The Vordalyn 2

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The Vordalyn 2 Page 21

by Michael T Payne

  “Tell me more about this idea of yours, Thikuf. Why do you believe the expanse is receding?” Satana asked.

  “As I’m sure you did in Ganlin, we patrol the edge regularly, to keep watch for danger from within. Sometimes foul creatures would come in groups, maybe ten, twenty at a time. We would have to drive them back.” Thikuf said.

  “Hold on.” Satana said stopping in her tracks then slapped Thikuf’s shoulder to make him stop walking, “Dracon pointed something out to me and I keep forgetting it. How is it you could patrol the expanse and be at war with Terrax barely able to leave your city in safety, so you’ve claimed? Your people have been keeping a secret about your relationship with Terrax?” Satana crossed her arms over her chest expectantly. Thikuf looked at her a moment then slowly turned to walk again.

  “We were at war with the man, it is true, a swear to you. But the nobles had a tenuous agreement with him. We were allowed to patrol the expanse for the safety of Sumia, furthermore, he allowed us to thrive, albeit contained within a predefined border surrounding Qinkas.” Satana followed after Thikuf as he spoke, “In return, we would pay him a tax of sorts, supplies.”

  “Supplies he used to wage war on my people.” Satana said in a growl.

  “Satana, you have to understand, we did not know of your existence until that day my men and I came upon you in the forest. We kept this from you because….” He stopped. “It’s not my place to explain.”

  “Whose place is it then, Thikuf?” Satana again stopped walking, “If not one who is my friend, then who?” She asked.

  “We are your friends, allies. Queen Jenzenya is true in her words to you! Have no doubt about that!” Thikuf said forcefully, “She had no idea of this arrangement. It was done without her knowledge, well before she took the throne. The nobles have kept her in the dark all along and with the appearance of your people, it was decided the whole ordeal was better left forgotten, along with the memory of Terrax himself.” Thikuf said, “It is not something any of us are proud of. We know of your plight and are embarrassed of our part in it. But we had no idea, Satana, you have to understand that?” Thikuf pleaded. Satana stared at Thikuf shaking her head.

  “The outer region, why do you think it’s receding?” She asked after a few moments. Thikuf took a deep breath while Satana began to walk again without him.

  “Well,” He started, then caught up to her, “The area we were at, where we came upon your men. That area was deep in the expanse, all that new growth was once covered in dust and gas. Those dead creatures that littered the area, once called the mist home. It seems that when your lord put the sun back in motion, he cured the land between our two kingdoms as well.” Satana smiled.

  “My king is mighty. So mighty, his ego will hardly be able to find a room big enough to contain it, when he finds this out.” She chuckled, “I hope you are right, Thikuf, this could mean good things for both our lands.” They continued to walk, mostly in silence, both ruminating the idea of a world free of the expanse of death. When they reached the great room, they could sense immediately there was a buzz in the air. Something was amiss. An attendant approached Thikuf.

  “Her highness awaits you General, she wants you at her side, quickly.” The young man said, “And you too, Lady Satana.” The title of lady he used made her face twist, reflecting her disgust.

  “She is Commander Satana, not a lady, you’d do well to remember that, boy.” Thikuf said glancing at Satana with a smirk.

  “Yes, General.” The young man replied quickly, not daring to meet Satana’s intimidating glare. He turned and led the two through the crowd and directly to the queen’s side. Queen Jenzenya was wringing her hands nervously. When she spotted the pair, her eyes widened, relieved at their arrival. The fear on her face was evident to both Thikuf and Satana.

  “What is it my queen?” Thikuf asked as they stepped to her side. Queen Jenzenya grabbed Satana’s arm and pulled her, urging her to stand at her side.

  “Tasar has returned. He sent word from the gates, he demands an audience. He is not supposed to be here.” She said desperately, “I think he is going to make a move against me. Defy me outright! That is why he returned I know it!”

  “Why do you worry so, my queen?” Thikuf asked. Before she could answer, Tasar was announced to the entire assembly within the great room. Queen Jenzenya grabbed Satana’s hand tightly for support. It made Thikuf curious why she didn’t seek him out for support, like she seemed to feel safer with Satana at her side than with him. It made him question her trust in him. Did she see him like the other the men of Qinkas?

