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The Vordalyn 2

Page 18

by Michael T Payne

  “East, same as the lair of the Naga.” Leonid said loud enough to be heard over the roar of the water behind them, “The Gyona we encountered were this way.” Leonid faced Tasar as he spoke. Tasar spotted something moving in the shadows behind Leonid. He grabbed his arm and pulled him back out of the tunnel urging him to be quiet with a finger to his lips. He pointed for the entire group to head back to the room of pools.

  “There was something in that tunnel, creeping around in the darkness. Let’s head back to camp and return tomorrow prepared to fight, maybe bring a few more men. Next time we will bring our bows as well.” Tasar announced once they were back on the walkway between the pools and heading back to where they had come.

  It was an hour before they made it back to the mouth of the cave, when they were clear of the bodies, they could see the entire camp was up in arms, facing the path that led to the top of the cliff. Tasar looked to his left to see a group of dwarves standing at the ready, facing his camp. Tasar immediately changed course to move between the camp and the dwarves who stood watching the camp that was in a buzz, alarmed at their arrival. Leonid and the group that exited the tunnel drew their swords following their lord.

  “Hold your positions,” Tasar ordered the men at the camp who moved to join his side upon seeing him. “Leonid, sheath your swords.” He commanded Leonid and the men behind him. Tasar walked toward the group of dwarves with his hands up, to show he wasn’t looking for a fight, then slowly lowered them. “I am Commander Tasar, of Qinkas, greetings.” Tasar said as he came to a stop in front of them. He counted at least forty in the group. The dwarves in front were shoulder to shoulder, while the ones behind them were in a staggered relaxed formation. Tasar could see a man walking through the dwarves toward them. He was hunched over and hobbled, he was a man, not a dwarf. The man pushed through the front line and stepped in front of the dwarves. Someone from behind the dwarves spoke with a coarse voice. Tasar recognized it was speaking the dwarven tongue, a tongue he did not understand.

  “My lord wishes to know which among you is the king who lay waste to the Gyona?” The crooked, broken man asked in a thick dwarven accent. He limped with one arm dangling from his shoulder, as if useless to him. He wore black unassuming clothes and a motley assortment of sewn together cloth as a cloak, that only partially covered his head and one shoulder.

  Tasar paused considering his question and scanned the dwarves around the man for who it was that he called his lord. “If you wish to meet the king, you’ll have some travel ahead of you, I’m afraid.” He said addressing the group still scanning them. Again, the leader spoke. Then shortly after the human.

  “My lord wishes to know if your master is the same one responsible for bringing life back to Cold Lake?” The human asked.

  “It was the men of Qinkas who restored order to the lands around the lake, all the way back to the palace itself.” Tasar stuck his chin out, “We still-” Before Tasar could finish the leader spoke again. A dwarf walked from the group, passed the human who spoke, as he did, he spoke to Tasar and pointed at the bodies around the caves entrance. The dwarf was a rough looking character, a hardened warrior. He had an axe in his hand he used to point at the bodies around the area. He wore black studded armor and his hair was a dark red, matching his beard that was separated in two braids. His face was dirty and caked with mud, and on top of that mud, there was painting all over his face in runic symbols.

  “My lord wishes to know if you were here when this was done?” The human translated. Tasar looked over his shoulder at Leonid and chuckled.

  “Well, introduce yourself, Leonid.” He said.

  “I was here that day.” Leonid stepped passed Tasar, “What do you wish to know?”

  “How it was done?” The human asked instantly. The dwarf looked at the human then back at all the bodies. He walked closer to the mouth of the cave, passed Tasar and his group. Tasar turned keeping the dwarf in his sight.

  “We have claim to what we find in there.” Tasar announced. The dwarf stopped and looked back at his translator, then at Tasar. He bellowed a laugh that made all the dwarves start laughing. The dwarf began to speak after a moment when his brethren finally settled their howling voices. The human translated as the dwarf spoke.

