a cave. It was the wall surrounding the underground city of Taranath. The wall was a smooth white stone, every man in the group put his hand on the wall to feel it. It was so white it was translucent, the torch light made it glow like it was ice melting. The invitation to touch it was irresistible and no one did.

me a chisel,” Durlan commanded one of his men, “Right here.” He pointed at a spot on the wall when his man handed him the chisel. Asking for a chisel did not mean Durlan was going to actually use it himself, that’s why he brought men. “I want a chunk of this stone, it is remarkable.” His man used the chisel and hammer on the wall with no success. It dulled the chisel.

  “We don’t have time for this, Durlan.” Tasar said, “Let’s follow this wall and see if we can find a way in.”

  “Aren’t you curious, Tasar?” Durlan asked, touching the stone.

  “I think there may be more than white stone ahead of us. Take note of this wall,” Tasar said to one of Durlan’s men, “We’ll come back to it, agreed?” He asked Durlan, who nodded his agreement. The group continued to follow the wall and the cave turned into a hallway. First, only in pieces, then the deeper they went, the more pronounced and fuller the hallway became, no longer a tunnel at all. The stone was no longer white like the wall they first came upon. It appeared they had reached what was once civilization underground. A screech suddenly echoed through the hall, sounding from all around them. The men were instantly alarmed, and the soldiers took defensive stances. Durlan yelled out alarmed by the sound, making Tasar smirk a moment.

  “Be on your guard.” Tasar said to his men.

  “What was that?” Durlan asked very loudly.

  “Why don’t you ask it? Durlan, you’re loud enough for it to hear you?” Tasar growled. Durlan’s eyes were wide with fear, darting all around. Leonid shoved Kerym to continue leading them down the hall. They came to an intersection; each passage mirrored the one they were on. Kerym began to study the corners of the intersection, searching for writings. The soldier with the torch beside him held it up so Kerym could see. He looked down the hall to his left and pointed.


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