  Castien approached the steps at the bottom of the raised thrones where Queen Jenzenya, Thikuf, and Satana, stood waiting. “Your highness,” He said then nodded before taking his place, facing the approaching entourage. The room was loud with murmurs of speculation. Tasar marched across the great room, flanked, and followed, by rows of soldiers all wearing the colors reflecting Tasar’s house. Within the rows of Tasar’s soldiers, were dwarves. They were feral looking, dirty dwarves. The crowds of nobles in the room whispered and pointed at the dwarves, surprised to see them. They looked like prisoners being led in. Satana took notice they wore dark colors, remarkably similar to the colors Dracon chose for himself, when they were in the home of the Priests of O’on. Dracon took command of what was left of them, after Terrax’s defeat. The colors were so similar in fact, Satana wondered if they were a splinter group of the priests, come home to make themselves known.

  “Your highness,” Tasar said loud enough to be heard over the whispering crowds, then took a knee before her. The men behind him followed suit, even the dwarves. It left one man standing in the center of Tasar’s entourage. He was dressed in the same dark motley colors as the dwarves, but he was a human. It was clear he was a broken man and could not kneel without great difficulty. He alone stood, but bowed as low as his broken body would allow.

  “Rise, Lord Wynkian,” Queen Jenzenya said, mustering all her courage to give the appearance of a fearlessness a rightful queen should display. “What brings you from your post at Cold lake, with such urgency that you could not request a summons?”

  “My queen,” He said standing once again. His show of respect was unexpected, he was almost joyous to address her as his queen. It made Queen Jenzenya very suspicious. She glanced briefly at Castien, who was also taken aback by Tasar’s show of respect. “I have been tasked with the pleasure to introduce you to these dwarves, from beyond the reaches of Cold Lake, may I humbly introduce you to the Nail of the North, Grik Forgeson.” Tasar turned toward the center of the group behind him. A dwarf made his way in front of Tasar, followed by the broken bodied human, limping behind him. The dwarf bowed deep and long then grunted a greeting. Satana spoke the dwarven tongue and understood the greeting was less than respectful. “Tell this insignificant she-human, I said hello, or whatever passes for politeness, among these perfumed, weak-backed, people.” Grik said. The broken man began to speak. But Satana interrupted him, stepping down a step, between Queen Jenzenya and the group.

  “That disrespect will not go unpunished here, you slug of a thing.” Satana said. Grik straightened up and a smile spread across his mud-covered face, clearly surprised she spoke his tongue. The human looked at Satana then back to the dwarf, also surprised. Several dwarves in the group laughed at her comment. Grik nodded at Satana. “What do you want? And speak plain. I know your kind, you are Derro, deep dwarves, cave dwellers. You want something, or you wouldn’t step foot in this city.”

  “Who do you think you are? Interrupting the queen’s conversation?” Tasar asked furious with Satana. “What did you say to him, did you insult him?” Tasar asked stepping forward. The dwarf grunted unintelligibly to Tasar, walking a few steps toward Satana.

  “This is not someone that can be trusted.” Satana said whispering to Queen Jenzenya, “I know these things. They are evil, your highness.” Thikuf walked down from the raised throne steps to the floor of the great room.

  “My l
ord means no disrespect.” The broken man announced, “We are not familiar with your ways and our language can easily be mistaken, if not translated properly.” He said looking at Satana, “What you may think is disrespect, is actually a high honor for us.” Queen Jenzenya looked at Satana a moment, then back to the dwarf, Grik, who nodded his head in a slight bow when she looked at him.

  “You are not a dwarf?” Queen Jenzenya asked curiously.

  “No, your highness, I am not.” He chuckled, “I am Notter Van Musken. I have spent my life in my lords service.” He bowed his head. The dwarf grunted words again, only a few could understand.

  “I am growing impatient, get to the point quickly.” Grik said to his man Notter.

  “My lord travels far, in search of the great king who freed the people around Cold Lake from the deadly Gyona.” Notter said before Satana could respond to Grik, “It is his wish to pay homage to he who could do such a thing. He is willing to serve your highness, for a time, a task, or some such trade, for the honor of an introduction.” Queen Jenzenya pondered his request. Satana stepped down to the floor next to Thikuf.

  “You wish an introduction to King Dracon?” Queen Jenzenya asked then looked at Satana, “And you offer your services in return? Is that correct?” Notter nodded yes. “Even if I could…” Satana moved quickly up to Queen Jenzenya and whispered.