  “My lord wonders if you are prepared for what lies ahead, with such few men?” The dwarf looked at the caves entrance then sniffed the air. He looked at Tasar, then at the camp behind him. “Do you know of the carrion crawler? The creature that feast on the dead within those caves? A creature that will no doubt work its way out here, to these at your feet.” The dwarf walked slowly to Tasar speaking all the while. “My lord offers you a bargain.” The dwarf stopped before Tasar and stared up at him menacingly. “We will clear the crawler from these caves and act as your protection within, and you, will give us an audience with the man who did this.” The dwarf again motioned his axe around the dead Gyona. Tasar considered the dwarf carefully, then looked at Leonid, who shrugged back at him.

  “They do have superior numbers, my lord, and they are more familiar with what might lie beneath than we.” Leonid offered.

  “Yes, but can we live up to our part?” Tasar asked looking back at the dwarf.

  “Queen Jenzenya could?” Leonid pointed out.

  “We cannot introduce you to the man ourselves, but we can put you in front of someone who can? What say you to that?” Tasar asked glancing from the dwarf to the human.

  “Four hundred gold and feed our men, is our counter offer?” The human spoke without hesitation.

  “That’s preposterous.” Durlan said getting Tasar’s attention. He did not notice that Durlan had made his way over behind his soldiers to hear the conversation.

  “Done.” Tasar said, the dwarf looked at his human translator who nodded. The dwarf spit in his hand and held it out to Tasar, who did the same, sealing the deal. “We seek a cage from within the halls there.” Tasar said pointing at the caves entrance, “Help us recover it and any like it, I will make your take eight hundred gold.” The human translated quickly, and the dwarf chuckled looking around at his men then shook his head yes and laughed heartily. He slapped Tasar on his arm so hard, it almost knocked him from his feet.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dracon walked back and forth in front of the mirror, examining the new clothes made for him by the tailor. He turned around trying to see what he looked like from behind. Then he walked back to the three mannequin torsos that each had a different outfit on them. The tailor followed Dracon as he paced, trying to decide which outfit he liked the best.

  “Your highness, might I suggest something a little different in color scheme, something more appropriate for a wedding?” The tailor asked.

  “I want something with more black in it, this has too much color. Maybe some grey as well, like this.” Dracon pointed at a different outfit. The tailor helped Dracon out of his outfit and into the other. Again, he paced in front of the mirror. Queen Menina was suddenly in the room with Dracon and the tailor. Dracon did not see her appear, nor did the tailor.

  “You’re not going to wear that are you? That is not a wedding day outfit, little brother?” Queen Menina asked, alarming Dracon and the tailor. Dracon did not flinch or lead on that he was alarmed. He looked at her in the mirror’s reflection, “Hardly the colors of a king on his wedding day.”

  Dracon looked at the tailor, “Leave us.”

  “Yes, my lord.” The tailor said then left the room.

  “I suppose, I’ve grown use to the women in my life appearing and disappearing without warning, or permission. I’ve never seen you do that before Menina?” He asked curiously, after the tailor left the room. He turned away from the mirror to face Queen Menina. She walked over to Dracon and fixed his collar.

  “I am not a child anymore, Dracon, I can do many things that would boggle your brutish mind.” She said smiling at him.

  “Brutish, am I?” Dracon took a deep breath. Queen Menina laughed.

  “No, I suppose not. W
hen did we see each other last?” She asked, “I think you were fifteen, off to war, wearing that armor that hung off you, so much bigger than you needed. Oh, but you had to wear it, didn’t you? I remember father trying to tell you, wait until it fit, he said, wear the smaller one, he said.” She dusted off his shoulders, “You have truly grown into a powerful man, little brother.”

  “What are you doing here, Menina?” Dracon asked, “I said I would speak with all of you after my wedding. Together.”

  “After your wedding, after the coronation, Dracon really, we are family, we should speak freely and regularly. Peace means we can visit often, families can, and should, stay together.” She said and patted her hands on his chest.

  “Tell me about your amulets, Menina, how about we start with that bit of family togetherness?” Dracon asked.

