The Vordalyn 2

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The Vordalyn 2 Page 20

by Michael T Payne

  “How is it you can do such marvelous things?” He asked short of breath, “Is it the same with her highness, Venalina?”

  “We are each powerful in such ways.” Talila said smugly, still giving him flirtatious glances. Alkwin could not make sense of Talila, she burnt him for touching her and seemed to want to goad him into doing it again? Only to burn him again? He knew she was dangerous; her playful nymph act was a ruse to torture him. She flirted with him so boldly, it made him wonder if she meant to get a man’s head removed by her king. Did she hate men? Was that her game? Torture every man she met? Or just Alkwin? When they reached the gate to the edge of the outer region, alarms sounded. First, along the back of the palace wall, then all along the walkways atop the walls at the lookout points. Alkwin looked up at men scurrying atop the wall pointing into the outer region. He hurried through the gate to see what it was they spotted.

  “Remain within the walls!” Alkwin ordered Talila then ran through the gate. Talila would not be left behind and ran along with him. “My lady, get back to safety!” He said. Alkwin was a soldier, bred for battle, he easily outpaced, then left Talila behind. Though she tried to keep up with him, she was nowhere near the level of athlete that he was. The gate was only big enough for one man to pass through at a time. Beyond, lie a path that wound down the cliff face, some of it natural, and some of it, man-made, with rudimentary steps and ladders, only the men of Dragons Claw knew it existed, and now, so did Talila. It was not an easy trek and very treacherous in some parts. Alkwin came to a plateau that allowed him a clear view to the cliff face bottom and the outer region beyond. He could see it was King Dracon returning to the city from within the outer region. He examined him closely trying to make him out, he was sure it was King Dracon, but he appeared to be almost naked, dragging a sword at his side. He looked winded and covered in dark dirt, maybe mud. Alkwin began down the path again just as Talila caught up to him. She was about to speak but he did not wait. Talila rested a moment catching her breath with her hands on her knees, shaking her head that he did not wait for her. She pressed on slowly at first until she caught her second wind. Once to the floor of the cliff bottom, Alkwin hurried toward Dracon deeper into the outer region. He was farther away than he appeared making Alkwin fear for his own safety, deep in the outer region where monsters roam. Once shrouded in mist and hidden in the crags and rock that was the land within. He managed over three rock covered hills to a flat area, some two to three hundred yards that King Dracon walked upon. Alkwin could see he was barefoot and only wore his breeches. He was not, Alkwin discovered, covered in mud, but blood. His eyes were half-closed as if he were in a daze or about to fall asleep. “My lord!” He called to Dracon as he walked toward his palace. Dracon did not respond or make any sign he recognized Alkwin, or even knew he was there. Alkwin stopped watching the oblivious Dracon approach. “My lord, are you hurt?” He asked as Dracon brushed by Alkwin, oblivious to his presence, breathing heavy, exhausted, his sword dragging in the dirt beside him. The blade left a black trail in the ground leading back into the depths of the outer region. Alkwin followed Dracon as he began down the hill. Talila was still back at the first hill. Alkwin examined Dracon and could not see any wounds. He did see that he was covered in more than just blood, there were bits of flesh and bone and all manner of gore covered his back, even through his long black hair, like he swam through a sea of flesh. Alkwin looked at the trail the sword left behind as it dragged in the dirt. He knelt to examine it. He could see it bubbled and did not dare touch it. He heard a horn blow from within the city and perked up, it was the call for the cavalry.

  The horn was called for by Velen after he was alerted that something was coming from the outer region toward the city. He mounted his horse and mustered the call, taking all who could ride within the minutes of the horns sounding. Twenty men rode out of the palace grounds led by Velen through the city streets to the main gates. It was the only gate large enough to accommodate the men on horseback. The city alarms began to chime shortly after the horn for the cavalry. People fled the open streets to the safety of their homes, those who served as soldiers began to ready themselves to report for duty. Velen led the men along the outer wall of the city to the edge of the outer region it bordered, from there, they headed north behind the palace to the base of the cliff the palace was built upon, way up high. It was from there that the reports spotted the interloper’s approach.