  “Let me handle this, your highness?” She asked, “I know my kings mind, he will want to meet these dwarves. I have a task for them in return for an introduction to my king.” Queen Jenzenya never took her eyes off the dwarves as Satana whispered in her ear. She thought a moment before she spoke.

  “This is Satana, King Dracon’s most valued commander. It is she who you must strike your deal with, if you wish to meet King Dracon.” Queen Jenzenya announced. Grik smiled at Satana, nodding his head at her.

  “Follow me.” Satana said then walked toward the dwarf, she glanced back at Thikuf, “You coming?” She asked just loud enough for him to hear, then continued toward the main door to the great room, passing by Grik and his men, who followed Satana out of the great room. Tasar watched as they left then returned his attention back to Queen Jenzenya.

  “Your highness, a bit of business of my own to attend to, in private if I may, with you and Lord Castien, at your earliest convenience, of course.” Tasar said with a bow.

  “Now will do, Tasar, I am irritated with your sudden arrival with these distasteful dwarves.” Queen Jenzenya said angrily.

  “Your highness!” Castien said surprised at her insult to the visiting dwarves, “In private, if you please!” He said trying to curb her open disgust for the visitors. Queen Jenzenya looked at Castien still scowling then softened and nodded to him. She turned abruptly and walked to a private walkway behind her throne to a meeting room, four guards followed her closely. Castien looked back at Tasar and waved him to join him and follow the queen.

  “What is this all about, Tasar?” Castien growled as Tasar came side by side with him.

  “Our freedom, Castien, and my lordship.” Tasar said as the two men went to the meeting room.

  Thikuf directed Grik’s men to the barracks courtyard, while he and Satana met with Grik. Satana made sure it was just the three of them, she did not want or need the translator. They went to a training room to have their meeting. Weapons lined the walls, some real, some made of wood, to spare less experienced, or less skilled soldiers from harm. The center of the room was a sparring area where soldiers would meet in battle. Satana walked to the center of the room. She turned around to face Grik, who to her surprise, had an axe in his hand. He held the handle in one hand, slapping the head of the axe in his other palm. He slapped it in a steady rhythm and wore a very wide smile. “It would be my pleasure to give you a lesson, girl.” Grik growled then looked around the room at all the weapons lining the walls. Satana stood tall and smiled down at him, her eyes narrowed devilishly.

  “No truer form of communication.” She said then drew her sword. Thikuf was instantly alarmed.

  “What are you doing? What’s going on here? What was said?” He asked rushing between the two.

  “It’s ok, Thikuf, we are going to communicate in a very physical manner. Stand over there, do not interfere.” She said pointing to a wall, still staring at the smiling Grik.

  “I do not approve of this!” Thikuf said adamantly.

  “Step aside boy!” Grik growled at Thikuf, who did not understand a word he said.

  “We’re going to get to know one another, Thikuf, the Ganlin way.” Satana said with a wink. Thikuf reluctantly walked to the side of the sparring area as Satana pulled her dagger from her belt, holding it in one hand, her sword in the other. The two began to circle one another. The dwarf walked casually as though he were on a leisurely stroll, then at once they rushed each other. Blow after blow swung, blocked parried and returned, Satana with her sword quickly followed by her dagger. The dwarf with his axe, matching her pace. He was a skilled fighter, impressing Satana with his abilities with one axe. Neither gave ground to the other for much of an hour. They fought on, neither willing to ask for a quarter. Eventually, Thikuf interrupted them when they stepped back, preparing another attack.

  “This is not why we are here, is it?” Thikuf stepped to the sparring mat between the two opponents, “Are you sufficiently exercised? Can we get on with it?” Grik looked around Thikuf at the panting Satana, who looked back at him, furious that the dwarf was hardly winded and appeared to be able to continue indefinitely. He smiled at her and raised his eyebrows quickly, just once. Grik spun his axe in his hand then let it go. It flew to his belt with a mind of its own. Satana straightened up at the sight of the magical weapon. She suddenly wondered how much of his abilities were magically enhanced. Satana sheathed her weapons and took a minute to catch her breath.

  “Name your task, worthy warrior.” Grik grunted in his gruff voice and put his hands on his hips. “Shall I kill for you?”

  “No.” Satana said flatly.

  “What did he say?” Thikuf asked.