  “I think you’ll appreciate this. You should, given the alternative.” She said with a smile. “I told you how Charnio was very reluctant to follow mother’s orders in the chaos that followed father’s death, and your disappearance?” She asked, Dracon nodded as she spoke. “Well, it was clear he was going to be a problem, and he was, like you would not believe. Dracon, he killed our countrymen. He lost his mind. He thought he should be king in your absence, even over Renic and the others.”

  “I know things were…” Dracon said but couldn’t think of how to finish that sentence.

  “You don’t know. You had your own ordeal, but it was not an easy time here. I had to do things to maintain order, and move forward, toward peace. My decisions made people hate me, Dracon. I had to throw people out of Urixis, just so they would move out into the lands and make a home of where once war waged on. It was not easy, and being opposed by Charnio… it was hard. I had to fight with him, yet spare him at the same time. You don’t know what I went through!” Queen Menina was very animated and her hands were gesturing all over the place as she spoke.

  “I don’t judge you, Menina. Ganlin flourishes.” Dracon stepped closer to Queen Menina and grabbed her hands, “Ganlin flourishes because of the decisions you made. I understand you had hard decisions to make. Charnio lives because of your mercy. Menina, you were made for this, I only wish I could-”

  “Hello,” Venalina interrupted. “My love, I did not know your sister had arrived so early, why didn’t you tell me? I could have prepared. We weren’t expecting anyone for days? A week even?” She said with a forced smile.

  “This wasn’t planned, I just popped in to see my brother for a moment, that’s all.” Queen Menina said smiling at the sudden appearance of Venalina, who walked into the room and circled the siblings. Dracon could sense Venalina’s fear and suspicion of his sister.

  “Just popped in?” Venalina asked, walking over to Dracon, putting herself between him and his sister. She pretended to fawn over his new clothes, much in the same way Queen Menina did. Dracon looked at the door to the room which was partially open. He could see Talila and her sisters were just outside the door, watching, listening.

  “Yes,” Queen Menina said having to back up when Venalina inserted herself between her and her brother, “I don’t know what my brother told you about me, but I am a, how would you put it…”

  “A witch?” Venalina asked. The girls outside the door giggled drawing Queen Menina’s attention to the open door. Queen Menina waved her hand and the door slammed shut.

  “Venalina!” Dracon said angrily then looked back at the door.

  “What?” Venalina asked putting her hand to her chest and stepping away from Dracon, “I thought that’s what you call women who use magic in your lands? It’s what your man, Velen, calls me, still?”

  “It’s ok, Dracon.” Queen Menina said smiling at them both, “Venalina, I regret we haven’t had much time to get to know each other since you’ve arrived here in Ganlin.” Queen Menina looked at Dracon, “Would you mind if I stole her for some time, to get to know one another, like we should have already done?”

  “I don’t-” Dracon began to say.

  “Where shall we go? We can go now?” Venalina asked stepping between Queen Menina and Dracon again.

  “I have a lovely garden in Urixis, we can meet there, whenever you’re ready.” Queen Menina said.

  “I’ll meet you in your throne room, then we can walk there together.” Venalina countered. Queen Menina smirked then disappeared in a white wisp of smoke. Venalina looked back over her shoulder at Dracon, with a snarl on her lips.

  “Venalina…” Was all Dracon could get out before she too, disappeared. Dracon looked back at the door, “You can come in now.” He said then walked over to the door, “Talila, I said you…” He stopped talking when he opened the door and the sisters were gone.

  Queen Menina appeared in her throne room and immediately yelled, “Everyone out!” She startled the people milling about there, making them scurry like cockroaches. Her guards filled the area slamming every door to the throne room shut, then stood at each entrance. Tamina walked out to the center of the room before Queen Menina.

  “What is it, Aynisa?” She asked concerned.

  “Make yourself scarce, she is coming!” Queen Menina said with a sense of urgency that made Tamina disappear, not a second too soon. Just as Tamina vanished, Venalina appeared with her four sister wives, each wore a dress that favored a different color. Alyndra’s dress favored mostly white, Saida, green, Kaylin, blue and Talila, red. Queen Menina stepped down from the elevated throne to the floor. “Welcome,” she said and stopped. She wondered why Venalina’s servants did not wear the colors of Dracon’s banner, or why she brought them with her, for that matter? “It took you longer than I thought it would. Did you hesitate? Are your teleportation skills still lacking?” She asked.