  Alkwin ran to Dracon, walking beside him, “My lord, what happened to you? Where were you?” He asked hoping to garner any information from him, still, Dracon marched on toward his home, out of breath as though he ran all the way there. Talila topped the second hill as Dracon and Alkwin began to climb it. She stopped, winded. She saw the two men coming her way and decided to wait there for them. Dracon was a mess. Talila looked out into the outer region from where he came and wondered when in the night had he traveled so far out only to return then and in such a state. She was in the very bed with him all night making love to him with Venalina, how was it possible? She watched Dracon scale the hill, dragging his black sword, leaving a black trail. She could tell immediately something was wrong with him the way he looked right through her, without any recognition in his eyes. Still, he knew where he was going. Talila stepped aside as he topped the hill, passing her. As she turned watching him, she spotted the cavalry riding along the edge of the outer region, creating a storm of dust under their hoofs, they were still a far way off.

  “Dracon!” Talila said, alarmed at the approach of the cavalry, she ran to him only a few steps away from her. She grabbed his arm, “Dracon, men are coming, collect yourself!” Dracon stopped walking taking deep breaths. Then suddenly he spoke. It was gibberish, he stared straight ahead, looking at the palace, speaking in gasping breaths. Alkwin watched shaking his head, trying to make sense of it all. “Dracon,” Talila said grabbing the sides of his head and forcing him to look down at her, “See me,” She said, “Where have you been?” She let go of his head and looked at her hands, disgusted at the filth that covered him. Dracon looked again at the palace, then started walking almost knocking Talila over. Alkwin helped steady her just enough to stop her from losing her balance. Alkwin noticed that Dracon’s sword was gone which made him look back down the hill to see where he had dropped it, but could not find it. He spotted the black trail the sword left, and curiously, it led to just where they were standing. Alkwin looked around at his feet for the sword but it was gone. Talila followed Dracon, calling his name in futility. The horses were closing in and the storm of hoofbeats could be heard getting louder. Talila looked back at Alkwin with desperation in her eyes. Alkwin understood this was less than desirable for the king in his current state and why Talila was concerned. He looked to the southwest at the cavalry’s approach, they were in battle formation. As they crested the first hill the cavalry, with Velen at its head reached Dracon, Talila, and Alkwin. The cavalry circled them and came to a stop. Velen jumped from his horse and rushed to Dracon. Before he could say anything, Dracon’s face turned to a snarl, looking at the men that surrounded him. He stuck his arms out wide with a battle cry. Instantly, his armor appeared sending fear through the men around him. Horses reared, throwing many of the men to the ground, then fled leaving riders struggling to return to their feet. He brought his hands together before him and as they came together, his Unholy Reaver appeared.

  “My lord, it’s me Velen!” Velen yelled standing out of reach of Dracon’s blade, should he swing it. Talila and Alkwin backed away, both unsure of what was happening and in fear of what Dracon may do to all of them he didn’t seem to recognize. Several men fled, running back from where they came, same as their horses. Velen stood his ground with the faith that his friend, even in his distraught state, could never harm him. Velen walked up to Dracon, covered in his demonic armor.

  Kill him! Feed me more! The Unholy Reaver commanded. Dracon raised his sword above his head with a growl, ready to cut Velen in two. On his downward swing, Talila screamed, “

  Inches before Velen’s face, Venalina appeared at Dracon’s side, and in her little girl’s voice, whispered, “Stop.” Dracon froze in place, “Sleep.” Dracon began to crumble to the ground, disappearing before he reached it. Venalina stood in silence surveying the area, then the fleeing men and horses. “Is any among you hurt?” Velen and what was left of his men were stunned silent. Alkwin too, was in much the same state.

  “We are fine.” Talila said then walked to stand at Venalina’s side.

  “We are not fine!” Velen said looking at Venalina angrily, “What was that, Venalina? What have you done to my king? My friend!”