  “Escort us across the Expanse of Death. You and your men.” Satana stated, “That is the task I demand for an introduction to my King Dracon.”

  “What?” Thikuf exclaimed surprised. Grik turned in a circle, shaking his head, bringing his hand to his beard. He stroked it with his fingers, then started to pick mud from it, absently flicking bits of it from his face to the floor. “You mean to cross it with him?”

  “We are going to cross it with him. You said you wanted to cross it and find out once and for all if the expanse is no more? This is how we do it.” Satana said, “Without risking any of our own soldiers. I’ll go without you, Thikuf, but I mean to find out for myself and deliver the news to Dracon personally.”

  “You wish to travel across the expanse of death? With us as your escort?” Grik asked.

  “I do.” Satana answered. Grik nodded his head as he pondered her request yet again.

  “You have balls woman, we have a bargain.” Grik finally laughed then spit in his palm and stuck his hand out for Satana to shake. She shook Grik’s hand then smiled at Thikuf, who looked back at her for a long time, unsure whether it was wise of him to tell her about the expanse in the first place.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kilhold, the region ruled by Prince Darrin, became a region from where nearly all the agriculture came from, supplying the whole of Ganlin with fresh fruits and vegetables. What was once plains of lush grass and scattered forests, transformed into farmlands and orchards. The farms were run by those families who seized the opportunity without hesitation, when Queen Menina first declared the lands safe and Ganlin finally free from war. Many moved into Prince Darrin’s regions seeking jobs after the disbanding of the armies of the princes. Prince Darrin had become wealthy from the trade with his brothers in the other regions, almost as wealthy as Queen Menina and King Dracon. He held the majority of the food for the realm. He kept his wealth and the prosperity of his region a tightly held secret to
avoid paying even more taxes to Urixis. With Dracon’s return, he hoped to further extend his wealth by hiding it from his brother as well, minimizing the tax he would have to pay to the soon to be King of Ganlin. It was a most curious day in Kilhold. The whole of Prince Darrin’s city awaited the arrival of his brothers and sister. He received a letter by way of a messenger from Dwerma. Dracon called for a meeting just days before his wedding, and ordered it held in Kilhold. It worried Prince Darrin. None of the other princes or Queen Menina had ever visited his region before. He knew what the people had built the city of Dragons Claw into, and the opulence that was already Urixis. Kilhold paled in comparison. Prince Darrin wanted to be a good host, but he also wanted to be proud of what his city had become. He was so consumed with commerce, that much of his city remained as it had always been, a fortress for training archers. His personal manor reflected the wealth he had achieved, but he did little by way of his city. He was already preparing a defense that centered around blaming Queen Menina’s taxation, for his lack of infrastructure. Prince Darrin did his best to prepare for the arrival of his siblings on such short notice. His men were dressed in their finest armor, polished to a shine, bearing the colors of Kilhold and its prince, orange and white. The men stood in columns, just outside the city to greet the arriving princes, and current Queen of Ganlin.

  There were two main roads to Kilhold, one travelling east and west that rounded the entirety of Ganlin, connecting the regions belonging to the princes, and one road that was directly north to Urixis, which resided in the very heart of Ganlin. Just north of the city the roads intersected, from there, only the road from Urixis continued straight to the city. It was high noon when Prince Darrin received word that the first of his siblings were arriving to Kilhold. He joined his captain on the outer wall to watch the approaching guests, to see who it was. To his surprise, when he reached the wall, he could see that an entourage was approaching from each road at the same time. A company of soldiers from the north, bearing the white and gold colors of Queen Menina, escorting a very lush carriage of the same colors. To the east, soldiers bearing the colors of Prince Renic, red and white, approached. The prince, however, was not in a carriage, but atop his own horse, leading his men. To the west, arriving in a sprint, were soldiers bearing the black and blue colors of Prince Charnio. Like Prince Renic, Prince Charnio too, headed his men as they raced toward Kilhold. Prince Darrin could see well in the distance behind Prince Charnio’s escort was another group approaching, he assumed it was his brother Prince Torak. He guessed Prince Charnio met Prince Torak’s group on the road and raced passed him in some sort of contest between the two, to see who would get to Kilhold first. It made him chuckle and shake his head, wondering to himself what they bet on. Prince Charnio was farther away than either Queen Menina or Prince Renic, but given his pace, he would beat his siblings to the city.


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