  “No.” Venalina said eyeing Queen Menina. The women with Venalina stood tall and straight. Each wore a scowl, staring at Queen Menina the same way Venalina was looking at her.

  “It is customary for our parents to approve your union with my brother. Seeing as they are dead, that task falls to me, the eldest. So, you see, it is good we have this time together. I don’t understand, however, why you brought these servants with you? We have plenty of-”

  “We are the wives of King Dracon! You will approve or disapprove nothing. It is already done!” Talila stepped forward and corrected Queen Menina in almost a snarling yell. Queen Menina looked at Venalina with a raised eyebrow waiting for her chastise Talila and put her in her place. Venalina said nothing and continued to stare at Queen Menina.

  “I see.” Queen Menina said then began to walk to her right, away from the women. They watched her walk to a door on the far side of the room, when she got there, she turned around just as the guards at the door opened the doors for her. “Are you coming? My garden is this way?” She asked. Venalina glanced at the women on either side of her, then began toward Queen Menina, followed by the women with her. Queen Menina waited just inside the hall then began walking again when Venalina arrived. “Are these wives of Dracon, human? I mean you and I are going to speak plain with one another, aren’t we? Do you wish them to hear it?”

  “They are Ffrei, but they are human.” Venalina answered, “I hide nothing from them. They know what I am, if that’s what you mean?” Venalina stopped making Queen Menina stop and turn to face her. Venalina transformed before her eyes, into her true self. The guards with Queen Menina stepped between the two women to defend their queen. Venalina grabbed one of the guards by his neck and fed on him so quickly, he aged in the blink of an eye, then died in her grip.

  “Fíeda!” Talila yelled and the other guard caught fire, turning to ash just as quickly as the other aged. Queen Menina stepped back several steps, caught off guard, in fear for her life.

  “Let’s speak plain then, shall we?” Venalina growled, speaking in her ancient, native tongue, walking toward Queen Menina. She stumbled backwards as Venalina walked toward her, each step made Venalina rise higher into the air, as if she were walking up steps, until she floated a few feet off the ground. Her wings
fluttered, pushing her down the hall. Queen Menina understood every word Venalina spoke and it terrified her that she understood the language she didn’t realize she knew. But she did know it. She panicked, disappearing in a white wisp. Venalina scared her beyond anything she ever felt before, with her black eyes. Venalina stopped floating down the hall, considering what to do next, how would this end between them, and what would she say to Dracon? She looked at Talila just behind her. She never felt more love for Talila than she did right then. Talila acted without hesitation. Venalina did not plan to attack those guards, and was caught up in the moment trying to intimidate Queen Menina. Talila’s instant assistance gave Venalina a sense of love and pride for her that made her stare at Talila with a satisfied smile. She glanced at the other women who were each alarmed by what they witnessed, which changed Venalina’s proud smile to one of disappointment at the other sisters. She turned her attention back down the hall. The sisters could see her disappointment and bowed their heads, embarrassed. Venalina started down the hall without a word to any of them, Talila stayed close behind, oblivious to Venalina’s pride or her sister’s embarrassment, she was focused on a confrontation, ready to fight! The sisters followed. Venalina stopped in front of double glass doors, beyond them, a garden. She pushed open the doors and flew in cautiously, looking for Queen Menina. It took Venalina and her sister’s several minutes to find Queen Menina in her garden, when they did, she was not alone. Queen Menina and Tamina were huddled together. Queen Menina was crying and Tamina was trying to calm her. Tamina stood quickly to face Venalina, who stopped when she recognized her. Queen Menina cowered behind Tamina like a frightened child. “Wait!” Tamina said, pointing at Venalina, then opened her hand showing her, her palm. “Let’s talk, Venalina, you don’t want to do this.”

  “You dare presume to know my mind?” Venalina asked with her angry black eyes. She was confused and angry to see Tamina. She remembered her all too well.


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