  “She is Queen Venalina!” Talila stepped in front of her, walking right up to Velen with the same snarl on her own face as was on his, her finger right in his face, “You had better start showing respect or you will be punished for your insolence!” Velen looked down at Talila so angry his face turned red, and yet he was speechless. He looked like his head was about to explode from anger. Alkwin walked over, putting himself between Velen and Talila, urging her to return to Venalina’s side.

  “I’m sure you have questions, captain. We will see to his highness, return to your duties.” Venalina said.

  “My lady.” Velen said with a new sound of respect in his voice that his face did not match. Venalina looked at Alkwin then nodded.

  “My Queen.” Alkwin knelt before her and bowed his head. Venalina whipped her hand in the air making her and Talila disappear in a black wisp. Velen turned and stomped off, ordering his remaining men to return to the city. Alkwin looked to where the two women had just been until the black mist, left by their disappearance, dissipated. He stood up then followed Velen.

  “Velen,” Alkwin called as he rushed to catch him, “That armor? That sword? How is it possible?”

  “How do you think?” Velen snarled his response.

  “Lady Venalina and that Lady Talila, are both wielders?” He asked.

  “I told you she was, the other one, she is no lady.” Velen said as the two men marched side by side.

  “You traveled with them, has this ever happened before?” Alkwin asked. Velen stopped to face him.

  “Has what, ever happened before?” He asked, “Has my friend and king, ever forgotten my face and tried to kill me?” He finished in an angry yell. Alkwin watched him as Velen began to calm. “We have only ever been at odds over that witch he calls his queen.” He growled, “She is not human. She is a shapeshifter we found in a cave. She has bewitched him somehow. I don’t know what she is doing to him, but she feeds on him like some sort of parasite. The first time I witnessed it…”

  “By the gods!” Alkwin said shocked, “And those… ladies of hers, the other wives? Are they the same, that Talila?”

  “Other wives?” Velen asked surprised, “Those women are not wives.” Velen chuckled, “Just some noblemen’s daughters they took a shine to. They are humans from the city of Qinkas, serving as her personal servants. That is all. She’s an idiot! That Talila is toying with you, she is not right. She has no magic, she is a simple servant. Why they let her speak the way she does, I’ll never know. Possibly because she is so simple.” Velen started walking again.

  “Simple?” Alkwin asked, “No magic?” He could not believe that, his hands were proof enough.

  “Yes. She is not very bright, a young mind of sorts, I don’t think she will ever be more than a child. A stupid child at that.” Velen said. Alkwin pondered his words as they walked. He didn’t find her to be simple, flirty, yes, but not simple. If she was not a wife of the king and had no magic, how did she burn him? Either Velen was keeping a secret from Alkwin, or he had no idea. Alkwin intended to find out.

  “Do you have any idea where Lord Dracon was? Or what he was doing out there?” Alkwin asked pointing behind them.

  “I do not.” Velen said, “Did he say anything to you? To the girl?” He asked.

  “No, he was covered in blood and filth, he had met with battle of some sort, that was clear. But he did not recognize the girl. He was ignorant to my presence as well. He spoke in some gibberish before continuing toward the palace.” Alkwin explained.

  “I would ask that we keep this quiet for now, but the men who fled have no doubt already loosed their tongues to any who would listen.” Velen looked at Alkwin, who nodded his agreement.

  “How do you wish to proceed?” He asked.

  “With caution,” Velen smirked, “But this will not play well with the rumors about him that were spread before our return.”

  “No, no it will not. We should do our best to contain this as much as possible. It’s still early in the day, we have some hope.” Alkwin pointed out.

  “Hope.” Velen said shaking his head. Ahead of them more men on horseback entered the outer region, coming for them, “It was a training exercise, let’s see if we can get away with that? The king wanted to test our ability to respond to a threat.”

  Venalina and Talila appeared in the underground city of the Priests of O’on. They were in a room with an altar and a statue of Venalina. Talila had never seen the room before and immediately began to explore it. Dracon was on the altar, surrounded by priests murmuring. One of the priests left the room in search of Janouc. Venalina walked to the altar. “Begone.” She said and the priests spread out, making room around Dracon, who was still in his armor. His sword was gone, however. “I said begone!” The priest began to leave the room quickly. “Wait!” She commanded, “Bring water and towels.” Venalina whispered and the armor slowly vanished, leaving the bloody mess that was Dracon, behind. “Where were you my love?” She whispered to him. She leaned down and took a deep breath, smelling him, then she grabbed his face and turned it so she could get at his neck. She bit down on him and images flashed in her mind, of people screaming in horror, fleeing in terror, no one survived. Not a man, woman, child, or beast, wherever Dracon was, he killed everything living. She was blind to where he had been, which concerned her. He was usually an open book when she fed, but it was only images and flashes, something was blocking her from seeing inside his mind clearly. Venalina stood back up from him and wiped the foreign blood from her mouth then licked her fingers, it was human blood. She looked around the room to find Talila was examining statuettes, oblivious to the task at hand. “Talila.” Venalina said getting her attention, “Come here.” Talila obeyed and came to Venalina’s side then looked down at Dracon.

  “He’s very dirty, and gross.” She said giggling.

  “Yes. We are going to clean him.” Venalina said as the priests returned with towels and buckets of water.

  “Do you remember him leaving in the night?” Talila asked, she took a towel from one of the priests then waved another over, who held a bucket. She dipped the towel in the bucket then began wiping Dracon down with the wet towel, casually. It was, after all, something she did regularly. It made Venalina smile. They spent a lot of time fawning over Dracon when he was unconscious, so to Talila, it was just like any other day.

  “I do not.” Venalina said and her smile left her. She thought about the night before and when Dracon could have made an exit.

  “Where did he go? You could taste it, couldn’t you?” Talila asked. Venalina began washing Dracon, thinking about Talila’s question a moment before answering.

  “I could not, I saw death by his hands, nothing more.” Venalina said and lifted Dracon’s hand washing it.

  “Another vision?” Talila asked.

  “I’m afraid not.” Venalina said shaking her head.

  “What does it mean?” Talila asked.

  “It means we need to protect him all the more.” Venalina looked over at the door as Janouc entered. He came straight to the altar, opposite of Venalina and Talila.

  “What happened to him?” Janouc asked alarmed at the state of Dracon.

  “He is fine, Janouc, gather my sisters from the palace, bring them here immediately.” Venalina ordered.

  “You mean the daughters of Castien?” He asked. Vena
lina could see Talila’s face scrunch up at that reminder of her father.

  “You are never to call them that again. They are my sisters.” Venalina said then looked at Talila.

  “Of course, my lady.” Janouc bowed then left the room.

  “I bless the day we met, Venalina.” Talila said as she continued cleaning Dracon, “Are you afraid he may have killed people?” Venalina said nothing and walked around the other side of Dracon, until she was across from Talila. “I don’t care if he did.” Talila said.

  “We will call it a dream, like before, not real.” Venalina said.

  “Then how did he get covered in all this filth? You don’t have to hide it from me. This is flesh and blood, Venalina?” Talila asked then lifted her filthy towel, letting a bit of flesh fall from it to the floor watching it all the while.

  “I know what it is!” She snapped at Talila then calmed. “When your sisters get here, we will get to work. Let’s finish cleaning him before anyone else joins us. We will call it a bad dream. No one needs to know the details.”

  “What are we going to do when they get here?” Talila asked.

  “I will prepare you and your sisters to use your magic as one, that we might fight and defend our husband. I fear this may have consequences.” Venalina said looking down at the filthy Dracon. It made Talila smile, devilishly, she couldn’t wait to learn more offensive magic. Janouc returned to the room in a rush, followed by a battlemage, it was Kerym.

  “My lady, I have urgent news!” Janouc announced getting the attention of everyone in the room. Venalina stopped what she was doing and turned to face Janouc and the young battlemage behind him. She nodded at Talila to continue cleaning Dracon.

  “What is it Janouc?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Satana and Thikuf walked down the long side hall in the palace from the stables to the main throne room. They were summoned by Queen Jenzenya. Their pace was one that lacked urgency, they both wished a moment to talk with one another about the expanse of death and what Thikuf proposed.


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